Beispiel #1
        private MapChunkData _initChunkBuffers(IMapGrid grid, IMapChunk chunk)
            var vao = (uint)GL.GenVertexArray();


            var vboSize = _verticesPerChunk(chunk) * Vertex2D.SizeOf;
            var eboSize = _indicesPerChunk(chunk) * sizeof(ushort);

            var vbo = new GLBuffer(this, BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, BufferUsageHint.DynamicDraw,
                                   vboSize, $"Grid {grid.Index} chunk {chunk.Indices} VBO");
            var ebo = new GLBuffer(this, BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, BufferUsageHint.DynamicDraw,
                                   eboSize, $"Grid {grid.Index} chunk {chunk.Indices} EBO");

            ObjectLabelMaybe(ObjectLabelIdentifier.VertexArray, vao, $"Grid {grid.Index} chunk {chunk.Indices} VAO");
            // Vertex Coords
            GL.VertexAttribPointer(0, 2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, Vertex2D.SizeOf, 0);
            // Texture Coords.
            GL.VertexAttribPointer(1, 2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, Vertex2D.SizeOf, 2 * sizeof(float));

            // Assign VBO and EBO to VAO.
            // OpenGL 3.x is such a good API.

            var datum = new MapChunkData(vao, vbo, ebo)
                Dirty = true

            _mapChunkData[grid.Index].Add(chunk.Indices, datum);
        internal void processBlockUpdates(Vec2i coord, UpdateSnowLayerChunk updateChunk, IBulkBlockAccessor ba)
            int    chunkX    = coord.X;
            int    chunkZ    = coord.Y;
            var    setblocks = updateChunk.SetBlocks;
            double lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours = updateChunk.LastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours;

            IMapChunk mc = sapi.WorldManager.GetMapChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);

            if (mc == null)
                return;             // No longer loaded, we can just ditch it and re-do the thing again next time it gets loaded again
            Vec2i tmpVec = new Vec2i();

            foreach (var sval in setblocks)
                Block newblock  = sval.Value.Block;
                float snowLevel = sval.Value.SnowLevel;

                Block hereblock = ba.GetBlock(sval.Key);

                tmpVec.Set(sval.Key.X, sval.Key.Z);
                if (snowLevel > 0 && !mc.SnowAccum.ContainsKey(tmpVec))
                    continue;                                                     // Must have gotten removed since we last checked in our seperate thread
                hereblock.PerformSnowLevelUpdate(ba, sval.Key, newblock, snowLevel);

            mc.SetData("lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours", SerializerUtil.Serialize <double>(lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours));
        internal void processBlockUpdates(IMapChunk mc, UpdateSnowLayerChunk updateChunk, IBulkBlockAccessor ba)
            var    setblocks = updateChunk.SetBlocks;
            double lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours = updateChunk.LastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours;

            Vec2i tmpVec = new Vec2i();

            foreach (var sval in setblocks)
                Block newblock  = sval.Value.Block;
                float snowLevel = sval.Value.SnowLevel;

                Block hereblock = ba.GetBlock(sval.Key);

                tmpVec.Set(sval.Key.X, sval.Key.Z);
                if (snowLevel > 0 && !mc.SnowAccum.ContainsKey(tmpVec))
                    continue;                                                     // Must have gotten removed since we last checked in our seperate thread
                hereblock.PerformSnowLevelUpdate(ba, sval.Key, newblock, snowLevel);

            mc.SetModdata("lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours", SerializerUtil.Serialize <double>(lastSnowAccumUpdateTotalHours));
Beispiel #4
        private void Event_DidPlaceBlock(IServerPlayer byPlayer, int oldblockId, BlockSelection blockSel, ItemStack withItemStack)
            IMapChunk mapchunk = api.World.BlockAccessor.GetMapChunkAtBlockPos(blockSel.Position);

            if (mapchunk == null)

            int lx = blockSel.Position.X % chunksize;
            int lz = blockSel.Position.Z % chunksize;

            int y  = mapchunk.RainHeightMap[lz * chunksize + lx];
            int ly = y % chunksize;

