Beispiel #1
        private IMatrix3 GetOffsetTM(IIGameNode gameNode, int key)
            IPoint3 objOffsetPos   = gameNode.MaxNode.ObjOffsetPos;
            IQuat   objOffsetQuat  = gameNode.MaxNode.ObjOffsetRot;
            IPoint3 objOffsetScale = gameNode.MaxNode.ObjOffsetScale.S;

            // conversion: LH vs RH coordinate system (swap Y and Z)
            var tmpSwap = objOffsetPos.Y;

            objOffsetPos.Y = objOffsetPos.Z;
            objOffsetPos.Z = tmpSwap;

            tmpSwap         = objOffsetQuat.Y;
            objOffsetQuat.Y = objOffsetQuat.Z;
            objOffsetQuat.Z = tmpSwap;
            var objOffsetRotMat = Tools.Identity;

            objOffsetQuat.MakeMatrix(objOffsetRotMat, true);

            tmpSwap          = objOffsetScale.Y;
            objOffsetScale.Y = objOffsetScale.Z;
            objOffsetScale.Z = tmpSwap;

            // build the offset transform; equivalent in maxscript:
            // offsetTM = (scaleMatrix $.objectOffsetScale) * ($.objectOffsetRot as matrix3) * (transMatrix $.objectOffsetPos)
            IMatrix3 offsetTM = Tools.Identity;

            offsetTM.Scale(objOffsetScale, false);

Beispiel #2
 public static IDMatrix3 ToDMatrix3(this IMatrix3 matrix3)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the transformation matrix from a line
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IMatrix3 GetTransform(Match values)
            // Row 1
            float row1x;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$5"), out row1x);
            float row1y;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$6"), out row1y);
            float row1z;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$7"), out row1z);

            // Row 2
            float row2x;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$8"), out row2x);
            float row2y;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$9"), out row2y);
            float row2z;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$10"), out row2z);

            // Row 3
            float row3x;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$11"), out row3x);
            float row3y;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$12"), out row3y);
            float row3z;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$13"), out row3z);

            // Position
            float posX;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$2"), out posX);
            float posY;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$3"), out posY);
            float posZ;

            float.TryParse(values.Result("$4"), out posZ);
            //posY = -posY;

            IPoint3 row1     = global.Point3.Create(row1x, row1y, row1z);
            IPoint3 row2     = global.Point3.Create(row2x, row2y, row2z);
            IPoint3 row3     = global.Point3.Create(row3x, row3y, row3z);
            IPoint3 position = global.Point3.Create(posX, posY, posZ);

            IMatrix3 matrix = global.Matrix3.Create(row1, row2, row3, position);

            //return null;
Beispiel #4
        public Matrix3 Invert()
            // Lazy, terribly inefficent way to do this.
            // do this properly (without thunking to unmanaged code) another time.
            IMatrix3 cppversion = _IMatrix3;

            return(new Matrix3(cppversion));
Beispiel #5
        public ROD_ExportG()
            maxGlobal    = Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface.Instance;
            maxInterface = maxGlobal.COREInterface14;
            IPoint3 U = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            IPoint3 V = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            IPoint3 N = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
            IPoint3 T = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            _leftHanded  = maxGlobal.Matrix3.Create(U, V, N, T);
            _GleftHanded = maxGlobal.GMatrix.Create(_leftHanded);
Beispiel #6
        public string SetTransform(IMatrix3 matrix)
            var row1T = matrix.GetRow(0);
            var row2T = matrix.GetRow(1);
            var row3T = matrix.GetRow(2);
            var row4T = matrix.GetRow(3);

            string row1      = "[" + row1T.X + ", " + row1T.Y + ", " + row1T.Z + "]";
            string row2      = "[" + row2T.X + ", " + row2T.Y + ", " + row2T.Z + "]";
            string row3      = "[" + row3T.X + ", " + row3T.Y + ", " + row3T.Z + "]";
            string row4      = "[" + (row4T.X * Utility.scaleFactor) + ", " + (row4T.Y * Utility.scaleFactor) + ", " + (row4T.Z * Utility.scaleFactor) + "]";
            string transform = "(matrix3 " + row1 + " " + row2 + " " + row3 + " " + row4 + ")";

Beispiel #7
        public static float[] ToArray(this IMatrix3 value)
            var row0 = value.GetRow(0).ToArraySwitched();
            var row1 = value.GetRow(1).ToArraySwitched();
            var row2 = value.GetRow(2).ToArraySwitched();
            var row3 = value.GetRow(3).ToArraySwitched();

                row0[0], row0[1], row0[2], 0,
                row2[0], row2[1], row2[2], 0,
                row1[0], row1[1], row1[2], 0,
                row3[0], row3[1], row3[2], 1
        private void ExtractFace(IIGameSkin skin, IIGameMesh unskinnedMesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, List <GlobalVertex> vertices, List <int> indices, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported, ref int indexCount, ref int minVertexIndex, ref int maxVertexIndex, IFaceEx face, List <int> boneIds)
            var a = CreateGlobalVertex(unskinnedMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 0, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);
            var b = CreateGlobalVertex(unskinnedMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 2, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);
            var c = CreateGlobalVertex(unskinnedMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 1, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);


            if (a < minVertexIndex)
                minVertexIndex = a;

            if (b < minVertexIndex)
                minVertexIndex = b;

            if (c < minVertexIndex)
                minVertexIndex = c;

            if (a > maxVertexIndex)
                maxVertexIndex = a;

            if (b > maxVertexIndex)
                maxVertexIndex = b;

            if (c > maxVertexIndex)
                maxVertexIndex = c;

            indexCount += 3;
Beispiel #9
        public static float[] GetTranslation(IINode node, IINode renderedNode)
            float[] res = new float[3];
            //IPoint3 translation =  node.GetNodeTM(0, Tools.Forever).Trans; //position relative to parent, translation

            IObject  obj        = node.ObjectRef;
            IBox3    bbox       = obj.GetWorldBoundBox(0, node, Loader.Core.ActiveViewExp);
            IPoint3  bboxCenter = bbox.Center;
            IMatrix3 inverted   = renderedNode.GetNodeTM(0, Tools.Forever);

            IPoint3 bboxCenterInRenderNodeSpace = inverted.PointTransform(bboxCenter);

            res[0] = bboxCenterInRenderNodeSpace.X;
            res[1] = bboxCenterInRenderNodeSpace.Z;
            res[2] = -bboxCenterInRenderNodeSpace.Y;

Beispiel #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Я хочу знайти рiшення системи:\n 1)системи двох лiнiйних рiвнянь з двома невiдомими  \n " +
                              "2) системи трьох лiнiйних рiвнянь з трьома невiдомими");
            int userChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            if (userChoice == 1)
                double x1;
                double x2;

                Equation eq  = new Equation();
                IMatrix2 eq2 = (IMatrix2)eq;
                eq2.SetValues(ref eq);
                eq2.Solution(out x1, out x2);

                Console.WriteLine($"x = {x1}, y = {x2}");
            else if (userChoice == 2)
                double x1;
                double x2;
                double x3;

                Equation eq  = new Equation();
                IMatrix3 eq3 = (IMatrix3)eq;
                eq3.SetValues(ref eq);
                eq3.Solution(out x1, out x2, out x3);

