public override bool IsDependentOn(IObjectDefinition theOtherObject)
     if (theOtherObject == this)
     if (mSourceImage != null && mSourceImage.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mWidth != null && mWidth.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mLeftEdge != null && mLeftEdge.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mTopEdge != null && mTopEdge.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mHeight != null && mHeight.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
 public void Add(string key, IObjectDefinition value)
         base[key] = value;
Beispiel #3
 public override bool IsDependentOn(IObjectDefinition theOtherObject)
     if (theOtherObject == this)
     if (mSourceImage != null && mSourceImage.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mSearchArea != null && mSearchArea.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mSurfaceNoiseThreshold_Min != null && mSurfaceNoiseThreshold_Min.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mSurfaceNoiseThreshold_Max != null && mSurfaceNoiseThreshold_Max.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mSurfaceNoiseThreshold_PercentOfSharpestEdge != null && mSurfaceNoiseThreshold_PercentOfSharpestEdge.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mMinSurfaceSize != null && mMinSurfaceSize.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
 public override bool IsDependentOn(IObjectDefinition theOtherObject)
     if (theOtherObject == this)
     if (mSourceImage != null && mSourceImage.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mImageToMark != null && mImageToMark.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mCenterX != null && mCenterX.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mCenterY != null && mCenterY.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mOuterSearchRadius != null && mOuterSearchRadius.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mInnerSearchRadius != null && mInnerSearchRadius.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
Beispiel #5
 public override bool IsDependentOn(IObjectDefinition theOtherObject)
     return((theOtherObject == this) ||
            (mReferencePoint_X != null && mReferencePoint_X.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject)) ||
            (mReferencePoint_Y != null && mReferencePoint_Y.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject)) ||
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the class to see if it is a candidate to be a <see cref="ConfigurationAttribute"/> source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectDefinition">The object definition.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CheckConfigurationClassCandidate(IObjectDefinition objectDefinition)
     Type objectType = null;
     if (objectDefinition is AbstractObjectDefinition)
         AbstractObjectDefinition definition = (AbstractObjectDefinition)objectDefinition;
         if (definition.HasObjectType)
             objectType = definition.ObjectType;
             if (definition.ObjectTypeName != null)
                 objectType = TypeResolutionUtils.ResolveType(definition.ObjectTypeName);
         if (objectType != null)
             if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objectType, typeof(ConfigurationAttribute)) != null)
                 return true;
             if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objectType, typeof(ComponentAttribute)) != null ||
                 HasAttributeOnMethods(objectType, typeof(DefinitionAttribute)))
                 return true;
     return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the
 /// <see cref="ObjectDefinitionHolder"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">
 /// The object definition to be held by this instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="aliases">
 /// Any aliases for the supplied <paramref name="definition"/>
 /// </param>
 public ObjectDefinitionHolder(
     IObjectDefinition definition, string name, IList <string> aliases)
     this.objectDefinition = definition;
     this.objectName       = name;
     this.aliases          = aliases ?? new List <string>(0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the <see paramref="app"/> instance and its modules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// When called, configures <see paramref="app"/> using the <see cref="IApplicationContext"/> instance
        /// provided in <paramref name="appContext"/> and the templates available in
        /// <see cref="ApplicationTemplate"/> and <see cref="ModuleTemplates"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="appContext">the application context instance to be used for resolving object references.</param>
        /// <param name="app">the <see cref="HttpApplication"/> instance to be configured.</param>
        public static void Configure(IConfigurableApplicationContext appContext, HttpApplication app)
            IObjectDefinition applicationDefinition = s_applicationDefinition;

            if (s_applicationDefinition != null)
                appContext.ObjectFactory.ConfigureObject(app, "ApplicationTemplate", applicationDefinition);

            lock (s_moduleDefinitions.SyncRoot)
                HttpModuleCollection modules = app.Modules;
                foreach (DictionaryEntry moduleEntry in s_moduleDefinitions)
                    string            moduleName = (string)moduleEntry.Key;
                    IObjectDefinition od         = s_moduleDefinitions[moduleName];
                    IHttpModule       module     = modules[moduleName];
                    if (module != null)
                        appContext.ObjectFactory.ConfigureObject(module, moduleName, od);
                        throw ConfigurationUtils.CreateConfigurationException(string.Format("failed applying module template '{0}' - no matching module found", moduleName));
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectDefinition"></param>
 public static void Register(IObjectDefinition objectDefinition)
     if (!ObjectDefinitions.Contains(objectDefinition))
        private void EnhanceConfigurationClasses(IConfigurableListableObjectFactory objectFactory)
            ConfigurationClassEnhancer enhancer = new ConfigurationClassEnhancer(objectFactory);

            IList <string> objectNames = objectFactory.GetObjectDefinitionNames();

            foreach (string name in objectNames)
                IObjectDefinition objDef = objectFactory.GetObjectDefinition(name);

                if (((AbstractObjectDefinition)objDef).HasObjectType)
                    if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objDef.ObjectType, typeof(ConfigurationAttribute)) != null)
                        //TODO check type of object isn't infrastructure type.

                        Type configClass   = objDef.ObjectType;
                        Type enhancedClass = enhancer.Enhance(configClass);

                        Logger.Debug(m => m("Replacing object definition '{0}' existing class '{1}' with enhanced class", name, configClass.FullName));

                        ((IConfigurableObjectDefinition)objDef).ObjectType = enhancedClass;
 public void Add(string key, IObjectDefinition value)
     lock (SyncRoot)
         base[key] = value;
Beispiel #12
        public override void Scaffold(IObjectDefinition objectDefinition, string outputDirectory, string subdirectory = "")
            var codeBuilder = default(ICodeBuilder);

            var selection = objectDefinition.DbObject == null?this.GlobalSelection() : this.GetSelection(objectDefinition.DbObject);

            if (objectDefinition is CSharpClassDefinition)
                codeBuilder = new CSharpClassBuilder
                    OutputDirectory  = outputDirectory,
                    ForceOverwrite   = selection.Settings.ForceOverwrite,
                    ObjectDefinition = objectDefinition
            else if (objectDefinition is CSharpInterfaceDefinition)
                codeBuilder = new CSharpInterfaceBuilder
                    OutputDirectory  = outputDirectory,
                    ForceOverwrite   = selection.Settings.ForceOverwrite,
                    ObjectDefinition = objectDefinition