            IWorldChunk chunk = api.World.BlockAccessor.GetChunkAtBlockPos(blockSel.Position.X, y, blockSel.Position.Z);

            if (chunk == null)

            int blockId = chunk.Blocks[(ly * chunksize + lz) * chunksize + lx];

            if (blockId == 0)
                int cx = blockSel.Position.X / chunksize;
                int cz = blockSel.Position.Z / chunksize;
                api.World.Logger.Notification("Huh. Found air block in rain map at chunk pos {0}/{1}. That seems invalid, will regenerate rain map", cx, cz);
                rebuildRainmap(cx, cz);
Beispiel #5
        private void AttachChunksToCells()
            foreach (var cell in Cells)
                int chunkIndexX = Mathf.FloorToInt(cell.AbsolutePosition.x / RenderConfig.ChunkWidth);
                int chunkIndexZ = Mathf.FloorToInt(cell.AbsolutePosition.z / RenderConfig.ChunkHeight);

                var overlappingChunks = new List <IMapChunk>();

                for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                    for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
                        int candidateX = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(chunkIndexX + i, ChunkCountX - 1));
                        int candidateZ = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(chunkIndexZ + j, ChunkCountZ - 1));

                        IMapChunk candidate = chunks[candidateX, candidateZ];

                        if (candidate.DoesCellOverlapChunk(cell))


                foreach (var chunk in overlappingChunks)
                    chunk.AttachCell(cell, chunk.IsInTerrainBounds2D(cell.AbsolutePositionXZ));
Beispiel #6
        private void GetNewTextures(IMapChunk chunk, out Texture2D newLand, out Texture2D newWater)
            BakedElementFlags bakedElements = BakedElementsLogic.GetBakedElementsInCells(chunk.CenteredCells);

            bakedElements |= BakedElementsLogic.GetBakedElementsInCells(chunk.OverlappingCells);

            Vector2 textureSize = GetBakeTextureDimensionsForElements(bakedElements);

            int textureX = Mathf.RoundToInt(textureSize.x);
            int textureY = Mathf.RoundToInt(textureSize.y);

            newLand = new Texture2D(textureX, textureY, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

            newLand.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            newLand.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            newLand.anisoLevel = 0;

   = "Land Bake Texture";

            newWater = new Texture2D(textureX, textureY, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

            newWater.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            newWater.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            newWater.anisoLevel = 0;

   = "Water Bake Texture";
Beispiel #7
        public virtual void GenDeposit(IServerChunk[] chunks, int chunkX, int chunkZ, BlockPos depoCenterPos, DepositVariant variant)
            int lx = GameMath.Mod(depoCenterPos.X, chunksize);
            int lz = GameMath.Mod(depoCenterPos.Z, chunksize);

            // Check if suited for this area, climate wise
            if (variant.Climate != null)
                IMapChunk originMapchunk = api.WorldManager.GetMapChunk(depoCenterPos.X / chunksize, depoCenterPos.Z / chunksize);

                if (originMapchunk == null)
                    return;                         // Definition: Climate dependent deposits are limited to size 32x32x32
                depoCenterPos.Y = originMapchunk.RainHeightMap[lz * chunksize + lx];

                IntDataMap2D climateMap = blockAccessor.GetMapRegion(depoCenterPos.X / regionSize, depoCenterPos.Z / regionSize).ClimateMap;

                float posXInRegionClimate = ((float)lx / regionSize - (float)lx / regionSize) * noiseSizeClimate;
                float posZInRegionClimate = ((float)lz / regionSize - (float)lz / regionSize) * noiseSizeClimate;