                Console.WriteLine($"x = {x1}, y = {x2}, z = {x3}");
                Console.WriteLine("Спробуйте ще раз...");
Beispiel #11
        public static float[] GetRotation(IINode node, IINode renderedNode)
            float[]  res      = new float[4];
            IMatrix3 nodeTm   = node.GetNodeTM(0, Tools.Forever);
            IMatrix3 inverted = renderedNode.GetNodeTM(0, Tools.Forever);

            nodeTm = nodeTm.Multiply(inverted);

            IPoint3 p = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, 0, 0);
            IQuat   q = Loader.Global.IdentQuat;
            IPoint3 s = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, 0, 0);

            Loader.Global.DecomposeMatrix(nodeTm, p, q, s);


            res[0] = q[0];
            res[1] = q[2];
            res[2] = -q[1];
            res[3] = -q[3];

Beispiel #12
 public ROD_ExportG()
     maxGlobal = Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface.Instance;
     maxInterface = maxGlobal.COREInterface13;
     IPoint3 U = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
     IPoint3 V = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
     IPoint3 N = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
     IPoint3 T = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
     _leftHanded = maxGlobal.Matrix3.Create(U, V, N, T);
     _GleftHanded = maxGlobal.GMatrix.Create(_leftHanded);
Beispiel #13
        public static Matrix convertTo(this IMatrix3 _input)
            Matrix _output = new Matrix(_input.GetRow(0).X, _input.GetRow(0).Y, _input.GetRow(0).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(1).X, _input.GetRow(1).Y, _input.GetRow(1).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(2).X, _input.GetRow(2).Y, _input.GetRow(2).Z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);

        int CreateGlobalVertex(IIGameNode meshNode, IIGameMesh mesh, BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, IFaceEx face, int facePart, List <GlobalVertex> vertices, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported, IIGameSkin skin, List <int> boneIds)
            var vertexIndex = (int)face.Vert[facePart];

            // Position can by retreived in world space or object space
            // Unfortunately, this value can't be retreived in local space
            var vertex = new GlobalVertex
                BaseIndex = vertexIndex,
                Position  = mesh.GetVertex(vertexIndex, false),             // world space
                Normal    = mesh.GetNormal((int)face.Norm[facePart], false) // world space

            if (exportParameters.exportTangents)
                int     indexTangentBinormal = mesh.GetFaceVertexTangentBinormal(face.MeshFaceIndex, facePart, 1);
                IPoint3 normal    = vertex.Normal.Normalize;
                IPoint3 tangent   = mesh.GetTangent(indexTangentBinormal, 1).Normalize;
                IPoint3 bitangent = mesh.GetBinormal(indexTangentBinormal, 1).Normalize;
                int     w         = GetW(normal, tangent, bitangent);
                vertex.Tangent = new float[] { tangent.X, tangent.Y, tangent.Z, w };

            // Convert position and normal to local space
            vertex.Position = invertedWorldMatrix.PointTransform(vertex.Position);

            vertex.Normal = invertedWorldMatrix.VectorTransform(vertex.Normal);
            // 1. scale normals with node scales
            var nodeScaling = BabylonVector3.FromArray(babylonAbstractMesh.scaling);

            vertex.Normal = vertex.Normal.Multiply(Loader.Global.Point3.Create(Math.Abs(nodeScaling.X), Math.Abs(nodeScaling.Y), Math.Abs(nodeScaling.Z)));

            // 2. scale normals with objectOffsetScales (unrotate by objectOffsetRot, then scale, then rotate again)
            // note: LH coordinate system => flip y and z
            var objOffsetScale          = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(meshNode.MaxNode.ObjOffsetScale.S);
            var scaleX                  = Math.Abs(objOffsetScale.X);
            var scaleY                  = Math.Abs(objOffsetScale.Y);
            var scaleZ                  = Math.Abs(objOffsetScale.Z);
            var objOffsetScaleFlipYZInv = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleZ, 1 / scaleY);

            var objOffsetQuat = meshNode.MaxNode.ObjOffsetRot;
            var qFlippedYZ    = objOffsetQuat;
            var tmpSwap       = objOffsetQuat.Y;

            qFlippedYZ.Y = objOffsetQuat.Z;
            qFlippedYZ.Z = tmpSwap;

            var nUnrotated       = RotateVectorByQuaternion(vertex.Normal, qFlippedYZ);
            var nUnrotatedScaled = nUnrotated.Multiply(objOffsetScaleFlipYZInv);

            nUnrotatedScaled = nUnrotatedScaled.Normalize;
            var nRerotatedScaled = RotateVectorByQuaternion(nUnrotatedScaled, qFlippedYZ.Conjugate);

            vertex.Normal = nRerotatedScaled;

            if (hasUV)
                var indices = new int[3];
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(1, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                var texCoord = mesh.GetMapVertex(1, indices[facePart]);
                vertex.UV = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(texCoord.X, -texCoord.Y);

            if (hasUV2)
                var indices = new int[3];
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(2, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                var texCoord = mesh.GetMapVertex(2, indices[facePart]);
                vertex.UV2 = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(texCoord.X, -texCoord.Y);

            if (hasColor)
                var   vertexColorIndex = (int)face.Color[facePart];
                var   vertexColor      = mesh.GetColorVertex(vertexColorIndex);
                float alpha            = 1;
                if (hasAlpha)
                    var indices = new int[3];
                        fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                            mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(-2, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                    var color = mesh.GetMapVertex(-2, indices[facePart]);

                    alpha = color.X;

                vertex.Color = new[] { vertexColor.X, vertexColor.Y, vertexColor.Z, alpha };

            if (skin != null)
                float weight0 = 0;
                float weight1 = 0;
                float weight2 = 0;
                float weight3 = 0;
                int   bone0   = bonesCount;
                int   bone1   = bonesCount;
                int   bone2   = bonesCount;
                int   bone3   = bonesCount;
                var   nbBones = skin.GetNumberOfBones(vertexIndex);

                if (nbBones > 0)
                    bone0   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 0).NodeID);
                    weight0 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 0);

                if (nbBones > 1)
                    bone1   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 1).NodeID);
                    weight1 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 1);

                if (nbBones > 2)
                    bone2   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 2).NodeID);
                    weight2 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 2);

                if (nbBones > 3)
                    bone3   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 3).NodeID);
                    weight3 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 3);

                if (nbBones == 0)
                    weight0 = 1.0f;
                    bone0   = bonesCount;

                vertex.Weights      = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight0, weight1, weight2, weight3);
                vertex.BonesIndices = (bone3 << 24) | (bone2 << 16) | (bone1 << 8) | bone0;

                if (nbBones > 4)
                    bone0   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 4).NodeID);
                    weight0 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 4);

                    weight1 = 0;
                    weight2 = 0;
                    weight3 = 0;

                    if (nbBones > 5)
                        bone1   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 5).NodeID);
                        weight1 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 5);

                    if (nbBones > 6)
                        bone2   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 6).NodeID);
                        weight2 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 6);

                    if (nbBones > 7)
                        bone3   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 7).NodeID);
                        weight3 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 7);

                    vertex.WeightsExtra      = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight0, weight1, weight2, weight3);
                    vertex.BonesIndicesExtra = (bone3 << 24) | (bone2 << 16) | (bone1 << 8) | bone0;

                    if (nbBones > 8)
                        RaiseError("Too many bones influences per vertex: " + nbBones + ". Babylon.js only support 8 bones influences per vertex.", 2);

