Beispiel #1
 public CharacterBoard()
     _settings          = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IReadOnlySettings>();
     _mouseInput        = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseInput>();
     _editingArea       = new AreaRectangle(205, 110, 380, 345, new Color(10, 10, 10, 50));
     _characterPosition = new Vector2(400, 450);
        public IconsPalette()
            _items = new List <IconPaletteItem>();
            _characterDefinition = DependencyInjection.Resolve <CharacterDefinition>();
            _mouseInput          = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseInput>();
            _settings            = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IReadOnlySettings>();

            for (var l = 0; l < 4; l++)
                for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                    var source      = new Rectangle((i % 5) * 64, (i / 5) * 64, 64, 64);
                    var destination = new Rectangle(i * 23, 467 + l * 32, 23, 32);

                    if (l == 3)
                        source.X     = (i % 4) * 80;
                        source.Y     = (i / 4) * 64;
                        source.Width = 80;

                        if (i < 15)
                            destination.X     = i * 30;
                            destination.Width = 30;

                    _items.Add(new IconPaletteItem(i + 64 * l, l, source, destination));
            public PropertyWheelWidgetBase(HudParentBase parent = null) : base(parent)
                confirmButton = new BorderedButton()
                    Text        = "Confirm",
                    Height      = 40f,
                    Width       = 150f,
                    Padding     = Vector2.Zero,
                    TextPadding = Vector2.Zero,
                cancelButton = new BorderedButton()
                    Text        = "Cancel",
                    Height      = 40f,
                    Width       = 150f,
                    Padding     = Vector2.Zero,
                    TextPadding = Vector2.Zero,

                buttonChain = new HudChain(false)
                    ParentAlignment     = ParentAlignments.Left | ParentAlignments.Inner,
                    Spacing             = 8f,
                    CollectionContainer = { confirmButton, cancelButton }

                DimAlignment = DimAlignments.Width | DimAlignments.IgnorePadding;

                MouseInput = new MouseInputElement(this)
                    ZOffset      = 10,
                    DimAlignment = DimAlignments.Both | DimAlignments.IgnorePadding,
                    ShareCursor  = true,
 public CharacterBoard()
     _settings = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IReadOnlySettings>();
     _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseInput>();
     _editingArea = new AreaRectangle(205, 110, 380, 345, new Color(10, 10, 10, 50));
     _characterPosition = new Vector2(400, 450);
 public FlipTextButton(int x, int y)
     _text       = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IText>();
     _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseInput>();
     Position    = new Vector2(x, y);
     _options    = new List <FlipTextOption>();
Beispiel #6
 public override void Awake()
     background = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Image>();
     mInput     = this.gameObject.GetComponent <UiMouseInputProvider>();
        public IconsPalette()
            _items = new List<IconPaletteItem>();
            _characterDefinition = DependencyInjection.Resolve<CharacterDefinition>();
            _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseInput>();
            _settings = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IReadOnlySettings>();

            for (var l = 0; l < 4; l++)
                for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                    var source = new Rectangle((i % 5) * 64, (i / 5) * 64, 64, 64);
                    var destination = new Rectangle(i * 23, 467 + l * 32, 23, 32);

                    if (l == 3)
                        source.X = (i % 4) * 80;
                        source.Y = (i / 4) * 64;
                        source.Width = 80;

                        if (i < 15)
                            destination.X = i * 30;
                            destination.Width = 30;

                    _items.Add(new IconPaletteItem(i + 64 * l, l, source, destination));
        public NpcNameFinder(ILogger logger, IDirectBitmapProvider bitmapProvider, IMouseInput mouseInput)
            this.logger         = logger;
            this.mouseInput     = mouseInput;
            this.bitmapProvider = bitmapProvider;

            locFindAndClickNpc = new List <Point>
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(10, 10).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(-10, -10).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(20, 20).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(-20, -20).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight)

            locFindByCursorType = new List <Point>
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(0, -25).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(-5, 10).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(5, 35).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(-5, 75).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(0, 125).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(0, 160).Scale(scaleToRefWidth, scaleToRefHeight),
 protected override void Awake()
     CardHandSelector   = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <UiCardHandSelector>();
     Input              = GetComponent <IMouseInput>();
     Input.OnPointerUp += OnPointerUp;
 public TextEditor(int x, int y)
     _text = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IText>();
     _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseInput>();
     _keyboardControl = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IKeyboardControl>();
     Position = new Vector2(x, y);
     Visible = true;
Beispiel #11
 public Button(IMouseInput mouseInput, string textureName, Vector2 position, Rectangle size)
     MouseInput = mouseInput;
     Size       = size;
     this.Scale = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
     this.AddPositionComponent(position.X, position.Y);
     this.AddTextureComponent(textureName, size.Width, size.Height);
Beispiel #12
 public TextEditor(int x, int y)
     _text            = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IText>();
     _mouseInput      = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseInput>();
     _keyboardControl = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IKeyboardControl>();
     Position         = new Vector2(x, y);
     Visible          = true;
Beispiel #13
        public override void Initialize()

