void mTickTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (mPresentationClock == null)

            if (mMediaDuration == 0)

            if (mIsSeek)

            long lClockTime = 0;

            long lSystemTime = 0;

            mPresentationClock.GetCorrelatedTime(0, out lClockTime, out lSystemTime);

            mSlider.Value = ((double)((double)lClockTime / (double)mMediaDuration)) * mSlider.Maximum;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the last clock time that was correlated with system time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clock">A valid IMFClock instance.</param>
        /// <param name="clockTime">Receives the last known clock time, in units of the clock's frequency.</param>
        /// <param name="systemTime">Receives the system time that corresponds to the clock time.</param>
        /// <returns>If this function succeeds, it returns the S_OK member. Otherwise, it returns another HResult's member that describe the error.</returns>
        public static HResult GetCorrelatedTime(this IMFClock clock, out long clockTime, out TimeSpan systemTime)
            if (clock == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("clock");

            long tmp;

            HResult hr = clock.GetCorrelatedTime(0, out clockTime, out tmp);

            systemTime = hr.Succeeded() ? TimeSpan.FromTicks(tmp) : default(TimeSpan);

        /// <summary>
        /// Polls the graph for various data about the media that is playing
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnTimerTick()
            /* Polls the current position */
            if (pClock != null)
                long sysTime = 0;
                long cTime   = 0;
                pClock.GetCorrelatedTime(0, out cTime, out sysTime);
                if (cTime != m_currentPosition)
                    m_currentPosition = cTime;

Beispiel #4
        protected bool IsSampleTimePassed(IMFClock pClock, IMFSample pSample)
            Debug.Assert(pClock != null);
            Debug.Assert(pSample != null);

            if (pSample == null || pClock == null)
                throw new COMException("IsSampleTimePassed", E_Pointer);

            int hr;
            bool bRet = false;
            long hnsTimeNow = 0;
            long hnsSystemTime = 0;
            long hnsSampleStart = 0;
            long hnsSampleDuration = 0;

            // The sample might lack a time-stamp or a duration, and the
            // clock might not report a time.

                hr = pClock.GetCorrelatedTime(0, out hnsTimeNow, out hnsSystemTime);
                hr = pSample.GetSampleTime(out hnsSampleStart);
                hr = pSample.GetSampleDuration(out hnsSampleDuration);

                if (hnsSampleStart + hnsSampleDuration < hnsTimeNow)
                    bRet = true;
            catch { }

            return bRet;
Beispiel #5
        public bool ProcessSample(IMFSample pSample, out int plNextSleep)
            HResult hr;
            long    hnsPresentationTime = 0;
            long    hnsTimeNow          = 0;
            long    hnsSystemTime       = 0;

            bool bPresentNow = true;

            plNextSleep = 0;

            if (m_pClock != null)
                // Get the sample's time stamp. It is valid for a sample to
                // have no time stamp.

                    hr = pSample.GetSampleTime(out hnsPresentationTime);

                    // Get the clock time. (But if the sample does not have a time stamp,
                    // we don't need the clock time.)
                    hr = m_pClock.GetCorrelatedTime(0, out hnsTimeNow, out hnsSystemTime);
                catch { }

                // Calculate the time until the sample's presentation time.
                // A negative value means the sample is late.
                long hnsDelta = hnsPresentationTime - hnsTimeNow;
                if (m_fRate < 0)
                    // For reverse playback, the clock runs backward. Therefore the delta is reversed.
                    hnsDelta = -hnsDelta;

                if (hnsDelta < -m_PerFrame_1_4th)
                    // This sample is late.
                    bPresentNow = true;
                else if (hnsDelta > (3 * m_PerFrame_1_4th))
                    // This sample is still too early. Go to sleep.
                    plNextSleep = Utils.MFTimeToMsec(hnsDelta - (3 * m_PerFrame_1_4th));

                    // Adjust the sleep time for the clock rate. (The presentation clock runs
                    // at m_fRate, but sleeping uses the system clock.)
                    plNextSleep = (int)(plNextSleep / Math.Abs(m_fRate));

                    // Don't present yet.
                    bPresentNow = false;

            if (bPresentNow)
                m_pCB.PresentSample(pSample, hnsPresentationTime);
                // pSample released by caller along with DeQueue