            if (verticesAlreadyExported != null)
                if (verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] != null)
                    var index = verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex].IndexOf(vertex);

                    if (index > -1)
                    verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] = new List <GlobalVertex>();

                vertex.CurrentIndex = vertices.Count;


            return(vertices.Count - 1);
        private void ExtractGeometry(List <GlobalVertex> vertices, List <int> indices, List <BabylonSubMesh> subMeshes, List <int> boneIds, IIGameSkin skin, IIGameMesh unskinnedMesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, bool optimizeVertices, int multiMatsCount, IIGameNode meshNode)
            List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported = null;

            if (optimizeVertices)
                verticesAlreadyExported = new List <GlobalVertex> [unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts];

            var indexStart = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < multiMatsCount; ++i)
                int materialId     = meshNode.NodeMaterial?.GetMaterialID(i) ?? 0;
                var indexCount     = 0;
                var minVertexIndex = int.MaxValue;
                var maxVertexIndex = int.MinValue;
                var subMesh        = new BabylonSubMesh {
                    indexStart = indexStart, materialIndex = i

                if (multiMatsCount == 1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces; ++j)
                        var face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(j);
                        ExtractFace(skin, unskinnedMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);
                    ITab <IFaceEx> materialFaces = unskinnedMesh.GetFacesFromMatID(materialId);
                    for (int j = 0; j < materialFaces.Count; ++j)
#if MAX2017 || MAX2018
                        var faceIndexer = j;
                        var faceIndexer = new IntPtr(j);
                        var face = materialFaces[faceIndexer];

#if !MAX2017 && !MAX2018
                        ExtractFace(skin, unskinnedMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);

                if (indexCount != 0)
                    subMesh.indexCount    = indexCount;
                    subMesh.verticesStart = minVertexIndex;
                    subMesh.verticesCount = maxVertexIndex - minVertexIndex + 1;

                    indexStart += indexCount;

        private void ExtractGeometry(BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, List <GlobalVertex> vertices, List <int> indices, List <BabylonSubMesh> subMeshes, List <int> boneIds, IIGameSkin skin, IIGameMesh unskinnedMesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, bool optimizeVertices, int multiMatsCount, IIGameNode meshNode, ref List <int> faceIndexes)
            List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported = null;

            if (optimizeVertices)
                verticesAlreadyExported = new List <GlobalVertex> [unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts];

            var indexStart = 0;

            // Whether or not to store order in which faces are exported
            // Storage is used when exporting Morph Targets geometry
            // To ensure face order is identical, especially with multimaterials involved
            bool storeFaceIndexes = faceIndexes == null;

            if (storeFaceIndexes)
                faceIndexes = new List <int>();
            int indexInFaceIndexesArray = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < multiMatsCount; ++i)
                int materialId     = meshNode.NodeMaterial?.GetMaterialID(i) ?? 0;
                var indexCount     = 0;
                var minVertexIndex = int.MaxValue;
                var maxVertexIndex = int.MinValue;
                var subMesh        = new BabylonSubMesh {
                    indexStart = indexStart, materialIndex = i

                if (multiMatsCount == 1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces; ++j)
                        IFaceEx face = null;
                        if (storeFaceIndexes)
                            face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(j);
                            // Store face index (j = face.MeshFaceIndex)
                            face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(faceIndexes[indexInFaceIndexesArray++]);
                        ExtractFace(meshNode, skin, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);
                    ITab <IFaceEx> materialFaces = unskinnedMesh.GetFacesFromMatID(materialId);
                    for (int j = 0; j < materialFaces.Count; ++j)
                        IFaceEx face = null;
                        if (storeFaceIndexes)
                            // Retreive face
#if MAX2017 || MAX2018
                            face = materialFaces[j];
                            face = materialFaces[new IntPtr(j)];

                            // Store face index
                            face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(faceIndexes[indexInFaceIndexesArray++]);
                        ExtractFace(meshNode, skin, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);

                if (indexCount != 0)
                    subMesh.indexCount    = indexCount;
                    subMesh.verticesStart = minVertexIndex;
                    subMesh.verticesCount = maxVertexIndex - minVertexIndex + 1;

                    indexStart += indexCount;

        private void ExtractFace(IIGameNode meshNode, IIGameSkin skin, IIGameMesh unskinnedMesh, BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, List <GlobalVertex> vertices, List <int> indices, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported, ref int indexCount, ref int minVertexIndex, ref int maxVertexIndex, IFaceEx face, List <int> boneIds)
            int a, b, c;

            // parity is TRUE, if determinant negative ( counter-intuitive convention of 3ds max, see docs... :/ )

            // fix for cesium: currently, cesium does not expect a reversed winding order for negative scales
            //if (false)

            // for threejs and babylonjs (handle negative scales correctly (reversed winding order expected)
            if (invertedWorldMatrix.Parity)
                // flipped case: reverse winding order
                a = CreateGlobalVertex(meshNode, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 0, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);
                b = CreateGlobalVertex(meshNode, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 1, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);
                c = CreateGlobalVertex(meshNode, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 2, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);
                // normal case
                a = CreateGlobalVertex(meshNode, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 0, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);
                b = CreateGlobalVertex(meshNode, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 2, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);
                c = CreateGlobalVertex(meshNode, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, face, 1, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, skin, boneIds);


            if (a < minVertexIndex)
                minVertexIndex = a;

            if (b < minVertexIndex)
                minVertexIndex = b;

            if (c < minVertexIndex)
                minVertexIndex = c;

            if (a > maxVertexIndex)
                maxVertexIndex = a;

            if (b > maxVertexIndex)
                maxVertexIndex = b;

            if (c > maxVertexIndex)
                maxVertexIndex = c;

            indexCount += 3;
Beispiel #18
        int CreateGlobalVertex(IIGameNode meshNode, IIGameMesh mesh, BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, IFaceEx face, int facePart, List <GlobalVertex> vertices, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported, IIGameSkin skin, List <int> boneIds)
            var vertexIndex = (int)face.Vert[facePart];

            // Position can by retreived in world space or object space
            // Unfortunately, this value can't be retreived in local space
            var vertex = new GlobalVertex
                BaseIndex = vertexIndex,
                Position  = mesh.GetVertex(vertexIndex, false),             // world space
                Normal    = mesh.GetNormal((int)face.Norm[facePart], false) // world space

            if (exportParameters.exportTangents)
                int     indexTangentBinormal = mesh.GetFaceVertexTangentBinormal(face.MeshFaceIndex, facePart, 1);
                IPoint3 normal    = vertex.Normal.Normalize;
                IPoint3 tangent   = mesh.GetTangent(indexTangentBinormal, 1).Normalize;
                IPoint3 bitangent = mesh.GetBinormal(indexTangentBinormal, 1).Normalize;
                int     w         = GetW(normal, tangent, bitangent);
                vertex.Tangent = new float[] { tangent.X, tangent.Y, tangent.Z, w };

            // Convert position and normal to local space
            vertex.Position = invertedWorldMatrix.PointTransform(vertex.Position);

            vertex.Normal = invertedWorldMatrix.VectorTransform(vertex.Normal);
            // 1. scale normals with node scales
            var nodeScaling = BabylonVector3.FromArray(babylonAbstractMesh.scaling);

            vertex.Normal = vertex.Normal.Multiply(Loader.Global.Point3.Create(Math.Abs(nodeScaling.X), Math.Abs(nodeScaling.Y), Math.Abs(nodeScaling.Z)));

