private async void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            List <Device> devices = await IOTMessages.GetDevicesList();

            foreach (Device device in devices)
                IOTDevice dev = new IOTDevice();

                if (device.Status.Equals(DeviceStatus.Enabled))
                    dev.IsEnabled = true;

                dev.LastExecutionTime  = device.LastActivityTime;
                dev.ConnectionStateIOT = device.ConnectionState.ToString();
                dev.IdIOT = device.Id;

                if (device.Id.Equals(App.deviceIDMobile))
                    dev.IsDeviceHome = "Collapsed";
                    dev.IsDeviceHome = "Visible";

                HubSection   hubSection = new HubSection();
                DataTemplate template   = this.Resources["TemplateGrid"] as DataTemplate;

                TextBlock headerTextBlock = new TextBlock();
                headerTextBlock.Text       = device.Id;
                headerTextBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightSteelBlue);
                hubSection.Header          = headerTextBlock;
                hubSection.Padding         = new Thickness(40, 30, 150, 44);

                hubSection.DataContext     = dev;
                hubSection.ContentTemplate = template;
 internal void Interface(IOTDevice iotDevice)
     this.iotDevice = iotDevice;
 public LightsOn(IOTDevice device)
     IotDevide = device;
Beispiel #4
 public FansOn(IOTDevice device)
     IotDevide = device;
Beispiel #5
 public FansSpeedUp(IOTDevice device)
     IotDevide = device;
 public LightsDimUp(IOTDevice device)
     IotDevide = device;
 public LightsDimDown(IOTDevice device)
     IotDevide = device;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the RGBWWLEDControl class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">The RGBWW device.</param>
 public RGBWWLEDControl(IOTDevice device) : this()
     this.Device = device;
 public FansSpeedDown(IOTDevice device)
     IotDevide = device;