            mouseInput      = (IMouseInput)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IMouseInput));
            cursorManager   = (ICursorManager)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(ICursorManager));
            graphicsManager = (IGraphicsManager)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IGraphicsManager));
        public TextButton(string text, int x, int y)
            _guiText = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IText>();
            _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseInput>();

            Text = text;
            Position = new Vector2(x, y);
            Visible = true;
Beispiel #15
 public static void InitializeServices(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
     KeyboardInput   = (IKeyboardInput)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IKeyboardInput));
     MouseInput      = (IMouseInput)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IMouseInput));
     CursorManager   = (ICursorManager)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ICursorManager));
     GraphicsManager = (IGraphicsManager)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IGraphicsManager));
     ResourceManager = (IResourceManager)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IResourceManager));
     Debug           = (IDebug)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDebug));
Beispiel #16
        public TextButton(string text, int x, int y)
            _guiText    = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IText>();
            _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseInput>();

            Text     = text;
            Position = new Vector2(x, y);
            Visible  = true;
Beispiel #17
 protected override void Attach(IControl control)
     _isprite = control as ISpriteContent;
     _imouse  = control as IMouseInput;
     _ihitbox = control as ICustomHitBox;
     _icursor = control as ICustomCursor;
     if (_imouse != null || _ihitbox != null)
         gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
Beispiel #18
        public LiveEditor(QuickGameScene scene)
            Scene         = scene;
            KeyboardInput = Input.GetInput(scene);
            MouseInput    = Input.GetMouseInput(scene);
            Cursor = new EditorCursor(scene);

            Menu         = new EditorMenu(scene, this);
            ItemSelector = new ItemSelector(scene, this);
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Called the the control loses focus by the user clicking elsewhere.
 /// This takes care of hiding the drop down box.
 /// </summary>
 private void OnLoseFocusInternal(object sender, IMouseInput newFocus)
     if (newFocus != dropDownToggle && newFocus != dropDownBox && newFocus != dropDownBox.ScrollBar)
         if (dropDownVisible)
         dropDownBox.AllowScrollBar = false;
         dropDownToggle.Enabled     = false;
         dropDownVisible            = false;
Beispiel #20
        public GameScene(IDynamicRenderer renderer, IKeyboardInput keyboardInput, IMouseInput mouseInput)
            this.renderer = renderer;
            renderer.Tick += (s, e) => Tick();

            this.keyboardInput = keyboardInput;
            this.mouseInput = mouseInput;
            this.mouseInput.OnMouseMoved += (s, e) => lastMousePosition = e;
            lastMousePosition = this.mouseInput.MousePosition;

            obstacles = GenerateObstacles();
Beispiel #21
        public static bool OnMouseClick(int button, int state, int x, int y)
            MousePosition = new Click(x, y, (MouseButton)button, (MouseState)state);

            // call OnLoseFocus if a control lost focus
            if (MousePosition.State == MouseState.Down)
                if (Focus != null && currentSelection != Focus && Focus.OnLoseFocus != null)
                    Focus.OnLoseFocus(null, currentSelection);
                Focus = currentSelection;

            if (activeSelection != null && MousePosition.State == MouseState.Up)
                // if mouseup while a pickable object is active
                if (activeSelection.OnMouseUp != null)
                    activeSelection.OnMouseUp(null, new MouseEventArgs(MousePosition, LastMousePosition));
                activeSelection = null;
            else if (currentSelection != null && !(currentSelection is UIContainer))
                // if the mouse is current over a pickable object and clicks
                if (MousePosition.State == MouseState.Down)
                    if (currentSelection.OnMouseDown != null)
                        currentSelection.OnMouseDown(null, new MouseEventArgs(MousePosition, LastMousePosition));
                    activeSelection = currentSelection;
                    if (currentSelection.OnMouseUp != null)
                        currentSelection.OnMouseUp(null, new MouseEventArgs(MousePosition, LastMousePosition));
                    activeSelection = null;
                if (currentSelection.OnMouseClick != null)
                    currentSelection.OnMouseClick(null, new MouseEventArgs(MousePosition, LastMousePosition));

            return(activeSelection != null);
Beispiel #22
        protected override void Initialize()
            _editArea = new AreaRectangle(100, 50, 400, 450, new Color(255, 255, 255, 100));

