Beispiel #1
 public static void EnqueueFiles(List <ProcessFileInfo> queue, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
     foreach (var pfi in queue)
        List <OdFileInfo> SelectFiles(SourceConfiguration sourceConfig, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            mediaQueue.ReportProgress("Selecting files");

            // Determine the "after" threshold from SelectAfter and SelectIncremental
            var after = sourceConfig.GetBookmarkOrAfter(m_bookmarkPath);

            if (after.HasValue)
                mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"  Filter: Created after {after.Value}");

            // Retrieve file info and enqueue
            var queue = new List <OdFileInfo>();
            int count = 0;

            // This is a Kludge. Need a way to either detect the correct folder or to
            // configure it when setting up a new named source. And, with the named
            // source, we need to clean up the circumstance when credentials expire.
            string nextUrl = m_sourceName.Equals("BrandtOneDrive")
                ? c_oneDriveSamsungCameraUrl : c_oneDriveCameraRollUrl;

                var fileList = FetchJson(nextUrl);
                var root     = fileList.CreateNavigator();
                nextUrl = root.XPVal("/root/a:item[@item='@odata.nextLink']");

                foreach (XPathNavigator node in fileList.CreateNavigator().Select("/root/value/item"))
                    var odfi = new OdFileInfo(node);

                    if (!after.HasValue ||
                        (odfi.BookmarkDate.HasValue && odfi.BookmarkDate > after.Value))

                mediaQueue.ReportStatus($"  Selected {queue.Count} Skipped {count - queue.Count}");
            }while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextUrl));
            mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Selected {queue.Count} Skipped {count - queue.Count}");

            if (queue.Count > c_maxBatch)
                // Sort so that we'll keep the oldest ones.
                queue.Sort((a, b) => DateCompare(a.BookmarkDate, b.BookmarkDate));
                queue.RemoveRange(c_maxBatch, queue.Count - c_maxBatch);
                mediaQueue.RequestAnotherBatch = true;
                mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Batch limited to {queue.Count}");

Beispiel #3
        public void RetrieveMediaFiles(SourceConfiguration sourceConfig, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            // DCIM requires destination directory
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceConfig.DestinationDirectory))
                throw new Exception("DCIM source requires -d destination directory.");

            var queue = SelectDcimFiles(sourceConfig, mediaQueue);

            FileMover.CopyOrMoveFiles(queue, sourceConfig, mediaQueue);
        public void RetrieveMediaFiles(SourceConfiguration sourceConfig, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            // if a destination directory not specified, error
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceConfig.DestinationDirectory))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("OneDrive Source requires destination directory -d");

            mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Connecting to OneDrive: {m_sourceName}");
            m_accessToken = NamedSource.GetOnedriveAccessToken(m_refreshToken);
            var queue = SelectFiles(sourceConfig, mediaQueue);

            DownloadMediaFiles(queue, sourceConfig, mediaQueue);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove empty DCF directories from which files were moved.
        /// </summary>
        private void CleanupDcfDirectories(IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            foreach (string directoryName in m_dcfDirectories)
                // Clean up the folders
                    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(directoryName);

                    // Get rid of thumbnails unless a matching file still exists
                    foreach (FileInfo fi in di.GetFiles("*.thm"))
                        bool hasMatch = false;
                        foreach (FileInfo fi2 in di.GetFiles(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name) + ".*"))
                            if (!string.Equals(fi2.Extension, ".thm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                hasMatch = true;
                        if (!hasMatch)

                    // Get rid of Windows thumbnails file (if it exists)
                        string thumbName = Path.Combine(di.FullName, "Thumbs.db");
                        if (File.Exists(thumbName))

                    // If the folder is empty, delete it
                    if (!di.EnumerateFileSystemInfos().Any())
                catch (Exception err)
                    // Report errors during cleanup but proceed with other files.
                    mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Error cleaning up folders on removable drive '{Path.GetPathRoot(directoryName)}': {err.Message}");
Beispiel #6
        public void RetrieveMediaFiles(SourceConfiguration sourceConfig, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            var queue = SelectFiles(sourceConfig, mediaQueue);

            // if a destination directory was specified, copy or move the files
            if (sourceConfig.DestinationDirectory != null)
                FileMover.CopyOrMoveFiles(queue, sourceConfig, mediaQueue);

            // Else, simply put them in the mediaQueue
                FileMover.EnqueueFiles(queue, mediaQueue);

