Beispiel #1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override bool CanInsertItem(IObjectNode collection, NodeIndex index, object newItem)
            if (collection.Type != typeof(EntityComponentCollection))
                return(base.CanInsertItem(collection, index, newItem));

            if (newItem == null)

            var componentType = newItem.GetType();

            if (!EntityComponentAttributes.Get(componentType).AllowMultipleComponents)
                // Cannot insert components that disallow multiple components
                var components = (EntityComponentCollection)collection.Retrieve();
                if (components.Any(x => x.GetType() == componentType))
            return(base.CanInsertItem(collection, index, newItem));
Beispiel #2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override bool CanReplaceItem(IObjectNode collection, NodeIndex index, object newItem)
            if (collection.Type != typeof(EntityComponentCollection))
                return(base.CanReplaceItem(collection, index, newItem));

            if (newItem == null)

            var componentType = newItem.GetType();

            // Cannot replace the transform component by another type of component
            if (collection.IndexedTarget(index).Type == typeof(TransformComponent) && componentType != typeof(TransformComponent))

            if (!EntityComponentAttributes.Get(componentType).AllowMultipleComponents)
                // Cannot replace components that disallow multiple components, unless it is that specific component we're replacing
                var components = (EntityComponentCollection)collection.Retrieve();
                if (components.Where((x, i) => x.GetType() == componentType && i != index.Int).Any())
            return(base.CanReplaceItem(collection, index, newItem));
Beispiel #3
        public GraphicsCompositorCameraSlotsViewModel([NotNull] GraphicsCompositorEditorViewModel editor, SceneCameraSlot cameraSlot) : base(editor)
            CameraSlot     = cameraSlot;
            cameraSlotNode = editor.Session.AssetNodeContainer.GetOrCreateNode(cameraSlot);

            nameNodeBinding = new MemberGraphNodeBinding <string>(cameraSlotNode[nameof(CameraSlot.Name)], nameof(Name), OnPropertyChanging, OnPropertyChanged, editor.UndoRedoService);
Beispiel #4
            public void SetValue(PatchContext context, object parent, IObjectNode patch)
                var instance = this.FieldInfo.GetValue(parent);

                this.Patcher.PatchTo(context, ref instance, patch);
                this.FieldInfo.SetValue(parent, instance);
Beispiel #5
 protected override void VisitChildren(IObjectNode node)
     if (VisitedLinks.TryGetValue(node, out IGraphNode targetNodeParent))
         var objNode = targetNodeParent as IObjectNode;
         var members = node.Members;
         if (members is List <IMemberNode> asList)
             foreach (var child in asList)
                 VisitedLinks.Add(child, objNode?.TryGetChild(child.Name));
         else if (members is Dictionary <string, IMemberNode> .ValueCollection asVCol)
             foreach (var child in asVCol)
                 VisitedLinks.Add(child, objNode?.TryGetChild(child.Name));
             foreach (var child in members)
                 VisitedLinks.Add(child, objNode?.TryGetChild(child.Name));
        public GraphicsCompositorEditorViewModel([NotNull] GraphicsCompositorViewModel graphicsCompositor) : base(graphicsCompositor)
            // Create the service needed to manage observable view models
            ViewModelService = new GraphViewModelService(Session.AssetNodeContainer);

            // Update the service provider of this view model to contains the ObservableViewModelService we created.
            ServiceProvider = new ViewModelServiceProvider(ServiceProvider, ViewModelService.Yield());

            // Get some quantum nodes
            graphicsCompositorNode = Session.AssetNodeContainer.GetNode(graphicsCompositor.Asset);
            renderStagesNode       = graphicsCompositorNode[nameof(GraphicsCompositorAsset.RenderStages)].Target;
            renderFeaturesNode     = graphicsCompositorNode[nameof(GraphicsCompositorAsset.RenderFeatures)].Target;
            cameraSlotsNode        = graphicsCompositorNode[nameof(GraphicsCompositorAsset.Cameras)].Target;
            sharedRenderersNode    = graphicsCompositorNode[nameof(GraphicsCompositorAsset.SharedRenderers)].Target;

            // Setup commands
            DeleteSelectionCommand = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, DeleteSelection);