            OnScaffoldingDefinition(new ScaffoldingDefinitionEventArgs(Logger, codeBuilder));

            codeBuilder.CreateFile(subdirectory: subdirectory);

            OnScaffoldedDefinition(new ScaffoldedDefinitionEventArgs(Logger, codeBuilder));
Beispiel #13
        public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value)
            if (value is string)
                NetworkCamera namedCamera;

                    string cameraName = (string)value;

                    if (context.Instance is IObjectDefinition)
                        IObjectDefinition objectBeingEditted = (IObjectDefinition)context.Instance;
                        namedCamera = objectBeingEditted.Project().FindCamera(cameraName);
                    else if (context.Instance is FavoriteSettings)
                        namedCamera = ((FavoriteSettings)context.Instance).mTestSequence.project().FindCamera(cameraName);
                        throw new ArgumentException("alksdjaqwhkajlkaj");
                    throw new ArgumentException("Can not convert '" + (string)value + "' to a camera");
            return(base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value));
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the given properties to the supplied
        /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IConfigurableListableObjectFactory"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factory">
        /// The <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IConfigurableListableObjectFactory"/>
        /// used by the application context.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="props">The properties to apply.</param>
        /// <exception cref="Spring.Objects.ObjectsException">
        /// If an error occured.
        /// </exception>
        protected override void ProcessProperties(IConfigurableListableObjectFactory factory, NameValueCollection props)
            PlaceholderResolveHandlerAdapter resolveAdapter = new PlaceholderResolveHandlerAdapter(this, props);
            ObjectDefinitionVisitor          visitor        = new ObjectDefinitionVisitor(resolveAdapter.ParseAndResolveVariables);

            IList <string> objectDefinitionNames = factory.GetObjectDefinitionNames(includeAncestors);

            for (int i = 0; i < objectDefinitionNames.Count; ++i)
                string            name       = objectDefinitionNames[i];
                IObjectDefinition definition = factory.GetObjectDefinition(name, includeAncestors);

                if (definition == null)
                    logger.ErrorFormat("'{0}' can't be found in factorys'  '{1}' object definition (includeAncestor {2})",
                                       name, factory, includeAncestors);

                catch (ObjectDefinitionStoreException ex)
                    throw new ObjectDefinitionStoreException(
                              definition.ResourceDescription, name, ex.Message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the property replacement using the specified <see cref="IVariableSource"/>s for all
        /// object in the supplied
        /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IConfigurableListableObjectFactory"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factory">
        /// The <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IConfigurableListableObjectFactory"/>
        /// used by the application context.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="Spring.Objects.ObjectsException">
        /// If an error occured.
        /// </exception>
        protected virtual void ProcessProperties(IConfigurableListableObjectFactory factory)
            CompositeVariableSource compositeVariableSource = new CompositeVariableSource(variableSourceList);
            TextProcessor           tp      = new TextProcessor(this, compositeVariableSource);
            ObjectDefinitionVisitor visitor = new ObjectDefinitionVisitor(new ObjectDefinitionVisitor.ResolveHandler(tp.ParseAndResolveVariables));

            var objectDefinitionNames = factory.GetObjectDefinitionNames(includeAncestors);

            for (int i = 0; i < objectDefinitionNames.Count; ++i)
                string            name       = objectDefinitionNames[i];
                IObjectDefinition definition = factory.GetObjectDefinition(name, includeAncestors);

                if (definition == null)

                catch (ObjectDefinitionStoreException ex)
                    throw new ObjectDefinitionStoreException(
                              definition.ResourceDescription, name, ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the registered
        /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IObjectDefinition"/> for the
        /// given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
        /// argument values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the object.</param>
        /// <param name="includeAncestors">Whether to search parent object factories.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The registered <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IObjectDefinition"/>,
        /// or <c>null</c>, if specified object definitions does not exist.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
        /// If <paramref name="name"/> is <c>null</c> or empty string.
        /// </exception>
        /// <seealso cref="IConfigurableListableObjectFactory.GetObjectDefinition(string)"/>
        public override IObjectDefinition GetObjectDefinition(string name, bool includeAncestors)
            if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Cannot get an object definition with a null or zero length object name string.");

            name = TransformedObjectName(name);
            IObjectDefinition definition = (IObjectDefinition)objectDefinitionMap[name];

            if (definition == null)
                if (!includeAncestors || ParentObjectFactory == null)
                else if (ParentObjectFactory is AbstractObjectFactory)
                    definition =
                        ((AbstractObjectFactory)ParentObjectFactory).GetObjectDefinition(name, includeAncestors);
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses reflection to generate Metadata from the in-memory entities.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">The entity type from which to create metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="shouldGetFields">Whether or not this method should get the entity's fields.</param>
        /// <returns>A single IObjectDefinition that represents the entity</returns>
        private IObjectDefinition GetObjectDefinition(Type entityType, bool shouldGetFields)
            IObjectDefinition objectDefinition = null;

            objectDefinition = new ObjectDefinition
                Name                     = entityType.Name,
                FullName                 = entityType.Name,
                Description              = string.Empty,
                Hidden                   = false,
                RelationshipDefinitions  = new List <IRelationshipDefinition>(),
                PropertyDefinitions      = new List <IPropertyDefinition>(),
                SupportedActionFullNames = new List <string>()


            if (entityType.Name == "Registrant")
                /* If we're building the 'Registrant' metadata
                 * add the 'Create' action to it.
                 * Other entities do not support create.


            if (shouldGetFields)
                objectDefinition.PropertyDefinitions = GetFieldDefinitions(entityType);

