Beispiel #1
        public void ApplyLearning(INeuralLayer layer, ref double learningRate)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<INeuronSignal, NeuralFactor> m in m_input)
                m.Value.ApplyWeightChange(ref learningRate);

            m_bias.ApplyWeightChange(ref learningRate);
Beispiel #2
        public void InitializeLearning(INeuralLayer layer)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<INeuronSignal, NeuralFactor> m in m_input)

Beispiel #3
        public NeuralCell(INeuralLayer layer, Type func, int axonsCount, double skew)
            _layer      = layer;
            _axonsCount = axonsCount;

            _weights = new double[axonsCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < axonsCount; i++)
                _weights[i] = 0;

            _function = ((IActivationFunction)Activator.CreateInstance(func))?.Create(this, skew) ?? throw new NeuralTypeException(typeof(IActivationFunction), func);
Beispiel #4
        public void Pulse(INeuralLayer layer)
            lock (this)
                m_output = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <INeuronSignal, NeuralFactor> item in m_input)
                    m_output += item.Key.Output * item.Value.Weight;

                m_output += m_bias.Weight * BiasWeight;

                m_output = Sigmoid(m_output);
Beispiel #5
        public void Pulse(INeuralLayer layer)
            lock (this)
                m_output = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <INeuronSignal, NeuralFactor> item in m_input)
                    m_output += item.Key.Output * item.Value.Weight;

                m_output += m_bias.Weight;

                m_output = aktivationFunction.ActivateFunction(m_output);
Beispiel #6
        public void Initialize(int randomSeed, int inputNeuronCount,
                               int hiddenNeuronCount, int outputNeuronCount)
            int    i, j;
            Random rand;

            // initializations
            rand          = new Random(randomSeed);
            m_inputLayer  = new NeuralLayer();
            m_outputLayer = new NeuralLayer();
            m_hiddenLayer = new NeuralLayer();

            for (i = 0; i < inputNeuronCount; i++)
                m_inputLayer.Add(new Neuron(0));

            for (i = 0; i < outputNeuronCount; i++)
                m_outputLayer.Add(new Neuron(rand.NextDouble()));

            for (i = 0; i < hiddenNeuronCount; i++)
                m_hiddenLayer.Add(new Neuron(rand.NextDouble()));

            // wire-up input layer to hidden layer
            for (i = 0; i < m_hiddenLayer.Count; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < m_inputLayer.Count; j++)
                                               new NeuralFactor(rand.NextDouble()));

            // wire-up output layer to hidden layer
            for (i = 0; i < m_outputLayer.Count; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < m_hiddenLayer.Count; j++)
                                               new NeuralFactor(rand.NextDouble()));
 protected virtual void InitializeData(INeuralLayer <double> layer, double[] values)
     if (values == null)
         for (int i = 0; i < layer.Count; ++i)
             layer[i].Value = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < layer.Count; ++i)
             layer[i].Value = values[i];
Beispiel #8
        public override void Pulse(INeuralLayer <double> source)
            lock (key)
                double newValue = 0;

                foreach (IDendrite <double> dendrite in this.Inputs)
                    newValue += dendrite.Output.Value * dendrite.DendriteWeight.Weight;

                newValue += this.Bias.Output.Value * this.Bias.DendriteWeight.Weight;

                // Run Event before setting new value
                this.OnNeuronValueChange?.Invoke(this, new NNEventArgs(null, source, this, null, newValue));
                this.Value = newValue;
        public override void BuildNetwork(int inputNeurons, IEnumerable <int> hiddenLayersNeurons, int outputNeurons)
            // Prepare Input
            this.InputLayer = this.BuildLayer(inputNeurons);

            // Prepare Hidden Layers
            this.HiddenLayers = new List <INeuralLayer <double> >();
            if (hiddenLayersNeurons != null)
                foreach (int neuronsInLayer in hiddenLayersNeurons)
                    INeuralLayer <double> hiddenLayer = this.BuildLayer(neuronsInLayer);

