public Logic(ILifetimeScope autofac, IRepository repository, IMonik monik, IMapper mapper, IArchiver archiver, ITelegramBotClient bot, IPackageBuilder builder) { this.autofac = autofac; this.mapper = mapper; this.monik = monik; this.archiver = archiver; = bot; bot.StartReceiving(); this.repository = repository; packageBuilder = builder; contextsInWork = new Dictionary <long, IReportTaskRunContext>(); checkScheduleAndExecuteScheduler = new Scheduler { Period = 60, TaskMethod = CheckScheduleAndExecute }; tableView = this.autofac.ResolveNamed <IViewExecutor>("CommonTableViewEx"); operTemplates = new List <DtoOperTemplate>(); recepientGroups = new List <DtoRecepientGroup>(); telegramChannels = new List <DtoTelegramChannel>(); schedules = new List <DtoSchedule>(); tasks = new List <IReportTask>(); operations = new List <DtoOperation>(); += OnBotUpd; } //ctor
public TaskWorker(IRepository repository, IMapper mapper, IMonik monik) { this.repository = repository; this.mapper = mapper; this.monik = monik; }
// TODO: options - retry logic and immediatly execute at start private Scheduler(IMonik monik, Action work, IntervalType interval, string name) { _monik = monik; _action = work; _name = name; Interval = interval; }
public ReportTask(ILogic logic, ILifetimeScope autofac, IRepository repository, IMonik monik, int id, string name, string parameters, string dependsOn, DtoSchedule schedule, List <DtoOperation> opers) { this.monik = monik; this.repository = repository; Id = id; Name = name; Schedule = schedule; Operations = new List <IOperation>(); Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters)) { Parameters = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(parameters); } DependsOn = new List <TaskDependency>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependsOn)) { DependsOn = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <List <TaskDependency> >(dependsOn); } this.autofac = autofac; ParseDtoOperations(logic, opers); } //ctor
public BoxViewModel(IMonik monik, IMapper mapper) { this.mon = monik; this.mapper = mapper; Columns = new SourceList <ColumnViewModel>(); Rows = new SourceList <RowViewModel>(); Boards = new SourceList <BoardViewModel>(); Cards = new SourceList <CardViewModel>(); Cards .Connect() .AutoRefresh() .Subscribe(x => TotalTickets = Cards.Count); Boards .Connect() .AutoRefresh() .Subscribe(bvm => { var lst = Boards.Items.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); var str = string.Join(",", lst); BoardList = str; }); }
public CacheKeepAlive(IRepository repository, ICacheSourceInstance cache, IMonik monik) : base(repository, cache, monik) { _cache = cache; _status = new Dictionary <int, KeepAlive_>(); }
public MessagePump(IMonikServiceSettings settings, ICacheSourceInstance cache, IMessageProcessor processor, IMonik monik) { _queueReaderSettings = settings.Readers; _cache = cache; _processor = processor; _monik = monik; }
public AppModel(IShell shell, IMapper mp, IMonik m) { = shell; m.LogicVerbose("AppModel.ctor"); BoxesCache.Connect() .Bind(out _boxes) .Subscribe(); }
public Worker(ILogger <Worker> logger, IConfiguration configuration) { _logger = logger; var settings = configuration.GetSection("Monik").Get <MonikSettings>(); var sender = CreateSender(settings.SenderType, settings.SenderSettings); _monik = new MonikClient(sender, settings.ClientSettings); _delay = settings.Delay; }
public CacheSourceInstance(IRepository repository, IMonik monik) { _repository = repository; _monik = monik; _sources = new Dictionary <string, Source>(); _sourceMap = new Dictionary <short, Source>(); _instanceMap = new Dictionary <int, Instance>(); _sourceInstanceMap = new Dictionary <string, Instance>(); }
public ReportTask(ILogic logic, ILifetimeScope autofac, IRepository repository, IMonik monik, int id, string name, string parameters, DtoSchedule schedule, List <DtoOperation> opers) { this.monik = monik; this.repository = repository; Id = id; Name = name; Schedule = schedule; Operations = new List <IOperation>(); Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters)) { Parameters = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(parameters); } foreach (var operation in opers) { IOperation newOper; var operType = operation.ImplementationType; if (logic.RegisteredImporters.ContainsKey(operType)) { newOper = autofac.ResolveNamed <IOperation>(operType, new NamedParameter("config", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(operation.Config, logic.RegisteredImporters[operType]))); } else { newOper = autofac.ResolveNamed <IOperation>(operType, new NamedParameter("config", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(operation.Config, logic.RegisteredExporters[operType]))); } if (newOper == null) { continue; } newOper.Properties.Id = operation.Id; newOper.Properties.Number = operation.Number; newOper.Properties.Name = operation.Name; newOper.Properties.IsDefault = operation.IsDefault; Operations.Add(newOper); } this.autofac = autofac; } //ctor