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a single ObjectDefinition, by name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectName"></param>
        /// <param name="shouldGetProperties"></param>
        /// <param name="shouldGetRelations"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IObjectDefinition RetrieveObjectDefinition(string objectName, bool shouldGetProperties = false, bool shouldGetRelations = false)
            //GoToWebinar doesn't have any entities with parent/child relationships.
            //As such, we're not using the 'shouldGetRelations' parameter

            IObjectDefinition objectDefinition = null;

            using (LogMethodExecution logger = new LogMethodExecution("Rest CDK Example", "RetrieveObjectDefinition"))
                //extract the one type that Scribe Online is asking for:
                if (EntityCollection.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var keyValuePair in EntityCollection)
                        if (keyValuePair.Key == objectName)
                            Type entityType = keyValuePair.Value;
                            if (entityType != null)
                                //hand the type down to our reflection method and create an IObjectDefiniton for Scribe Online
                                objectDefinition = GetObjectDefinition(entityType, shouldGetProperties);

Beispiel #19
        public T Get <T>(string entityName, string id) where T : class
            if (!AppCore.AppSingleton.ObjectDefinitions.ContainsKey(entityName))
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unimplemented entity [" + entityName + "]");
            IObjectDefinition od = AppCore.AppSingleton.ObjectDefinitions[entityName];

            string tableName = string.Format("[{0}]", od.TableName);
            string fileds    = string.Join(",",
                                           od.Attributes.Values.Select(a => string.Format("[{0}]", a.Column)).ToArray());
            string criterion = string.Format("[{0}] = @{0}", od.PrimaryKey.Column);

            string sqlContext = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2}", fileds, tableName, criterion);

            _cmd.CommandText = sqlContext;
            _cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + od.PrimaryKey.Column, OleDbType.VarWChar, od.PrimaryKey.Length.GetValueOrDefault(50)).Value = id;
            T rel = null;

            using (OleDbDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader())
                if (reader != null)
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        rel = EntityReader.Read <T>(reader, entityName);
Beispiel #20
        public T Delete <T>(string entityName, T instance) where T : class
            if (instance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("instance");

            if (!AppCore.AppSingleton.ObjectDefinitions.ContainsKey(entityName))
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unimplemented entity [" + entityName + "]");
            IObjectDefinition od = AppCore.AppSingleton.ObjectDefinitions[entityName];

            string table      = od.TableName;
            string criterion  = string.Format("[{0}]=@{0}", od.PrimaryKey.Column);
            string sqlContext = string.Format("delete from [{0}] where {1}", table, criterion);

            _cmd.CommandText = sqlContext;
            _cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + od.PrimaryKey.Column, od.PrimaryKey.DataType, od.PrimaryKey.Length.GetValueOrDefault(50)).
            Value = (instance as IBaseObject).ID;

            int affectrRows = _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

            if (affectrRows != 1)
                throw new Exception("fails to update instance of entity " + entityName);

 public override bool IsDependentOn(IObjectDefinition theOtherObject)
     if (theOtherObject == this)
     if (mSourceImage != null && mSourceImage.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mROI != null && mROI.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mVariationThreshhold != null && mVariationThreshhold.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mSloppiness != null && mSloppiness.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mBrightPixelFactor != null && mBrightPixelFactor.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mDarkPixelFactor != null && mDarkPixelFactor.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>The parse inner object definition.</summary>
        /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
        /// <param name="parserContext">The parser context.</param>
        /// <returns>The Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IObjectDefinition.</returns>
        public static IObjectDefinition ParseInnerObjectDefinition(XmlElement element, ParserContext parserContext)
            // parses out inner object definition for concrete implementation if defined
            var childElements = element.GetElementsByTagName("object");
            IObjectDefinition             innerComponentDefinition = null;
            IConfigurableObjectDefinition inDef = null;

            if (childElements != null && childElements.Count == 1)
                var objectElement = childElements[0] as XmlElement;

                // var odDelegate = parserContext.GetDelegate();
                var odHolder = parserContext.ParserHelper.ParseObjectDefinitionElement(objectElement);

                // odHolder = odDelegate.DecorateObjectDefinitionIfRequired(objectElement, odHolder);
                inDef = odHolder.ObjectDefinition as IConfigurableObjectDefinition;
                var objectName = ObjectDefinitionReaderUtils.GenerateObjectName(inDef, parserContext.Registry);

                // innerComponentDefinition = new ObjectComponentDefinition(inDef, objectName);
                parserContext.Registry.RegisterObjectDefinition(objectName, inDef);

            var aRef = element.GetAttribute(REF_ATTRIBUTE);

                !(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aRef) && inDef != null),
                "Ambiguous definition. Inner object " + (inDef == null ? string.Empty : inDef.ObjectTypeName) + " declaration and \"ref\" " + aRef + " are not allowed together."

Beispiel #23
        void Init()
            if (initialized)

            lock (componentProperties)
                foreach (var t in componentProperties.Keys)
                    var builder = ObjectDefinitionBuilder.RootObjectDefinition(factory, t)
                                  .SetSingleton(typeHandleLookup[t] == DependencyLifecycle.SingleInstance);


                    IObjectDefinition def = builder.ObjectDefinition;
                    context.RegisterObjectDefinition(t.FullName, def);

            initialized = true;
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the object definitions from fluent configurations, build the object definition and load it into the spring object registry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listableObjectFactory">The listable object factory.</param>
        public void LoadObjectDefinitions(IConfigurableListableObjectFactory listableObjectFactory)
            var definitionService = new ObjectDefinitionService(_objectDefinitionFactory, listableObjectFactory);

            foreach (IRegistrableObject registrableObject in _springObjectConfigurations
                     .OfType <IRegistrableObject>()
                     .Select(configurationContainer => (configurationContainer)))