            AddNewRenderStageCommand          = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, AddNewRenderStage);
            RemoveSelectedRenderStagesCommand = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, RemoveSelectedRenderStages);

            AddNewRenderFeatureCommand          = new AnonymousCommand <AbstractNodeType>(ServiceProvider, AddNewRenderFeature);
            RemoveSelectedRenderFeaturesCommand = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, RemoveSelectedRenderFeatures);

            AddNewCameraSlotCommand          = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, AddNewCameraSlot);
            RemoveSelectedCameraSlotsCommand = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, RemoveSelectedCameraSlots);
Beispiel #7
 public AssetMemberNode([NotNull] INodeBuilder nodeBuilder, Guid guid, [NotNull] IObjectNode parent, [NotNull] IMemberDescriptor memberDescriptor, IReference reference)
     : base(nodeBuilder, guid, parent, memberDescriptor, reference)
     ValueChanged += ContentChanged;
     IsNonIdentifiableCollectionContent = MemberDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes <NonIdentifiableCollectionItemsAttribute>(true)?.Any() ?? false;
     CanOverride = MemberDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes <NonOverridableAttribute>(true)?.Any() != true;
        public void PatchTo(PatchContext context, ref object obj, IObjectNode patch)
            if (obj == null)
            if (patch.IsNull)
            if (patch.Type != NodeType.Complex)
            if (obj.GetType() != this.type)

            foreach (var node in patch.Children)
                if (node.Type != NodeType.Int)
                if (!propDict.TryGetValue(node.Name, out var prop))
                prop.SetValue(obj, node.Value);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Visits the <see cref="ReferenceEnumerable"/> contained in the given node, if any.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node being visited.</param>
        protected virtual void VisitItemTargets([NotNull] IObjectNode node)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
            var enumerableReference = node.ItemReferences;

            if (enumerableReference != null)
                foreach (var reference in enumerableReference)
                    if (reference.TargetNode == null)

                    if (ShouldVisitTargetItem(node, reference.Index))
                        VisitReference(node, reference);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects all assets referenced by the object in the given node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root node to visit to collect assets.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection containing all assets found by visiting the given root.</returns>
        public static IReadOnlyDictionary <GraphNodePath, Asset> Collect([NotNull] IObjectNode root)
            var visitor = new AssetCollector();

 public ObjectGraphNodeBinding([NotNull] IObjectNode node, string propertyName, PropertyChangeDelegate propertyChanging, PropertyChangeDelegate propertyChanged, [NotNull] Func <TTargetType, TContentType> converter, IUndoRedoService actionService, bool notifyChangesOnly = true)
     : base(propertyName, propertyChanging, propertyChanged, converter, actionService, notifyChangesOnly)
     Node               = node;
     node.ItemChanged  += ValueChanged;
     node.ItemChanging += ValueChanging;
Beispiel #12
        public EntityViewModel([NotNull] EntityHierarchyEditorViewModel editor, [NotNull] EntityHierarchyViewModel asset, [NotNull] EntityDesign entityDesign)
            : base(editor, asset, GetOrCreateChildPartDesigns((EntityHierarchyAssetBase)asset.Asset, entityDesign), entityDesign.Entity)
            if (entityDesign.Entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(@"entity must contain a non-null asset entity.", nameof(entityDesign));

            EntityDesign = entityDesign;

            var assetNode = Editor.NodeContainer.GetOrCreateNode(entityDesign.Entity);

            nameNodeBinding       = new MemberGraphNodeBinding <string>(assetNode[nameof(Entity.Name)], nameof(Name), OnPropertyChanging, OnPropertyChanged, Editor.UndoRedoService);
            componentsNodeBinding = new ObjectGraphNodeBinding <EntityComponentCollection>(assetNode[nameof(Entity.Components)].Target, nameof(Components), OnPropertyChanging, OnPropertyChanged, Editor.UndoRedoService, false);

            modelComponent     = new ModelComponentViewModel(ServiceProvider, this);
            particleComponent  = new ParticleSystemComponentViewModel(ServiceProvider, this);
            cameraComponent    = new CameraComponentViewModel(ServiceProvider, this);
            transformationNode = Editor.NodeContainer.GetNode(AssetSideEntity.Transform)[nameof(TransformComponent.Children)].Target;
            transformationNode.ItemChanging += TransformChildrenChanging;
            transformationNode.ItemChanged  += TransformChildrenChanged;
            RenameCommand        = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, () => IsEditing = true);
            FocusOnEntityCommand = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, FocusOnEntity);

