public void SetUp() { unitTestContext = new UnitTestContext(); mtgStore = new MtgStore( testConfig.Url, testConfig.Database, unitTestContext.QueryStatisticsStoreMock.Object, unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object, unitTestContext.SearchUtilityMock.Object); unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.SetupGet(b => b.Store) .Returns(mtgStore); unitTestContext.UrlShortenerMock.Setup(u => u.ShortenUrl("")) .Returns("http://deck1"); unitTestContext.UrlShortenerMock.Setup(u => u.ShortenUrl("")) .Returns("http://deck2"); unitTestContext.UrlShortenerMock.Setup(u => u.ShortenUrl("")) .Returns("http://deck3"); plugin = new TappedOutComboDecksPlugin( unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.Object, unitTestContext.BotConfig); plugin.LoggingService = unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object; }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Bootstrapper.Register(); mStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); mLoggingService = TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <ILoggingService>(); mMtgStore = TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <IMtgStore>(); mPriceUpdaters = TinyIoCContainer.Current.ResolveAll <IPriceUpdater>().ToList(); // Setup worker mUpdaterBackgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bw_UpdaterDoWork); mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bw_EchoMtgsCompleted); mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bw_EchoMtgProgressChanged); try { Console.WriteLine("Running worker thread for EchoMtg..."); mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } catch (Exception er) { string msg = string.Format("Error: {0}", er.Message); mLoggingService.Fatal(er, msg); Console.WriteLine(msg); } while (mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.IsBusy) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public void SetUp() { unitTestContext = new UnitTestContext(); httpClient = new SimpleHttpClient(unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object); mtgStore = new MtgStore( testConfig.Url, testConfig.Database, unitTestContext.QueryStatisticsStoreMock.Object, unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object, unitTestContext.SearchUtilityMock.Object); // Setup ICardPriceStore Mocks unitTestContext.PriceStoreMock.Setup(p => p.FindAndModifySetPrice(It.IsAny <SetPrice>(), true)) .Returns((SetPrice price, bool upsert) => price); unitTestContext.PriceStoreMock.Setup(p => p.FindAndModifyCardPrice(It.IsAny <CardPrice>(), true)) .Returns((CardPrice price, bool upsert) => price); priceUpdater = new EchoMtgPriceUpdater( mtgStore, unitTestContext.PriceStoreMock.Object, unitTestContext.HttpClientMock.Object, unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object, unitTestContext.SearchUtilityMock.Object); }
public void SetUp() { unitTestContext = new UnitTestContext(); mtgStore = new MtgStore( testConfig.Url, testConfig.Database, unitTestContext.QueryStatisticsStoreMock.Object, unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object, unitTestContext.SearchUtilityMock.Object); unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.SetupGet(b => b.Store) .Returns(mtgStore); var httpClient = new SimpleHttpClient(unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object); unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.SetupGet(b => b.HttpClient) .Returns(httpClient); plugin = new CardPricePlugin( unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.Object, unitTestContext.BotConfig); plugin.LoggingService = unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object; }
public PluginManager(ILoggingService logger, IMtgStore store, ICommandParser commandParser, IReporter reporter, TinyIoCContainer container) { if (logger == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("logger"); } if (store == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("store"); } if (commandParser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("commandParser"); } if (reporter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reporter"); } if (container == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("container"); } this.mLogger = logger; this.mStore = store; this.mCommandParser = commandParser; this.mReporter = reporter; this.mContainer = container; }