            // Prepare Output
            this.OutputLayer = this.BuildLayer(outputNeurons);
Beispiel #10
        public void Initialize(int seed, int inputNeuronCount, int hiddenNeuronCount, int outputNeuronCount)
            int          i, layerCount;
            Random       rnd;
            INeuralLayer layer;

            rnd           = new Random(seed);
            m_inputLayer  = new NeuralLayer();
            m_outputLayer = new NeuralLayer();
            m_hiddenLayer = new NeuralLayer();

            for (i = 0; i < inputNeuronCount; i++)
                m_inputLayer.Add(new Neuron());
            for (i = 0; i < outputNeuronCount; i++)
                m_outputLayer.Add(new Neuron());
            for (i = 0; i < hiddenNeuronCount; i++)
                m_hiddenLayer.Add(new Neuron());

            // input layer to hidden layer
            foreach (INeuron hiddenNeuron in m_hiddenLayer)
                foreach (INeuron inputNeuron in m_inputLayer)
                    hiddenNeuron.Input.Add(inputNeuron, new NeuralFactor(rnd.NextDouble()));
            // output neuron to hidden layer
            foreach (INeuron outputNeuron in m_outputLayer)
                foreach (INeuron hiddenNeuron in m_hiddenLayer)
                    outputNeuron.Input.Add(hiddenNeuron, new NeuralFactor(rnd.NextDouble()));
        private void AdjustOutputLayerWeightChange(INeuralLayer <double> layer)
            INeuron <double> outputNeuron, neuron;

            for (int i = 0; i < layer.Count; ++i)
                neuron = layer[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < this.Output.Count; ++j)
                    outputNeuron = this.Output[j /*neuron*/];
                    double newDendriteWeight = outputNeuron[i].DendriteWeight.Weight + (this.LearningRate * this.Output[j].Error * neuron.Value);

                    // Run an Event.
                    outputNeuron.OnDendriteWeightChange?.Invoke(this, new NNEventArgs(this, layer, outputNeuron, outputNeuron[i], newDendriteWeight));

                    outputNeuron[i].DendriteWeight.Weight   = newDendriteWeight;
                    outputNeuron.Bias.DendriteWeight.Delta += this.LearningRate * this.Output[j].Error * outputNeuron.Bias.DendriteWeight.Weight;
Beispiel #12
 public virtual INeuralCell Create(INeuralLayer layer, Type func, int axonsCount, double skew) => new NeuralCell(layer, func, axonsCount, skew);
Beispiel #13
        public void Pulse(INeuralLayer layer)
            lock (this)
                m_output = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<INeuronSignal, NeuralFactor> item in m_input)
                    m_output += item.Key.Output * item.Value.Weight;

                m_output += m_bias.Weight;

                m_output = Sigmoid(m_output);
Beispiel #14
 public void OnDeserialize(INeuralLayer layer)
     _layer = layer;
        private void BackPropagation(double[] wantedResults)
            int    i, j;
            double currentValue, error;

            INeuron <double> outputNeuron, inputNeuron, hiddenNeuron, neuron;

            // Calculate output error values
            i = j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < this.Output.Count; ++i)
                INeuron <double> localNeuron = this.Output[i];
                currentValue      = localNeuron.Value;
                localNeuron.Error = (wantedResults[i] - currentValue) * currentValue * (1.0F - currentValue);

            // Calculate hidden layers error values
            i = j = 0;
            foreach (INeuralLayer <double> layer in this.HiddenLayers)
                for (i = 0; i < layer.Count; ++i)
                    neuron = layer[i];
                    error  = 0;

                    for (j = 0; j < this.Output.Count; ++j)
                        outputNeuron = this.Output[j];
                        error       += outputNeuron.Error * outputNeuron[i /*neuron*/].DendriteWeight.Weight * neuron.Value * (1.0 - neuron.Value);

                    neuron.Error = error;
                error = 0;

            // Adjust output layer weight change
            i = j = 0;
            if (this.HiddenLayers.Count > 0)
                foreach (INeuralLayer <double> layer in this.HiddenLayers)