            var basePrefabNode = Editor.NodeContainer.GetNode(EntityDesign)[nameof(EntityDesign.Base)];

            basePrefabNode.ValueChanged += BasePrefabChanged;
Beispiel #13
        internal IObjectNode SetTarget(IObjectNode targetNode)
            if (targetNode != null)
                var targetValue = targetNode.Retrieve();

                if (targetValue != null && !type.IsInstanceOfType(targetValue))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(@"The type of the retrieved node content does not match the type of this reference");

                if (targetValue != null && !type.IsInstanceOfType(targetValue))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("TargetNode type does not match the reference type.");

                TargetNode = targetNode;
                TargetGuid = targetNode.Guid;
                TargetNode = null;
                TargetGuid = Guid.Empty;

Beispiel #14
        public ItemNodePresenter([NotNull] INodePresenterFactoryInternal factory, IPropertyProviderViewModel propertyProvider, [NotNull] INodePresenter parent, [NotNull] IObjectNode container, Index index)
            : base(factory, propertyProvider, parent)
            if (factory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(factory));
            if (parent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parent));
            Container       = container ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));
            Descriptor      = TypeDescriptorFactory.Default.Find(container.Descriptor.GetInnerCollectionType());
            OwnerCollection = parent;
            Type            = (container.Descriptor as CollectionDescriptor)?.ElementType ?? (container.Descriptor as DictionaryDescriptor)?.ValueType;
            Index           = index;
            Name            = index.ToString();
            Order           = index.IsInt ? (int?)index.Int : null; // So items are sorted by index instead of string
            CombineKey      = Name;
            DisplayName     = Index.IsInt ? "Item " + Index : Index.ToString();

            container.ItemChanging += OnItemChanging;
            container.ItemChanged  += OnItemChanged;
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ItemChangeEventArgs"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node that has changed.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index in the member where the change occurred.</param>
 /// <param name="changeType">The type of change that occurred.</param>
 /// <param name="oldValue">The old value of the item that has changed.</param>
 /// <param name="newValue">The new value of the item that has changed.</param>
 public ItemChangeEventArgs([NotNull] IObjectNode node, NodeIndex index, ContentChangeType changeType, object oldValue, object newValue)
     Collection = node;
     Index      = index;
     ChangeType = changeType;
     OldValue   = oldValue;
     NewValue   = newValue;
Beispiel #16
        protected virtual KeyFrameControlPointViewModel <TValue> CreateControlPoint([NotNull] IObjectNode node)
            var keyNode         = node[nameof(AnimationKeyFrame <TValue> .Key)];
            var valueNode       = node[nameof(AnimationKeyFrame <TValue> .Value)];
            var tangentTypeNode = node[nameof(AnimationKeyFrame <TValue> .TangentType)];

            return(CreateKeyFrameControlPoint(keyNode, valueNode, tangentTypeNode));
        public RenderStageViewModel([NotNull] GraphicsCompositorEditorViewModel editor, RenderStage renderStage) : base(editor)
            RenderStage     = renderStage;
            renderStageNode = editor.Session.AssetNodeContainer.GetOrCreateNode(renderStage);

            nameNodeBinding       = new MemberGraphNodeBinding <string>(renderStageNode[nameof(RenderStage.Name)], nameof(Name), OnPropertyChanging, OnPropertyChanged, editor.UndoRedoService);
            effectSlotNodeBinding = new MemberGraphNodeBinding <string>(renderStageNode[nameof(RenderStage.EffectSlotName)], nameof(EffectSlotName), OnPropertyChanging, OnPropertyChanged, editor.UndoRedoService);
Beispiel #18
        public NavigationMeshManager([NotNull] IEditorGameController controller)
            referencerId = new AbsoluteId(AssetId.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            loader       = controller.Loader;
            var root = controller.GameSideNodeContainer.GetOrCreateNode(this);