                int   climate = climateMap.GetUnpaddedColorLerped(posXInRegionClimate, posZInRegionClimate);
                float temp    = TerraGenConfig.GetScaledAdjustedTemperatureFloat((climate >> 16) & 0xff, depoCenterPos.Y - TerraGenConfig.seaLevel);
                float rainRel = TerraGenConfig.GetRainFall((climate >> 8) & 0xff, depoCenterPos.Y) / 255f;

                if (rainRel < variant.Climate.MinRain || rainRel > variant.Climate.MaxRain || temp < variant.Climate.MinTemp || temp > variant.Climate.MaxTemp)

            variant.GeneratorInst?.GenDeposit(blockAccessor, chunks, chunkX, chunkZ, depoCenterPos, ref subDepositsToPlace);
        public void PerformBakePass(
            IMapChunk chunk, Texture2D texture, CameraClearFlags clearFlags, LayerMask cullingMask,
            Shader replacementShader = null, string replacementTag = ""
            IsReady = false;

            OriginalParent = transform.parent;

            transform.SetParent(chunk.transform, false);

            var renderTarget = GetRenderTarget(texture);

            BakingCamera.targetTexture = renderTarget;
            BakingCamera.clearFlags    = clearFlags;
            BakingCamera.cullingMask   = cullingMask;

            if (replacementShader != null)
                BakingCamera.RenderWithShader(replacementShader, replacementTag);
        protected override void beforeGenDeposit(IMapChunk mapChunk, BlockPos pos)
            depthf = YPosRel.nextFloat(1, DepositRand);

            pos.Y = (int)depthf;

            step = (float)mapChunk.MapRegion.OreMapVerticalDistortTop.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;
        public ChunkOrientationData MakeOrientationRequestForChunk(IMapChunk chunk)
            var newData = new ChunkOrientationData(chunk);


        protected override void loadYPosAndThickness(IMapChunk heremapchunk, int lx, int lz, BlockPos targetPos, double distanceToEdge)
            double curTh = depoitThickness * GameMath.Clamp(distanceToEdge * 2 - 0.2, 0, 1);

            hereThickness = (int)curTh + ((DepositRand.NextDouble() < (curTh - (int)curTh)) ? 1 : 0);

            targetPos.Y = heremapchunk.WorldGenTerrainHeightMap[lz * chunksize + lx] - posyi;
        private void _updateChunkMesh(IMapGrid grid, IMapChunk chunk)
            var data = _mapChunkData[grid.Index];

            if (!data.TryGetValue(chunk.Indices, out var datum))
                datum = _initChunkBuffers(grid, chunk);

            var vertexPool = ArrayPool <Vertex2D> .Shared;
            var indexPool  = ArrayPool <ushort> .Shared;

            var vertexBuffer = vertexPool.Rent(_verticesPerChunk(chunk));
            var indexBuffer  = indexPool.Rent(_indicesPerChunk(chunk));

                var i = 0;
                foreach (var tile in chunk)
                    var regionMaybe = _tileDefinitionManager.TileAtlasRegion(tile.Tile);
                    if (regionMaybe == null)

                    var region = regionMaybe.Value;

                    var vIdx = i * 4;
                    vertexBuffer[vIdx + 0] = new Vertex2D(tile.X + 1, tile.Y + 1, region.Right, region.Top);
                    vertexBuffer[vIdx + 1] = new Vertex2D(tile.X, tile.Y + 1, region.Left, region.Top);
                    vertexBuffer[vIdx + 2] = new Vertex2D(tile.X + 1, tile.Y, region.Right, region.Bottom);
                    vertexBuffer[vIdx + 3] = new Vertex2D(tile.X, tile.Y, region.Left, region.Bottom);
                    var nIdx = i * 5;
                    var tIdx = (ushort)(i * 4);
                    indexBuffer[nIdx + 0] = tIdx;
                    indexBuffer[nIdx + 1] = (ushort)(tIdx + 1);
                    indexBuffer[nIdx + 2] = (ushort)(tIdx + 2);
                    indexBuffer[nIdx + 3] = (ushort)(tIdx + 3);
                    indexBuffer[nIdx + 4] = ushort.MaxValue;
                    i += 1;

                datum.EBO.Reallocate(new Span <ushort>(indexBuffer, 0, i * 5));
                datum.VBO.Reallocate(new Span <Vertex2D>(vertexBuffer, 0, i * 4));
                datum.Dirty     = false;
                datum.TileCount = i;
Beispiel #13
        private void OnChunkColumnGen(IServerChunk[] chunks, int chunkX, int chunkZ, ITreeAttribute chunkGenParams = null)
            rnd.InitPositionSeed(chunkX, chunkZ);