public MetricObject(IMonik monik, IRepository repository, IMessagePump pump) { _monik = monik; _repository = repository; _pump = pump; _dto = null; _measures = null; window = null; }
public Worker(IMonik monik, ILogic logic) { stringVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); Method = logic.CheckScheduleAndExecute; this.monik = monik; logic.Start(); monik.ApplicationInfo("Worker.ctor"); Console.WriteLine("HostHolder.ctor"); }
public HostHolder() { nancyHost = new NancyHost( new Uri("http://localhost:12345"), new Bootstrapper(), HostConfigs); stringVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); monik = Bootstrapper.Global.Resolve <IMonik>(); monik.ApplicationInfo("HostHolder.ctor"); Console.WriteLine("HostHolder.ctor"); }
public MessageProcessor(IMonikServiceSettings settings, IRepository repository, ICacheLog cacheLog, ICacheKeepAlive cacheKeepAlive, ICacheMetric cacheMetric, IMonik monik) { _settings = settings; _repository = repository; _cacheLog = cacheLog; _cacheKeepAlive = cacheKeepAlive; _cacheMetric = cacheMetric; _monik = monik; _cleaner = Scheduler.CreatePerHour(_monik, CleanerTask, "cleaner"); _statist = Scheduler.CreatePerHour(_monik, StatistTask, "statist"); }
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary <IMetricObject, byte> _metrics; // as HashSet, byte value is not used public CacheMetric(IRepository repository, ILifetimeScope autofac, ICacheSourceInstance sourceCache, IMonik monik) { _repository = repository; _autofac = autofac; _sourceCache = sourceCache; _monik = monik; _shedulerPerMin = Scheduler.CreatePerMinute(monik, this.BackgroundIntervalPush, "CacheMetric.BackgroundIntervalPush"); _shedulerPerSec = Scheduler.CreatePerSecond(monik, this.BackgroundSecondPush, "CacheMetric.BackgroundSecondPush"); _metrics = new ConcurrentDictionary <IMetricObject, byte>(); _sourceCache.RemoveMetrics += OnRemoveMetrics; }
public AppConfig(IMonik m) { mon = m; // C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming (travel with user profile) appConfigPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); appConfigPath += @"\Kamban\kamban.config"; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(appConfigPath); file.Directory.Create(); if (file.Exists) { string data = File.ReadAllText(appConfigPath); appConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AppConfigJson>(data); } else { appConfig = new AppConfigJson(); } appConfig.StartNumber++; SaveConfig(); recentList = new SourceList <RecentViewModel>(); recentList.AddRange(appConfig.Feed.Select(x => new RecentViewModel { Uri = x.Uri, LastAccess = x.LastAccess, Pinned = x.Pinned })); RecentObservable = recentList.Connect().AutoRefresh(); publicBoards = new SourceList <PublicBoardJson>(); publicBoards .Connect() .Bind(out ReadOnlyObservableCollection <PublicBoardJson> temp) .Subscribe(); PublicBoards = temp; GetStarted = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.GetStartedValue); Basement = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.BasementValue); }
protected override void InitializeTarget() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionString)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ConnectionString)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueueName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(QueueName)); } var sender = new RabbitMqSender(ConnectionString, QueueName); var settings = new ClientSettings { SourceName = Source, InstanceName = Instance, AutoKeepAliveEnable = true }; monikClient = new MonikClient(sender, settings); }
public MonikTraceListener(IMonik monik) { _monik = monik; }
public TaskWorker(IRepository repository, IMonik monik) { this.repository = repository; this.monik = monik; }
public PostgreSqlRepository(string connStr, IMonik monik) { connectionString = connStr; this.monik = monik; }
public SqlServerRepository(string connStr, IMonik monik) { connectionString = connStr; this.monik = monik; }
