Beispiel #1
        public void Merge(Int32 materialIdToKeep, Int32[] materialIdToDelete)
            foreach (var id in materialIdToDelete)
                //Get all the ProductMaterial whith materialIdToDelete
                var _materialwithProductsDelete = _materialRepository.GetMaterialsWithProducts(id);
                var _productMaterialDelete      = _materialwithProductsDelete.Select(p => p.ProductMaterials).ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < _productMaterialDelete.Count(); i++)
                    var collectionOfMaterial = _productMaterialDelete[i];

                    foreach (var prMaterial in collectionOfMaterial)
                        var _materialwithProductsToKeep = _materialRepository.GetMaterialsWithProducts(materialIdToKeep).FirstOrDefault();
                        var _actualProductMaterial      = _materialwithProductsToKeep.ProductMaterials.FirstOrDefault();

                        //Need to update the quentity only and then delet the unused product details
                        _actualProductMaterial.Quantity += prMaterial.Quantity;



                        if (collectionOfMaterial.Count() <= 0)
                //Delete the Material (I would prefer to mark delte but this desing is like this so keep it as it is)