            // 2. scale normals with objectOffsetScales (unrotate by objectOffsetRot, then scale, then rotate again)
            // note: LH coordinate system => flip y and z
            var objOffsetScale          = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(meshNode.MaxNode.ObjOffsetScale.S);
            var scaleX                  = Math.Abs(objOffsetScale.X);
            var scaleY                  = Math.Abs(objOffsetScale.Y);
            var scaleZ                  = Math.Abs(objOffsetScale.Z);
            var objOffsetScaleFlipYZInv = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleZ, 1 / scaleY);

            var objOffsetQuat = meshNode.MaxNode.ObjOffsetRot;
            var qFlippedYZ    = objOffsetQuat;
            var tmpSwap       = objOffsetQuat.Y;

            qFlippedYZ.Y = objOffsetQuat.Z;
            qFlippedYZ.Z = tmpSwap;

            var nUnrotated       = RotateVectorByQuaternion(vertex.Normal, qFlippedYZ);
            var nUnrotatedScaled = nUnrotated.Multiply(objOffsetScaleFlipYZInv);

            nUnrotatedScaled = nUnrotatedScaled.Normalize;
            var nRerotatedScaled = RotateVectorByQuaternion(nUnrotatedScaled, qFlippedYZ.Conjugate);

            vertex.Normal = nRerotatedScaled;

            if (hasUV)
                var indices = new int[3];
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(1, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                var texCoord = mesh.GetMapVertex(1, indices[facePart]);
                vertex.UV = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(texCoord.X, -texCoord.Y);

            if (hasUV2)
                var indices = new int[3];
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(2, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                var texCoord = mesh.GetMapVertex(2, indices[facePart]);
                vertex.UV2 = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(texCoord.X, -texCoord.Y);

            if (hasColor)
                var   vertexColorIndex = (int)face.Color[facePart];
                var   vertexColor      = mesh.GetColorVertex(vertexColorIndex);
                float alpha            = 1;
                if (hasAlpha)
                    var indices = new int[3];
                        fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                            mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(-2, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                    var color = mesh.GetMapVertex(-2, indices[facePart]);

                    alpha = color.X;

                vertex.Color = new[] { vertexColor.X, vertexColor.Y, vertexColor.Z, alpha };

            if (skin != null)
                float[] weight = new float[4] {
                    0, 0, 0, 0
                int[] bone = new int[4] {
                    bonesCount, bonesCount, bonesCount, bonesCount
                var nbBones = skin.GetNumberOfBones(vertexIndex);

                int currentVtxBone  = 0;
                int currentSkinBone = 0;

                // process skin bones until we have 4 bones for this vertex or we run out of skin bones
                for (currentSkinBone = 0; currentSkinBone < nbBones && currentVtxBone < 4; ++currentSkinBone)
                    float boneWeight = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);
                    if (boneWeight <= 0)

                    bone[currentVtxBone]   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone).NodeID);
                    weight[currentVtxBone] = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);

                // if we didnt have any bones with a weight > 0
                if (currentVtxBone == 0)
                    weight[0] = 1.0f;
                    bone[0]   = bonesCount;

                vertex.Weights      = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight);
                vertex.BonesIndices = (bone[3] << 24) | (bone[2] << 16) | (bone[1] << 8) | bone[0];

                if (currentVtxBone >= 4 && currentSkinBone < nbBones)
                    weight = new float[4] {
                        0, 0, 0, 0
                    bone = new int[4] {
                        bonesCount, bonesCount, bonesCount, bonesCount

                    // process remaining skin bones until we have a total of 8 bones for this vertex or we run out of skin bones
                    for (; currentSkinBone < nbBones && currentVtxBone < 8; ++currentSkinBone)
                        float boneWeight = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);
                        if (boneWeight <= 0)

                        if (isGltfExported)
                            RaiseError("Too many bone influences per vertex for vertexIndex: " + vertexIndex + ". glTF only supports up to 4 bone influences per vertex.", 2);

                        bone[currentVtxBone - 4]   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone).NodeID);
                        weight[currentVtxBone - 4] = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);

                    // if we have any extra bone weights
                    if (currentVtxBone > 4)
                        vertex.WeightsExtra      = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight);
                        vertex.BonesIndicesExtra = (bone[3] << 24) | (bone[2] << 16) | (bone[1] << 8) | bone[0];

                        if (currentSkinBone < nbBones)
                            // if we have more skin bones left, this means we have used up all our bones for this vertex
                            // check if any of the remaining bones has a weight > 0
                            for (; currentSkinBone < nbBones; ++currentSkinBone)
                                float boneWeight = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);
                                if (boneWeight <= 0)
                                RaiseError("Too many bone influences per vertex for vertexIndex: " + vertexIndex + ". Babylon.js only supports up to 8 bone influences per vertex.", 2);

            if (verticesAlreadyExported != null)
                if (verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] != null)
                    var index = verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex].IndexOf(vertex);

                    if (index > -1)
                    verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] = new List <GlobalVertex>();

                vertex.CurrentIndex = vertices.Count;


            return(vertices.Count - 1);
Beispiel #19
 public Matrix3(IMatrix3 x)
     : this(new Point3(x.GetRow(0)), new Point3(x.GetRow(1)), new Point3(x.GetRow(2)), new Point3(x.GetRow(3)))
 { }
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the routine to convert the input node to polygon faces.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeHandle"> Input the node by handle. </param>
        /// <param name="convertToTri"> Input whether to convert to a poly object first. </param>
        /// <param name="addShell"> Input whether to add the shell modifier when finished converting to face. </param>
        /// <param name="shell"> Input the shell thickness amount. </param>
        /// <param name="addEditMesh"> Input whether to add the Edit Mesh modifier when finished converting to face. </param>
        /// <param name="collapseNode"> Input whether to collapse the node afterwards. </param>
        /// <param name="centerPivot"> Input whether to center the pivot on each new face. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns 1 if successful or -1 if not. </returns>
        static public int ConvertToPolygonFaces(uint nodeHandle,
                                                bool convertToPoly = true, // C# now supports default parameters
                                                bool addShell      = true,
                                                float shell        = 0.1f,
                                                bool addEditMesh   = true,
                                                bool collapseNode  = true,
                                                bool centerPivot   = true)
                IGlobal      global = Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface.Instance;
                IInterface14 ip     = global.COREInterface14;

                IINode node = ip.GetINodeByHandle(nodeHandle);
                if (node == null)

                // Get it's current object state. If a modifier has been applied, for example,
                // it is going to return the OS of the mesh in it's current form in the timeline.
                IObjectState os = node.ObjectRef.Eval(ip.Time);

                // Now grab the object itself.
                IObject objOriginal = os.Obj;

                IPolyObject polyObject = objOriginal as IPolyObject;

                IClass_ID   cid     = global.Class_ID.Create((uint)BuiltInClassIDA.POLYOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0);
                IPolyObject polyObj = ip.CreateInstance(SClass_ID.Geomobject, cid as IClass_ID) as IPolyObject;

                if (polyObject == null && convertToPoly)
                    if (objOriginal.CanConvertToType(global.TriObjectClassID) == 1)
                        objOriginal = objOriginal.ConvertToType(ip.Time, global.TriObjectClassID);
                    ITriObject triOriginal = objOriginal as ITriObject;
                    polyObj.Mesh.MakePolyMesh(0, true);
                else if (polyObject == null)
                    polyObj = polyObject;