            // Save the bookmark
            if (m_newestSelection > DateTime.MinValue)
                // Only sets a bookmark if incremental is on.
                sourceConfig.SetBookmark(m_path, m_newestSelection);
Beispiel #7
        private List <ProcessFileInfo> SelectDcimFiles(SourceConfiguration sourceConfig, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            if (sourceConfig.SelectIncremental)
                throw new Exception("DCIM source is not compatible with -selectIncremental");
            if (sourceConfig.SelectAfter.HasValue)
                throw new Exception("DCIM source does not support -selectAfter");

            var sourceFolders = new List <string>();

            // Process each removable drive
            foreach (DriveInfo drv in DriveInfo.GetDrives())
                if (drv.IsReady && drv.DriveType == DriveType.Removable)
                        // File system structure is according to JEITA "Design rule for Camera File System (DCF) which is JEITA specification CP-3461
                        // See if the DCIM folder exists
                        DirectoryInfo dcim = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(drv.RootDirectory.FullName, c_dcimDirectory));
                        if (dcim.Exists)
                            // Folders containing images must be named with three digits followed
                            // by five alphanumeric characters. First digit cannot be zero.
                            foreach (DirectoryInfo di in dcim.EnumerateDirectories())
                                if (di.Name.Length == 8)
                                    int dirnum;
                                    if (int.TryParse(di.Name.Substring(0, 3), out dirnum) && dirnum >= 100 && dirnum <= 999)
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Suppress the error and move to the next drive.
                } // If drive is ready and removable
            }     // for each drive

            var queue = new List <ProcessFileInfo>();

            // Add files from each source folder
            foreach (var path in sourceFolders)
                int bookmark = queue.Count;
                mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Selecting from: {path}");

                DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
                foreach (var fi in di.EnumerateFiles())
                    if ((queue.Count % 100) == 0)
                        mediaQueue.ReportStatus($"Selected: {queue.Count}");

                    if (MediaFile.IsSupportedMediaType(fi.Extension))
                        queue.Add(new ProcessFileInfo(fi));

                if (queue.Count > bookmark)

                mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"   Selected: {queue.Count - bookmark}");

Beispiel #8
        public static void CopyOrMoveFiles(List <ProcessFileInfo> queue, SourceConfiguration sourceConfig, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            string verb = sourceConfig.MoveFiles ? "Moving" : "Copying";

            mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"{verb} media files to working folder: {sourceConfig.DestinationDirectory}.");

            // Sum up the size of the files to be copied
            long selectedFilesSize = 0;

            foreach (var pfi in queue)
                selectedFilesSize += pfi.Size;

            uint startTicks  = (uint)Environment.TickCount;
            long bytesCopied = 0;

            int n = 0;

            foreach (var pfi in queue)
                if (bytesCopied == 0)
                    mediaQueue.ReportStatus($"{verb} file {n + 1} of {queue.Count}");
                    uint ticksElapsed;
                        ticksElapsed = (uint)Environment.TickCount - startTicks;

                    double   bps       = ((double)bytesCopied * 1000.0) / (double)ticksElapsed;
                    double   remaining = (selectedFilesSize - bytesCopied) / bps;
                    TimeSpan remain    = new TimeSpan(((long)((selectedFilesSize - bytesCopied) / bps)) * 10000000L);

                    mediaQueue.ReportStatus($"{verb} file {n + 1} of {queue.Count}. Time remaining: {remain.FmtCustom()} MBps: {(bps / (1024 * 1024)):#,###.###}");

                string dstFilepath = Path.Combine(sourceConfig.DestinationDirectory, Path.GetFileName(pfi.OriginalFilepath));
                MediaFile.MakeFilepathUnique(ref dstFilepath);

                if (sourceConfig.MoveFiles)
                    File.Move(pfi.Filepath, dstFilepath);
                    File.Copy(pfi.Filepath, dstFilepath);
                pfi.Filepath = dstFilepath;
                bytesCopied += pfi.Size;

                // Add to the destination queue

            TimeSpan elapsed;

                uint ticksElapsed = (uint)Environment.TickCount - startTicks;
                elapsed = new TimeSpan(ticksElapsed * 10000L);

            mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"{verb} complete. {queue.Count} files, {bytesCopied / (1024.0 * 1024.0): #,##0.0} MB, {elapsed.FmtCustom()} elapsed");
        public static async Task <IMediaItem[]> FetchMetaData(this IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            var mediaItems = mediaQueue.Select(i => i.FetchMetaData());

            return(await Task.WhenAll(mediaItems));
        void DownloadMediaFiles(List <OdFileInfo> queue, SourceConfiguration sourceConfig, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Downloading media files from OneDrive to working folder: {sourceConfig.DestinationDirectory}.");
            DateTime newestSelection = DateTime.MinValue;