public PluginManager( string botName, string pluginDirectory, ILoggingService logger, IMtgStore store, ICommandParser commandParser, IReporter reporter, TinyIoCContainer container) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(botName)) { throw new ArgumentException("botName"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginDirectory)) { throw new ArgumentException("pluginDirectory"); } if (!Directory.Exists(pluginDirectory)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(pluginDirectory); } if (store == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("store"); } if (commandParser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("commandParser"); } if (reporter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reporter"); } if (container == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("container"); } this.mBotName = botName; this.mPluginDirectory = pluginDirectory; this.mLogger = logger; this.mStore = store; this.mCommandParser = commandParser; this.mContainer = container; this.mReporter = reporter; this.LoadPlugins(); }
public void SetUp() { unitTestContext = new UnitTestContext(); mtgStore = new MtgStore( testConfig.Url, testConfig.Database, unitTestContext.QueryStatisticsStoreMock.Object, unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object, unitTestContext.SearchUtilityMock.Object); }
public BotServices( IMtgStore store, ICardPriceStore priceStore, ICommandParser commandParser, IHttpClient httpClient, IUrlShortener urlShortener, IQueryStatisticsStore queryStatisticsStore, IAutocompleter autocompleter) { if (store == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("store"); } if (priceStore == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("priceStore"); } if (commandParser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("commandParser"); } if (httpClient == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("httpClient"); } if (urlShortener == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("urlShortener"); } if (queryStatisticsStore == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("queryStatisticsStore"); } if (autocompleter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("autocompleter"); } this.mStore = store; this.mPriceStore = priceStore; this.mCommandParser = commandParser; this.mHttpClient = httpClient; this.mUrlShortener = urlShortener; this.mQueryStatisticsStore = queryStatisticsStore; this.mAutocompleter = autocompleter; }
public void SetUp() { loggingServiceMock = new Mock <ILoggingService>(); searchUtilityMock = new Mock <SearchUtility>(); searchUtilityMock.Setup(s => s.GetSearchValue(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns((string s) => this.GetSearchValue(s)); searchUtilityMock.Setup(s => s.GetRegexSearchValue(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns((string s) => this.GetRegexSearchValue(s)); mtgStore = new MtgStore(testConfig.Url, testConfig.Database, loggingServiceMock.Object, searchUtilityMock.Object); }
public void TestFixtureSetUp() { testConfig = new ConfigReader().Read(); unitTestContext = new UnitTestContext(); mtgStore = new MtgStore( testConfig.Url, testConfig.Database, unitTestContext.QueryStatisticsStoreMock.Object, unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object, unitTestContext.SearchUtilityMock.Object); }
public RedditTopCommentPlugin( IMtgStore store, ICardPriceStore priceStore, ICommandParser commandParser, IHttpClient httpClient, IUrlShortener urlShortener) : base( store, priceStore, commandParser, httpClient, urlShortener) { }
public MtgImporter(IMtgStore store, ILoggingService loggingService) { if (store == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("store"); } if (loggingService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("loggingService"); } this.mStore = store; this.mLoggingService = loggingService; }
public TappedOutFormatCheckPlugin( IMtgStore store, ICardPriceStore priceStore, ICommandParser commandParser, IHttpClient httpClient, IUrlShortener urlShortener, BotConfig config ) : base( store, priceStore, commandParser, httpClient, urlShortener, config) { }
public GetRandomCardByDescriptionPlugin( IMtgStore store, ICardPriceStore priceStore, ICommandParser commandParser, IHttpClient httpClient, IUrlShortener urlShortener, BotConfig config ) : base( store, priceStore, commandParser, httpClient, urlShortener, config) { }
public SearchPlugin( IMtgStore store, ICardPriceStore priceStore, ICommandParser commandParser, IHttpClient httpClient, IUrlShortener urlShortener, BotConfig config ) : base( store, priceStore, commandParser, httpClient, urlShortener, config) { }
public PluginBase( IMtgStore store, ICardPriceStore priceStore, ICommandParser commandParser, IHttpClient httpClient, IUrlShortener urlShortener, BotConfig config) { if (store == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("store"); } if (priceStore == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("priceStore"); } if (commandParser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("commandParser"); } if (httpClient == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("httpClient"); } if (urlShortener == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("urlShortener"); } if (config == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("config"); } this.mStore = store; this.mPriceStore = priceStore; this.mCommandParser = commandParser; this.mHttpClient = httpClient; this.mUrlShortener = urlShortener; this.mBotConfig = config; }