            meshesNode              = root[nameof(Meshes)].Target;
            meshesNode.ItemChanged += (sender, args) => { Changed?.Invoke(this, args); };
Beispiel #19
        // Note: constructor needed by UIElementViewModelFactory
        public PanelViewModel([NotNull] UIEditorBaseViewModel editor, [NotNull] UIBaseViewModel asset, [NotNull] UIElementDesign elementDesign)
            : base(editor, asset, elementDesign, GetOrCreateChildPartDesigns((UIAssetBase)asset.Asset, elementDesign))
            childrenNode              = editor.NodeContainer.GetOrCreateNode(AssetSidePanel)[nameof(Panel.Children)].Target;
            childrenNode.ItemChanged += ChildrenContentChanged;

            ChangeLayoutTypeCommand = new AnonymousCommand <IUIElementFactory>(ServiceProvider, ChangeLayoutType);
            UngroupCommand          = new AnonymousCommand(ServiceProvider, Ungroup);
 public override bool IsTargetItemObjectReference(IObjectNode collection, Index itemIndex, object value)
     if (value is EntityComponent)
         // Check if we're in the component collection of an entity - other cases are references
         return(collection.Type != typeof(EntityComponentCollection));
     return(base.IsTargetItemObjectReference(collection, itemIndex, value));
Beispiel #21
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override bool ShouldConstructPropertyItem(IObjectNode collection, NodeIndex index)
            // Don't construct properties for item referencing child parts.
            if (AssetHierarchyPropertyGraph.IsChildPartReference(collection, index))

            return(base.ShouldConstructPropertyItem(collection, index));
 protected EntityHierarchyRootViewModel([NotNull] EntityHierarchyEditorViewModel editor, [NotNull] EntityHierarchyViewModel asset, [NotNull] string name)
     : base(editor, asset, asset.Asset.Hierarchy.EnumerateRootPartDesigns(), null)
 {        = name ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
     rootEntitiesNode = Editor.Session.AssetNodeContainer.GetNode(EntityHierarchy.Hierarchy)[nameof(AssetCompositeHierarchyData <EntityDesign, Entity> .RootParts)].Target;
     rootEntitiesNode.ItemChanging += RootEntitiesChanging;
     rootEntitiesNode.ItemChanged  += RootEntitiesChanged;
     entitiesNode              = Editor.Session.AssetNodeContainer.GetNode(EntityHierarchy.Hierarchy)[nameof(AssetCompositeHierarchyData <EntityDesign, Entity> .Parts)].Target;
     entitiesNode.ItemChanged += EntitiesChanged;
Beispiel #23
        private RootEntry ToEntry(IObjectNode obj)
            var entries = new List <ComplexEntry>();

            ToEntry(entries, null, obj);
            return(new RootEntry
                entries = entries,
        private static void ClearMaterialList(IObjectNode materials)
            var indices = materials.Indices.ToList();

            foreach (var index in indices)
                var item = materials.Retrieve(index);
                materials.Remove(item, index);
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates whether the target node of the item corresponding to the given index in the collection contained in the given node should be visited or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collectionNode">The node to evaluate.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the item to evaluate.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the node of the item corresponding to the given index in the collection contained in the given node should be visited, false otherwise.</returns>
        /// <remarks>This method is invoked only when the given <see cref="IObjectNode"/> contains a collection with items being references.</remarks>
        protected internal virtual bool ShouldVisitTargetItem([NotNull] IObjectNode collectionNode, NodeIndex index)
            if (collectionNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collectionNode));
            var target = collectionNode.IndexedTarget(index);

 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the children of the given node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node being visited.</param>
 /// <param name="currentPath">The path of the node being visited.</param>
 protected virtual void VisitChildren(IObjectNode node, GraphNodePath currentPath)
     foreach (var child in node.Members)
         var childPath = currentPath.PushMember(child.Name);
         if (ShouldVisitNode(child, child))
             VisitNode(child, childPath);
 private static void SetMaterial(IObjectNode materialNode, Index index, Material value)
     if (materialNode.Indices.Contains(index))
         materialNode.Update(value, index);
         materialNode.Add(value, index);
Beispiel #28
 public void CreateChildren(IInitializingNodePresenter parentPresenter, IObjectNode objectNode, IPropertyProviderViewModel propertyProvider)
     buildingNodes.Value = true;
     if (objectNode != null)
         GenerateChildren(parentPresenter, objectNode, propertyProvider);
     buildingNodes.Value = false;
        private void CheckAndProcessIdentifiableItem([NotNull] IObjectNode collection, NodeIndex index)
            var identifiable = collection.Retrieve(index) as IIdentifiable;

            if (identifiable == null)

