public int AddInvetoryBulkSold1(INV_SoldBill soldbill, int orgid)
            string sql = " insert into INV_SoldBill(StudentId, ClassId, SectionId)" +
                         " select StudentId, CurrentClassID, CurrentSectionId from acd_student" +
                         " where organizationid=" + orgid + " and CurrentClassId=@ClassId and CurrentSectionId=@SectionId";

            //string sql = " insert into INV_SoldBill (OrganizationId, ClassId, SectionId, BillDate,BillDateBS,BillNo,GroupNo,TotalAmount,IsStaff,StudentId,StaffId,EnteredBy,EnteredDate,LastUpdatedBy,LastUpdatedDate,IsDeleted,DeletedBy,DeletedDate)" +
            //             " values " +
            //             " (@OrganizationId, @ClassId, @SectionId, @BillDate,@BillDateBS,@BillNo,@GroupNo, @TotalAmount,@IsStaff,@StudentId,@StaffId,@EnteredBy,@EnteredDate,0,null,0,0,null) SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)";

            using (var db = DbHelper.GetDBConnection())
                //using (var trsn = db.BeginTransaction())
                return(db.Query <int>(sql, soldbill).SingleOrDefault());
                //  trsn.Commit();
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection frm, string[] hddrowindex)
            var          ses      = sesrepo.GetSessionById((User as CustomPrincipal).UserId);
            int          orgid    = ses.OrganizationId;
            INV_SoldBill soldbill = new INV_SoldBill();
            INV_SoldItem solditem;//= new INV_SoldItem();
            int          soldid = 0;

            //var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]));

            if (frm["SoldBillId"] == "0")
                soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(frm["BillDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;                                // orgid;
                soldbill.BillDateBS     = frm["BillDateBS"];
                soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5"); // frm["BillNo"];
                soldbill.GroupNo        = frm["GroupNo"];
                soldbill.TotalAmount    = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["TotalAmount"]);

                if (frm["IsStaff"] == "No")
                    var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]));
                    if (student.CurrentClassId != null)
                        soldbill.ClassId = student.CurrentClassId;
                    if (student.CurrentSectionId != null)
                        soldbill.SectionId = student.CurrentSectionId;
                    soldbill.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]);
                    soldbill.IsStaff   = false;
                    soldbill.StaffId = Convert.ToInt32(frm["StaffId"]);
                    soldbill.IsStaff = true;
                soldbill.IsDeleted   = false;
                soldbill.EnteredBy   = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                soldbill.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now;
                soldid = db.AddInvetorySold(soldbill);
                soldid = Convert.ToInt32(frm["SoldBillId"]);
                soldbill.SoldBillId     = soldid;
                soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(frm["BillDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;                                // orgid;
                soldbill.BillDateBS     = frm["BillDateBS"];
                soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5"); // frm["BillNo"];
                soldbill.GroupNo        = frm["GroupNo"];
                soldbill.TotalAmount    = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["TotalAmount"]);

                if (frm["IsStaff"] == "No")
                    var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]));
                    if (student.CurrentClassId != null)
                        soldbill.ClassId = student.CurrentClassId;
                    if (student.CurrentSectionId != null)
                        soldbill.SectionId = student.CurrentSectionId;
                    soldbill.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]);
                    soldbill.IsStaff   = false;
                    soldbill.StaffId = Convert.ToInt32(frm["StaffId"]);
                    soldbill.IsStaff = true;
                soldbill.IsDeleted   = false;
                soldbill.EnteredBy   = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                soldbill.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now;
            if (hddrowindex != null)
                //INV_SoldItem item;
                foreach (var indx in hddrowindex)
                    if (frm["SoldItemId-" + indx] == "0")
                        solditem                = new INV_SoldItem();
                        solditem.SoldBillId     = soldid;
                        solditem.OrganizationId = orgid;// orgid;
                        solditem.ItemId         = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ItemId-" + indx]);
                        solditem.UnitId         = Convert.ToInt32(frm["UnitId-" + indx]);
                        solditem.Quantity       = Convert.ToInt32(frm["Quantity-" + indx]);
                        solditem.Rate           = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Rate-" + indx]);
                        solditem.Total          = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Total-" + indx]);
                        solditem.EnteredBy      = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                        solditem.IsDeleted      = false;
                        solditem.EnteredDate    = DateTime.Now;
            ViewBag.CategoryList   = ddl.GetCategoryList(orgid);
            ViewBag.ItemList       = ddl.GetItemList(orgid, 0);
            ViewBag.UnitList       = ddl.GetUnitList(orgid);
            ViewBag.BatchId        = new SelectList(ddl.GetBatchList(orgid), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.ClassId        = new SelectList(ddl.GetClassList(orgid), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.SectionId      = new SelectList(ddl.GetSectionList(orgid), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.StaffId        = new SelectList(ddl.GetStaffList(orgid), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.StudentId      = new SelectList(ddl.GetStudentList(orgid, 0, 0, 0), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.OrganizationId = orgid;