                IObjectDefinition objectDefinition = registrableObject.GetObjectDefinition(definitionService);

                listableObjectFactory.RegisterObjectDefinition(registrableObject.Identifier, objectDefinition);

                if (FluentStaticConfiguration.RegisterImplementedInterfaces)
                    foreach (Type @interface in objectDefinition.ObjectType.GetInterfaces())
                        if (!listableObjectFactory.ContainsObjectDefinition(@interface.FullName))
                            listableObjectFactory.RegisterObjectDefinition(@interface.FullName, objectDefinition);
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the
 /// <see cref="ObjectDefinitionHolder"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">
 /// The object definition to be held by this instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="aliases">
 /// Any aliases for the supplied <paramref name="definition"/>
 /// </param>
 public ObjectDefinitionHolder(
     IObjectDefinition definition, string name, string[] aliases)
     this.objectDefinition = definition;
     this.objectName       = name;
     this.aliases          = aliases == null ? StringUtils.EmptyStrings : aliases;
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve a reference to another object in the factory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// The name of the object that is having the value of one of its properties resolved.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="definition">
        /// The definition of the named object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="argumentName">
        /// The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reference">
        /// The runtime reference containing the value of the property.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A reference to another object in the factory.</returns>
        protected virtual object ResolveReference(IObjectDefinition definition, string name, string argumentName, RuntimeObjectReference reference)
            #region Instrumentation
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Resolving reference from property '{0}' in object '{1}' to object '{2}'.",
                                  argumentName, name, reference.ObjectName));

                if (reference.IsToParent)
                    if (null == objectFactory.ParentObjectFactory)
                        throw new ObjectCreationException(definition.ResourceDescription, name,
                                                              "Can't resolve reference to '{0}' in parent factory: " + "no parent factory available.",
            catch (ObjectsException ex)
                throw ObjectCreationException.GetObjectCreationException(ex, name, argumentName, definition.ResourceDescription, reference.ObjectName);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: we may want a static implementation of this in case there are IObjectDefinition classes that don't inherit from ObjectDefinition. This may apply to all methods here.
        /// TODO: what about properties that aren't of type IObjectDefinition? (e.g. Color, Direction, int, etc)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyOwner"></param>
        /// <param name="newPropertyValue"></param>
        public void HandlePropertyChange(IObjectDefinition propertyOwner, string propertyName, IObjectDefinition originalValue, IObjectDefinition newPropertyValue)
            if (originalValue != newPropertyValue)
                if (newPropertyValue != null && newPropertyValue.IsDependentOn(propertyOwner))
                    throw new ArgumentException("That would create a circular dependency.");
                if (TestSequence().FullyInitialized)

                     * bool changeIsSignificantToSequenceDefinition = true;
                     * if (this is DataValueDefinition)
                     * {
                     *  DataValueDefinition valueDef = (DataValueDefinition)this;
                     *  if (valueDef.Category == DataCategory.UnnamedConstant || valueDef.Category == DataCategory.CalculatedValue)
                     *  {
                     *      changeIsSignificantToSequenceDefinition = false;
                     *  }
                     * }*/
                    if (IncludeObjectInConfigFile())
                        TestSequence().Log("Changed " + propertyOwner.Name + "." + propertyName + " from '" + (originalValue == null ? "" : originalValue.Name) + "' to '" + (newPropertyValue == null ? "" : newPropertyValue.Name) + "'");
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a property value, return a value, resolving any references to other
        /// objects in the factory if necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <p>
        /// The value could be :
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>
        /// <p>
        /// An <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IObjectDefinition"/>,
        /// which leads to the creation of a corresponding new object instance.
        /// Singleton flags and names of such "inner objects" are always ignored: inner objects
        /// are anonymous prototypes.
        /// </p>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <p>
        /// A <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.RuntimeObjectReference"/>, which must
        /// be resolved.
        /// </p>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <p>
        /// An <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IManagedCollection"/>. This is a
        /// special placeholder collection that may contain
        /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.RuntimeObjectReference"/>s or
        /// collections that will need to be resolved.
        /// </p>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <p>
        /// An ordinary object or <see langword="null"/>, in which case it's left alone.
        /// </p>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </p>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// The name of the object that is having the value of one of its properties resolved.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="definition">
        /// The definition of the named object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="argumentName">
        /// The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="argumentValue">
        /// The value of the property that is being resolved.
        /// </param>
        public virtual object ResolveValueIfNecessary(string name, IObjectDefinition definition, string argumentName, object argumentValue)
            object resolvedValue = null;

            resolvedValue = ResolvePropertyValue(name, definition, argumentName, argumentValue);
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the class to see if it is a candidate to be a <see cref="ConfigurationAttribute"/> source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectDefinition">The object definition.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CheckConfigurationClassCandidate(IObjectDefinition objectDefinition)
            Type objectType = null;

            if (objectDefinition is AbstractObjectDefinition)
                AbstractObjectDefinition definition = (AbstractObjectDefinition)objectDefinition;
                if (definition.HasObjectType)
                    objectType = definition.ObjectType;
                    if (definition.ObjectTypeName != null && !definition.IsAbstract)
                        objectType = TypeResolutionUtils.ResolveType(definition.ObjectTypeName);
                if (objectType != null)
                    if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objectType, typeof(ConfigurationAttribute)) != null)
                    if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objectType, typeof(ComponentAttribute)) != null ||
                        HasAttributeOnMethods(objectType, typeof(ObjectDefAttribute)))
 public override bool IsDependentOn(IObjectDefinition theOtherObject)
     if (theOtherObject == this)
     if (mSourceImage != null && mSourceImage.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mSearchPath != null && mSearchPath.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mSearchSpeed != null && mSearchSpeed.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mRequiredConsecutiveColorMatches != null && mRequiredConsecutiveColorMatches.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mSearchBackgroundColorDefinition != null && mSearchBackgroundColorDefinition.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
     if (mObjectColorDefinition != null && mObjectColorDefinition.IsDependentOn(theOtherObject))
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the name of the with generated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectDefinition">The object definition.</param>
        /// <returns>the generated object name</returns>
        public string RegisterWithGeneratedName(IObjectDefinition objectDefinition)
            string generatedName = GenerateObjectName(objectDefinition);

            Registry.RegisterObjectDefinition(generatedName, objectDefinition);
Beispiel #32
        public T Update <T>(string entityName, T instance) where T : class
            if (instance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("instance");

