Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the V value for the given trip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trip">The trip to calculate for</param>
        /// <returns>The V for the trip</returns>
        public double CalculateV(ITrip trip)
            double v = 0;
            IZone  o = trip.OriginalZone, d = trip.DestinationZone;

            if ((o == d) & UseIntrazonalRegression)
                v += IntrazonalConstantWeight + o.InternalDistance * IntrazonalDistanceWeight;
                v += Constant;
                v += AutoData.TravelTime(o, d, trip.ActivityStartTime).ToMinutes() * TravelTimeBeta;
                v += AutoData.TravelCost(o, d, trip.ActivityStartTime) * TravelCostBeta;
            v += d.ParkingCost * Parking;
            if (trip.Purpose == Activity.Market | trip.Purpose == Activity.JointMarket)
                v += DpurpShopDrive;
            else if (trip.Purpose == Activity.IndividualOther | trip.Purpose == Activity.JointOther)
                v += DpurpOthDrive;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calcualtes the V value for the given trip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trip">The trip to calcualte for</param>
        /// <returns>The V for the trip</returns>
        public double CalculateV(ITrip trip)
            double V = 0;
            IZone  o = trip.OriginalZone, d = trip.DestinationZone;

            if ((o == d) & UseIntrazonalRegression)
                V += IntrazonalConstantWeight + o.InternalDistance * IntrazonalDistanceWeight;
                V += this.Constant;
                V += AutoData.TravelTime(o, d, trip.ActivityStartTime).ToMinutes() * this.travelTime;
                V += AutoData.TravelCost(o, d, trip.ActivityStartTime) * this.travelCost;
            V += d.ParkingCost * parking;
            if (trip.Purpose == Activity.Market | trip.Purpose == Activity.JointMarket)
                V += this.dpurp_shop_drive;
            else if (trip.Purpose == Activity.IndividualOther | trip.Purpose == Activity.JointOther)
                V += this.dpurp_oth_drive;
Beispiel #3
        public float CalculateV(IZone origin, IZone destination, Time time)
            var zoneArray       = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray;
            var flatOrigin      = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(origin.ZoneNumber);
            var flatDestination = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(destination.ZoneNumber);
            var flatInterchange = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(InterchangeZone.ZoneNumber);

            // Make sure that this is a valid trip first
            var toDestinationTime = Second.InVehicleTravelTime(flatInterchange, flatDestination, time).ToMinutes();

            if (toDestinationTime > MaxAccessToDestinationTime)

            float v = LogParkingFactor * LogOfParking;

            if (ClosestZone.GetFlatData()[flatOrigin])
                v += Closest;

            // calculate this second in case the toDestinationTime is invalid
            // Cost of accessing the station
            v += AccessInVehicleTravelTime * First.TravelTime(flatOrigin, flatInterchange, time).ToMinutes()
                 + (AccessCost * (First.TravelCost(flatOrigin, flatInterchange, time) + FareTTC));

            // Station to Destination time
            v += InVehicleTravelTime * toDestinationTime;

            // Walk Time
            v += WalkTime * Second.WalkTime(flatInterchange, flatDestination, time).ToMinutes();
 public override float CalculateV(IZone origin, IZone destination, Time time)
     if (IsContained(origin, destination))
         return(Cost * NetworkData.TravelCost(origin, destination, time));
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the utility of a single interchange
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">flat origin zone</param>
        /// <param name="d">flat destination zone</param>
        /// <param name="zones">an array of zones</param>
        /// <param name="interchange">the flat interchange zone to use</param>
        /// <param name="maxDistance">The maximum distance allowed</param>
        /// <param name="result">the utility of using this interchange</param>
        /// <param name="distanceByAuto">The distance the origin is from the interchange in auto travel time</param>
        /// <param name="parking"></param>
        /// <returns>True if this is a valid interchange zone, false if not feasible.</returns>
        private bool ComputeUtility(int o, int d, IZone[] zones, int interchange, float[] parking, float maxDistance,
                                    out float result, out float distanceByAuto)
            result = float.NaN;
            Time  ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
            float cost;
            float v = 0.0f;
            var   destinationDistance = AutoNetwork.TravelTime(o, d, TimeOfDay).ToMinutes();

            if (Access)
                // distance is actually the travel time
                distanceByAuto = AutoNetwork.TravelTime(o, interchange, TimeOfDay).ToMinutes();
                // there is no need to continue if we have already found the max number of paths that are shorter
                // it also a valid choice to drive longer in order to use the access station compared to just going to the final destination.
                // we also are not feasible if there is no parking spots
                if (distanceByAuto >= maxDistance | destinationDistance < distanceByAuto | parking[interchange] <= 0)
                // get the from interchange to destination costs (we need to include boarding here even though we don't actually use it in our utility function
                // making individual calls for the data would be more expensive

                if (!TransitNetwork.GetAllData(interchange, d, TimeOfDay, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost) | ivtt <= Time.Zero | walk <= Time.Zero)
                // This will be executed if we want to run the EGRESS model