Beispiel #3
        public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection frm, string[] hddrowindex)
            var ses    = sesrepo.GetSessionById((User as CustomPrincipal).UserId);
            int orgid  = ses.OrganizationId;
            int uid    = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
            int soldid = Convert.ToInt32(frm["SoldBillId"]);

            INV_SoldBill soldbill = db.GetSoldBillById(orgid, soldid);
            INV_SoldItem solditem;//= new INV_SoldItem();

            //var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]));
                soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(frm["BillDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;// orgid;
                soldbill.BillDateBS     = frm["BillDateBS"];
                //soldbill.BillNo = frm["BillNo"];
                soldbill.GroupNo     = frm["GroupNo"];
                soldbill.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["TotalAmount"]);
                if (frm["IsStaff"] == "No")
                    var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]));
                    if (student.CurrentClassId != null)
                        soldbill.ClassId = student.CurrentClassId;
                    if (student.CurrentSectionId != null)
                        soldbill.SectionId = student.CurrentSectionId;
                    soldbill.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]);
                    soldbill.IsStaff   = false;
                    soldbill.StaffId = Convert.ToInt32(frm["StaffId"]);
                    soldbill.IsStaff = true;
                soldbill.IsDeleted   = false;
                soldbill.EnteredBy   = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                soldbill.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now;
                db.DeleteAllInvetoryItem(soldid, uid, DateTime.Now);
                if (hddrowindex != null)
                    //INV_SoldItem item;
                    foreach (var indx in hddrowindex)
                        if (frm["SoldItemId-" + indx] == "0")
                            solditem                = new INV_SoldItem();
                            solditem.SoldBillId     = soldid;
                            solditem.OrganizationId = orgid;
                            solditem.ItemId         = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ItemId-" + indx]);
                            solditem.UnitId         = Convert.ToInt32(frm["UnitId-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Quantity       = Convert.ToInt32(frm["Quantity-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Rate           = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Rate-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Total          = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Total-" + indx]);
                            solditem.EnteredBy      = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                            solditem.IsDeleted      = false;
                            solditem.EnteredDate    = DateTime.Now;
                            solditem                 = db.GetSoldItemById(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(frm["SoldItemId-" + indx]));
                            solditem.SoldBillId      = soldid;
                            solditem.OrganizationId  = orgid;
                            solditem.ItemId          = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ItemId-" + indx]);
                            solditem.UnitId          = Convert.ToInt32(frm["UnitId-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Quantity        = Convert.ToInt32(frm["Quantity-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Rate            = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Rate-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Total           = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Total-" + indx]);
                            solditem.LastUpdatedBy   = uid;
                            solditem.IsDeleted       = false;
                            solditem.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = soldid }));
Beispiel #4
 public ActionResult SaveSoldBill(string SoldBillId = "", string BillDate = "", string BillDateBS = "", string BillNo = "", string GroupNo = "", decimal TotalAmount = 0, string IsStaff = "", string ClassId = "", string SectionId = "", string StudentId = "", string StaffId = "")
     var          ses   = sesrepo.GetSessionById((User as CustomPrincipal).UserId);
     int          orgid = ses.OrganizationId;
     int          uid   = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
     INV_SoldBill soldbill; // = new INV_SoldBill();
     INV_SoldItem solditem; //= new INV_SoldItem();
     //if (StudentId != null)
