Beispiel #1
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        internal static INodeFile AssertBlockCollection(string path, int numBlocks, FSDirectory
                                                        dir, BlockManager blkManager)
            INodeFile file = INodeFile.ValueOf(dir.GetINode(path), path);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(numBlocks, file.GetBlocks().Length);
            foreach (BlockInfoContiguous b in file.GetBlocks())
                AssertBlockCollection(blkManager, file, b);
Beispiel #2
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        internal virtual INodeFile GetINodeFile(Path p)
            string s = p.ToString();

            return(INodeFile.ValueOf(fsdir.GetINode(s), s));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>Test deleting a file with snapshots.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Test deleting a file with snapshots. Need to check the blocksMap to make
        /// sure the corresponding record is updated correctly.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestDeletionWithSnapshots()
            Path file0 = new Path(sub1, "file0");
            Path file1 = new Path(sub1, "file1");
            Path sub2  = new Path(sub1, "sub2");
            Path file2 = new Path(sub2, "file2");
            Path file3 = new Path(sub1, "file3");
            Path file4 = new Path(sub1, "file4");
            Path file5 = new Path(sub1, "file5");

            // Create file under sub1
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file0, 4 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file1, 2 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file2, 3 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
                // Normal deletion
                INodeFile             f2     = AssertBlockCollection(file2.ToString(), 3, fsdir, blockmanager);
                BlockInfoContiguous[] blocks = f2.GetBlocks();
                hdfs.Delete(sub2, true);
                // The INode should have been removed from the blocksMap
                foreach (BlockInfoContiguous b in blocks)
            // Create snapshots for sub1
            string[] snapshots = new string[] { "s0", "s1", "s2" };
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file3, 5 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(hdfs, sub1, snapshots[0]);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file4, 1 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(hdfs, sub1, snapshots[1]);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file5, 7 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(hdfs, sub1, snapshots[2]);
                // set replication so that the inode should be replaced for snapshots
                INodeFile f1 = AssertBlockCollection(file1.ToString(), 2, fsdir, blockmanager);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(typeof(INodeFile), f1.GetType());
                hdfs.SetReplication(file1, (short)2);
                f1 = AssertBlockCollection(file1.ToString(), 2, fsdir, blockmanager);
            // Check the block information for file0
            INodeFile f0 = AssertBlockCollection(file0.ToString(), 4, fsdir, blockmanager);

            BlockInfoContiguous[] blocks0 = f0.GetBlocks();
            // Also check the block information for snapshot of file0
            Path snapshotFile0 = SnapshotTestHelper.GetSnapshotPath(sub1, "s0", file0.GetName

            AssertBlockCollection(snapshotFile0.ToString(), 4, fsdir, blockmanager);
            // Delete file0
            hdfs.Delete(file0, true);
            // Make sure the blocks of file0 is still in blocksMap
            foreach (BlockInfoContiguous b_1 in blocks0)
            AssertBlockCollection(snapshotFile0.ToString(), 4, fsdir, blockmanager);
            // Compare the INode in the blocksMap with INodes for snapshots
            string s1f0 = SnapshotTestHelper.GetSnapshotPath(sub1, "s1", file0.GetName()).ToString

            AssertBlockCollection(s1f0, 4, fsdir, blockmanager);
            // Delete snapshot s1
            hdfs.DeleteSnapshot(sub1, "s1");
            // Make sure the first block of file0 is still in blocksMap
            foreach (BlockInfoContiguous b_2 in blocks0)
            AssertBlockCollection(snapshotFile0.ToString(), 4, fsdir, blockmanager);
                INodeFile.ValueOf(fsdir.GetINode(s1f0), s1f0);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Expect FileNotFoundException when identifying the INode in a deleted Snapshot"
            catch (IOException e)
                GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("File does not exist: " + s1f0, e);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Test that an append with no locations fails with an exception
        /// showing insufficient locations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestAppendInsufficientLocations()
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();

            // lower heartbeat interval for fast recognition of DN
            conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeHeartbeatRecheckIntervalKey, 1000);
            conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsHeartbeatIntervalKey, 1);
            conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientSocketTimeoutKey, 3000);
            cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(4).Build();
            DistributedFileSystem fileSystem = null;

                // create a file with replication 3
                fileSystem = cluster.GetFileSystem();
                Path f = new Path("/testAppend");
                FSDataOutputStream create = fileSystem.Create(f, (short)2);
                // Check for replications
                DFSTestUtil.WaitReplication(fileSystem, f, (short)2);
                // Shut down all DNs that have the last block location for the file
                LocatedBlocks lbs = fileSystem.dfs.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations("/testAppend",
                                                                                   0, long.MaxValue);
                IList <DataNode> dnsOfCluster     = cluster.GetDataNodes();
                DatanodeInfo[]   dnsWithLocations = lbs.GetLastLocatedBlock().GetLocations();
                foreach (DataNode dn in dnsOfCluster)
                    foreach (DatanodeInfo loc in dnsWithLocations)
                        if (dn.GetDatanodeId().Equals(loc))
                // Wait till 0 replication is recognized
                DFSTestUtil.WaitReplication(fileSystem, f, (short)0);
                // Append to the file, at this state there are 3 live DNs but none of them
                // have the block.
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Append should fail because insufficient locations");
                catch (IOException e)
                    Log.Info("Expected exception: ", e);
                FSDirectory dir   = cluster.GetNamesystem().GetFSDirectory();
                INodeFile   inode = INodeFile.ValueOf(dir.GetINode("/testAppend"), "/testAppend");
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("File should remain closed", !inode.IsUnderConstruction
                if (null != fileSystem)