Beispiel #1
        public static IObservable <T> XMax <T>(this IObservable <T> sequence) where T : IComparable <T>
            IObservable <T> result = sequence.Aggregate(
                (max, currentVal) => currentVal.CompareTo(max) == 1 ? currentVal : max);

 public static IObservable <double> Average(this IObservable <double> source, double seed)
     return(Observable.Create <double>(
                o =>
         double count = 1;
         double total = 0;
         return source
         .Aggregate(seed, (acc, currentValue) =>
             return acc + currentValue;
             acc => total = acc,
             e => o.OnError(e),
             () =>
             //Debug.LogFormat("total {0} count {1}", total, count);
             if (0 < count)
                 o.OnNext(total / count);
        public void TestSharedSourceStream()
            IHystrixCommandKey key = HystrixCommandKeyDefault.AsKey("CMD-Health-N");

            stream = HealthCountsStream.GetInstance(key, 10, 100);

            CountdownEvent latch    = new CountdownEvent(1);
            AtomicBoolean  allEqual = new AtomicBoolean(false);

            IObservable <HealthCounts> o1 = stream

            IObservable <HealthCounts> o2 = stream

            IObservable <bool> zipped = Observable.Zip(o1, o2, (healthCounts, healthCounts2) =>
                return(healthCounts == healthCounts2);         // we want object equality
            IObservable <bool> reduced = zipped.Aggregate(true, (a, b) =>
                return(a && b);
            }).Select(n => n);

            var rdisp = reduced.Subscribe(
                (b) =>
                output.WriteLine(Time.CurrentTimeMillis + " : " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " Reduced OnNext : " + b);
                allEqual.Value = b;
                (e) =>
                output.WriteLine(Time.CurrentTimeMillis + " : " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " Reduced OnError : " + e);
                () =>
                output.WriteLine(Time.CurrentTimeMillis + " : " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " Reduced OnCompleted");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                HystrixCommand <int> cmd = Command.From(groupKey, key, HystrixEventType.SUCCESS, 20);

            Assert.True(latch.Wait(10000), "CountdownEvent was not set!");


            // we should be getting the same object from both streams.  this ensures that multiple subscribers don't induce extra work
 /// <summary>
 /// Aggregate observable into list
 /// </summary>
 public static IObservable <IList <T> > CollectToList <T>(this IObservable <T> observable)
     return(observable.Aggregate(new List <T>(), (list, item) =>
         return list;
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Calculates the minimum of the items emitted by the observable. Derived from Aggregate.</para>
        /// <para>Set of similar extensions: Count Sum Min Max</para>
        /// <see cref=""/>
        public static IObservable <T> Min <T>(this IObservable <T> source)
            Func <T, T, int> compare = Comparer <T> .Default.Compare;

                       (min, current) => compare(min, current) > 0 ? current : min
 public static IObservable <List <T> > ToConcreteList <T>(this IObservable <T> source)
     return(source.Aggregate(new List <T>(), (list, item) =>
         return list;
        public static void SumWithAggregate()
            IObservable <Trade> trades = Trade.TestStream();

            IObservable <long> tradeVolume = trades.Aggregate(
                0L, (total, trade) => total + trade.Number);

 public static IObservable <T> Min <T>(this IObservable <T> source, T seed)
                             (min, current) => Comparer <T>
                             .Compare(min, current) > 0
                                         ? current
                                         : min));
        /// <summary>
        /// Aggregate only publish out its final result, median result won't be published out
        /// </summary>
        private static void TestAggregate()
            IObservable <long> source     = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150)).Take(10);
            IObservable <long> aggregated = source.Aggregate((sum, current) => sum + current);

            var endEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

            aggregated.Subscribe(num => Console.WriteLine("sum={0}", num), endEvent.Set);
Beispiel #10
        private ChannelReader <T> AsSignalRChannel <T>(IObservable <T> observable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded <T>();