            ProcessIdentifiableItems(identifiable, collection, index);
        public VisualScriptMethodEditorViewModel(VisualScriptEditorViewModel editor, VisualScriptMethodViewModel method) : base(editor.SafeArgument(nameof(editor)).ServiceProvider)
            this.editor = editor;
            this.method = method;

            var methodNode = editor.Session.AssetNodeContainer.GetNode(method.Method);

            blocksNode     = methodNode[nameof(method.Method.Blocks)].Target;
            linksNode      = methodNode[nameof(method.Method.Links)].Target;
            parametersNode = methodNode[nameof(method.Method.Parameters)].Target;
		// fieldInfo - the field who's value we want
		// objNode - the member node corresponding to the field
		// out topLevelObject - the object that contains the highest level
		//  struct.
		// s/b protected, stupid compiler
		internal static StructAccessor GetAccessorObject
			(IObjectNode objNode,
			 out Object topLevelObject)
			Stack structInfoStack = new Stack();
			IObjectNode parentObjNode;

			if (TraceUtil.If(typeof(StructAccessor), TraceLevel.Info))
					 "GetAccessor: " + objNode.ObjectInfo.ToString()
					 + " node: " + objNode.ToString());

			// Build up the structFields array, the fields between the
			// top level object and the object we want to change
			while (true)
				parentObjNode = objNode.ParentObjectNode;
				if (parentObjNode == null)
					throw new Exception("(bug) hit no parent when "
										+ "looking for enclosing object "
										+ "for a struct " + objNode);

				// This is an enclosing struct, push the field 
				// information of how to get to the child here
				FieldInfo fi = parentObjNode.ObjType.GetField
				if (fi == null)
					throw new Exception("(bug) field " 
										+ objNode.ObjType.Name 
										+ " not found in " + parentObjNode);


				// Found the containing object, either not a value
				// type, or this is not a field which means it can't
				// be inline any more
				// FIXME - double check the member thing here, is this
				// the right level to check?
				if (!parentObjNode.ObjType.IsValueType ||
					!(parentObjNode.ObjectInfo.ObjMemberInfo is FieldInfo))

				// Go up
				objNode = parentObjNode;

			// Ok, at this point, parent is the ObjectInfo for the
			// object that contains the top-level struct
			Type objType = parentObjNode.ObjType;
			topLevelObject = parentObjNode.Obj;

			if (TraceUtil.If(typeof(StructAccessor), TraceLevel.Info))
					 "GetAccessor - top level type/obj: " 
					 + objType + "/" + topLevelObject);
			int count = structInfoStack.Count;
			FieldInfo[] structFields = 
				new FieldInfo[structInfoStack.Count];
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				structFields[i] = (FieldInfo)structInfoStack.Pop();

			StructAccessor vtAccessor;
			StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			String key;
			foreach (FieldInfo fi in structFields)
			key = keyBuilder.ToString();

			if (TraceUtil.If(typeof(StructAccessor), TraceLevel.Info))
					 "GetAccessor - key: " + key);
			lock (typeof(StructAccessor))
				vtAccessor = (StructAccessor)_accessors[key];
				if (vtAccessor != null)
					return vtAccessor;

				vtAccessor = new StructAccessor();
				_accessors.Add(key, vtAccessor);
				return vtAccessor;
		// fieldInfo - the field who's value we want
		// objNode - the member node corresponding to the field
		// out topLevelObject - the object that contains the highest level
		//  struct.
		// s/b protected, stupid compiler
		internal static FieldInfo[] GetStructFields
			(IObjectNode objNode,
			 out Object topLevelObject)
			Stack structInfoStack = new Stack();
			IObjectNode parentObjNode;

			if (TraceUtil.If(typeof(StructAccessor), TraceLevel.Info))
					 "GetAccessor: " + objNode.ObjectInfo.ToString()
					 + " node: " + objNode.ToString());