            IDictionary <IAttributeDefinition, object> changes = EntityChecker.Check(entityName, instance as IBaseObject);

            if (changes.Count == 0)

            if (!AppCore.AppSingleton.ObjectDefinitions.ContainsKey(entityName))
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unimplemented entity [" + entityName + "]");
            IObjectDefinition od = AppCore.AppSingleton.ObjectDefinitions[entityName];

            string table     = od.TableName;
            string fields    = string.Join(",", changes.Keys.Select(a => string.Format("[{0}]=@{0}", a.Column)).ToArray());
            string criterion = string.Format("[{0}]=@orgID", od.PrimaryKey.Column);

            string sqlContext = string.Format("update [{0}] set {1} where {2}", table, fields, criterion);

            _cmd.CommandText = sqlContext;
            foreach (IAttributeDefinition attr in changes.Keys)
                var para = new OleDbParameter("@" + attr.Column, attr.DataType);
                if (attr.Length.HasValue)
                    para.Size = attr.Length.Value;
                para.Value      = changes[attr] ?? DBNull.Value;
                para.IsNullable = !attr.IsRequired;

            if (!(instance is IBaseObjectProxy))
                Debug.Assert(false, "The given instance is not proxy type.");

            _cmd.Parameters.Add("@orgID", od.PrimaryKey.DataType,
            Value = (instance as IBaseObjectProxy).Original.ID;

            int affectrRows = _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

            if (affectrRows != 1)
                throw new Exception("fails to update instance of entity " + entityName);

            return(EntityUpdater.Update(this, entityName, instance, changes));
 private static string ParseChild(XmlElement element, ParserContext parserContext, IObjectDefinition parentDefinition)
     IObjectDefinition def = parserContext.ParserHelper.ParseCustomElement(element, parentDefinition);
     if(def == null) {
         parserContext.ReaderContext.ReportException(element, element.Name, "child ObjectDefinition must not be null");
     return parserContext.ReaderContext.RegisterWithGeneratedName(def);
 protected static IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> CreateCollectionAttributes(IObjectDefinition od)
     IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> attrs = new Dictionary<string,IAttributeDefinition>();
     attrs.Add("ID",new AttributeDefinition(od, "ID", "业务单号", "busnum", OleDbType.VarWChar, 20, 0, true));
     attrs.Add("CustomerName",new AttributeDefinition(od, "CustomerName", "客户姓名", "clientname", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 1, false, true));
     attrs.Add("Value",new AttributeDefinition(od, "Value", "收款金额", "moneys", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 2));
     attrs.Add("Offset",new AttributeDefinition(od, "Offset", "退补金额", "moneyt", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 3));
     return attrs;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="GenericObjectDefinition"/> as deep copy of the given
 /// object definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="original">the original object definition to copy from</param>
 public GenericObjectDefinition(IObjectDefinition original)
     : base(original)
     GenericObjectDefinition god = original as GenericObjectDefinition;
     if (god != null)
         this.parentName = god.parentName;
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates an object name for the given object definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">The object definition to generate a name for.</param>
 /// <param name="registry">The object definitions registry that the given definition is
 ///             supposed to be registerd with</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// the generated object name
 /// </returns>
 public string GenerateObjectName(IObjectDefinition definition, IObjectDefinitionRegistry registry)
     if (definition is ScannedGenericObjectDefinition)
         string objectName = ((ScannedGenericObjectDefinition) definition).ComponentName;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectName))
             return objectName;
     return BuildDefaultObjectName(definition);
 protected static IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> CreateCustomerAttributes(IObjectDefinition od)
     IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> attrs = new Dictionary<string,IAttributeDefinition>();
     attrs.Add("ID", new AttributeDefinition(od,"ID", "客户身份证号", "clientnum",OleDbType.VarWChar, 20, 0,true));
     attrs.Add("Name", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Name", "客户姓名", "clientname", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 1,true));
     attrs.Add("Sex", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Sex", "客户性别", "clientsex", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 2));
     attrs.Add("Phone", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Phone", "联系电话", "clientphone", OleDbType.VarWChar, 20, 3));
     attrs.Add("Address", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Address", "收件地址", "clientaddress", OleDbType.VarWChar, 225, 4));
     return attrs;
 protected override object ResolveDependency(string objectName, IObjectDefinition objectDefinition, IObjectWrapper objectWrapper, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
     if (!propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsInterface)
         return null;
     Type mockType = typeof(Mock).MakeGenericType(propertyInfo.PropertyType);
     Mock mock = (Mock)Activator.CreateInstance(mockType, defaultMockBehavior);
     return mock.Object;
 public string GenerateObjectName(IObjectDefinition definition, IObjectDefinitionRegistry registry)
     var objectDefinition = definition as ScannedGenericObjectDefinition;
     if (objectDefinition != null)
         string componentName = objectDefinition.ComponentName;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentName))
             return componentName;
     return BuildDefaultObjectName(definition);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates an object name for the given object definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">The object definition to generate a name for.</param>
 /// <param name="registry">The object definitions registry that the given definition is
 /// supposed to be registerd with</param>
 /// <returns>the generated object name</returns>
 public string GenerateObjectName(IObjectDefinition definition, IObjectDefinitionRegistry registry)
     IConfigurableObjectDefinition objectDef = definition as IConfigurableObjectDefinition;
     if (objectDef == null)
         throw new ArgumentException(
             "DefaultObjectNameGenerator is only able to handle IConfigurableObjectDefinition subclasses: " +
     return ObjectDefinitionReaderUtils.GenerateObjectName(objectDef, registry);
 protected static IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> CreateCaseAttributes(IObjectDefinition od)
     IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> attrs = new Dictionary<string,IAttributeDefinition>();
     attrs.Add("ID", new AttributeDefinition(od, "ID", "业务单号", "busnum", OleDbType.VarWChar, 20, 0, true));
     attrs.Add("AppType", new AttributeDefinition(od, "AppType", "业务类别", "busstyle", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 1, false, true));
     attrs.Add("CustomerName", new AttributeDefinition(od, "CustomerName", "客户姓名", "clientname", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 2, false, true));
     attrs.Add("CustomerID", new AttributeDefinition(od, "CustomerID", "客户身份证号", "clientnum", OleDbType.VarWChar, 20, 3, false, true));
     attrs.Add("Region", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Region", "申请国家", "applycountry", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 4, false, true));
     attrs.Add("Type", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Type", "问题案类型", "prostyle", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 5));
     attrs.Add("Text", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Text", "问题案信息", "protext", OleDbType.VarWChar, 255, 6));
     return attrs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Traverse the given ObjectDefinition object and the MutablePropertyValues
        /// and ConstructorArgumentValues contained in them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="definition">The object definition to traverse.</param>
        public virtual void VisitObjectDefinition(IObjectDefinition definition)

