Beispiel #1
        public IEnumerator StorylistItem_Select_Story_Test()
            //Create a blank canvas
            Canvas canvas = CreateTestGameObject <Canvas>();

            //Fetch a dummy story
            Story story = GetStories()[0];//GetResources<Story>("Content/Stories/DummyStory");

            //Fetch prefab from resources
            StorylistItem storylistItem = GetResources <StorylistItem>("Prefabs/UI elements/StorylistItem");

            //Instantiate the prefab to the canvas
            Object.Instantiate(storylistItem, canvas.transform);

            //Get references to the storylistitem content components
            Text   title       = storylistItem.transform.Find("txtStorylistItemTitle").GetComponent <Text>();
            Text   description = storylistItem.transform.Find("txtStorylistItemDesc").GetComponent <Text>();
            Button button      = storylistItem.GetComponent <Button>();

            //Create a substitute for the item select callback
            IOnStoryItemSelected callback = Substitute.For <IOnStoryItemSelected>();

            //Construct the list item
            storylistItem.Constructor(title, description);
            storylistItem.SetItemContent(story, callback);

            //Simulate a click on the item

            //Move to the next frame
            yield return(null);

            //Check if the selection was registered