			// Build up the structFields array, the fields between the
			// top level object and the object we want to change
			while (true)
				parentObjNode = objNode.ParentObjectNode;
				if (parentObjNode == null)
					throw new Exception("(bug) hit no parent when "
										+ "looking for enclosing object "
										+ "for a struct " + objNode);

				// This is an enclosing struct, push the field 
				// information of how to get to the child here
				FieldInfo fi = parentObjNode.ObjType.GetField
				if (fi == null)
					throw new Exception("(bug) field " 
										+ objNode.ObjType.Name 
										+ " not found in " + parentObjNode);


				// Found the containing object, either not a value
				// type, or this is not a field which means it can't
				// be inline any more
				if (!parentObjNode.ObjType.IsValueType ||
					!(parentObjNode.ObjectInfo.ObjMemberInfo is FieldInfo))

				// Go up
				objNode = parentObjNode;

			// Ok, at this point, parent is the ObjectInfo for the
			// object that contains the top-level struct
			topLevelObject = parentObjNode.Obj;

			if (TraceUtil.If(typeof(StructAccessor), TraceLevel.Info))
					 "GetAccessor - top level obj: " 
					 + topLevelObject);
			int count = structInfoStack.Count;
			FieldInfo[] structFields = 
				new FieldInfo[structInfoStack.Count];
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				structFields[i] = (FieldInfo)structInfoStack.Pop();
			return structFields;
		//  The methods below are the external interface to this class

		// Gets the value for this field within the specified
		// object into at the specified member node.
		internal static Object GetValue(IObjectNode objNode)
			Object obj;
			FieldInfo[] structFields = 
				GetStructFields(objNode, out obj);

			Object value = obj;
			for (int i = 0; i < structFields.Length; i++)
				value = structFields[i].GetValue(value);

			if (TraceUtil.If(typeof(StructAccessor), TraceLevel.Verbose))
				Trace.WriteLine("Struct getting Field: " + objNode
								+ " value: " + value);
			return value;
		// Sets the value in the same manner as GetValue
		internal static void SetValue(IObjectNode objNode,
									  Object value)
			if (TraceUtil.If(typeof(StructAccessor), TraceLevel.Verbose))
				Trace.WriteLine("Struct setting Field: " + objNode
								+ " value: " + value);

			Object obj;
			FieldInfo[] structFields = 
				GetStructFields(objNode, out obj);
			SetValue(structFields, obj, value, 0);
Beispiel #35
		protected void InvokeInternal(ObjectInfo parent,
									  IObjectNode objectNode,
									  Object[] parameterValues,
									  Object fieldPropValue,
									  bool setMember)
			if (TraceUtil.If(this, TraceLevel.Verbose)) {
				Trace.WriteLine("Start invoke: " + _objMemberInfo);
				if (fieldPropValue != null)
					Trace.WriteLine("  fieldPropVal: " + fieldPropValue);
				if (parameterValues != null) {
					foreach (Object pval in parameterValues)
						Trace.WriteLine("  param: " + pval);

			switch (_objMemberInfo.MemberType) {
				case MemberTypes.Method:
					MethodInfo m = (MethodInfo)_objMemberInfo;
					SetObject(m.Invoke(parent._obj, parameterValues));
					if (TraceUtil.If(this, TraceLevel.Verbose)) {
						Trace.WriteLine("Called: " + m 
										+ " on " + parent._obj 
										+ " return: " + _obj);
				case MemberTypes.Property:
					PropertyInfo p = (PropertyInfo)_objMemberInfo;

					if (setMember) {
						p.SetValue(parent._obj, fieldPropValue, parameterValues);

					if (p.CanRead){
						SetObject(p.GetValue(parent._obj, parameterValues));
					} else {
						// Update the new property value, if we can't
						// read it from the property (on a set)
						if (setMember)