            IMapChunk mapChunk = chunks[0].MapChunk;

            IntDataMap2D forestMap  = mapChunk.MapRegion.ForestMap;
            IntDataMap2D shrubMap   = mapChunk.MapRegion.ShrubMap;
            IntDataMap2D climateMap = mapChunk.MapRegion.ClimateMap;
            int          rlX        = chunkX % regionChunkSize;
            int          rlZ        = chunkZ % regionChunkSize;

            float facS = (float)shrubMap.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;

            shrubUpLeft   = shrubMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facS), (int)(rlZ * facS));
            shrubUpRight  = shrubMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facS + facS), (int)(rlZ * facS));
            shrubBotLeft  = shrubMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facS), (int)(rlZ * facS + facS));
            shrubBotRight = shrubMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facS + facS), (int)(rlZ * facS + facS));

            // A region has 16 chunks
            // Size of the forest map is RegionSize / TerraGenConfig.forestMapScale  => 32*16 / 32  = 16 pixel
            // rlX, rlZ goes from 0..16 pixel
            // facF = 16/16 = 1
            // Get 4 pixels for chunkx, chunkz, chunkx+1 and chunkz+1 inside the map
            float facF = (float)forestMap.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;

            forestUpLeft   = forestMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facF), (int)(rlZ * facF));
            forestUpRight  = forestMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facF + facF), (int)(rlZ * facF));
            forestBotLeft  = forestMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facF), (int)(rlZ * facF + facF));
            forestBotRight = forestMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facF + facF), (int)(rlZ * facF + facF));

            float facC = (float)climateMap.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;

            climateUpLeft   = climateMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facC), (int)(rlZ * facC));
            climateUpRight  = climateMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facC + facC), (int)(rlZ * facC));
            climateBotLeft  = climateMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facC), (int)(rlZ * facC + facC));
            climateBotRight = climateMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * facC + facC), (int)(rlZ * facC + facC));

            heightmap = chunks[0].MapChunk.RainHeightMap;

            api.World.BlockAccessor.WalkStructures(chunkBase.Set(chunkX * chunksize, 0, chunkZ * chunksize), chunkend.Set(chunkX * chunksize + chunksize, chunkMapSizeY * chunksize, chunkZ * chunksize + chunksize), (struc) =>
                if (struc.Code.StartsWith("trader"))

            if (TerraGenConfig.GenerateVegetation)
                genPatches(chunkX, chunkZ, false);
                genShrubs(chunkX, chunkZ);
                genTrees(chunkX, chunkZ);
                genPatches(chunkX, chunkZ, true);
Beispiel #14
        public override void OnOffThreadTick()
            int quantityToGen = chunksToGen.Count;

            while (quantityToGen > 0)
                Vec2i cord;

                lock (chunksToGenLock)
                    if (chunksToGen.Count == 0)
                    cord = chunksToGen.Dequeue();

                if (!api.World.BlockAccessor.IsValidPos(cord.X * chunksize, 1, cord.Y * chunksize))