public AppConfig(IShell sh, IMonik m) { shell = sh; mon = m; appConfigPath = GetRomaingPath("kamban.config"); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(appConfigPath); if (file.Exists) { string data = File.ReadAllText(appConfigPath); appConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AppConfigJson>(data); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appConfig.AppGuid)) { appConfig.AppGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } } else { appConfig = new AppConfigJson(); appConfig.AppGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } OpenLatestAtStartupValue = appConfig.OpenLatestAtStartup; ShowFileNameInTabValue = appConfig.ShowFileNameInTab; appConfig.StartNumber++; SaveConfig(); recentList = new SourceList <RecentViewModel>(); recentList.AddRange(appConfig.Feed.Select(x => new RecentViewModel { Uri = x.Uri, LastAccess = x.LastAccess, Pinned = x.Pinned })); RecentObservable = recentList.Connect().AutoRefresh(); publicBoards = new SourceList <PublicBoardJson>(); publicBoards .Connect() .Bind(out ReadOnlyObservableCollection <PublicBoardJson> temp) .Subscribe(); PublicBoards = temp; GetStarted = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.GetStartedValue); Basement = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.BasementValue); OpenLatestAtStartupObservable = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.OpenLatestAtStartupValue); ShowFileNameInTabObservable = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ShowFileNameInTabValue); // Manage current opened boards for raise on next startup shell.DockingManager.ActiveContentChanged += (s, e) => { var view = shell.DockingManager.ActiveContent as BoardView; if (view == null) { return; } var vm = view.ViewModel as BoardEditViewModel; if (!appConfig.LatestOpenedAtStartup.Contains(vm.Box.Uri)) { appConfig.LatestOpenedAtStartup.Add(vm.Box.Uri); } SaveConfig(); }; shell.DockingManager.DocumentClosed += (s, e) => { var view = e.Document.Content as BoardView; if (view == null) { return; } var vm = view.ViewModel as BoardEditViewModel; appConfig.LatestOpenedAtStartup.Remove(vm.Box.Uri); SaveConfig(); }; }
public static Scheduler CreatePerHour(IMonik monik, Action work, string name = "") { Scheduler result = new Scheduler(monik, work, IntervalType.Hour, name); return(result); }
public StartupViewModel(IShell shell, IAppModel appModel, IDialogCoordinator dc, IMapper mp, IAppConfig cfg, IMonik m) { = shell as IShell; this.appModel = appModel; dialCoord = dc; mapper = mp; appConfig = cfg; mon = m; initialized = false; OpenRecentBoxCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create <RecentViewModel>(async(rvm) => { if (await OpenBoardView(rvm.Uri)) { appConfig.UpdateRecent(rvm.Uri, rvm.Pinned); } }); NewFileCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => <WizardView>( new WizardViewRequest { ViewId = "Creating new file", Uri = null })); OpenFileCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async _ => { var dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = @"SQLite DataBase | *.kam", Title = @"Select exists database" }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var uri = dialog.FileName; if (await OpenBoardView(uri)) { appConfig.UpdateRecent(uri, false); } } }); OpenPublicBoardCommand = ReactiveCommand .CreateFromTask <PublicBoardJson>(OpenPublicBoardCommandExecute); ImportCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => <ImportView>(null, new UiShowOptions { Title = "Import" })); var whenBoardSelected = shell .WhenAny(x => x.SelectedView, x => x.Value?.ViewModel is BoardEditViewModel) .Publish(); ExportCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => <ExportView>(null, new UiShowOptions { Title = "Export" }), whenBoardSelected); PrintCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(PrintCommandExecute, whenBoardSelected); whenBoardSelected.Connect(); ShowStartupCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { shell.ShowView <StartupView>( viewRequest: new ViewRequest { ViewId = StartupViewModel.StartupViewId }, options: new UiShowOptions { Title = "Start Page", CanClose = false }); }); SettingsCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { shell.ShowView <SettingsView>( viewRequest: new ViewRequest { ViewId = SettingsViewModel.StartupViewId }, options: new UiShowOptions { Title = "Settings", CanClose = true }); }); ExitCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => App.Current.Shutdown()); Pinned = appConfig.RecentObservable .Filter(x => x.Pinned); var notPinned = appConfig.RecentObservable .Filter(x => !x.Pinned); Today = notPinned .Filter(x => x.LastAccess.IsToday()); Yesterday = notPinned .Filter(x => x.LastAccess.IsYesterday()); ThisMonth = notPinned .Filter(x => !x.LastAccess.IsToday() && !x.LastAccess.IsYesterday() && x.LastAccess.IsThisMonth()); Older = notPinned .Filter(x => !x.LastAccess.IsToday() && !x.LastAccess.IsYesterday() && !x.LastAccess.IsThisMonth()); // TODO: move autosaver to AppConfig appConfig.RecentObservable .WhenAnyPropertyChanged("Pinned") .Subscribe(x => appConfig.UpdateRecent(x.Uri, x.Pinned)); appConfig.GetStarted.Subscribe(x => GetStarted = x); var ver = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(); appConfig.Basement .Subscribe(x => Basement = x + $"v{ver.Version.Major}.