            ConstructorArgumentValues cas = definition.ConstructorArgumentValues;
            if (cas != null)
 public AttributeDefinition(IObjectDefinition od, string name, string label, string column, OleDbType type,
                            int? length, int orderIndex, bool isRequired, bool isReadOnly)
     Name = name;
     Label = label;
     Column = column;
     DataType = type;
     Length = length;
     OrderIndex = orderIndex;
     IsRequired = isRequired;
     ForObject = od;
     IsReadOnly = isReadOnly;
     ShowInList = true;
 protected static IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> CreateApplicationAttributes(IObjectDefinition od)
     IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> attrs = new Dictionary<string,IAttributeDefinition>();
     attrs.Add("ID", new AttributeDefinition(od, "ID", "业务单号", "busnum", OleDbType.VarWChar, 20, 0, true));
     attrs.Add("Type", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Type", "业务类别", "busstyle", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 1,false,true));
     attrs.Add("SubType", new AttributeDefinition(od, "SubType", "数量", "buscount", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 2, false, true));
     attrs.Add("CustomerName", new AttributeDefinition(od, "CustomerName", "客户姓名", "clientname", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 3,false,true));
     attrs.Add("CustomerSex", new AttributeDefinition(od, "CustomerSex", "客户性别", "clientsex", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 4,false,true));
     attrs.Add("CustomerID", new AttributeDefinition(od, "CustomerID", "客户身份证号", "clientnum", OleDbType.VarWChar, 20, 5));
     attrs.Add("Region", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Region", "申请国家", "applycountry", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 6));
     attrs.Add("DateApplied", new AttributeDefinition(od, "DateApplied", "申请日期", "applydate", OleDbType.Date, 10, 7));
     attrs.Add("DateTraved", new AttributeDefinition(od, "DateTraved", "启程日期", "traveldate", OleDbType.Date, 20, 8) { ShowInList = false });
     attrs.Add("OffNoteNo", new AttributeDefinition(od, "OffNoteNo", "照会号", "offnotenum", OleDbType.VarWChar, 10, 9) { ShowInList = false });
     attrs.Add("OffNoteDate", new AttributeDefinition(od, "OffNoteDate", "照会日期", "offnotedate", OleDbType.Date, 20, 10) { ShowInList = false });
     attrs.Add("Remark", new AttributeDefinition(od, "Remark", "材料说明", "remark", OleDbType.VarWChar, 255, 11) { ShowInList = false });
     return attrs;
        public static IDictionary<string, IAttributeDefinition> CreateAttributes(string entityName, IObjectDefinition od)
            switch (entityName)
                case "Application":
                    return CreateApplicationAttributes(od);
                case "Customer":
                    return CreateCustomerAttributes(od);
                case "Case":
                    return CreateCaseAttributes(od);
                case "Collection":
                    return CreateCollectionAttributes(od);
                case "Status":
                    return CreateStatusAttributes(od);
                case "User":
                    return CreateUserAttributes(od);
                    Debug.Assert(false,"Encounter an unknown object type "+entityName);
                    return new Dictionary<string,IAttributeDefinition>();



		/// <summary>
		/// Gets those <see cref="System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo"/>s
		/// that are applicable for autowiring the supplied <paramref name="definition"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="definition">
		/// The <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.IObjectDefinition"/>
		/// (definition) that is being autowired by constructor.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="minimumArgumentCount">
		/// The absolute minimum number of arguments that any returned constructor
		/// must have. If this parameter is equal to zero (0), then all constructors
		/// are valid (regardless of their argument count), including any default
		/// constructor.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// Those <see cref="System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo"/>s
		/// that are applicable for autowiring the supplied <paramref name="definition"/>.
		/// </returns>
		public static ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(
			IObjectDefinition definition, int minimumArgumentCount)
			const BindingFlags flags =
					  BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic
					  | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;
			ConstructorInfo[] constructors = null;
			if (minimumArgumentCount > 0)
				MemberInfo[] ctors = definition.ObjectType.FindMembers(
					new MemberFilter(new CriteriaMemberFilter().FilterMemberByCriteria),
					new MinimumArgumentCountCriteria(minimumArgumentCount));
				constructors = (ConstructorInfo[]) ArrayList.Adapter(ctors).ToArray(typeof (ConstructorInfo));
				constructors = definition.ObjectType.GetConstructors(flags);
			return constructors;
        protected override string PostProcessObjectNameAndAliases(string objectName, List<string> aliases, XmlElement element, IObjectDefinition containingDefinition)
            string url = element.GetAttribute(ObjectDefinitionConstants.TypeAttribute);
            string strTypeName = url.ToLower();
            if (strTypeName.EndsWith(".aspx"))
                if (!StringUtils.HasText(objectName))
                    objectName = webObjectNameGenerator.CreatePageDefinitionName(url);