                IMapChunk mc = api.World.BlockAccessor.GetMapChunk(cord);
                if (mc == null)
                    lock (chunksToGenLock)


                int[] pixels = (int[])GenerateChunkImage(cord, mc)?.Clone();

                if (pixels == null)
                    lock (chunksToGenLock)

                api.Event.EnqueueMainThreadTask(() =>
                    if (loadedMapData.ContainsKey(cord))
                        UpdateMapData(loadedMapData[cord] as ChunkMapComponent, pixels);
                        mapSink.AddMapData(loadedMapData[cord] = LoadMapData(cord, pixels));
                }, "chunkmaplayerready");
        protected override void beforeGenDeposit(IMapChunk mapChunk, BlockPos targetPos)
            ypos  = YPosRel.nextFloat(1, DepositRand);
            posyi = (int)ypos;

            targetPos.Y = posyi;

            step = (float)mapChunk.MapRegion.OreMapVerticalDistortTop.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;
        protected override void loadYPosAndThickness(IMapChunk heremapchunk, int lx, int lz, BlockPos pos, double distanceToEdge)
            double curTh = depoitThickness * GameMath.Clamp(distanceToEdge * 2 - 0.2, 0, 1);

            hereThickness = (int)curTh + ((DepositRand.NextDouble() < (curTh - (int)curTh)) ? 1 : 0);

            int yOff = (int)getDepositYDistort(targetPos, lx, lz, step, heremapchunk);

            pos.Y = posyi + yOff;
        protected override void loadYPosAndThickness(IMapChunk heremapchunk, int lx, int lz, BlockPos pos, double distanceToEdge)
            hereThickness = depoitThickness;

            pos.Y  = (int)(depthf * heremapchunk.WorldGenTerrainHeightMap[lz * chunksize + lx]);
            pos.Y -= (int)getDepositYDistort(pos, lx, lz, step, heremapchunk);

            double curTh = depoitThickness * GameMath.Clamp(distanceToEdge * 2 - 0.2, 0, 1);

            hereThickness = (int)curTh + ((DepositRand.NextDouble() < (curTh - (int)curTh)) ? 1 : 0);
Beispiel #18
        private void TryBakeChunks()

            int dataCount = Math.Min(RenderConfig.MaxParallelTerrainRefreshes, FreeBakerPairs.Count);

            var chunksToProcess = UnbakedChunks.Where(chunk => !chunk.IsRefreshing).Take(dataCount).ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < chunksToProcess.Length; i++)
                IMapChunk activeChunk = chunksToProcess[i];
                Texture2D newLand, newWater;

                GetNewTextures(activeChunk, out newLand, out newWater);


                if (newLand.width > 0 && newLand.height > 0 && newWater.width > 0 && newWater.height > 0)
                    var servingBakerPair = FreeBakerPairs.Dequeue();

                    BakeLand(activeChunk, newLand, servingBakerPair.Item1);
                    BakeWater(activeChunk, newWater, servingBakerPair.Item2);

                    servingBakerPair.Item1.ReadPixels(newLand, texture => {
                        if (activeChunk.LandBakeTexture != null)

                        activeChunk.LandBakeTexture = texture;

                    servingBakerPair.Item2.ReadPixels(newWater, texture => {
                        if (activeChunk.WaterBakeTexture != null)

                        activeChunk.WaterBakeTexture = texture;

                    PairsOfUnreadChunks[activeChunk] = servingBakerPair;
                    activeChunk.LandBakeTexture  = newLand;
                    activeChunk.WaterBakeTexture = newWater;

        private void OnChunkBeganToRefresh(IMapChunk chunk)
            if (ChunksRefreshing.Count == 0)
                foreach (var gridChunk in Grid.Chunks)
                    gridChunk.IsRendering = true;

Beispiel #20
        void rebuildRainmap(int cx, int cz)
            ICoreServerAPI sapi = api as ICoreServerAPI;

            int ymax = sapi.WorldManager.MapSizeY / sapi.WorldManager.ChunkSize;

            IServerChunk[] column    = new IServerChunk[ymax];
            int            chunksize = sapi.WorldManager.ChunkSize;