            _mouseComponent    = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseComponent>();
            _mouseInput        = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseInput>();
            _mouseDrawer       = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseDrawer>();
            _settings          = DependencyInjection.Resolve <ISettings>();
            _map               = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMapComponent>();
            _keyboardComponent = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IKeyboardComponent>();

Beispiel #23
        public Button(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, int x, int y, float scale)
            _position    = new Vector2(x, y);
            _texture     = texture;
            _source      = source;
            _destination = new Rectangle(x, y, (int)(source.Width * scale), (int)(source.Height * scale));
            _mouseInput  = DependencyInjection.Resolve <IMouseInput>();

            _destinationHover         = _destination;
            _destinationHover.X      -= 1;
            _destinationHover.Y      -= 1;
            _destinationHover.Width  += 2;
            _destinationHover.Height += 2;
Beispiel #24
 private void OnLoseFocusInternal(object sender, IMouseInput newFocus)
     if (newFocus == this.dropDownToggle || newFocus == this.dropDownBox || newFocus == this.dropDownBox.ScrollBar)
     if (this.dropDownVisible)
     this.dropDownBox.AllowScrollBar = false;
     this.dropDownToggle.Enabled     = false;
     this.dropDownVisible            = false;
Beispiel #25
        public Button(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source, int x, int y, float scale)
            _position = new Vector2(x, y);
            _texture = texture;
            _source = source;
            _destination = new Rectangle(x, y, (int)(source.Width * scale), (int)(source.Height * scale));
            _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseInput>();

            _destinationHover = _destination;
            _destinationHover.X -= 1;
            _destinationHover.Y -= 1;
            _destinationHover.Width += 2;
            _destinationHover.Height += 2;
        private float shootingSpeed; //Max kliksnelheid voor schieten
        public RocketLauncher(Entity anObject, IMouseInput mouse)
            Mouse            = mouse;
            animationFactory = new AnimationFactory();
            GunAnimationHandler animationHandler = new GunAnimationHandler();

            animationHandler.Texture         = Textures.gunTexture;
            animationHandler.Mouse           = mouse;
            animationHandler.animations      = CreateGunAnimations();
            animationHandler.ParentTransform = anObject; //Volg object
            _AnimationHandler = animationHandler;
            _collision        = anObject._collision;
            Position          = anObject.Position; //Startpositie
            cooldown          = new Cooldown();
            Team          = ((Human)anObject).Team;
            shootingSpeed = 1f;
            Scale         = 1f;
Beispiel #27
 public static bool OnMouseClick(int button, int state, int x, int y)
     UserInterface.MousePosition = new Click(x, y, (MouseButton)button, (MouseState)state);
     if (UserInterface.MousePosition.State == MouseState.Down)
         if (UserInterface.Focus != null && UserInterface.currentSelection != UserInterface.Focus && UserInterface.Focus.OnLoseFocus != null)
             UserInterface.Focus.OnLoseFocus((object)null, (IMouseInput)UserInterface.currentSelection);
         UserInterface.Focus = (IMouseInput)UserInterface.currentSelection;
     if (UserInterface.activeSelection != null && UserInterface.MousePosition.State == MouseState.Up)
         if (UserInterface.activeSelection.OnMouseUp != null)
             UserInterface.activeSelection.OnMouseUp((object)null, new MouseEventArgs(UserInterface.MousePosition, UserInterface.LastMousePosition));
         UserInterface.activeSelection = (UIElement)null;
     else if (UserInterface.currentSelection != null && !(UserInterface.currentSelection is UIContainer))
         if (UserInterface.MousePosition.State == MouseState.Down)
             if (UserInterface.currentSelection.OnMouseDown != null)
                 UserInterface.currentSelection.OnMouseDown((object)null, new MouseEventArgs(UserInterface.MousePosition, UserInterface.LastMousePosition));
             UserInterface.activeSelection = UserInterface.currentSelection;
             if (UserInterface.currentSelection.OnMouseUp != null)
                 UserInterface.currentSelection.OnMouseUp((object)null, new MouseEventArgs(UserInterface.MousePosition, UserInterface.LastMousePosition));
             UserInterface.activeSelection = (UIElement)null;
         if (UserInterface.currentSelection.OnMouseClick != null)
             UserInterface.currentSelection.OnMouseClick((object)null, new MouseEventArgs(UserInterface.MousePosition, UserInterface.LastMousePosition));
     return(UserInterface.activeSelection != null);
Beispiel #28
            protected override void HandleInput(Vector2 cursorPos)
                /* TextBoard Offsets:
                 * The TextBoard allows you to set an offset for the text being rendered starting from the
                 * center of the element. Text outside the bounds of the element will not be drawn.
                 * Offset is measured in pixels and updates with changes to scale.
                 * An offset in the negative direction on the X-axis will offset the text to the left; a positive
                 * offset will move the text to the right.
                 * On the Y-axis, a negative offset will move the text down and a positive offset will move it in
                 * the opposite direction.
                 * By default, the visible range of text will start at the first line on the first character.
                 * It starts in the upper left hand corner.