{ver.Version.Minor}.{ver.Version.Build}"); if (appConfig.OpenLatestAtStartup) { foreach (var uri in appConfig.LastOpenedAtStartup) { Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => OpenBoardView(uri)); } } } //ctor
public static Scheduler CreatePerSecond(IMonik monik, Action work, string name) { Scheduler result = new Scheduler(monik, work, IntervalType.Second, name); return(result); }
public SecureNancyModule(ICacheMetric cacheMetric, ICacheSourceInstance sourceInstanceCache, IMonik monik) { this.RequiresAuthentication(); Delete("/instances/{id:int}", args => { try { monik.ApplicationInfo($"Delete /instances/{} by {Context.CurrentUser.Identity.Name}"); sourceInstanceCache.RemoveInstance(; return(HttpStatusCode.OK); } catch (Exception ex) { monik.ApplicationError($"Method DELETE /instances/id : {ex.Message}"); return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }); Delete("/metrics/{id:int}", args => { try { monik.ApplicationInfo($"Delete /metrics/{} by {Context.CurrentUser.Identity.Name}"); cacheMetric.RemoveMetric(; return(HttpStatusCode.OK); } catch (Exception ex) { monik.ApplicationError($"Method DELETE /metrics/id : {ex.Message}"); return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }); Delete("/sources/{id:int}", args => { try { monik.ApplicationInfo($"Delete /sources/{} by {Context.CurrentUser.Identity.Name}"); sourceInstanceCache.RemoveSource((short); return(HttpStatusCode.OK); } catch (Exception ex) { monik.ApplicationError($"Method DELETE /sources/id : {ex.Message}"); return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }); Post("/groups", args => { try { var group = this.Bind <Group_>(); monik.ApplicationInfo($"Post /groups {group.Name} by {Context.CurrentUser.Identity.Name}"); var result = sourceInstanceCache.CreateGroup(group); return(Response.AsJson(result, HttpStatusCode.Created) .WithHeader("Location", $"/groups/{result.ID}")); } catch (Exception ex) { monik.ApplicationError($"Method POST /groups : {ex.Message}"); return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }); Delete("/groups/{id:int}", args => { try { monik.ApplicationInfo($"Delete /groups/{} by {Context.CurrentUser.Identity.Name}"); var result = sourceInstanceCache.RemoveGroup((short); return(result ? HttpStatusCode.OK : HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } catch (Exception ex) { monik.ApplicationError($"Method DELETE /groups/id : {ex.Message}"); return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }); Put("/groups/{groupId:int}/instances/{instanceId:int}", args => { try { monik.ApplicationInfo($"Put /groups/{args.groupId}/instances/{args.instanceId} by {Context.CurrentUser.Identity.Name}"); sourceInstanceCache.AddInstanceToGroup(args.instanceId, (short)args.groupId); return(HttpStatusCode.OK); } catch (Exception ex) { monik.ApplicationError($"Method PUT /groups/id/instances/id : {ex.Message}"); return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }); Delete("/groups/{groupId:int}/instances/{instanceId:int}", args => { try { monik.ApplicationInfo($"Delete /groups/{args.groupId}/instances/{args.instanceId} by {Context.CurrentUser.Identity.Name}"); var result = sourceInstanceCache.RemoveInstanceFromGroup(args.instanceId, (short)args.groupId); return(result ? HttpStatusCode.OK : HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } catch (Exception ex) { monik.ApplicationError($"Method DELETE /groups/id/instances/id : {ex.Message}"); return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }); }
public override CacheKeepAlive CreateCache(IRepository repository, ICacheSourceInstance cache, IMonik monik) { return(new CacheKeepAlive(repository, cache, monik)); }
public UserIdentityProvider(IMonikServiceSettings settings, IMonik monik) { _settings = settings; _monik = monik; }
public CacheLog(IRepository repository, ICacheSourceInstance cache, IMonik monik) : base(repository, cache, monik) { _logs = new ConcurrentQueue <Log_>(); OldestLogId = 0; }