                IMatrix3    mat              = node.GetNodeTM(0, null);
                IPoint3     ptOffsetPos      = node.ObjOffsetPos;
                IQuat       quatOffsetRot    = node.ObjOffsetRot;
                IScaleValue scaleOffsetScale = node.ObjOffsetScale;

                // We can grab the faces as a List and iterate them in .NET API.

                int nNumFaces = polyObj.Mesh.FNum;
                if (m_bUsingProgress)
                    m_ctrlProgress.PB_ProgressMaxNum = nNumFaces;

                ADN_UserBreakCheck checkUserBreak = new ADN_UserBreakCheck();

                for (int i = 0; i < nNumFaces; i++)
                    if (checkUserBreak.Check() == true)
                    if (m_bUsingProgress)
                        m_ctrlProgress.PB_ProgressCurrNum = i;

                    // Create a new poly object for each new face.
                    object objectNewFace = ip.CreateInstance(SClass_ID.Geomobject, cid as IClass_ID);

                    // Create a new node to hold it in the scene.
                    IObject objNewFace = (IObject)objectNewFace;
                    IINode  n          = global.COREInterface.CreateObjectNode(objNewFace);

                    // Name it and ensure it is unique...
                    string newname = "ADN-Sample-Face";
                    ip.MakeNameUnique(ref newname);
                    n.Name = newname;

                    // Based on what we created above, we can safely cast it to TriObject
                    IPolyObject polyNewFace = objNewFace as IPolyObject;

                    // Setup the new poly object with 1 face, and the vertex count from the original object's face we are processing
                    IMNFace f = polyObj.Mesh.F(i);


                    IMNFace fnew = polyNewFace.Mesh.F(0);

                    IList <int> vtx = f.Vtx;

                    for (int k = 0; k < vtx.Count; k++)
                        int     nvindex = vtx[k];
                        IMNVert vert    = polyObj.Mesh.V(nvindex);
                        Debug.Print("\nVertex = " + k + ", " + nvindex);
                        fnew.Vtx[k] = k;

                    int     nedge = nedge = polyNewFace.Mesh.SimpleNewEdge(0, 1);
                    IMNEdge edge  = polyNewFace.Mesh.E(nedge);
                    edge.Track = -1;
                    edge.F1    = 0;
                    edge.F2    = -1;
                    polyNewFace.Mesh.SetEdgeVis(nedge, true);

                    nedge      = polyNewFace.Mesh.SimpleNewEdge(1, 2);
                    edge       = polyNewFace.Mesh.E(nedge);
                    edge.Track = -1;
                    edge.F1    = 0;
                    edge.F2    = -1;
                    polyNewFace.Mesh.SetEdgeVis(nedge, true);

                    nedge      = polyNewFace.Mesh.SimpleNewEdge(2, 3);
                    edge       = polyNewFace.Mesh.E(nedge);
                    edge.Track = -1;
                    edge.F1    = 0;
                    edge.F2    = -1;
                    polyNewFace.Mesh.SetEdgeVis(nedge, true);

                    nedge      = polyNewFace.Mesh.SimpleNewEdge(3, 0);
                    edge       = polyNewFace.Mesh.E(nedge);
                    edge.Track = -1;
                    edge.F1    = 0;
                    edge.F2    = -1;
                    polyNewFace.Mesh.SetEdgeVis(nedge, true);

                    // make it update.

                    if (addShell)
                        AddOsmShell(n.Handle, shell);

                    if (addEditMesh)

                    if (collapseNode)
                        ip.CollapseNode(n, true);

                    // update transform to match object being exploded.
                    n.SetNodeTM(0, mat);
                    n.ObjOffsetPos   = ptOffsetPos;
                    n.ObjOffsetRot   = quatOffsetRot;
                    n.ObjOffsetScale = scaleOffsetScale;
                    n.ObjOffsetPos   = ptOffsetPos;
                    if (centerPivot)
                        n.CenterPivot(0, false);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExtractGeometry(BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, List <GlobalVertex> vertices, List <int> indices, List <BabylonSubMesh> subMeshes, List <int> boneIds, IIGameSkin skin, IIGameMesh unskinnedMesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, IMatrix3 offsetTM, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, bool optimizeVertices, int multiMatsCount, IIGameNode meshNode, ref List <int> faceIndexes)
            Dictionary <GlobalVertex, List <GlobalVertex> > verticesAlreadyExported = null;

            if (optimizeVertices)
                verticesAlreadyExported = new Dictionary <GlobalVertex, List <GlobalVertex> >();

            var indexStart = 0;

            // Whether or not to store order in which faces are exported
            // Storage is used when exporting Morph Targets geometry
            // To ensure face order is identical, especially with multimaterials involved
            bool storeFaceIndexes = faceIndexes == null;

            if (storeFaceIndexes)
                faceIndexes = new List <int>();
            int indexInFaceIndexesArray = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < multiMatsCount; ++i)
                int materialId     = i;
                var indexCount     = 0;
                var minVertexIndex = int.MaxValue;
                var maxVertexIndex = int.MinValue;
                var subMesh        = new BabylonSubMesh {
                    indexStart = indexStart, materialIndex = i

                if (multiMatsCount == 1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces; ++j)
                        IFaceEx face = null;
                        if (storeFaceIndexes)
                            face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(j);
                            // Store face index (j = face.MeshFaceIndex)
                            face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(faceIndexes[indexInFaceIndexesArray++]);
                        ExtractFace(skin, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, offsetTM, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);
                    if (i == 0 || isMaterialDoubleSided == false)
                        ITab <IFaceEx> materialFaces = unskinnedMesh.GetFacesFromMatID(materialId);
                        for (int j = 0; j < materialFaces.Count; ++j)
                            IFaceEx face = null;
                            if (storeFaceIndexes)
                                // Retreive face
#if MAX2017 || MAX2018 || MAX2019 || MAX2020
                                face = materialFaces[j];
                                face = materialFaces[new IntPtr(j)];

                                // Store face index
                                face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(faceIndexes[indexInFaceIndexesArray++]);
                            ExtractFace(skin, unskinnedMesh, babylonAbstractMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, offsetTM, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);
                        // It's a double sided material
                        // The back faces are created at runtime

                        // WARNING - Nested multimaterial and double sided material are not supported

                        minVertexIndex = vertices.Count;
                        maxVertexIndex = vertices.Count * 2 - 1;

                        // Vertices
                        int nbVertices = vertices.Count;
                        for (int index = 0; index < nbVertices; index++)
                            GlobalVertex vertexOrg = vertices[index];

                            // Duplicate vertex
                            GlobalVertex vertexNew = new GlobalVertex(vertexOrg);

                            // Inverse back vertices normal
                            vertexNew.Normal  = vertexNew.Normal.MultiplyBy(-1);
                            vertexNew.Tangent = vertexNew.Tangent.MultiplyBy(-1);


                        // Faces
                        int nbIndices = indices.Count;
                        for (int index = 0; index < nbIndices; index += 3)
                            // Duplicate and flip faces
                            indices.Add(indices[index + 2] + nbIndices);
                            indices.Add(indices[index + 1] + nbIndices);
                            indices.Add(indices[index] + nbIndices);