                ITextBoard  textBoard   = text.TextBoard;
                IMouseInput horzControl = horizontalScroll.slide.MouseInput,
                            vertControl = verticalScroll.slide.MouseInput;

                // If the total width of the text is greater than the size of the element, then I can scroll
                // horiztonally. This value is negative because the text is starts at the right hand side
                // and I need to move it left.
                horizontalScroll.Max = Math.Max(0f, textBoard.TextSize.X - textBoard.Size.X);

                // Same principle, but vertical and moving up. TextBoards start at the first line which means
                // every line that follows lower than the last, so I need to move up.
                verticalScroll.Max = Math.Max(0f, textBoard.TextSize.Y - textBoard.Size.Y);

                // Update the ScrollBar positions to represent the current offset unless they're being clicked.
                if (!horzControl.IsLeftClicked)
                    horizontalScroll.Current = -textBoard.TextOffset.X;

                if (!vertControl.IsLeftClicked)
                    verticalScroll.Current = textBoard.TextOffset.Y;

                textBoard.TextOffset = new Vector2(-horizontalScroll.Current, verticalScroll.Current);
Beispiel #29
        public static void Initialise(IKeyboardInput keyboardInput, IWindow window, IMouseInput mouseInput, ISoundOutput soundOutput, long seed)
            if (_instance != null)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Already Created");

            _instance              = new Engine();
            _instance._root        = new Ent(null);
            _instance._time        = new Time();
            _instance._window      = window;
            _instance._toBeUpdated = new Stack <IEnt>();
            _instance._mouse       = mouseInput;
            _instance._sound       = soundOutput;
            _instance.Seed         = seed;

Beispiel #30
        public NpcNameTargeting(ILogger logger, NpcNameFinder npcNameFinder, IMouseInput input)
            this.logger        = logger;
            this.npcNameFinder = npcNameFinder;
            this.input         = input;

            locTargetingAndClickNpc = new List <Point>
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(-10, 15).Scale(npcNameFinder.scaleToRefWidth, npcNameFinder.scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(10, 15).Scale(npcNameFinder.scaleToRefWidth, npcNameFinder.scaleToRefHeight),

            locFindByCursorType = new List <Point>
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(0, 25).Scale(npcNameFinder.scaleToRefWidth, npcNameFinder.scaleToRefHeight),
                new Point(0, 75).Scale(npcNameFinder.scaleToRefWidth, npcNameFinder.scaleToRefHeight),
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the user interface instance.
        /// </summary>
        public UserInterface()
            // sanity test
            if (_content == null)
                throw new Exceptions.InvalidStateException("Cannot create a UserInterface before calling UserInterface.Initialize()!");

            // create default input providers
            MouseInputProvider    = new DefaultInputProvider();
            KeyboardInputProvider = new DefaultInputProvider();

            // create draw utils
            DrawUtils = new DrawUtils();

            // create the root panel
            Root = new RootPanel();

            // set default cursor
                protected override void HandleInput(Vector2 cursorPos)
                    ITextBoard  textBoard   = textBox.TextBoard;
                    IMouseInput vertControl = verticalScroll.slide.MouseInput;

                    verticalScroll.Max = Math.Max(0f, textBoard.TextSize.Y - textBoard.Size.Y);

                    // Update the ScrollBar positions to represent the current offset unless they're being clicked.
                    if (!vertControl.IsLeftClicked)
                        if (IsMousedOver || verticalScroll.IsMousedOver)
                            Vector2I lineRange = textBoard.VisibleLineRange;