public void SetUp() { unitTestContext = new UnitTestContext(); mtgStore = new MtgStore( testConfig.Url, testConfig.Database, unitTestContext.QueryStatisticsStoreMock.Object, unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object, unitTestContext.SearchUtilityMock.Object); unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.SetupGet(b => b.Store) .Returns(mtgStore); plugin = new GetRandomCardByDescriptionPlugin( unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.Object, unitTestContext.BotConfig); plugin.LoggingService = unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object; }
public void SetUp() { unitTestContext = new UnitTestContext(); mtgStore = new MtgStore( testConfig.Url, testConfig.Database, unitTestContext.QueryStatisticsStoreMock.Object, unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object, unitTestContext.SearchUtilityMock.Object); unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.SetupGet(b => b.Store) .Returns(mtgStore); imgCommandPlugin = new ImgHiresCommand( unitTestContext.BotServicesMock.Object, unitTestContext.BotConfig); imgCommandPlugin.LoggingService = unitTestContext.LoggingServiceMock.Object; }
public WolframAlphaPlugin( IMtgStore store, ICardPriceStore priceStore, ICommandParser commandParser, IHttpClient httpClient, IUrlShortener urlShortener, BotConfig config) : base( store, priceStore, commandParser, httpClient, urlShortener, config) { string configFile = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Wolfram.ini"); string appId = LoadConfig(configFile); this.mWolframAlpha = new WolframAlpha(appId); this.mWolframAlpha.ScanTimeout = cScanTimeout; }
public EchoMtgPriceUpdater( IMtgStore mtgStore, ICardPriceStore priceStore, IHttpClient httpClient, ILoggingService loggingService, SearchUtility searchUtility) { if (mtgStore == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("mtgStore"); } if (priceStore == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("priceStore"); } if (httpClient == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("httpClient"); } if (loggingService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("loggingService"); } if (searchUtility == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("searchUtility"); } this.mMtgStore = mtgStore; this.mPriceStore = priceStore; this.mHttpClient = httpClient; this.mLoggingService = loggingService; this.mSearchUtility = searchUtility; }
public IndexModule( BotConfig botConfig, IMtgStore mtgStore, IMessenger messenger, IPluginManager pluginManager, ICommandParser commandParser, ILoggingService loggingService, IReporter reporter, ICardPriceStore priceStore) { Get["/"] = parameters => { loggingService.Warning("GET request from {0}: Path '{1}' was invalid.", this.Request.UserHostAddress, this.Request.Path); return(View["index/index.html"]); }; #region Card Search Route Get["/api/search/{term?}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int limit = 200; string term = parameters.term; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(term) || term.StartsWith("?")) { return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = "", Limit = limit, Cards = new List <Card>() })); } var db_cards = await mtgStore.AdvancedSearchCards(term, limit); if (db_cards == null) { string msg = string.Format("No cards found using name '{0}'", term); loggingService.Error(msg); return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = term, Limit = limit, Cards = new List <Card>() }).StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } // Get price information var cards = db_cards.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetId, Set = c.SetName, Cost = c.Cost, CostSymbols = c.CostWithSymbols, Type = c.FullType, Rarity = c.Rarity, Img = c.Img, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, SearchName = c.SearchName, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Desc = c.Desc, DescSymbols = c.DescWithSymbols, ConvertedManaCost = c.Cmc, Prices = GetCardPrice(priceStore, c.MultiverseId) }).OrderByDescending(c => c.SearchName); sw.Stop(); return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = term, Limit = limit, Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Cards = cards, })); }; // // Testing out paging Post["/api/0.x/search", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int limit = 1000; //string term = parameters.term; var query = this.Bind <SearchQuery>(); if (query == null) { return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.SearchTerm)) { return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } var db_cards = await mtgStore.SearchCards(query.SearchTerm, query.Page, limit); if (db_cards == null) { string msg = string.Format("No cards found using name '{0}'", query.SearchTerm); loggingService.Error(msg); return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = query.SearchTerm, Limit = limit, Cards = new List <Card>() }).StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } var cards = db_cards.