public void Login(IOAuthProvider provider)
            var userInfo = new UserInfo();

            // Is the access token already set? (i.e. Remember me next time)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (provider.AccessToken))
                    // Get the user information from the OAuth provider.
                    userInfo = provider.VerifyTokenAndGetUserInfo ();
                catch(UnexpectedResponseException ex)
                    logger.Warn ("An unexpected exception occurred looking up the user's information", ex);

                // If the token is invalid, the userinfo will be
                //  non-null, but the Id will be null
                if (userInfo.Id == null)
                    // Run through the authorize procedure
                    PerformProviderAuthorization (provider);
                    // Look up the user's TempusGameIt information
                    GetTempusGameItUserInfo (provider.LoginUri, userInfo);
                PerformProviderAuthorization (provider);