     //    var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(StudentId));
     //    var staff = tdb.GetAcademicTeacherById(Convert.ToInt32(StaffId));
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SoldBillId) || SoldBillId == "0")
             soldbill                = new INV_SoldBill();
             soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(BillDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
             soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;// OrganizationId;// orgid;
             soldbill.BillDateBS     = BillDateBS;
             soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5");
             soldbill.GroupNo        = GroupNo;
             soldbill.TotalAmount    = TotalAmount;
             if (IsStaff == "No")
                 var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(StudentId));
                 if (student.CurrentClassId != null)
                     soldbill.ClassId = student.CurrentClassId;
                 if (student.CurrentSectionId != null)
                     soldbill.SectionId = student.CurrentSectionId;
                 soldbill.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(StudentId);
                 soldbill.IsStaff   = false;
             else if (IsStaff == "Yes")
                 soldbill.StaffId = Convert.ToInt32(StaffId);
                 soldbill.IsStaff = true;
             soldbill.IsDeleted   = false;
             soldbill.EnteredBy   = uid;// (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
             soldbill.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now;
             int soldid = db.AddInvetorySold(soldbill);
             return(Json(new { result = soldid }));
             soldbill                = db.GetSoldBillById(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(SoldBillId));
             soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(BillDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
             soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;// orgid;
             soldbill.BillDateBS     = BillDateBS;
             //soldbill.BillNo = BillNo;
             soldbill.GroupNo     = GroupNo;
             soldbill.TotalAmount = TotalAmount;
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IsStaff))
                 var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(StudentId));
                 if (student.CurrentClassId != null)
                     soldbill.ClassId = student.CurrentClassId;
                 if (student.CurrentSectionId != null)
                     soldbill.SectionId = student.CurrentSectionId;
                 soldbill.StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(StudentId);
                 soldbill.IsStaff   = false;
                 soldbill.StaffId = Convert.ToInt32(StaffId);
                 soldbill.IsStaff = true;
             soldbill.IsDeleted       = false;
             soldbill.LastUpdatedBy   = uid;// (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
             soldbill.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
             int soldid = db.AddInvetorySold(soldbill);
             return(Json(new { result = soldid }));
        public ActionResult SaveSoldBulkBill(FormCollection frm, string SoldBillId = "", string BillDate = "", string BillDateBS = "", string BillNo = "", string GroupNo = "", decimal TotalAmount = 0, string ClassId = "", string SectionId = "", string FirstId = "", string LastId = "", string StudentId = "")
            var          ses   = sesrepo.GetSessionById((User as CustomPrincipal).UserId);
            int          orgid = ses.OrganizationId;
            int          uid   = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
            INV_SoldBill soldbill;// = new INV_SoldBill();
            string       studentId = StudentId;

            string[] stuId = studentId.Split(',');
            int      i     = 0;

            if (SectionId == "")
                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(SoldBillId) || SoldBillId == "0") || ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstId) || FirstId == "0") && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastId) || LastId == "0")))
                    soldbill                = new INV_SoldBill();
                    soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(BillDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                    soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;// OrganizationId;// orgid;
                    soldbill.BillDateBS     = BillDateBS;
                    soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5");
                    soldbill.GroupNo        = GroupNo;
                    soldbill.TotalAmount    = TotalAmount;
                    soldbill.ClassId        = Convert.ToInt32(ClassId);