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetId, Set = c.SetName, Cost = c.Cost, CostSymbols = c.CostWithSymbols, Type = c.FullType, Rarity = c.Rarity, Img = c.Img, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, SearchName = c.SearchName, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Desc = c.Desc, DescSymbols = c.DescWithSymbols, ConvertedManaCost = c.Cmc, Prices = GetCardPrice(priceStore, c.MultiverseId) }).OrderByDescending(c => c.SearchName); sw.Stop(); return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = query.SearchTerm, Limit = limit, Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Cards = cards })); }; #endregion // priceincreases route Get["/priceincreases/"] = parameters => { int limit = 10; List <CardPrice> prices = priceStore.GetCardsByPriceIncrease(limit); return(Response.AsJson <List <CardPrice> >(prices)); }; // pricedecreases route Get["/pricedecreases/"] = parameters => { int limit = 10; List <CardPrice> prices = priceStore.GetCardsByPriceDecrease(limit); return(Response.AsJson <List <CardPrice> >(prices)); }; // Price changes Get["/price-changes", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { int limit = 100; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <CardPrice> db_increases = priceStore.GetCardsByPriceIncrease(limit); List <CardPrice> db_decreases = priceStore.GetCardsByPriceDecrease(limit); var increases = db_increases.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetCode, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, PriceDiff = c.PriceDiff, PriceDiffValue = c.PriceDiffValue, PriceMid = c.PriceMid, PriceFoil = c.PriceFoil, Img = c.ImageUrl, LastUpdated = c.LastUpdated.ToShortDateString(), Url = c.Url }); var decreases = db_decreases.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetCode, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, PriceDiff = c.PriceDiff, PriceDiffValue = c.PriceDiffValue, PriceMid = c.PriceMid, PriceFoil = c.PriceFoil, Img = c.ImageUrl, LastUpdated = c.LastUpdated.ToShortDateString(), Url = c.Url }); sw.Stop(); return(View["index/price-changes.html", new { Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Limit = limit, Increased = increases, Decreased = decreases }]); }; // Ruling route Get["/ruling/{id:int}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int cardMultiverseId =; var card = await mtgStore.GetCard(cardMultiverseId); if (card == null) { string msg = string.Format("No card found using multiverseId '{0}'", cardMultiverseId); loggingService.Error(msg); return(msg); } var set = await mtgStore.GetSetByCode(card.SetId); if (set == null) { string msg = string.Format("No set found using code '{0}'", card.SetId); loggingService.Error(msg); return(msg); } // Get price information var cardPrice = priceStore.GetCardPrice(card.MultiverseId); sw.Stop(); return(View["index/ruling.html", new { Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Card = card, SetCode = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(set.GathererCode) ? set.GathererCode : set.Code, CardPrices = new { Url = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.Url : "", Low = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.PriceLow : "", Mid = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.PriceMid : "", Foil = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.PriceFoil : "", Diff = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.PriceDiff : "", } }]); }; // Get search results Get["/search/{name}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int limit = 100; string name =; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(HttpStatusCode.Accepted); } var cards = await mtgStore.SearchCards(name, limit); if (cards == null) { string msg = string.Format("No cards found using name '{0}'", name); loggingService.Error(msg); return(msg); } sw.Stop(); return(View["index/search.html", new { SearchTerm = name, Limit = limit, Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Cards = cards }]); }; #region Sets Get["/sets", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sets = await mtgStore.GetSets(); return(View["listSets.html", new { Sets = sets.Select(s => new { Name = s.Name, Code = s.Code, Block = s.Block, Type = s.Type, ReleasedOn = s.ReleasedOn.ToShortDateString(), ReleasedOnSort = s.ReleasedOn, Symbol = s.SetAsKeyRuneIcon }).OrderByDescending(s => s.ReleasedOnSort) }]); }; Get["/set/{set}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { string setCode = parameters.set; var set = await mtgStore.GetSetByCode(setCode); var db_cards = await mtgStore.GetCardsBySet(set.Name); // Get price information var cards = db_cards.