                            if (SharedBinds.MousewheelUp.IsPressed || SharedBinds.UpArrow.IsNewPressed || SharedBinds.UpArrow.IsPressedAndHeld)
                                textBoard.MoveToChar(new Vector2I(lineRange.X - 1, 0));
                            else if (SharedBinds.MousewheelDown.IsPressed || SharedBinds.DownArrow.IsNewPressed || SharedBinds.DownArrow.IsPressedAndHeld)
                                textBoard.MoveToChar(new Vector2I(lineRange.Y + 1, 0));
                            else if (SharedBinds.PageUp.IsNewPressed || SharedBinds.PageUp.IsPressedAndHeld)
                                // A hacky, somewhat inefficient solution, but it works well
                                textBoard.MoveToChar(new Vector2I(0, 0));
                                textBoard.MoveToChar(new Vector2I(lineRange.X - 1, 0));
                            else if (SharedBinds.PageDown.IsNewPressed || SharedBinds.PageDown.IsPressedAndHeld)
                                textBoard.MoveToChar(new Vector2I(textBoard.Count - 1, 0));
                                textBoard.MoveToChar(new Vector2I(lineRange.Y + 1, 0));

                        verticalScroll.Current = textBoard.TextOffset.Y;

                    textBoard.TextOffset = new Vector2(0, verticalScroll.Current);
Beispiel #33
        public static bool OnMouseClick(MouseButtonEvent e)
            //MousePosition = new Click(x, y, (MouseButton)button, (MouseState)state);

            // call OnLoseFocus if a control lost focus
            if (e is MouseButtonPressedEvent)
                if (Focus != null && currentSelection != Focus && Focus.OnLoseFocus != null)
                    Focus.OnLoseFocus(null, currentSelection);
                Focus = currentSelection;

            if (activeSelection != null && e is MouseButtonReleasedEvent)
                // if mouseup while a pickable object is active
                //if (activeSelection.OnMouseUp != null) activeSelection.OnMouseUp(null, new MouseEventArgs(MousePosition, LastMousePosition));
                activeSelection = null;
            else if (currentSelection != null && !(currentSelection is UIContainer))
                // if the mouse is current over a pickable object and clicks
                if (e is MouseButtonPressedEvent)
                    //if (currentSelection.OnMouseDown != null) currentSelection.OnMouseDown(null, new MouseEventArgs(MousePosition, LastMousePosition));
                    activeSelection = currentSelection;
                    //if (currentSelection.OnMouseUp != null) currentSelection.OnMouseUp(null, new MouseEventArgs(MousePosition, LastMousePosition));
                    activeSelection = null;
                //if (currentSelection.OnMouseClick != null) currentSelection.OnMouseClick(null, new MouseEventArgs(MousePosition, LastMousePosition));

            return(activeSelection != null);
        public TextBox(HudParentBase parent) : base(parent)
            MouseInput = new MouseInputElement(this)
                ShareCursor = true
            textInput = new TextInput(AddChar, RemoveLastChar, TextInputFilter);

            caret = new TextCaret(this)
                Visible = false
            selectionBox = new SelectionBox(caret, this)
                Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 140)

            warningToolTip = new ToolTip()
                text    = "Open Chat to Enable Text Editing",
                bgColor = ToolTip.orangeWarningBG

            caret.CaretMoved            += CaretMoved;
            MouseInput.GainedInputFocus += GainFocus;
            MouseInput.LostInputFocus   += LoseFocus;

            ShareCursor        = true;
            EnableEditing      = true;
            EnableHighlighting = true;
            UseCursor          = true;

            MoveToEndOnGainFocus      = false;
            ClearSelectionOnLoseFocus = true;

            Size = new Vector2(60f, 200f);
Beispiel #35
		public static void SetEngineInput(IMouseInput mouse, IKeyboardInput keyboard)
			DualityApp.Mouse = mouse;
			DualityApp.Keyboard = keyboard;
 public static void Load(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
     _spriteBatch = spriteBatch;
     _text = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IText>();
     _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseInput>();
Beispiel #37
 public MenuSceneGenerator(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IMouseInput mouseInput)
     ServiceProvider = serviceProvider;
     MouseInput      = mouseInput;
Beispiel #38
        protected override void Initialize()
            _editArea = new AreaRectangle(100, 50, 400, 450, new Color(255, 255, 255, 100));

            _mouseComponent = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseComponent>();
            _mouseInput = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseInput>();
            _mouseDrawer = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMouseDrawer>();
            _settings = DependencyInjection.Resolve<ISettings>();
            _map = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IMapComponent>();
            _keyboardComponent = DependencyInjection.Resolve<IKeyboardComponent>();

 public MouseDrawer(IMouseInput mouseInput)
     _mouseInput = mouseInput;