                // distance is actually the travel time from the station we get off at to our destination
                distanceByAuto = AutoNetwork.TravelTime(interchange, d, TimeOfDay).ToMinutes();
                // make sure we clip properly
                if (distanceByAuto >= maxDistance | destinationDistance < distanceByAuto | parking[interchange] <= 0)
                // in egress the transit trip is actually before the drive, so origin to the interchange is transit
                if (!TransitNetwork.GetAllData(o, interchange, TimeOfDay, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost) | ivtt <= Time.Zero | walk <= Time.Zero)
            v += IvttFactor * ivtt.ToMinutes()
                 + WaitTimeFactor * wait.ToMinutes()
                 + WalkTimeFactor * walk.ToMinutes()
                 + BoardingFactor * boarding.ToMinutes();
            v += AutoTimeFactor * distanceByAuto;
            v += AutoCostFactor * AutoNetwork.TravelCost(o, interchange, TimeOfDay);
            v += ParkingFactor * (float)Math.Log(parking[interchange]);
            v += ParkingCostFactor * zones[interchange].ParkingCost;
            // Now add in the origin to interchange zone utilities
            result = v;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the utility of accessing the access station
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin">The origin of the trip, flat</param>
        /// <param name="interchange">The access station, flat</param>
        /// <param name="weightedTravelTime"></param>
        /// <returns>The utility of picking the access station, NaN if it isn't possible</returns>
        private float ComputeAccessUtility(int origin, int interchange, out float weightedTravelTime)
            float v    = 0.0f;
            Time  ivtt = AutoNetwork.TravelTime(origin, interchange, TimeOfDay);
            float cost = AutoNetwork.TravelCost(origin, interchange, TimeOfDay);

            // once we have the data we can then compute the utility
            v += AivttFactor * ivtt.ToMinutes()
                 + AutoCostFactor * cost;
            // we can also compute the weighted travel time here in order to avoid additional lookups
            weightedTravelTime = ivtt.ToMinutes();
        private void LoadCosts(SparseTwinIndex <float> data, INetworkData network)
            var flatData = data.GetFlatData();
            var time     = TimeToLoad;

            for (int i = 0; i < flatData.Length; i++)
                var row = flatData[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
                    row[j] = network.TravelCost(i, j, time);
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Basic auto gas price from origin zone to destination zone
 /// </summary>return trip.TripChain.Person.Licence
 /// <param name="origin"></param>
 /// <param name="destination"></param>
 /// <param name="time"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public float Cost(IZone origin, IZone destination, Time time)
     return(AutoData.TravelCost(origin, destination, time));
Beispiel #9
        private bool NonFastCalcV(ITrip driverOriginalTrip, ITrip passengerTrip, out float v)
            Time dToPTime;
            Time tToPD;
            Time tToDD;

            v = float.NegativeInfinity;
            if (!IsThereEnoughTime(driverOriginalTrip, passengerTrip, out dToPTime, out tToPD, out tToDD))
            var zoneDistances = Root.ZoneSystem.Distances;

            // Since this is going to be valid, start building a real utility!
            v = 0f;
            IZone passengerOrigin      = passengerTrip.OriginalZone;
            IZone driverOrigin         = driverOriginalTrip.OriginalZone;
            var   sameOrigin           = passengerOrigin == driverOrigin;
            IZone passengerDestination = passengerTrip.DestinationZone;
            var   sameDestination      = passengerDestination == driverOriginalTrip.DestinationZone;
            var   passenger            = passengerTrip.TripChain.Person;
            // we are going to add in the time of the to passenger destination twice
            var zeroTime = Time.Zero;
            int same     = 0;

            // from driver's origin to passenger's origin
            if (dToPTime == zeroTime)
                v += zoneDistances[driverOrigin.ZoneNumber,
                                   passengerOrigin.ZoneNumber] * 0.001f * IntrazonalDriverTripDistanceFactor;
            //from passenger origin to passenger destination
            if (tToPD == zeroTime)
                v += zoneDistances[passengerOrigin.ZoneNumber,
                                   passengerDestination.ZoneNumber] * 0.001f * IntrazonalPassengerTripDistanceFactor;
            // time to driver destination
            if (tToDD == zeroTime)
                v += zoneDistances[passengerDestination.ZoneNumber,
                                   driverOriginalTrip.DestinationZone.ZoneNumber] * 0.001f * IntrazonalDriverTripDistanceFactor;
            float timeFactor, passengerConstant, costFactor;

            GetPersonVariables(passenger, out timeFactor, out passengerConstant, out costFactor);
            // if all three are the same then apply the intrazonal constant, otherwise use the regular constant
            v += passengerConstant;
            if (same == 3)
                v += IntrazonalConstant;
            // apply the travel times (don't worry if we have intrazonals because they will be 0's).
            v += ((dToPTime + tToPD + tToDD) + tToPD).ToMinutes() * timeFactor;
            // Add in the travel cost
            v += (
                (AutoData.TravelCost(driverOrigin, passengerOrigin, passengerTrip.ActivityStartTime)
                 + AutoData.TravelCost(passengerOrigin, passengerDestination, passengerTrip.ActivityStartTime)
                 + AutoData.TravelCost(passengerDestination, driverOriginalTrip.DestinationZone, passengerTrip.ActivityStartTime))
                + driverOriginalTrip.DestinationZone.ParkingCost * Math.Min(MaximumHoursForParking, TimeToNextTrip(driverOriginalTrip, driverOriginalTrip.TripChain))
                ) * costFactor;
            switch (passengerTrip.Purpose)
            case Activity.School:
                v += SchoolFlag;

            case Activity.IndividualOther:
            case Activity.JointOther:
                v += OtherFlag;

            case Activity.Market:
            case Activity.JointMarket:
                v += MarketFlag;

            if (passenger.Female)
                v += FemaleFlag;
            if (passenger.Licence)
                v += PassengerHasLicenseFlag;
            if (sameOrigin | sameDestination)
                v += (sameOrigin & sameDestination) ? ShareBothPointsFlag : ShareAPointFlag;
            var age = passenger.Age;

            v += AgeUtilLookup[Math.Min(Math.Max(age - 15, 0), 15)];
            if (age >= 65)
                v += Over65;
            else if (age >= 55)
                v += Over55;
Beispiel #10
 public float Cost(IZone origin, IZone destination, Time time)
     return(Network.TravelCost(origin, destination, time));