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetId, Set = c.SetName, Cost = c.Cost, CostSymbols = c.CostWithSymbols, Type = c.FullType, Rarity = c.Rarity, Img = c.Img, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, SearchName = c.SearchName, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Desc = c.Desc, DescSymbols = c.DescWithSymbols, ConvertedManaCost = c.Cmc, SetSymbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon }).OrderByDescending(c => c.SearchName); return(View["set.html", new { Set = set, Cards = cards }]); }; #endregion #region Bot Route Post["/bot/{token}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { try { // Get the request's body as a string, for logging string request_string = this.Request.Body.AsString(); string sentToken = parameters.token; // If the passed token segment does not match the secret token, return NotAcceptable status if (sentToken != botConfig.SecretToken) { string errMsg = string.Format("POST request from {0}: Token '{1}' was invalid.\nREQUEST = {2}", this.Request.UserHostAddress, sentToken, request_string); loggingService.Warning(errMsg); reporter.Warning(errMsg); return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } var message = new GroupMeMessage(); // Bind and validate the request to GroupMeMessage var msg = this.BindToAndValidate(message); if (!ModelValidationResult.IsValid) { string errMsg = string.Format("POST request from {0}: Message was invalid.\nREQUEST = {1}", this.Request.UserHostAddress, request_string); loggingService.Warning(errMsg); reporter.Warning(errMsg); return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } // Don't handle messages sent from ourself if ( == messenger.BotName.ToLower()) { return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.text)) { loggingService.Debug("POST request from {0}: Message text is empty or null.\nREQUEST = {1}", this.Request.UserHostAddress, request_string); return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } loggingService.Trace("MSG: From: {0} [UID: {1}]; Body: {2}",, message.user_id, message.text); // Parse the command var command = commandParser.Parse(message.text); if (command != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.Cmd)) { loggingService.Trace("Received command: {0}", command.Cmd); if (command.Cmd.ToLower() == "help") { bool helpHandled = await pluginManager.HandledHelpCommand(command, messenger); } else { // If a message is in a command format '<cmd>\s[message]', // have the plugin manager see if any loaded plugins are set to respond to that command bool handled = await pluginManager.HandleCommand(command, message, messenger); if (!handled) { pluginManager.SendMessage(message, messenger); } } } } return(HttpStatusCode.Accepted); } catch (Exception er) { reporter.Error("MAIN ERROR", er); loggingService.Error(er, string.Format("** MAIN ERROR: {0}", er.Message)); return(HttpStatusCode.BadGateway); } }; #endregion }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bootstrapper.Register(); var p = new FluentCommandLineParser(); string inputName = null; // Parse command line arguments bool isMtgDbInfo = false; string mtgDbInfoSet = null; bool isMtgJson = false; string mtgJsonFilename = null; bool skipTokens = true; string mtgJsonDirectory = null; bool importByFile = true; try { mStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); mLoggingService = TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <ILoggingService>(); mMtgStore = TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <IMtgStore>(); mFileSystem = TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <IFileSystem>(); mImporter = TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <IImporter>(); p.Setup <string>("set") .Callback(value => mtgDbInfoSet = value) .Required(); p.Setup <bool>("mtgjson") .Callback(value => isMtgJson = value) .SetDefault(true); p.Setup <string>("file") .Callback(value => mtgJsonFilename = value); p.Setup <string>("dir") .Callback(value => mtgJsonDirectory = value); p.Setup <bool>("skiptokens") .Callback(value => skipTokens = value) .SetDefault(true); p.Setup <bool>("skippromos") .Callback(value => mSkipPromos = value) .SetDefault(true); p.Parse(args); // Make sure we have either --file or --dir if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mtgJsonDirectory) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(mtgJsonFilename)) { throw new Exception("You must either use --file or --dir."); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mtgJsonDirectory)) { importByFile = false; } if (isMtgJson && importByFile) { inputName = mtgJsonFilename; } else if (isMtgJson && !importByFile) { inputName = mtgJsonDirectory; if (!Directory.Exists(inputName)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(inputName); } } else { throw new Exception("Please provide either --mtgdbinfo or --mtgjson arguments."); } mDataReader = new MtgJsonReader( TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <IMtgDataMapper <MtgJsonCard, MtgJsonSet> >("MtgJson"), mLoggingService); mDataReader.SkipTokens = skipTokens; // Setup worker mUpdaterBackgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bw_UpdaterDoWork); mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bw_Completed); mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bw_ProgressChanged); Console.WriteLine("Running worker thread..."); mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(new WorkArgs { ImportByFile = importByFile, InputName = inputName }); } catch (Exception er) { string msg = string.Format("Error: {0}", er.Message); mLoggingService.Fatal(er, msg); Console.WriteLine(msg); } while (mUpdaterBackgroundWorker.IsBusy) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public CardSearchDiagnosticsProvider(IMtgStore store, ICardPriceStore priceStore) { this.mMtgStore = store; this.mPriceStore = priceStore; }
public AdminModule( IMtgStore mtgStore, ILoggingService loggingService, ICardPriceStore priceStore, IHttpClient httpClient, IMtgDataReader mtgDataReader, IImporter importer) : base("/admin") { Get["/"] = parameters => { if (this.Context.CurrentUser == null) { return(this.Context.GetRedirect("/admin/login")); } else { return(View["admin.html"]); } }; Get["/login"] = parameters => { return(View["login.html"]); }; Get["/logout"] = parameters => { return(this.LogoutAndRedirect("/admin/login/")); }; Post["/login"] = args => { var userGuid = UserMapper.ValidateUser((string)this.Request.Form.Username, (string)this.Request.Form.Password); if (userGuid == null) { return(this.Context.GetRedirect("/admin/login")); } DateTime?expiry = null; if (this.Request.Form.RememberMe.HasValue) { expiry = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); } return(this.LoginAndRedirect(userGuid.Value, expiry, "/admin")); }; #region Sets Get["/sets", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { this.RequiresAuthentication(); var sets = await mtgStore.GetSets(); return(View["listSets.html", new { Sets = sets.Select(s => new { Name = s.Name, Code = s.Code, Block = s.Block, Type = s.Type, ReleasedOn = s.ReleasedOn.ToShortDateString(), ReleasedOnSort = s.ReleasedOn, Symbol = s.SetAsKeyRuneIcon }).OrderByDescending(s => s.ReleasedOnSort) }]); }; Get["/set/{set}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { this.RequiresAuthentication(); string setCode = parameters.set; var set = await mtgStore.GetSetByCode(setCode); var db_cards = await mtgStore.GetCardsBySet(set.Name); // Get price information var cards = db_cards.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetId, Set = c.SetName, Cost = c.Cost, CostSymbols = c.CostWithSymbols, Type = c.FullType, Rarity = c.Rarity, Img = c.Img, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, SearchName = c.SearchName, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Desc = c.Desc, DescSymbols = c.DescWithSymbols, ConvertedManaCost = c.Cmc, SetSymbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Prices = GetCardPrice(priceStore, c.MultiverseId) }).OrderByDescending(c => c.SearchName); return(View["set.html", new { Set = set, Cards = cards }]); }; #endregion #region Add Set Get["/addset"] = parameters => { this.RequiresAuthentication(); return(View["addSet.html"]); }; Post["/addset", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { this.RequiresAuthentication(); var setData = this.Bind <SetAddData>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setData.url)) { return(Response.AsJson(new { Error = "No url provided.", Status = "Error" }).StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } string data = await httpClient.GetAsJson(setData.url); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { return(Response.AsJson(new { Error = "Url contains invalid data or no data.", Status = "Error" }).StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } var set = mtgDataReader.ReadSet(data); if (set == null) { return(Response.AsJson(new { Error = "No set defined", Status = "Error" }).StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (set.Type.ToLower() == "promo") { return(Response.AsJson(new { Error = "Set is promo, skipping", Status = "Error" }).StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } var cards = mtgDataReader.ReadCards(data); var status = await importer.Import(set, cards); if (status != null) { return(Response.AsJson(new { Status = "Success", CardsInserted = status.ImportedCards.Select( c => new { Name = c.Name, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, Cost = c.Cost, Type = c.FullType, Img = c.Img, Set = c.SetId }).ToList(), CardsFailed = status.FailedCards.Select( c => new { Name = c.Name, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, Cost = c.Cost, Type = c.FullType, Img = c.Img, Set = c.SetId }).ToList() })); } else { return(Response.AsText("Import failed").StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } }; #endregion }
public IndexModule( IMtgStore mtgStore, ILoggingService loggingService, ICardPriceStore priceStore ) { Get["/"] = parameters => { loggingService.Warning("GET request from {0}: Path '{1}' was invalid.", this.Request.UserHostAddress, this.Request.Path); return(View["index/index.html"]); }; #region Card Search Route Get["/api/search/{term?}/{type?text}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int limit = 1000; string term = parameters.term; string searchType = parameters.type; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(term) || term.StartsWith("?")) { return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = "", Limit = limit, Cards = new List <Card>() })); } List <Card> db_cards = null; if (searchType.ToLower() == "text") { db_cards = await mtgStore.FullTextSearch(term, limit); } else if (searchType.ToLower() == "name") { db_cards = await mtgStore.SearchCards(term, 0, limit); } if (db_cards == null) { string msg = string.Format("No cards found using name '{0}'", term); loggingService.Error(msg); return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = term, Limit = limit, Cards = new List <Card>() }).StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } // Get price information var cards = db_cards.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetId, Set = c.SetName, Cost = c.Cost, CostSymbols = c.CostWithSymbols, Type = c.FullType, Rarity = c.Rarity, Img = c.Img, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, SearchName = c.SearchName, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Desc = c.Desc, DescSymbols = c.DescWithSymbols, ConvertedManaCost = c.Cmc, Prices = GetCardPrice(priceStore, c.MultiverseId) }); sw.Stop(); return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = term, Limit = limit, Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Cards = cards, })); }; // // Testing out paging Post["/api/0.x/search", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int limit = 1000; //string term = parameters.term; var query = this.Bind <SearchQuery>(); if (query == null) { return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.SearchTerm)) { return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } var db_cards = await mtgStore.SearchCards(query.SearchTerm, query.Page, limit); if (db_cards == null) { string msg = string.Format("No cards found using name '{0}'", query.SearchTerm); loggingService.Error(msg); return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = query.SearchTerm, Limit = limit, Cards = new List <Card>() }).StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable); } var cards = db_cards.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetId, Set = c.SetName, Cost = c.Cost, CostSymbols = c.CostWithSymbols, Type = c.FullType, Rarity = c.Rarity, Img = c.Img, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, SearchName = c.SearchName, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Desc = c.Desc, DescSymbols = c.DescWithSymbols, ConvertedManaCost = c.Cmc, Prices = GetCardPrice(priceStore, c.MultiverseId) }).OrderByDescending(c => c.SearchName); sw.Stop(); return(Response.AsJson(new { SearchTerm = query.SearchTerm, Limit = limit, Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Cards = cards })); }; #endregion // priceincreases route Get["/priceincreases/"] = parameters => { int limit = 10; List <CardPrice> prices = priceStore.GetCardsByPriceIncrease(limit); return(Response.AsJson <List <CardPrice> >(prices)); }; // pricedecreases route Get["/pricedecreases/"] = parameters => { int limit = 10; List <CardPrice> prices = priceStore.GetCardsByPriceDecrease(limit); return(Response.AsJson <List <CardPrice> >(prices)); }; // Price changes Get["/price-changes", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { int limit = 100; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <CardPrice> db_increases = priceStore.GetCardsByPriceIncrease(limit); List <CardPrice> db_decreases = priceStore.GetCardsByPriceDecrease(limit); var increases = db_increases.