            // Sum up the size of the files to be downloaded
            long selectedFilesSize = 0;

            foreach (var fi in queue)
                selectedFilesSize += fi.Size;

            uint startTicks      = (uint)Environment.TickCount;
            long bytesDownloaded = 0;

            int n = 0;

            foreach (var fi in queue)
                if (bytesDownloaded == 0)
                    mediaQueue.ReportStatus($"Downloading file {n + 1} of {queue.Count}");
                    uint ticksElapsed;
                        ticksElapsed = (uint)Environment.TickCount - startTicks;

                    double   bps    = ((double)bytesDownloaded * 8000.0) / (double)ticksElapsed;
                    TimeSpan remain = new TimeSpan(((long)((selectedFilesSize - bytesDownloaded) / (bps / 8))) * 10000000L);

                    mediaQueue.ReportStatus($"Downloading file {n + 1} of {queue.Count}. Time remaining: {remain.FmtCustom()} Mbps: {(bps / (1024 * 1024)):#,###.###}");

                string dstFilepath = Path.Combine(sourceConfig.DestinationDirectory, fi.OriginalFilename);
                MediaFile.MakeFilepathUnique(ref dstFilepath);

                FetchFile(fi.Url, dstFilepath);
                bytesDownloaded += fi.Size;

                // Add to the destination queue
                mediaQueue.Add(new ProcessFileInfo(
                                   fi.OriginalDateCreated ?? DateTime.MinValue,
                                   fi.OriginalDateModified ?? DateTime.MinValue));

                if (fi.BookmarkDate.HasValue && newestSelection < fi.BookmarkDate)
                    newestSelection = fi.BookmarkDate.Value;

            TimeSpan elapsed;

                uint ticksElapsed = (uint)Environment.TickCount - startTicks;
                elapsed = new TimeSpan(ticksElapsed * 10000L);

            mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Download complete. {queue.Count} files, {bytesDownloaded / (1024.0 * 1024.0): #,##0.0} MB, {elapsed.FmtCustom()} elapsed");
            if (newestSelection > DateTime.MinValue)
                if (sourceConfig.SetBookmark(m_bookmarkPath, newestSelection))
                    mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Bookmark Set to {newestSelection}");
Beispiel #11
        private List <ProcessFileInfo> SelectFiles(SourceConfiguration sourceConfig, IMediaQueue mediaQueue)
            mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"Selecting {(m_recursive ? "from" : "tree")}: {m_path}");

            // Determine the "after" threshold from SelectAfter and SelectIncremental
            var after = sourceConfig.GetBookmarkOrAfter(m_path);

            m_newestSelection = after ?? DateTime.MinValue;
            var queue        = new List <ProcessFileInfo>();
            int skippedFiles = 0;

                DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(m_directory);
                foreach (var fi in di.EnumerateFiles(m_pattern, m_recursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                    if (((queue.Count + skippedFiles) % 100) == 0)
                        string message = (skippedFiles == 0)
                            ? $"Selected: {queue.Count}"
                            : $"Selected: {queue.Count} Not Selected: {skippedFiles}";

                    if (MediaFile.IsSupportedMediaType(fi.Extension))
                        // Limit date window of files to be selected
                        if (after.HasValue)
                            var date = MediaFile.GetBookmarkDate(fi.FullName);
                            if (!date.HasValue || date.Value <= after.Value)

                            // For this operation, we do everything in localtime because photo
                            // DateTaken metadata is in localtime.
                            // This is after-the-fact but since it's a debugging test that's OK.
                            Debug.Assert(date.Value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local);

                            if (m_newestSelection < date.Value)
                                m_newestSelection = date.Value;

                        queue.Add(new ProcessFileInfo(fi));
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Source '{m_path}' not found. ({err.Message})", err);
            mediaQueue.ReportProgress(skippedFiles == 0
                ? $"   Selected: {queue.Count}"
                : $"   Selected: {queue.Count} Not Selected: {skippedFiles}");

            // If SelectIncremental, report the new bookmark
            if (sourceConfig.SelectIncremental && queue.Count > 0)
                Debug.Assert(m_newestSelection > DateTime.MinValue);
                mediaQueue.ReportProgress($"   Newest: {m_newestSelection:yyyy'-'MM'-'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ss}");