                            indexCount += 3;

                if (indexCount != 0)
                    subMesh.indexCount    = indexCount;
                    subMesh.verticesStart = minVertexIndex;
                    subMesh.verticesCount = maxVertexIndex - minVertexIndex + 1;

                    indexStart += indexCount;

        /// <summary>
        /// This is the routine to convert the input node to triangle faces.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeHandle"> Input the node by handle. </param>
        /// <param name="convertToTri"> Input whether to convert to a tri object first. </param>
        /// <param name="addShell"> Input whether to add the shell modifier when finished converting to face. </param>
        /// <param name="shell"> Input the shell thickness amount. </param>
        /// <param name="addEditMesh"> Input whether to add the Edit Mesh modifier when finished converting to face. </param>
        /// <param name="collapseNode"> Input whether to collapse the node afterwards. </param>
        /// <param name="centerPivot"> Input whether to center the pivot on each new face. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns 1 if successful or -1 if not. </returns>
        static public int ConvertToTriangleFaces(uint nodeHandle,
                                                 bool convertToTri = true, // C# now supports default parameters
                                                 bool addShell     = true,
                                                 float shell       = 0.1f,
                                                 bool addEditMesh  = true,
                                                 bool collapseNode = true,
                                                 bool centerPivot  = true)
                IGlobal      global = Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface.Instance;
                IInterface14 ip     = global.COREInterface14;

                IINode node = ip.GetINodeByHandle(nodeHandle);

                // Get it's current object state. If a modifier has been applied, for example,
                // it is going to return the OS of the mesh in it's current form in the timeline.
                IObjectState os = node.ObjectRef.Eval(ip.Time);

                // Now grab the object itself.
                IObject objOriginal = os.Obj;

                // Let's make sure it is a TriObject, which is the typical kind of object with a mesh
                if (!objOriginal.IsSubClassOf(global.TriObjectClassID))
                    // If it is NOT, see if we can convert it...
                    if (convertToTri && objOriginal.CanConvertToType(global.TriObjectClassID) == 1)
                        objOriginal = objOriginal.ConvertToType(ip.Time, global.TriObjectClassID);

                // Now we should be safe to know it is a TriObject and we can cast it as such.
                // An exception will be thrown...
                ITriObject triOriginal = objOriginal as ITriObject;

                // Let's first setup a class ID for the type of objects are are creating.
                // New TriObject in this case to hold each face.
                IClass_ID cid = global.Class_ID.Create((uint)BuiltInClassIDA.TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0);

                IMatrix3    mat              = node.GetNodeTM(0, null);
                IPoint3     ptOffsetPos      = node.ObjOffsetPos;
                IQuat       quatOffsetRot    = node.ObjOffsetRot;
                IScaleValue scaleOffsetScale = node.ObjOffsetScale;

                // We can grab the faces as a List and iterate them in .NET API.
                IMesh         mesh  = triOriginal.Mesh;
                IList <IFace> faces = triOriginal.Mesh.Faces;

                int nNumFaces = faces.Count;
                if (m_bUsingProgress)
                    m_ctrlProgress.PB_ProgressMaxNum = nNumFaces;

                ADN_UserBreakCheck checkUserBreak = new ADN_UserBreakCheck();
                int count = 0;
                foreach (IFace face in faces)
                    if (checkUserBreak.Check() == true)
                    if (m_bUsingProgress)
                        m_ctrlProgress.PB_ProgressCurrNum = ++count;

                    // Create a new TriObject for each new face.
                    object objectNewFace = ip.CreateInstance(SClass_ID.Geomobject, cid as IClass_ID);

                    // Create a new node to hold it in the scene.
                    IObject objNewFace = (IObject)objectNewFace;
                    IINode  n          = global.COREInterface.CreateObjectNode(objNewFace);

                    // Name it and ensure it is unique...
                    string newname = "ADN-Sample-Face";
                    ip.MakeNameUnique(ref newname);
                    n.Name = newname;

                    // Based on what we created above, we can safely cast it to TriObject
                    ITriObject triNewFace = objNewFace as ITriObject;

                    // Setup the new TriObject with 1 face, and the vertex count from the original object's face we are processing
                    triNewFace.Mesh.SetNumFaces(1, false, false);
                    triNewFace.Mesh.SetNumVerts(face.V.Count(), false, false);

                    // Finish setting up the face (always face '0' because there will only be one per object).
                    triNewFace.Mesh.Faces[0].SetVerts(0, 1, 2);
                    triNewFace.Mesh.Faces[0].SetEdgeVisFlags(EdgeVisibility.Vis, EdgeVisibility.Vis, EdgeVisibility.Vis);
                    triNewFace.Mesh.Faces[0].SmGroup = 2;

                    // Now, for each vertex, get the old face's points and store into new.
                    for (int i = 0; i < face.V.Count(); i++)
                        //Get the vertex from the original object's face we are processing
                        IPoint3 point = triOriginal.Mesh.GetVert((int)face.GetVert(i));
                        // Set the vertex point in the new face vertex
                        triNewFace.Mesh.SetVert(i, point);

                    // make it draw.

                    if (addShell)
                        AddOsmShell(n.Handle, shell);

                    if (addEditMesh)

                    if (collapseNode)
                        ip.CollapseNode(n, true);

                    // update transform to match object being exploded.
                    n.SetNodeTM(0, mat);
                    n.ObjOffsetPos   = ptOffsetPos;
                    n.ObjOffsetRot   = quatOffsetRot;
                    n.ObjOffsetScale = scaleOffsetScale;
                    n.ObjOffsetPos   = ptOffsetPos;
                    if (centerPivot)
                        n.CenterPivot(0, false);
            catch (Exception)

Beispiel #23
        internal static unsafe void ExplodeNode(BaseNode baseNode, IPoint3 moveValue, ushort matID)
            //A node is a part of an IIINode, it's a matID part of the real IINode
            var node = baseNode.INode;

            var world = node.GetObjTMAfterWSM(0, null);
            var local = world;

            if (!node.IsRootNode)
                IMatrix3 m3Parent = node.ParentNode.GetObjTMAfterWSM(0, null);
                local = world.Multiply(m_Global.Inverse(m3Parent));

            //We basically need to keep all the verts - but this could be millions, or we could keep an ID
            //IINode inode = baseNode.Node;

            //string sKey = matID.ToString();
            //string sMoveValue = string.Format("[{0};{1};{2}]", moveValue.X, moveValue.Y, moveValue.Z);

            //inode.SetUserPropString(ref sKey, ref sMoveValue);

            if (baseNode.Mesh.TriMesh != null) //mesh
                var           mesh                  = baseNode.Mesh.TriMesh;
                BitArray      facesPerID            = baseNode.GetMaterialBitArray(matID);
                HashSet <int> uniqueVertexIndexList = new HashSet <int>();

                //loop through the bitarray to see which faces are set. For the set faces, save the verts
                for (int i = 0; i < facesPerID.Count; i++)
                    if (facesPerID[i])
                        //This should be a singular face that has the defined ID
                        IFace face = mesh.Faces[i];

                        IntPtr vertsIndices = face.AllVerts;

                        uint *dwordVertIndices = (uint *)vertsIndices.ToPointer();