            IMapChunk mapchunk = null;

            for (int cy = 0; cy < ymax; cy++)
                column[cy] = sapi.WorldManager.GetChunk(cx, cy, cz);

                mapchunk = column[cy]?.MapChunk;

            if (mapchunk == null)

            for (int dx = 0; dx < chunksize; dx++)
                for (int dz = 0; dz < chunksize; dz++)
                    for (int dy = sapi.WorldManager.MapSizeY - 1; dy >= 0; dy--)
                        IServerChunk chunk = column[dy / chunksize];
                        if (chunk == null)

                        int   index = ((dy % chunksize) * chunksize + dz) * chunksize + dx;
                        Block block = sapi.World.Blocks[chunk.Blocks[index]];

                        if (!block.RainPermeable || dy == 0)
                            mapchunk.RainHeightMap[dz * chunksize + dx] = (ushort)dy;

            sapi.WorldManager.ResendMapChunk(cx, cz, true);
Beispiel #21
        public void PerformBakePass(IMapChunk chunk, CameraClearFlags clearFlags, LayerMask cullingMask)
            IsReady = false;

            OriginalParent = transform.parent;

            Camera.transform.SetParent(chunk.transform, false);

            Camera.clearFlags  = clearFlags;
            Camera.cullingMask = cullingMask;

Beispiel #22
        public void PerformBakePass(IMapChunk chunk, CameraClearFlags clearFlags, LayerMask cullingMask, Shader replacementShader, string replacementTag)
            IsReady = false;

            OriginalParent = transform.parent;

            Camera.transform.SetParent(chunk.transform, false);

            Camera.clearFlags  = clearFlags;
            Camera.cullingMask = cullingMask;

            Camera.RenderWithShader(replacementShader, replacementTag);
        public override void OnOffThreadTick()
            int quantityToGen = chunksToGen.Count;

            while (quantityToGen > 0)
                Vec2i cord;

                lock (chunksToGenLock)
                    if (chunksToGen.Count == 0)
                    cord = chunksToGen.Dequeue();

                IMapChunk mc = api.World.BlockAccessor.GetMapChunk(cord);
                if (mc == null)
                    lock (chunksToGenLock)

                int[] pixels = (int[])GenerateChunkImage(cord, mc)?.Clone();

                if (pixels == null)
                    lock (chunksToGenLock)

                api.Event.EnqueueMainThreadTask(() =>
                    if (loadedMapData.ContainsKey(cord))

                    mapSink.AddMapData(loadedMapData[cord] = LoadMapData(cord, pixels));
                }, "chunkmaplayerready");
Beispiel #24
        LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap GetOrLoadLerpedProvinceMap(IMapChunk mapchunk, int chunkX, int chunkZ)
            int index2d = chunkZ / regionChunkSize * regionMapSize + chunkX / regionChunkSize;

            LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap map;

            ProvinceMapByRegion.TryGetValue(index2d, out map);
            if (map != null)

            return(CreateLerpedProvinceMap(mapchunk.MapRegion.GeologicProvinceMap, chunkX / regionChunkSize, chunkZ / regionChunkSize));
Beispiel #25
        public float getDepositYDistort(BlockPos pos, int lx, int lz, float step, IMapChunk heremapchunk)
            int rdx = (pos.X / chunksize) % regionChunkSize;
            int rdz = (pos.Z / chunksize) % regionChunkSize;

            IMapRegion reg     = heremapchunk.MapRegion;
            float      yOffTop = reg.OreMapVerticalDistortTop.GetIntLerpedCorrectly(rdx * step + step * ((float)lx / chunksize), rdz * step + step * ((float)lz / chunksize)) - 20;
            float      yOffBot = reg.OreMapVerticalDistortBottom.GetIntLerpedCorrectly(rdx * step + step * ((float)lx / chunksize), rdz * step + step * ((float)lz / chunksize)) - 20;

            float yRel = (float)pos.Y / worldheight;

            return(yOffBot * (1 - yRel) + yOffTop * yRel);
        // Tyrons Brute force way of getting the correct reading for a rock strata column
        public virtual int[] GetRockColumn(int posX, int posZ)
            int chunksize = sapi.World.BlockAccessor.ChunkSize;