            .Aggregate(Task.CompletedTask, (prevTask, next) => prevTask.ContinueWith(t => channel.Writer.WriteAsync(next).AsTask().ContinueWith(_ => logger.LogInformation("Sent state."))).Unwrap())
            .Select(next => Observable.FromAsync(() => next))
            .Subscribe(_ => { }, ex => channel.Writer.Complete(ex), () => channel.Writer.Complete(), cancellationToken);

        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Calculates the maximum of the items emitted by the observable. Derived from Aggregate.</para>
        /// <para>Set of similar extensions: Count Sum Min Max</para>
        /// <see cref=""/>
        public static IObservable <T> Max <T>(this IObservable <T> source)
            var comparer = Comparer <T> .Default;

            return(source.Aggregate((x, y) => {
                if (comparer.Compare(x, y) < 0)
                    return y;
                return x;
        public static IObservable <T> Max <T>(this IObservable <T> source, T seed)
            var            comparer = Comparer <T> .Default;
            Func <T, T, T> max      =
                (x, y) =>
                if (comparer.Compare(x, y) < 0)

            return(source.Aggregate(seed, max));
Beispiel #13
        public Task <IList <T> > AsFuture <T>(IObservable <T> observable, CancellationToken?token)
            var obsEnumerable = observable.Aggregate((IList <T>) new List <T>(),
                                                     (acc, v) =>

            Task <IList <T> > task = token.HasValue
                                          ? obsEnumerable.ToTask(token.Value)
                                          : obsEnumerable.ToTask();

Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Aggregates all the Ticks and creates OHLC bar
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IObservable <OHLC> OHLC(this IObservable <Tick> source)
                             (oh, tk) => {
         // update or create (upsert) OHLC
         if (oh != null)
             oh = new OHLC(tk);
         return oh;
        public static IObservable <T> Max <T>(this IObservable <T> source)
            // "Comparer<T>.Default"
            //  : It simply returns an instance of the internal class GenericComparer<T> something like that.

             * internal class GenericComparer<T> : Comparer<T> where T : IComparable<T>
             * {
             *      public override int Compare(T x, T y)
             *      {
             *              if (x != null)
             *              {
             *                      if (y != null)
             *                              return x.CompareTo(y);
             *                      return 1;
             *              }
             *              else
             *              {
             *                      if (y != null)
             *                              return -1;
             *                      return 0;
             *              }
             *      }
             *      // ...
             * }
            // This class has the constraint that T must implement IComparable<T>
            // so it can simply delegate the calls to it Compare method to the Compare methods of the instances it gets passed.
            var comparer = Comparer <T> .Default;

            Func <T, T, T> max =
                (x, y) =>
                if (comparer.Compare(x, y) < 0)

    public static IObservable <String> ToString(this IObservable <object> source, String separator)
        if (source == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Parameter source can not be null.");

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(separator))
            throw new ArgumentException("Parameter separator can not be null or empty.");

                   (o1, o2) => String.Concat(o1, String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o1) ? String.Empty : separator, o2)
               .Where(s => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
Beispiel #17
        public ReactiveDerivedCollectionFromObservable(
            IObservable <T> observable,
            TimeSpan?withDelay         = null,
            Action <Exception> onError = null,
            IScheduler scheduler       = null)
            scheduler = scheduler ?? RxApp.MainThreadScheduler;
            _inner    = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();

            onError = onError ?? (ex => RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler.OnNext(ex));
            if (withDelay == null)
                _inner.Disposable = observable.ObserveOn(scheduler).Subscribe(InternalAdd, onError);

            // On a timer, dequeue items from queue if they are available
            var queue      = new Queue <T>();
            var disconnect = Observable.Timer(withDelay.Value, withDelay.Value, scheduler)
                             .Subscribe(_ =>
                if (queue.Count > 0)

            _inner.Disposable = disconnect;

            // When new items come in from the observable, stuff them in the queue.
            observable.ObserveOn(scheduler).Subscribe(queue.Enqueue, onError);