                    soldbill.IsDeleted   = false;
                    soldbill.EnteredBy   = uid;// (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                    soldbill.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now;
                    if (StudentId == "")
                        int soldid     = db.AddInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, orgid);
                        int lastNo     = ddl.GetLastNo();
                        int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(ClassId));
                        int firstNo    = lastNo - totstudent;
                        db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
                        return(Json(new { result = soldid, firstno = firstNo, lastno = lastNo }));
                        foreach (var item in stuId)
                            db.AddInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, orgid, Convert.ToInt32(stuId[i]));
                        int count  = i;
                        int soldid = 0;
                        int lastNo = ddl.GetLastNo();
                        //int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(ClassId));
                        int firstNo = lastNo - count;
                        db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
                        return(Json(new { result = soldid, firstno = firstNo, lastno = lastNo }));
                    int firstId = Convert.ToInt32(FirstId);
                    int lastId  = Convert.ToInt32(LastId);
                    soldbill = db.GetSoldBulkBillById(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(SoldBillId), firstId, lastId);
                    var allID = ddl.GetSoldBulkBillById(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(SoldBillId), firstId, lastId);
                    foreach (var item in allID)
                    soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(BillDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                    soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;// orgid;
                    soldbill.BillDateBS     = BillDateBS;
                    //soldbill.BillNo = BillNo;
                    soldbill.GroupNo     = GroupNo;
                    soldbill.TotalAmount = TotalAmount;
                    soldbill.ClassId     = Convert.ToInt32(ClassId);

                    soldbill.IsDeleted       = false;
                    soldbill.LastUpdatedBy   = uid;// (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                    soldbill.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    int soldid = db.AddInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, orgid);
                    return(Json(new { result = soldid }));
                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(SoldBillId) || SoldBillId == "0") || ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstId) || FirstId == "0") && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastId) || LastId == "0")))
                    soldbill                = new INV_SoldBill();
                    soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(BillDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                    soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;// OrganizationId;// orgid;
                    soldbill.BillDateBS     = BillDateBS;
                    soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5");
                    soldbill.GroupNo        = GroupNo;
                    soldbill.TotalAmount    = TotalAmount;
                    soldbill.ClassId        = Convert.ToInt32(ClassId);
                    soldbill.SectionId      = Convert.ToInt32(SectionId);
                    soldbill.IsDeleted      = false;
                    soldbill.EnteredBy      = uid;// (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                    soldbill.EnteredDate    = DateTime.Now;
                    int soldid     = db.AddInvetoryBulkSold1(soldbill, orgid);
                    int lastNo     = ddl.GetLastNo();
                    int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(ClassId), Convert.ToInt32(SectionId));
                    int firstNo    = lastNo - totstudent;
                    db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold1(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
                    return(Json(new { result = soldid, firstno = firstNo, lastno = lastNo }));
                    int firstId = Convert.ToInt32(FirstId);
                    int lastId  = Convert.ToInt32(LastId);
                    soldbill = db.GetSoldBulkBillById(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(SoldBillId), firstId, lastId);
                    var allID = ddl.GetSoldBulkBillById(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(SoldBillId), firstId, lastId);
                    foreach (var item in allID)
                    soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(BillDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                    soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;// orgid;
                    soldbill.BillDateBS     = BillDateBS;
                    //soldbill.BillNo = BillNo;
                    soldbill.GroupNo     = GroupNo;
                    soldbill.TotalAmount = TotalAmount;
                    soldbill.ClassId     = Convert.ToInt32(ClassId);

                    soldbill.IsDeleted       = false;
                    soldbill.LastUpdatedBy   = uid;// (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                    soldbill.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    int soldid = db.AddInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, orgid);
                    return(Json(new { result = soldid }));
        public ActionResult BulkCreate(FormCollection frm, string[] hddrowindex)
            var          ses      = sesrepo.GetSessionById((User as CustomPrincipal).UserId);
            int          orgid    = ses.OrganizationId;
            INV_SoldBill soldbill = new INV_SoldBill();
            INV_SoldItem solditem;//= new INV_SoldItem();
            int          soldid = 0;
            //var studentArray = $("#StudentId").val();
            string StudentId = frm["StudentId"];
            //string first = frm["FirstId"];
            //string last = frm["LastId"];

            int i = 0;

            //var student = stdb.GetAcademicStudentById(Convert.ToInt32(frm["StudentId"]));

            if ((frm["FirstId"] == "" && frm["LastId"] == ""))
                if (frm["SectionId"] == "")
                    soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(frm["BillDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                    soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;                                // orgid;
                    soldbill.BillDateBS     = frm["BillDateBS"];
                    soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5"); // frm["BillNo"];
                    soldbill.GroupNo        = frm["GroupNo"];
                    soldbill.TotalAmount    = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["TotalAmount"]);
                    soldbill.ClassId        = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]);

                    soldbill.IsDeleted   = false;
                    soldbill.EnteredBy   = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                    soldbill.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now;
                    //soldid = db.AddInvetorySold(soldbill);