                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            var vertexIndex = (int)dwordVertIndices[j];
                foreach (var vertexIndex in uniqueVertexIndexList)
                    var localPos = mesh.GetVert(vertexIndex);
                    var finalPos = CalculateWorldPosVerts(localPos, moveValue, local);

                    mesh.SetVert(vertexIndex, finalPos);

            else //poly
                var mesh = baseNode.Mesh.PolyMesh;

                //Get the bitArray for each ID
                BitArray      facesPerID            = baseNode.GetMaterialBitArray(matID);
                HashSet <int> uniqueVertexIndexList = new HashSet <int>();

                //loop through the bitarray to see which faces are set. For the set faces, save the verts
                for (int i = 0; i < facesPerID.Count; i++)
                    if (facesPerID[i])
                        //This should be a singular face that has the defined ID
                        IMNFace     face        = mesh.F(i);
                        IList <int> vertIndices = face.Vtx;

                        foreach (var vertexIndex in vertIndices)
                foreach (var vertexIndex in uniqueVertexIndexList)
                    var localPos = mesh.P(vertexIndex);
                    var finalPos = CalculateWorldPosVerts(localPos, moveValue, local);
                    mesh.V(vertexIndex).P = finalPos;
        int CreateGlobalVertex(IIGameMesh mesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, IFaceEx face, int facePart, List <GlobalVertex> vertices, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported, IIGameSkin skin, List <int> boneIds)
            var vertexIndex = (int)face.Vert[facePart];

            // Position can by retreived in world space or object space
            // Unfortunately, this value can't be retreived in local space
            var vertex = new GlobalVertex
                BaseIndex = vertexIndex,
                Position  = mesh.GetVertex(vertexIndex, false),            // world space
                Normal    = mesh.GetNormal((int)face.Norm[facePart], true) // object space

            // Convert position to local space
            vertex.Position = invertedWorldMatrix.PointTransform(vertex.Position);

            if (hasUV)
                var indices = new int[3];
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(1, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                var texCoord = mesh.GetMapVertex(1, indices[facePart]);
                vertex.UV = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(texCoord.X, -texCoord.Y);

            if (hasUV2)
                var indices = new int[3];
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(2, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                var texCoord = mesh.GetMapVertex(2, indices[facePart]);
                vertex.UV2 = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(texCoord.X, -texCoord.Y);

            if (hasColor)
                var   vertexColorIndex = (int)face.Color[facePart];
                var   vertexColor      = mesh.GetColorVertex(vertexColorIndex);
                float alpha            = 1;
                if (hasAlpha)
                    var indices = new int[3];
                        fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                            mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(-2, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                    var color = mesh.GetMapVertex(-2, indices[facePart]);

                    alpha = color.X;

                vertex.Color = new[] { vertexColor.X, vertexColor.Y, vertexColor.Z, alpha };

            if (skin != null)
                float weight0 = 0;
                float weight1 = 0;
                float weight2 = 0;
                float weight3 = 0;
                int   bone0   = bonesCount;
                int   bone1   = bonesCount;
                int   bone2   = bonesCount;
                int   bone3   = bonesCount;
                var   nbBones = skin.GetNumberOfBones(vertexIndex);

                if (nbBones > 0)
                    bone0   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 0).NodeID);
                    weight0 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 0);

                if (nbBones > 1)
                    bone1   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 1).NodeID);
                    weight1 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 1);

                if (nbBones > 2)
                    bone2   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 2).NodeID);
                    weight2 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 2);

                if (nbBones > 3)
                    bone3   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 3).NodeID);
                    weight3 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 3);

                if (nbBones == 0)
                    weight0 = 1.0f;
                    bone0   = bonesCount;

                vertex.Weights      = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight0, weight1, weight2, weight3);
                vertex.BonesIndices = (bone3 << 24) | (bone2 << 16) | (bone1 << 8) | bone0;

                if (nbBones > 4)
                    bone0   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 4).NodeID);
                    weight0 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 4);

                    weight1 = 0;
                    weight2 = 0;
                    weight3 = 0;

                    if (nbBones > 5)
                        bone1   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 5).NodeID);
                        weight1 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 5);

                    if (nbBones > 6)
                        bone2   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 6).NodeID);
                        weight2 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 6);

                    if (nbBones > 7)
                        bone3   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, 7).NodeID);
                        weight3 = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, 7);

                    vertex.WeightsExtra      = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight0, weight1, weight2, weight3);
                    vertex.BonesIndicesExtra = (bone3 << 24) | (bone2 << 16) | (bone1 << 8) | bone0;

                    if (nbBones > 8)
                        RaiseError("Too many bones influences per vertex: " + nbBones + ". Babylon.js only support 8 bones influences per vertex.", 2);

            if (verticesAlreadyExported != null)
                if (verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] != null)
                    var index = verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex].IndexOf(vertex);

                    if (index > -1)
                    verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] = new List <GlobalVertex>();

                vertex.CurrentIndex = vertices.Count;


            return(vertices.Count - 1);
Beispiel #25
        private static IPoint3 CalculateWorldPosVerts(IPoint3 localPos, IPoint3 moveValue, IMatrix3 local)
            //Convert to World space
            var worldPos = local.PointTransform(localPos);

            //Make changes
            worldPos.X += moveValue.X;
            worldPos.Y += moveValue.Y;
            worldPos.Z += moveValue.Z;

            //Invert the local matrix
            var m3LocalInverse = m_Global.Inverse(local);

            //Convert back to local space
Beispiel #26
        int CreateGlobalVertex(IIGameMesh mesh, BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, IMatrix3 invertedWorldMatrix, IMatrix3 offsetTM, IFaceEx face, int facePart, List <GlobalVertex> vertices, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool hasColor, bool hasAlpha, List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported, IIGameSkin skin, List <int> boneIds)
            var vertexIndex = (int)face.Vert[facePart];

            // Position can by retrieved in world space or object space
            // Unfortunately, this value can't be retrieved in local space
            var vertex = new GlobalVertex
                BaseIndex = vertexIndex,
                Position  = mesh.GetVertex(vertexIndex, false),            // world space
                Normal    = mesh.GetNormal((int)face.Norm[facePart], true) // object space (world space was somehow bugged for normal)

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("vertex normal: " + string.Join(", ", vertex.Normal.ToArray().Select(v => Math.Round(v, 3))));

            // position (from world to local/node space)
            vertex.Position = invertedWorldMatrix.PointTransform(vertex.Position);

            // normal (from object to local/node space)
            vertex.Normal = offsetTM.VectorTransform(vertex.Normal).Normalize;