                // strip leading homepath symbol ('~') from aliases if necessary
                for (int ai = 0; ai < aliases.Count; ai++)
                    string alias = (string)aliases[ai];
                    if (alias != null && alias.Length > 0 && alias[0] == '~')
                        aliases[ai] = "/" + alias.Substring(1).TrimStart('/', '\\');
            else if (strTypeName.EndsWith(".ascx") || strTypeName.EndsWith(".master"))
                string controlName = webObjectNameGenerator.CreateControlDefinitionName(url);
                if (!StringUtils.HasText(objectName))
                    objectName = controlName;

            return objectName;
 protected abstract object ResolveDependency(string objectName, IObjectDefinition objectDefinition, IObjectWrapper objectWrapper, PropertyInfo propertyInfo);
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the property values of the ObjectDefinition, replacing string values
 /// using the specified IVariableSource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectDefinition">The object definition.</param>
 protected virtual void VisitPropertyValues(IObjectDefinition objectDefinition)
     MutablePropertyValues pvs = objectDefinition.PropertyValues;
     if (pvs != null)
         for (int j = 0; j < pvs.PropertyValues.Length; j++)
             PropertyValue pv = pvs.PropertyValues[j];
             object newVal = ResolveValue(pv.Value);
             if (!ObjectUtils.NullSafeEquals(newVal, pv.Value))
                 pvs.Add(pv.Name, newVal);
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the ObjectDefinition property ObjectTypeName, replacing string values using 
 /// the specified IVariableSource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectDefinition">The object definition.</param>
 protected virtual void VisitObjectTypeName(IObjectDefinition objectDefinition)
     string objectTypeName = objectDefinition.ObjectTypeName;
     if (objectTypeName != null)
         string resolvedName = ResolveStringValue(objectTypeName);
         if (!objectTypeName.Equals(resolvedName))
             objectDefinition.ObjectTypeName = resolvedName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Override settings in this object definition from the supplied
        /// <paramref name="other"/> object definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">
        /// The object definition used to override the member fields of this instance.
        /// </param>
        public virtual void OverrideFrom(IObjectDefinition other)
            AssertUtils.ArgumentNotNull(other, "other");

            IsAbstract = other.IsAbstract;
            Scope = other.Scope;
            IsLazyInit = other.IsLazyInit;
            if (StringUtils.HasText(other.ObjectTypeName))
                ObjectTypeName = other.ObjectTypeName;
            if (StringUtils.HasText(other.InitMethodName))
                InitMethodName = other.InitMethodName;
            if (StringUtils.HasText(other.DestroyMethodName))
                DestroyMethodName = other.DestroyMethodName;
            if (StringUtils.HasText(other.FactoryObjectName))
                FactoryObjectName = other.FactoryObjectName;
            if (StringUtils.HasText(other.FactoryMethodName))
                FactoryMethodName = other.FactoryMethodName;
            if (ArrayUtils.HasLength(other.DependsOn))
                ArrayList deps = new ArrayList(other.DependsOn);
                if (ArrayUtils.HasLength(DependsOn))
                DependsOn = (string[]) deps.ToArray(typeof(string));
            AutowireMode = other.AutowireMode;
            ResourceDescription = other.ResourceDescription;

            AbstractObjectDefinition aod = other as AbstractObjectDefinition;
            if (aod != null)
                if (aod.HasObjectType)
                    ObjectType = other.ObjectType;

                DependencyCheck = aod.DependencyCheck;
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows deriving classes to post process the name and aliases for the current element. By default
 /// does nothing and returns the unmodified <paramref name="objectName"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The <paramref name="aliases"/> list passed in may be modified by an implementation of this method to reflect special needs.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="objectName">the object name obtained by the default algorithm from 'id' and 'name' attributes so far.</param>
 /// <param name="aliases">the object aliases obtained by the default algorithm from 'name' attribute so far.</param>
 /// <param name="element">the currently processed element.</param>
 /// <param name="containingDefinition">the containing object definition, may be <c>null</c></param>
 /// <returns>the new object name to be used.</returns>
 protected virtual string PostProcessObjectNameAndAliases(string objectName, List<string> aliases, XmlElement element, IObjectDefinition containingDefinition)
     if (!StringUtils.HasText(objectName) && aliases.Count == 0)
         string result = this.objectsNamespaceParser.CalculateId(element, aliases);
         if (result != null)
             return result;
     return objectName;
 /// <summary>
 /// Injects dependencies into the supplied <paramref name="target"/> instance
 /// using the supplied <paramref name="definition"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">
 /// The object instance that is to be so configured.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="name">
 /// The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
 /// be injected into the supplied <parameref name="target"/> instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="definition">
 /// An object definition that should be used to configure object.
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.IObjectFactory.ConfigureObject(object, string)"/>
 public object ConfigureObject(object target, string name, IObjectDefinition definition)
     return ObjectFactory.ConfigureObject(target, name, definition);
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides this object's values using values from <c>other</c> argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The object to copy values from.</param>
        public override void OverrideFrom(IObjectDefinition other)
            if (other is IWebObjectDefinition)
//                this._scope = ((IWebObjectDefinition) other).Scope;
                this._pageName = ((IWebObjectDefinition) other).PageName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the
        /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.RootWebObjectDefinition"/> class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">
        /// The definition that is to be copied.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <p>
        /// Deep copy constructor.
        /// </p>
        /// </remarks>
        public RootWebObjectDefinition(IObjectDefinition other) : base(other)
            if (other is IWebObjectDefinition)
//                this._scope = ((IWebObjectDefinition) other).Scope;
                this._pageName = ((IWebObjectDefinition) other).PageName;
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses an element in a custom namespace.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ele"></param>
 /// <param name="containingDefinition">if a nested element, the containing object definition</param>
 /// <returns>the parsed object definition or null if not supported by the corresponding parser.</returns>
 public IObjectDefinition ParseCustomElement(XmlElement ele, IObjectDefinition containingDefinition)
     String namespaceUri = ele.NamespaceURI;
     INamespaceParser handler = NamespaceParserRegistry.GetParser(namespaceUri);
     if (handler == null)
         Error("Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [" + namespaceUri + "]", ele);
         return null;
     return handler.ParseElement(ele, new ParserContext(this, containingDefinition));
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a standard object definition into a
        /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.ObjectDefinitionHolder"/>,
        /// including object name and aliases.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">The element containing the object definition.</param>
        /// <param name="containingDefinition">The containing object definition if <paramref name="element"/> is a nested element.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The parsed object definition wrapped within an
        /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.ObjectDefinitionHolder"/>
        /// instance.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// Object elements specify their canonical name via the "id" attribute
        /// and their aliases as a delimited "name" attribute.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If no "id" is specified, uses the first name in the "name" attribute
        /// as the canonical name, registering all others as aliases.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public ObjectDefinitionHolder ParseObjectDefinitionElement(XmlElement element, IObjectDefinition containingDefinition)
            string id = GetAttributeValue(element, ObjectDefinitionConstants.IdAttribute);
            string nameAttr = GetAttributeValue(element, ObjectDefinitionConstants.NameAttribute);
            List<string> aliases = new List<string>();
            if (StringUtils.HasText(nameAttr))