                    //soldid = db.AddInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, orgid);
                    //int lastNo = ddl.GetLastNo();
                    //int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]));
                    //int firstNo = lastNo - totstudent;
                    //db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);

                    if (StudentId == null)
                        soldid = db.AddInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, orgid);
                        int lastNo     = ddl.GetLastNo();
                        int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]));
                        int firstNo    = lastNo - totstudent;
                        db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
                        //return Json(new { result = soldid, firstno = firstNo, lastno = lastNo });
                        string[] stuId = StudentId.Split(',');
                        foreach (var item in stuId)
                            db.AddInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, orgid, Convert.ToInt32(stuId[i]));
                        int count = i;
                        //int soldid = 0;
                        int lastNo = ddl.GetLastNo();
                        //int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(ClassId));
                        int firstNo = lastNo - count;
                        db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
                        //return Json(new { result = soldid, firstno = firstNo, lastno = lastNo });
                    soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(frm["BillDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                    soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;                                // orgid;
                    soldbill.BillDateBS     = frm["BillDateBS"];
                    soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5"); // frm["BillNo"];
                    soldbill.GroupNo        = frm["GroupNo"];
                    soldbill.TotalAmount    = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["TotalAmount"]);
                    soldbill.ClassId        = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]);
                    soldbill.SectionId      = Convert.ToInt32(frm["SectionId"]);
                    soldbill.IsDeleted      = false;
                    soldbill.EnteredBy      = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                    soldbill.EnteredDate    = DateTime.Now;
                    //soldid = db.AddInvetorySold(soldbill);

                    //soldid = db.AddInvetoryBulkSold1(soldbill, orgid);
                    //int lastNo = ddl.GetLastNo();
                    //int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]), Convert.ToInt32(frm["SectionId"]));
                    //int firstNo = lastNo - totstudent;
                    //db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold1(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);

                    if (StudentId == null)
                        soldid = db.AddInvetoryBulkSold1(soldbill, orgid);
                        int lastNo     = ddl.GetLastNo();
                        int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]), Convert.ToInt32(frm["SectionId"]));
                        int firstNo    = lastNo - totstudent;
                        db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold1(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
                        //return Json(new { result = soldid, firstno = firstNo, lastno = lastNo });
                        string[] stuId = StudentId.Split(',');
                        foreach (var item in stuId)
                            db.AddInvetoryBulkSold2(soldbill, orgid, Convert.ToInt32(stuId[i]), Convert.ToInt32(frm["SectionId"]));
                        int count = i;
                        //int soldid = 0;
                        int lastNo = ddl.GetLastNo();
                        //int totstudent = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(ClassId));
                        int firstNo = lastNo - count;
                        db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold1(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
                        //return Json(new { result = soldid, firstno = firstNo, lastno = lastNo });
                if (frm["SectionId"] == "")
                    soldid = Convert.ToInt32(frm["SoldBillId"]);
                    int firstNo = Convert.ToInt32(frm["FirstId"]);
                    int lastNo  = Convert.ToInt32(frm["LastId"]);
                    soldbill.SoldBillId     = soldid;
                    soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(frm["BillDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                    soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;                                // orgid;
                    soldbill.BillDateBS     = frm["BillDateBS"];
                    soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5"); // frm["BillNo"];
                    soldbill.GroupNo        = frm["GroupNo"];
                    soldbill.TotalAmount    = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["TotalAmount"]);
                    soldbill.ClassId        = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]);
                    //soldbill.SectionId = Convert.ToInt32(frm["SectionId"]);