            // This is a bit clever - keep a running count of the items actually
            // added and compare them to the final count of items provided by the
            // Observable. Combine the two values, and when they're equal,
            // disconnect the timer
            ItemsAdded.Scan(0, (acc, _) => acc + 1).Zip(
                observable.Aggregate(0, (acc, _) => acc + 1),
                (l, r) => l == r).Where(x => x).Subscribe(_ => disconnect.Dispose());
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a collection based on an an Observable by adding items
        /// provided until the Observable completes, optionally ensuring a
        /// delay. Note that if the Observable never completes and withDelay is
        /// set, this method will leak a Timer. This method also guarantees that
        /// items are always added via the UI thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromObservable">The Observable whose items will be put
        /// into the new collection.</param>
        /// <param name="onError">The handler for errors from the Observable. If
        /// not specified, an error will go to DefaultExceptionHandler.</param>
        /// <param name="withDelay">If set, items will be populated in the
        /// collection no faster than the delay provided.</param>
        /// <returns>A new collection which will be populated with the
        /// Observable.</returns>
        public static ReactiveCollection <T> CreateCollection <T>(
            this IObservable <T> fromObservable,
            TimeSpan?withDelay         = null,
            Action <Exception> onError = null)
            var ret = new ReactiveCollection <T>();

            onError = onError ?? (ex => RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler.OnNext(ex));
            if (withDelay == null)
                fromObservable.ObserveOn(RxApp.DeferredScheduler).Subscribe(ret.Add, onError);

            // On a timer, dequeue items from queue if they are available
            var queue      = new Queue <T>();
            var disconnect = Observable.Timer(withDelay.Value, withDelay.Value, RxApp.DeferredScheduler)
                             .Subscribe(_ => {
                if (queue.Count > 0)

            // When new items come in from the observable, stuff them in the queue.
            // Using the DeferredScheduler guarantees we'll always access the queue
            // from the same thread.
            fromObservable.ObserveOn(RxApp.DeferredScheduler).Subscribe(queue.Enqueue, onError);

            // This is a bit clever - keep a running count of the items actually
            // added and compare them to the final count of items provided by the
            // Observable. Combine the two values, and when they're equal,
            // disconnect the timer
            ret.ItemsAdded.Scan(0, ((acc, _) => acc + 1)).Zip(fromObservable.Aggregate(0, (acc, _) => acc + 1),
                                                              (l, r) => (l == r)).Where(x => x).Subscribe(_ => disconnect.Dispose());

 public static IObservable <double> Sum(this IObservable <double> source, double seed)
     return(source.Aggregate(seed, (acc, currentValue) => acc + currentValue));
 public static IObservable <double> Sum <TSource>(this IObservable <TSource> source, Func <TSource, double> selector)
     return(source.Aggregate(0.0, (a, b) => a + selector(b)));
 public static IObservable <double> Sum(this IObservable <double> source)
     return(source.Aggregate(0.0, (a, b) => a + b));
 public static IObservable <Unit> AsCompletion <T>(this IObservable <T> observable)
     return(observable.Aggregate(Unit.Default, (unit, _) => unit));
Beispiel #23
 public static IObservable <int> MySum(this IObservable <int> source)
     return(source.Aggregate(0, (acc, currentValue) => acc + currentValue));
Beispiel #24
 public static IObservable <Unit> DeleteAll(this IObservable <IEnumerable <Entity> > source, Func <Entity, IObservable <Unit> > delete)
     return(source.Aggregate((acc, curr) => acc.Concat(curr)).SelectMany(tasks => tasks)
 public static IObservable <Vector2> Smooth(this IObservable <Vector2> This, Vector2 initialValue, float smoothness) =>
 This.Aggregate(initialValue, (acc, value) => value.Smooth(acc, smoothness));
Beispiel #26
 public static IObservable <int> MyCount(this IObservable <int> source)
     return(source.Aggregate(0, (acc, _) => acc + 1));
 public static IObservable <float> Sum(this IObservable <float> source)
     return(source.Aggregate((acc, currentValue) => acc + currentValue));