            // if we ain't got an id, check if object is page definition or assign any existing (first) alias...
            string objectName = id;
            if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(objectName))
                if (aliases.Count > 0)
                    objectName = (string) aliases[0];
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug(string.Format("No XML 'id' specified using '{0}' as object name and '{1}' as aliases", objectName, string.Join(",", aliases.ToArray())));

            objectName = PostProcessObjectNameAndAliases(objectName, aliases, element, containingDefinition);

            if (containingDefinition == null)
                CheckNameUniqueness(objectName, aliases, element);

            ParserContext parserContext = new ParserContext(this, containingDefinition);
            IConfigurableObjectDefinition definition = objectsNamespaceParser.ParseObjectDefinitionElement(element, objectName, parserContext);
            if (definition != null)
                if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(objectName))
                    if (containingDefinition != null)
                        objectName =
                            ObjectDefinitionReaderUtils.GenerateObjectName(definition, readerContext.Registry, true);
                        objectName = readerContext.GenerateObjectName(definition);
                        // Register an alias for the plain object type name, if possible.
                        string objectTypeName = definition.ObjectTypeName;
                        if (objectTypeName != null
                            && objectName.StartsWith(objectTypeName)
                            && objectName.Length>objectTypeName.Length
                            && !readerContext.Registry.IsObjectNameInUse(objectTypeName))

                    #region Instrumentation

                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                                      "Neither XML '{0}' nor '{1}' specified - using generated object name [{2}]",
                                      ObjectDefinitionConstants.IdAttribute, ObjectDefinitionConstants.NameAttribute, objectName));


                return CreateObjectDefinitionHolder(element, definition, objectName, aliases);
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Register a new object definition with this registry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// The name of the object instance to register.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objectDefinition">
        /// The definition of the object instance to register.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="Spring.Objects.ObjectsException">
        /// If the object definition is invalid.
        /// </exception>
        /// <seealso cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.IObjectDefinitionRegistry.RegisterObjectDefinition(string, IObjectDefinition)"/>
        public override void RegisterObjectDefinition(
            string name, IObjectDefinition objectDefinition)
            if (objectDefinition is AbstractObjectDefinition)
                catch (ObjectDefinitionValidationException ex)
                    throw new ObjectDefinitionStoreException(
                        "Validation of object definition failed.",
            object oldObjectDefinition = objectDefinitionMap[name];
            if (oldObjectDefinition != null)
                if (!AllowObjectDefinitionOverriding)
                    throw new ObjectDefinitionStoreException(
                            "Cannot register object definition [{0}] for object '{1}': there's already [{2}] bound.",
                            objectDefinition, name, oldObjectDefinition));
                    #region Instrumentation

                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                                "Overriding object definition for object '{0}': replacing [{1}] with [{2}].",
                                name, oldObjectDefinition, objectDefinition));

            objectDefinitionMap[name] = objectDefinition;
 /// <summary>
 /// Register a new object definition with this registry.
 /// Must support
 /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.RootObjectDefinition"/>
 /// and <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.ChildObjectDefinition"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the object instance to register.</param>
 /// <param name="definition">The definition of the object instance to register.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// 	<p>
 /// Must support
 /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.RootObjectDefinition"/> and
 /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.ChildObjectDefinition"/>.
 /// </p>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <exception cref="Spring.Objects.ObjectsException">
 /// If the object definition is invalid.
 /// </exception>
 public virtual void RegisterObjectDefinition(string name, IObjectDefinition definition)
     ObjectFactory.RegisterObjectDefinition(name, definition);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the
        /// <see cref="Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.AbstractObjectDefinition"/>
        /// class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">
        /// The object definition used to initialise the member fields of this
        /// instance.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <p>
        /// This is an <see langword="abstract"/> class, and as such exposes no
        /// public constructors.
        /// </p>
        /// </remarks>
        protected AbstractObjectDefinition(IObjectDefinition other)
            AssertUtils.ArgumentNotNull(other, "other");

            AbstractObjectDefinition aod = other as AbstractObjectDefinition;
            if (aod != null)
                if (aod.HasObjectType)
                    ObjectType = other.ObjectType;
                    ObjectTypeName = other.ObjectTypeName;
                MethodOverrides = new MethodOverrides(aod.MethodOverrides);
                DependencyCheck = aod.DependencyCheck;
            ParentName = other.ParentName;
            IsAbstract = other.IsAbstract;
//            IsSingleton = other.IsSingleton;
            Scope = other.Scope;
            Role = other.Role;
            IsLazyInit = other.IsLazyInit;
                = new ConstructorArgumentValues(other.ConstructorArgumentValues);
            PropertyValues = new MutablePropertyValues(other.PropertyValues);
            EventHandlerValues = new EventValues(other.EventHandlerValues);

            InitMethodName = other.InitMethodName;
            DestroyMethodName = other.DestroyMethodName;
            DependsOn = new string[other.DependsOn.Length];
            IsAutowireCandidate = other.IsAutowireCandidate;
            Array.Copy(other.DependsOn, DependsOn, other.DependsOn.Length);
            FactoryMethodName = other.FactoryMethodName;
            FactoryObjectName = other.FactoryObjectName;
            AutowireMode = other.AutowireMode;
            ResourceDescription = other.ResourceDescription;