					// Save these in case we need to set the property, 
					// like with the property propogation code below
					objectNode.CurrentPropIndexValues = parameterValues;

					if (TraceUtil.If(this, TraceLevel.Verbose)) {
						Trace.WriteLine("Property: " + p 
										+ " of " + parent._obj 
										+ " value: " + _obj);
				case MemberTypes.Field:
					FieldInfo f = (FieldInfo)_objMemberInfo;
					if (parent._objType.IsValueType) {
						// This is a struct, its handled a little
						// different because of the inline value type
						// issue
						if (setMember) {
							StructAccessor.SetValue(objectNode, fieldPropValue);
					} else {
						if (setMember)
							f.SetValue(parent._obj, fieldPropValue);
					if (TraceUtil.If(this, TraceLevel.Verbose)) {
						Trace.WriteLine("Field: " + f
										+ " of " + parent._obj 
										+ " value: " + _obj);

			// Everything worked, now lets handle any changes that
			// superiors need.
			if (!setMember)

			// If the parent member is a property, we want to do 
			// a SetProperty on it with the current value of its object
			// so that the SetProperty can process the most recently
			// changed values.  We need to do this up the line.
			while (true) {
				IObjectNode parentObjNode;
				parentObjNode = objectNode.ParentObjectNode;
				if (parentObjNode == null)

				// We hit an object node that has no member, we are done
				if (parentObjNode.ObjectInfo.ObjMemberInfo == null)

				// Look at enclosing property members only
				if (!(parentObjNode.ObjectInfo.ObjMemberInfo is

				PropertyInfo propInfo = (PropertyInfo)parentObjNode.ObjectInfo.ObjMemberInfo;

				// Set the property
				try {
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					// A parent property might not have a set method
					// for example.
						(this, "Exception in SetValue in property "
						 + "propagation for prop: " + propInfo 
						 + " ex: " + ex);
				objectNode = parentObjNode;
Beispiel #36
		// Returns true if it worked
		internal bool Invoke(ObjectInfo parent,
							 IObjectNode objectNode,
							 Object[] parameterValues,
							 Object fieldPropValue,
							 bool setMember,
							 bool autoInvoke,
							 bool ignoreException)
			if (parent == null) {
				if (TraceUtil.If(this, TraceLevel.Info)) { 
					Trace.WriteLine("Invoke - No parent");
				return false;

			if (_objMemberInfo == null || parent._obj == null) {
				if (TraceUtil.If(this, TraceLevel.Info)) { 
						 "Invoke - No parent object or MemberInfo");
				// Don't show this message in the auto invoke case
				if (!ignoreException && !autoInvoke) {
					ErrorDialog.Show("This method/property/field cannot "
									+ "be invoked "
									+ NULL_PARENT_TEXT,
									"Parent Object Not Present",
				return false;

			try {
				InvokeInternal(parent, objectNode, 
							   parameterValues, fieldPropValue,
			} catch (Exception e) {
				if (TraceUtil.If(this, TraceLevel.Info))
					Trace.WriteLine("Exception on invoke: " + e);

				if (!ignoreException) {
					Exception showException = e;
					// Remove the useless wrapper exception
					if (showException is TargetInvocationException)
						showException = e.InnerException;

					String errorStr = 
						 "Exception invoking " + _objMemberInfo.MemberType 
						 + " " + _objMemberInfo.Name
						 + ".  ";
					if (!setMember && _objMemberInfo.MemberType != MemberTypes.Method) {
						errorStr += "This can occur when you click on "
						 + "an item in the object tree.  ";

					errorStr += "It means that the "
						 + "underlying object raised an exception when the "
						 + _objMemberInfo.MemberType + " was invoked.";

						(showException, errorStr,
						 "Exception invoking " 
						 + _objMemberInfo.MemberType 
						 + " " + _objMemberInfo,
				return false;

			return true;
Beispiel #37
		// Returns true if this property should be auto invoked
		internal static bool ShouldAutoInvokeProp(IObjectNode node)
			MemberInfo[] membersType = 

			// Not found, so its ok to auto invoke
			if (membersType == null)
				return true;
			for (int i = 0; i < membersType.Length; i++)
				if (node == null)
					return true;

				if (i == membersType.Length - 1)
					// Found a match, don't invoke the property
					if (((Type)membersType[i]).IsAssignableFrom(node.ObjType))
						return false;
				if (!ReflectionHelper.IsMemberEqual
					return true;
				node = node.ParentObjectNode;
			return true;