            DummyChunk[] chunks = new DummyChunk[sapi.World.BlockAccessor.MapSizeY / chunksize];
            int          chunkX = posX / chunksize;
            int          chunkZ = posZ / chunksize;
            int          lx     = posX % chunksize;
            int          lz     = posZ % chunksize;

            IMapChunk mapchunk = sapi.World.BlockAccessor.GetMapChunk(new Vec2i(chunkX, chunkZ));

            for (int chunkY = 0; chunkY < chunks.Length; chunkY++)
                chunks[chunkY]          = new DummyChunk(chunksize);
                chunks[chunkY].MapChunk = mapchunk;
                chunks[chunkY].chunkY   = chunkY;

            int surfaceY = mapchunk.WorldGenTerrainHeightMap[lz * chunksize + lx];

            for (int y = 0; y < surfaceY; y++)
                int chunkY       = y / chunksize;
                int lY           = y - chunkY * chunksize;
                int localIndex3D = (chunksize * lY + lz) * chunksize + lx;

                chunks[chunkY].Blocks[localIndex3D] = rockStrataGen.rockBlockId;

            rockStrataGen.preLoad(chunks, chunkX, chunkZ);
            rockStrataGen.genBlockColumn(chunks, chunkX, chunkZ, lx, lz);

            depositGen.GeneratePartial(chunks, chunkX, chunkZ, 0, 0);

            int[] rockColumn = new int[surfaceY];

            for (int y = 0; y < surfaceY; y++)
                int chunkY       = y / chunksize;
                int lY           = y - chunkY * chunksize;
                int localIndex3D = (chunksize * lY + lz) * chunksize + lx;

                rockColumn[y] = chunks[chunkY].Blocks[localIndex3D];

Beispiel #27
 private void OnChunkFinishedRefreshing(IMapChunk chunk)
     foreach (var cell in chunk.CenteredCells)
         foreach (var unit in UnitPositionCanon.GetPossessionsOfOwner(cell))
             if (!RepositioningCoroutineForUnit.ContainsKey(unit))
                 RepositioningCoroutineForUnit[unit] = CoroutineInvoker.StartCoroutine(
                     RefreshAfterChunksDone(unit, cell.OverlappingChunks)
Beispiel #28
        private void OnMapChunkGen(IMapChunk mapChunk, int chunkX, int chunkZ)
            mapChunk.CaveHeightDistort = new byte[chunksize * chunksize];

            for (int dx = 0; dx < chunksize; dx++)
                for (int dz = 0; dz < chunksize; dz++)
                    double val = heightvarNoise.Noise(chunksize * chunkX + dx, chunksize * chunkZ + dz) - 0.5;
                    val = val > 0 ? Math.Max(0, val - 0.07) : Math.Min(0, val + 0.07);

                    mapChunk.CaveHeightDistort[dz * chunksize + dx] = (byte)(128 * val + 127);
Beispiel #29
        private static YamlNode SerializeChunk(IMapChunk chunk)
            var root  = new YamlMappingNode();
            var value = new YamlScalarNode($"{chunk.X},{chunk.Y}");

            value.Style = ScalarStyle.DoubleQuoted;
            root.Add("ind", value);

            var gridNode = new YamlScalarNode();

            root.Add("tiles", gridNode);

            gridNode.Value = SerializeTiles(chunk);

Beispiel #30
        LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap GetOrLoadLerpedLandformMap(IMapChunk mapchunk, int regionX, int regionZ)
            LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap map;

            // 1. Load?
            LandformMapByRegion.TryGetValue(regionZ * regionMapSize + regionX, out map);
            if (map != null)

            // 2. Create
            map             = LandformMapByRegion[regionZ * regionMapSize + regionX]
                            = new LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap(mapchunk.MapRegion.LandformMap.Data, mapchunk.MapRegion.LandformMap.Size, TerraGenConfig.landFormSmothingRadius);