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetCode, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, PriceDiff = c.PriceDiff, PriceDiffValue = c.PriceDiffValue, PriceMid = c.PriceMid, PriceFoil = c.PriceFoil, Img = c.ImageUrl, LastUpdated = c.LastUpdated.ToShortDateString(), Url = c.Url }); var decreases = db_decreases.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetCode, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, PriceDiff = c.PriceDiff, PriceDiffValue = c.PriceDiffValue, PriceMid = c.PriceMid, PriceFoil = c.PriceFoil, Img = c.ImageUrl, LastUpdated = c.LastUpdated.ToShortDateString(), Url = c.Url }); sw.Stop(); return(View["index/price-changes.html", new { Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Limit = limit, Increased = increases, Decreased = decreases }]); }; // Ruling route Get["/ruling/{id:int}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int cardMultiverseId =; var card = await mtgStore.GetCard(cardMultiverseId); if (card == null) { string msg = string.Format("No card found using multiverseId '{0}'", cardMultiverseId); loggingService.Error(msg); return(msg); } var set = await mtgStore.GetSetByCode(card.SetId); if (set == null) { string msg = string.Format("No set found using code '{0}'", card.SetId); loggingService.Error(msg); return(msg); } // Get price information var cardPrice = priceStore.GetCardPrice(card.MultiverseId); sw.Stop(); return(View["index/ruling.html", new { Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Card = card, SetCode = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(set.GathererCode) ? set.GathererCode : set.Code, CardPrices = new { Url = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.Url : "", Low = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.PriceLow : "", Mid = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.PriceMid : "", Foil = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.PriceFoil : "", Diff = cardPrice != null ? cardPrice.PriceDiff : "", } }]); }; // Get search results Get["/search/{term}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int limit = 1000; string term = parameters.term; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(term)) { return(HttpStatusCode.Accepted); } var db_cards = await mtgStore.FullTextSearch(term, limit); if (db_cards == null) { string msg = string.Format("No cards found using name '{0}'", term); loggingService.Error(msg); return(msg); } sw.Stop(); // Get price information var cards = db_cards.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetId, Set = c.SetName, Cost = c.Cost, CostSymbols = c.CostWithSymbols, Type = c.FullType, Rarity = c.Rarity, Img = c.Img, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, SearchName = c.SearchName, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Desc = c.Desc, DescSymbols = c.DescWithSymbols, ConvertedManaCost = c.Cmc, Prices = GetCardPrice(priceStore, c.MultiverseId) }).ToList(); sw.Stop(); return(View["index/search.html", new { SearchTerm = term, Limit = limit, Elapsed = sw.Elapsed.ToString(), Cards = cards, }]); }; #region Sets Get["/sets", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { var sets = await mtgStore.GetSets(); return(View["listSets.html", new { Sets = sets.Select(s => new { Name = s.Name, Code = s.Code, Block = s.Block, Type = s.Type, ReleasedOn = s.ReleasedOn.ToShortDateString(), ReleasedOnSort = s.ReleasedOn, Symbol = s.SetAsKeyRuneIcon }).OrderByDescending(s => s.ReleasedOnSort) }]); }; Get["/set/{set}", true] = async(parameters, ct) => { string setCode = parameters.set; var set = await mtgStore.GetSetByCode(setCode); // If set doesnt exist, redirect back to sets list if (set == null) { return(Response.AsRedirect("/sets", RedirectResponse.RedirectType.Temporary)); } var db_cards = await mtgStore.GetCardsBySet(set.Name); // Get price information var cards = db_cards.Select(c => new { Name = c.Name, Code = c.SetId, Set = c.SetName, Cost = c.Cost, CostSymbols = c.CostWithSymbols, Type = c.FullType, Rarity = c.Rarity, Img = c.Img, MultiverseId = c.MultiverseId, SearchName = c.SearchName, Symbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Desc = c.Desc, DescSymbols = c.DescWithSymbols, ConvertedManaCost = c.Cmc, SetSymbol = c.SetAsKeyRuneIcon, Prices = GetCardPrice(priceStore, c.MultiverseId) }).OrderByDescending(c => c.SearchName); return(View["set.html", new { Set = set, Cards = cards }]); }; #endregion }