Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run all methods in each of the listed assemblies
        /// </summary>
        public void Run(IORMToolServices services, IORMToolTestSuiteReport suiteReport)
            IList <ReportAssembly> allAssemblies = myAssemblies;

            if (allAssemblies == null)
            int assemblyCount = allAssemblies.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < assemblyCount; ++i)
                ReportAssembly testAssembly     = allAssemblies[i];
                Assembly       resolvedAssembly = testAssembly.Assembly;
                suiteReport.BeginTestAssembly(testAssembly.Location, resolvedAssembly == null);
                if (resolvedAssembly != null)
                    Type[] types     = resolvedAssembly.GetTypes();
                    int    typeCount = types.Length;
                    for (int j = 0; j < typeCount; ++j)
                        Type type = types[j];
                        if (0 != type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ORMTestFixtureAttribute), true).Length)
                            RunTests(type, services, suiteReport);
Beispiel #2
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            string   suiteFile     = args[0];
            FileInfo suiteFileInfo = new FileInfo(suiteFile);
            string   fullName      = suiteFileInfo.FullName;
            string   extension     = suiteFileInfo.Extension;

            XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();

            readerSettings.CloseInput = false;

            using (FileStream fileStream = suiteFileInfo.OpenRead())
                XmlTextReader suitesReader = new XmlTextReader(new StreamReader(fileStream));
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(suitesReader, readerSettings))
                    string LoadingSchemaNamespace = reader.NamespaceURI;
                    ORMSuiteReportResult result   = ORMSuiteReportResult.NoFailure;
                    if (LoadingSchemaNamespace == SchemaNamespace)
                        //If the suite is not a report then we need to generate a report.
                        IList <Suite> suites = Suite.LoadSuiteFile(suiteFile);
                        if (suites != null)
                            int suiteCount                   = suites.Count;
                            IORMToolServices  services       = Suite.CreateServices();
                            XmlWriterSettings reportSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                            reportSettings.Indent      = true;
                            reportSettings.IndentChars = "\t";
                            using (XmlWriter reportWriter = XmlTextWriter.Create(string.Concat(fullName.Substring(0, fullName.Length - extension.Length), ".Report", extension), reportSettings))
                                IORMToolTestSuiteReport report = ((IORMToolTestSuiteReportFactory)services.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IORMToolTestSuiteReportFactory))).Create(reportWriter);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < suiteCount; ++i)
                                        suites[i].Run(services, report);
                                    result = report.CloseSuiteReport();
                    else if (LoadingSchemaNamespace == ReportSchemaNamespace)
                        //TODO:  where to go with a report
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Run all tests for the given type that match the
        /// category filters specified for this suite
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testType">A type with a Test attribute</param>
        /// <param name="services">Services used to run the test. IORMToolTestServices can
        /// be retrieved from services.ServiceProvider.</param>
        /// <param name="suiteReport">The suite report callback</param>
        private void RunTests(Type testType, IORMToolServices services, IORMToolTestSuiteReport suiteReport)
            IORMToolTestServices testServices = (IORMToolTestServices)services.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IORMToolTestServices));
            object testTypeInstance           = null;

            object[]     methodParams = null;
            MethodInfo[] methods      = testType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
            int          methodCount  = methods.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; ++i)
                MethodInfo method         = methods[i];
                object[]   testAttributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ORMTestAttribute), false);
                Debug.Assert(testAttributes.Length < 2, "Single use attribute with inherit=false, should only pick up zero or one attributes");
                // Make sure that the method is flagged as a Test method that can be run per the current category settings
                if (testAttributes.Length == 0 || !CheckCategoryFilters((ORMTestAttribute)testAttributes[0]))

                // Make sure we've instantiated the test class
                if (testTypeInstance == null)
                    ConstructorInfo constructor;
                    if (null != (constructor = testType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IORMToolServices) })))
                        testTypeInstance = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { services });
                        methodParams     = new object[1];
                    bool loadFailure = null == testTypeInstance;
                    suiteReport.BeginTestClass(testType.Namespace, testType.Name, loadFailure);
                    if (loadFailure)

                ParameterInfo[] methodParamInfos = method.GetParameters();
                if (!(methodParamInfos.Length == 1 && typeof(Store).IsAssignableFrom(methodParamInfos[0].ParameterType)))
                    // The test method does not match the signature we need, it should
                    // not have been marked with the Test attribute
                    suiteReport.ReportTestResults(method.Name, ORMTestResult.FailBind, null);
                    Store store = null;
                        // Prepare the test services for a new test

                        // Populate a store. Automatically loads the starting
                        // file from the test assembly if one is provided
                        store = testServices.Load(method, null, null);

                        // Run the method
                        methodParams[0] = store;
                        method.Invoke(testTypeInstance, methodParams);

                        // Compare the current contents of the store with the
                        // expected state
                        testServices.Compare(store, method, null);
                        if (store != null)

                        // Close the report and see if the report matches the expected results
                        using (XmlReader reportReader = testServices.CloseReport(method))
                            string methodName     = method.Name;
                            string resourceName   = string.Concat(testType.FullName, ".", methodName, ".Report.xml");
                            Stream baselineStream = null;
                                Assembly testAssembly = testType.Assembly;
                                // Get the baseline that we're comparing to
                                if (null != testAssembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(resourceName))
                                    baselineStream = testAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
                                if (baselineStream != null)
                                    bool hasDiff = false;