                    soldbill.IsDeleted   = false;
                    soldbill.EnteredBy   = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                    soldbill.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now;
                    db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
                    soldid = Convert.ToInt32(frm["SoldBillId"]);
                    int firstNo = Convert.ToInt32(frm["FirstId"]);
                    int lastNo  = Convert.ToInt32(frm["LastId"]);
                    soldbill.SoldBillId     = soldid;
                    soldbill.BillDate       = DateTime.ParseExact(frm["BillDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                    soldbill.OrganizationId = orgid;                                // orgid;
                    soldbill.BillDateBS     = frm["BillDateBS"];
                    soldbill.BillNo         = (db.GetBillNo(orgid)).ToString("D5"); // frm["BillNo"];
                    soldbill.GroupNo        = frm["GroupNo"];
                    soldbill.TotalAmount    = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["TotalAmount"]);
                    soldbill.ClassId        = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]);
                    soldbill.SectionId      = Convert.ToInt32(frm["SectionId"]);

                    soldbill.IsDeleted   = false;
                    soldbill.EnteredBy   = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                    soldbill.EnteredDate = DateTime.Now;
                    db.AddUpdateInvetoryBulkSold1(soldbill, firstNo, lastNo);
            if (hddrowindex != null)
                //INV_SoldItem item;
                foreach (var indx in hddrowindex)
                    if (frm["SoldItemId-" + indx] == "" || (frm["FirstItemId-" + indx] == "" && frm["LastItemId-" + indx] == ""))
                        if (StudentId == null)
                            solditem            = new INV_SoldItem();
                            solditem.SoldBillId = soldid;
                            int lastId      = ddl.GetLastNo();
                            int totstudent1 = ddl.GetStudentTotal(orgid, Convert.ToInt32(frm["ClassId"]));
                            int firstId     = lastId - totstudent1;
                            solditem.OrganizationId = orgid;// orgid;
                            solditem.ItemId         = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ItemId-" + indx]);
                            solditem.UnitId         = Convert.ToInt32(frm["UnitId-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Quantity       = Convert.ToInt32(frm["Quantity-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Rate           = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Rate-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Total          = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Total-" + indx]);
                            solditem.EnteredBy      = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                            solditem.IsDeleted      = false;
                            solditem.EnteredDate    = DateTime.Now;

                            db.AddInvetorySoldBulkItem(solditem, firstId, lastId);
                            int lastItemId  = ddl.GetLastItemNo();
                            int totstudent  = lastId - firstId;
                            int firstItemId = lastItemId - totstudent;
                            db.AddUpdateInvetorySoldBulkItem(solditem, firstItemId, lastItemId);
                            solditem            = new INV_SoldItem();
                            solditem.SoldBillId = soldid;
                            int lastId      = ddl.GetLastNo();
                            int totstudent1 = Convert.ToInt32(frm["TotStudent"]);
                            int firstId     = lastId - totstudent1;
                            solditem.OrganizationId = orgid;// orgid;
                            solditem.ItemId         = Convert.ToInt32(frm["ItemId-" + indx]);
                            solditem.UnitId         = Convert.ToInt32(frm["UnitId-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Quantity       = Convert.ToInt32(frm["Quantity-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Rate           = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Rate-" + indx]);
                            solditem.Total          = Convert.ToDecimal(frm["Total-" + indx]);
                            solditem.EnteredBy      = (User as CustomPrincipal).UserId;
                            solditem.IsDeleted      = false;
                            solditem.EnteredDate    = DateTime.Now;

                            db.AddInvetorySoldBulkItem(solditem, firstId, lastId);
                            int lastItemId  = ddl.GetLastItemNo();
                            int totstudent  = lastId - firstId;
                            int firstItemId = lastItemId - totstudent;
                            db.AddUpdateInvetorySoldBulkItem(solditem, firstItemId, lastItemId);
            ViewBag.CategoryList   = ddl.GetCategoryList(orgid);
            ViewBag.ItemList       = ddl.GetItemList(orgid, 0);
            ViewBag.UnitList       = ddl.GetUnitList(orgid);
            ViewBag.BatchId        = new SelectList(ddl.GetBatchList(orgid), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.ClassId        = new SelectList(ddl.GetClassList(orgid), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.SectionId      = new SelectList(ddl.GetSectionList(orgid), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.StaffId        = new SelectList(ddl.GetStaffList(orgid), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.StudentId      = new SelectList(ddl.GetStudentList(orgid, 0, 0, 0), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.OrganizationId = orgid;