            // tangent
            if (exportParameters.exportTangents)
                int     indexTangentBinormal = mesh.GetFaceVertexTangentBinormal(face.MeshFaceIndex, facePart, 1);
                IPoint3 normal    = vertex.Normal.Normalize;
                IPoint3 tangent   = mesh.GetTangent(indexTangentBinormal, 1).Normalize;
                IPoint3 bitangent = mesh.GetBinormal(indexTangentBinormal, 1).Normalize;
                int     w         = GetW(normal, tangent, bitangent);
                vertex.Tangent = new float[] { tangent.X, tangent.Y, tangent.Z, w };

            if (hasUV)
                var indices = new int[3];
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(1, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                var texCoord = mesh.GetMapVertex(1, indices[facePart]);
                vertex.UV = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(texCoord.X, -texCoord.Y);

            if (hasUV2)
                var indices = new int[3];
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(2, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                var texCoord = mesh.GetMapVertex(2, indices[facePart]);
                vertex.UV2 = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(texCoord.X, -texCoord.Y);

            if (hasColor)
                var   vertexColorIndex = (int)face.Color[facePart];
                var   vertexColor      = mesh.GetColorVertex(vertexColorIndex);
                float alpha            = 1;
                if (hasAlpha)
                    var indices = new int[3];
                        fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                            mesh.GetMapFaceIndex(-2, face.MeshFaceIndex, new IntPtr(indicesPtr));
                    var color = mesh.GetMapVertex(-2, indices[facePart]);

                    alpha = color.X;

                vertex.Color = new[] { vertexColor.X, vertexColor.Y, vertexColor.Z, alpha };

            if (skin != null)
                float[] weight = new float[4] {
                    0, 0, 0, 0
                int[] bone = new int[4] {
                    0, 0, 0, 0
                var nbBones = skin.GetNumberOfBones(vertexIndex);

                int currentVtxBone  = 0;
                int currentSkinBone = 0;

                // process skin bones until we have 4 bones for this vertex or we run out of skin bones
                for (currentSkinBone = 0; currentSkinBone < nbBones && currentVtxBone < 4; ++currentSkinBone)
                    float boneWeight = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);
                    if (boneWeight <= 0)

                    bone[currentVtxBone]   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone).NodeID);
                    weight[currentVtxBone] = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);

                // if we didnt have any bones with a weight > 0
                if (currentVtxBone == 0)
                    weight[0] = 1.0f;
                    bone[0]   = 0;

                vertex.Weights      = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight);
                vertex.BonesIndices = (bone[3] << 24) | (bone[2] << 16) | (bone[1] << 8) | bone[0];

                if (currentVtxBone >= 4 && currentSkinBone < nbBones)
                    weight = new float[4] {
                        0, 0, 0, 0
                    bone = new int[4] {
                        0, 0, 0, 0

                    // process remaining skin bones until we have a total of 8 bones for this vertex or we run out of skin bones
                    for (; currentSkinBone < nbBones && currentVtxBone < 8; ++currentSkinBone)
                        float boneWeight = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);
                        if (boneWeight <= 0)

                        if (isGltfExported)
                            RaiseError("Too many bone influences per vertex for vertexIndex: " + vertexIndex + ". glTF only supports up to 4 bone influences per vertex.", 2);

                        bone[currentVtxBone - 4]   = boneIds.IndexOf(skin.GetIGameBone(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone).NodeID);
                        weight[currentVtxBone - 4] = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);

                    // if we have any extra bone weights
                    if (currentVtxBone > 4)
                        vertex.WeightsExtra      = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight);
                        vertex.BonesIndicesExtra = (bone[3] << 24) | (bone[2] << 16) | (bone[1] << 8) | bone[0];

                        if (currentSkinBone < nbBones)
                            // if we have more skin bones left, this means we have used up all our bones for this vertex
                            // check if any of the remaining bones has a weight > 0
                            for (; currentSkinBone < nbBones; ++currentSkinBone)
                                float boneWeight = skin.GetWeight(vertexIndex, currentSkinBone);
                                if (boneWeight <= 0)
                                RaiseError("Too many bone influences per vertex for vertexIndex: " + vertexIndex + ". Babylon.js only supports up to 8 bone influences per vertex.", 2);

            if (verticesAlreadyExported != null)
                if (verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] != null)
                    var index = verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex].IndexOf(vertex);

                    if (index > -1)
                    verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] = new List <GlobalVertex>();

                vertex.CurrentIndex = vertices.Count;


            return(vertices.Count - 1);
Beispiel #27
        public static unsafe void BuildBoundingBox(ParentNode parentNode, ushort matID)
            var node = parentNode.INode;

            var world = node.GetObjTMAfterWSM(0, null);
            var local = world;

            if (!node.IsRootNode)
                IMatrix3 m3Parent = node.ParentNode.GetObjTMAfterWSM(0, null);
                local = world.Multiply(m_Global.Inverse(m3Parent));

            if (parentNode.Mesh.TriMesh != null) //mesh
                var mesh = parentNode.Mesh.TriMesh;

                BitArray facesPerID = parentNode.GetMaterialBitArray(matID);

                float?xMaxValue = null, xMinValue = null;
                float?yMaxValue = null, yMinValue = null;
                float?zMaxValue = null, zMinValue = null;

                IPoint3 maxValues, minValues;

                //loop through the bitarray to see which faces are set. For the set faces, save the verts
                for (int i = 0; i < facesPerID.Count; i++)
                    if (facesPerID[i])
                        //This should be a singular face that has the defined ID
                        IFace face = mesh.Faces[i];

                        IntPtr vertsIndices = face.AllVerts;

                        uint *dwordVertIndices = (uint *)vertsIndices.ToPointer();

                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            var vertexIndex = (int)dwordVertIndices[j];

                            //Maybe don't hold giant lists of vertex indices - just do it while we loop over them all
                            //TODO very important check if this is necessary

                            var pos = mesh.GetVert(vertexIndex);
                            pos = local.PointTransform(pos);

                            FindMaxMinValues(ref xMaxValue, ref xMinValue,
                                             ref yMaxValue, ref yMinValue,
                                             ref zMaxValue, ref zMinValue, pos);

                maxValues = m_Global.Point3.Create(xMaxValue.Value, yMaxValue.Value, zMaxValue.Value);
                minValues = m_Global.Point3.Create(xMinValue.Value, yMinValue.Value, zMinValue.Value);

                var bb = new BoundingBox(maxValues, minValues);

                parentNode.SetBoundingBox(matID, bb);
                var mesh = parentNode.Mesh.PolyMesh;

                //Get the bitArray for each ID
                BitArray facesPerID = parentNode.GetMaterialBitArray(matID);

                float?xMaxValue = null, xMinValue = null;
                float?yMaxValue = null, yMinValue = null;
                float?zMaxValue = null, zMinValue = null;

                IPoint3 maxValues, minValues;

                //loop through the bitarray to see which faces are set. For the set faces, save the verts
                for (int i = 0; i < facesPerID.Count; i++)
                    if (facesPerID[i])
                        //This should be a singular face that has the defined ID
                        IMNFace     face        = mesh.F(i);
                        IList <int> vertIndices = face.Vtx;

                        foreach (var vertexIndex in vertIndices)

                            var pos = mesh.P(vertexIndex);
                            pos = local.PointTransform(pos);

                            FindMaxMinValues(ref xMaxValue, ref xMinValue,
                                             ref yMaxValue, ref yMinValue,
                                             ref zMaxValue, ref zMinValue, pos);

                maxValues = m_Global.Point3.Create(xMaxValue.Value, yMaxValue.Value, zMaxValue.Value);
                minValues = m_Global.Point3.Create(xMinValue.Value, yMinValue.Value, zMinValue.Value);

                var bb = new BoundingBox(maxValues, minValues);

                parentNode.SetBoundingBox(matID, bb);
Beispiel #28
 public Matrix3(IMatrix3 x)
     : this(new Point3(x.GetRow(0)), new Point3(x.GetRow(1)), new Point3(x.GetRow(2)), new Point3(x.GetRow(3)))