                                    // See if the data is different.
                                    XmlDiff           diff           = DiffEngine;
                                    XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = DetachableReaderSettings;
                                    XmlWriterSettings writerSettings = DetachableWriterSettings;
                                    using (MemoryStream diffStream = new MemoryStream())
                                        using (XmlReader baselineReader = XmlReader.Create(baselineStream, readerSettings))
                                            using (XmlWriter diffWriter = XmlWriter.Create(diffStream, writerSettings))
                                                hasDiff = !diff.Compare(baselineReader, reportReader, diffWriter);
                                        if (hasDiff)
                                            // Record the diffgram in the suite report
                                            diffStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                            using (XmlReader diffReader = XmlTextReader.Create(diffStream, readerSettings))
                                                suiteReport.ReportTestResults(methodName, ORMTestResult.FailReportDiffgram, diffReader);
                                            // Record a passing result
                                            suiteReport.ReportTestResults(methodName, ORMTestResult.Pass, null);
                                    // Record the full report, we have no baseline to compare against
                                    suiteReport.ReportTestResults(methodName, ORMTestResult.FailReportBaseline, reportReader);
                                if (baselineStream != null)
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Run all tests for the given type that match the
		/// category filters specified for this suite
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="testType">A type with a Test attribute</param>
		/// <param name="services">Services used to run the test. IORMToolTestServices can
		/// be retrieved from services.ServiceProvider.</param>
		/// <param name="suiteReport">The suite report callback</param>
		private void RunTests(Type testType, IORMToolServices services, IORMToolTestSuiteReport suiteReport)
			IORMToolTestServices testServices = (IORMToolTestServices)services.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IORMToolTestServices));
			object testTypeInstance = null;
			object[] methodParams = null;
			MethodInfo[] methods = testType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
			int methodCount = methods.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; ++i)
				MethodInfo method = methods[i];
				object[] testAttributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ORMTestAttribute), false);
				Debug.Assert(testAttributes.Length < 2, "Single use attribute with inherit=false, should only pick up zero or one attributes");
				// Make sure that the method is flagged as a Test method that can be run per the current category settings
				if (testAttributes.Length == 0 || !CheckCategoryFilters((ORMTestAttribute)testAttributes[0]))

				// Make sure we've instantiated the test class
				if (testTypeInstance == null)
					ConstructorInfo constructor;
					if (null != (constructor = testType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IORMToolServices) })))
						testTypeInstance = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { services });
						methodParams = new object[1];
					bool loadFailure = null == testTypeInstance;
					suiteReport.BeginTestClass(testType.Namespace, testType.Name, loadFailure);
					if (loadFailure)

				ParameterInfo[] methodParamInfos = method.GetParameters();
				if (!(methodParamInfos.Length == 1 && typeof(Store).IsAssignableFrom(methodParamInfos[0].ParameterType)))
					// The test method does not match the signature we need, it should
					// not have been marked with the Test attribute
					suiteReport.ReportTestResults(method.Name, ORMTestResult.FailBind, null);
					Store store = null;
						// Prepare the test services for a new test

						// Populate a store. Automatically loads the starting
						// file from the test assembly if one is provided
						store = testServices.Load(method, null, null);

						// Run the method
						methodParams[0] = store;
						method.Invoke(testTypeInstance, methodParams);

						// Compare the current contents of the store with the
						// expected state
						testServices.Compare(store, method, null);
						if (store != null)

						// Close the report and see if the report matches the expected results
						using (XmlReader reportReader = testServices.CloseReport(method))
							string methodName = method.Name;
							string resourceName = string.Concat(testType.FullName, ".", methodName, ".Report.xml");
							Stream baselineStream = null;
								Assembly testAssembly = testType.Assembly;
								// Get the baseline that we're comparing to
								if (null != testAssembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(resourceName))
									baselineStream = testAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
								if (baselineStream != null)
									bool hasDiff = false;

									// See if the data is different.
									XmlDiff diff = DiffEngine;
									XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = DetachableReaderSettings;
									XmlWriterSettings writerSettings = DetachableWriterSettings;
									using (MemoryStream diffStream = new MemoryStream())
										using (XmlReader baselineReader = XmlReader.Create(baselineStream, readerSettings))
											using (XmlWriter diffWriter = XmlWriter.Create(diffStream, writerSettings))
												hasDiff = !diff.Compare(baselineReader, reportReader, diffWriter);
										if (hasDiff)
											// Record the diffgram in the suite report
											diffStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
											using (XmlReader diffReader = XmlTextReader.Create(diffStream, readerSettings))
												suiteReport.ReportTestResults(methodName, ORMTestResult.FailReportDiffgram, diffReader);
											// Record a passing result
											suiteReport.ReportTestResults(methodName, ORMTestResult.Pass, null);
									// Record the full report, we have no baseline to compare against
									suiteReport.ReportTestResults(methodName, ORMTestResult.FailReportBaseline, reportReader);
								if (baselineStream != null)
Beispiel #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Run all methods in each of the listed assemblies
		/// </summary>
		public void Run(IORMToolServices services, IORMToolTestSuiteReport suiteReport)

			IList<ReportAssembly> allAssemblies = myAssemblies;
			if (allAssemblies == null)
			int assemblyCount = allAssemblies.Count;
			for (int i = 0; i < assemblyCount; ++i)
				ReportAssembly testAssembly = allAssemblies[i];
				Assembly resolvedAssembly = testAssembly.Assembly;
				suiteReport.BeginTestAssembly(testAssembly.Location, resolvedAssembly == null);
				if (resolvedAssembly != null)
					Type[] types = resolvedAssembly.GetTypes();
					int typeCount = types.Length;
					for (int j = 0; j < typeCount; ++j)
						Type type = types[j];
						if (0 != type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ORMTestFixtureAttribute), true).Length)
							RunTests(type, services, suiteReport);