            // Adjust first hidden layer weight change
            if (this.HiddenLayers.Count > 0)
                INeuralLayer <double> hiddenLayer = this.HiddenLayers.ElementAt(0);

                for (i = 0; i < this.Input.Count; ++i)
                    inputNeuron = this.Input[i];

                    for (j = 0; j < hiddenLayer.Count; ++j)
                        hiddenNeuron = hiddenLayer[j];
                        hiddenNeuron[i /*inputNeuron*/].DendriteWeight.Weight += this.LearningRate * hiddenNeuron.Error * inputNeuron.Value;
                        hiddenNeuron.Bias.DendriteWeight.Delta += this.LearningRate * hiddenNeuron.Error * inputNeuron.Bias.DendriteWeight.Weight;
 public NeuralLayerException(INeuralLayer layer, double[] input, string message) : base(message)
     Layer = layer;
Beispiel #17
 public virtual INeuralBias Create(INeuralLayer layer) => new NeuralBias(layer);
Beispiel #18
 public NNEventArgs(INeuralNetwork <double> network, INeuralLayer <double> layer, INeuron <double> neuron, IDendrite <double> dendrite, double value) :
     base(network, layer, neuron, dendrite, value)
        public override void Initialize(INeuralLayer <double> input, ICollection <INeuralLayer <double> > hiddenLayers, INeuralLayer <double> output)
            this.Input        = input;
            this.HiddenLayers = hiddenLayers;
            this.Output       = output;

            // Connect layers
            if (this.HiddenLayers != null && this.HiddenLayers.Count > 0) // There is at least one hidden layer
                this.ConnectLayers(this.Input, this.HiddenLayers.ElementAt(0));

                for (int i = 1; i < this.HiddenLayers.Count; ++i)
                    var layerInput  = this.HiddenLayers.ElementAt(i - 1);
                    var layerOutput = this.HiddenLayers.ElementAt(i);
                    this.ConnectLayers(layerInput, layerOutput);

                // Connect last hidden with output
                this.ConnectLayers(this.HiddenLayers.ElementAt(this.HiddenLayers.Count - 1), this.Output);
                this.ConnectLayers(this.Input, this.Output);
 public abstract void Initialize(INeuralLayer <TNeuronDataType> input, ICollection <INeuralLayer <TNeuronDataType> > hiddenLayers, INeuralLayer <TNeuronDataType> output);
Beispiel #21
 public void ApplyLearning(INeuralLayer layer)
Beispiel #22
 public override void ApplyLearning(INeuralLayer <double> source)
     // Nothing here
        public void Initialize(int randomSeed)
            var random = new Random(randomSeed);

            _inputLayer = new NeuralLayer {
                Name = "InputLayer"
            _outputLayer = new NeuralLayer {
                Name = "OutputLayer"
            _hiddenLayers = new List <INeuralLayer>();
            foreach (var hiddenLayer in NetConfiguration.HiddenLayerNodes)
                _hiddenLayers.Add(new NeuralLayer {
                    Name = $"HiddenLayer{hiddenLayer.Key}"

            for (var i = 0; i < NetConfiguration.NrOfInputNeurons; i++)
                _inputLayer.Add(new Neuron(0));

            for (var i = 0; i < NetConfiguration.NumberOfOutputNeurons; i++)
                _outputLayer.Add(new Neuron(random.NextDouble()));

            _inputLayer.OutputLayer = _hiddenLayers.First();

            for (var i = 0; i < NetConfiguration.HiddenLayerNodes.Count; i++)
                var nrOfNodesInLayer = NetConfiguration.HiddenLayerNodes.Values.ToArray()[i];
                for (var j = 0; j < nrOfNodesInLayer; j++)
                    _hiddenLayers[i].Add(new Neuron(random.NextDouble()));

            // wire-up the hidden layers
            foreach (var hiddenLayer in _hiddenLayers)
                var index = _hiddenLayers.IndexOf(hiddenLayer);
                hiddenLayer.InputLayer  = index == 0 ? _inputLayer : _hiddenLayers[index - 1];
                hiddenLayer.OutputLayer = index < _hiddenLayers.Count - 1 ? _hiddenLayers[index + 1] : _outputLayer;

                foreach (var hiddenNode in hiddenLayer)
                    foreach (var inputNode in hiddenLayer.InputLayer)
                        hiddenNode.Input.Add(inputNode, new NeuralFactor(random.NextDouble()));

            _outputLayer.InputLayer = _hiddenLayers.Last();

            // wire-up output layer to hidden layer
            foreach (var outputNode in _outputLayer)
                foreach (var hiddenNode in _outputLayer.InputLayer)
                    outputNode.Input.Add(hiddenNode, new NeuralFactor(random.NextDouble()));
Beispiel #24
 public NeuralBias(INeuralLayer layer)
     _layer = layer;