Beispiel #1
 public static string FollowLink(this IMEPackage pcc, int uIndex)
     if (pcc.isUExport(uIndex))
         ExportEntry parent = pcc.getUExport(uIndex);
         return(pcc.FollowLink(parent.idxLink) + parent.ObjectName + ".");
     if (pcc.isImport(uIndex))
         ImportEntry parent = pcc.getImport(uIndex);
         return(pcc.FollowLink(parent.idxLink) + parent.ObjectName + ".");
Beispiel #2
        private string relinkObjectProperty(IMEPackage importingPCC, IMEPackage destinationPCC, ObjectProperty objProperty, List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > crossPCCObjectMappingList)
            if (objProperty.Value == 0)
                return(null); //do not relink 0
            if (importingPCC == destinationPCC && objProperty.Value < 0)
                return(null); //do not relink same-pcc imports.
            int sourceObjReference = objProperty.Value;

            if (sourceObjReference > 0)
                sourceObjReference--; //make 0 based for mapping.
            if (sourceObjReference < 0)
                sourceObjReference++; //make 0 based for mapping.
            //if (objProperty.Name != null)
            //    Debug.WriteLine(objProperty.Name);
            KeyValuePair <int, int> mapping = crossPCCObjectMappingList.Where(pair => pair.Key == sourceObjReference).FirstOrDefault();
            var defaultKVP = default(KeyValuePair <int, int>); //struct comparison

            if (!mapping.Equals(defaultKVP))
                int newval = 0;
                if (mapping.Value > 0)
                    newval = mapping.Value + 1; //reincrement
                else if (mapping.Value < 0)
                    newval = mapping.Value - 1; //redecrement
                objProperty.Value = (newval);
                IEntry entry = destinationPCC.getEntry(newval);
                string s     = "";
                if (entry != null)
                    s = entry.GetFullPath;
                Debug.WriteLine("Relink hit: " + sourceObjReference + objProperty.Name + ": " + s);
            else if (objProperty.Value < 0) //It's an unmapped import
                //objProperty is currently pointing to importingPCC as that is where we read the properties from
                int n               = objProperty.Value;
                int origvalue       = n;
                int importZeroIndex = Math.Abs(n) - 1;
                //Debug.WriteLine("Relink miss, attempting JIT relink on " + n + " " + rootNode.Text);
                if (n < 0 && importZeroIndex < importingPCC.ImportCount)
                    //Get the original import
                    ImportEntry origImport         = importingPCC.getImport(importZeroIndex);
                    string      origImportFullName = origImport.GetFullPath;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("We should import " + origImport.GetFullPath);

                    ImportEntry crossImport          = null;
                    string      linkFailedDueToError = null;
                        crossImport = getOrAddCrossImport(origImportFullName, importingPCC, destinationPCC);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //Error during relink
                        KFreonLib.Debugging.DebugOutput.StartDebugger("PCC Relinker");
                        DebugOutput.PrintLn("Exception occured during relink: ");
                        DebugOutput.PrintLn("You may want to consider discarding this sessions' changes as relinking was not able to properly finish.");
                        linkFailedDueToError = e.Message;
                    if (crossImport != null)
                        //cache item. Imports are stored +1, Exports-1. Someday I will go back and make this just 0 indexed
                        crossPCCObjectMappingList.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(sourceObjReference, crossImport.UIndex + 1)); //add to mapping to speed up future relinks
                        objProperty.Value = crossImport.UIndex;
                        Debug.WriteLine("Relink hit: Dynamic CrossImport for " + origvalue + " " + importingPCC.getEntry(origvalue).GetFullPath + " -> " + objProperty.Value);
                        if (linkFailedDueToError != null)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Relink failed: CrossImport porting failed for " + objProperty.Name + " " + objProperty.Value + ": " + importingPCC.getEntry(origvalue).GetFullPath);
                            return("Relink failed for " + objProperty.Name + " " + objProperty.Value + ": " + linkFailedDueToError);
                        if (destinationPCC.getEntry(objProperty.Value) != null)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Relink failed: CrossImport porting failed for " + objProperty.Name + " " + objProperty.Value + ": " + importingPCC.getEntry(origvalue).GetFullPath);
                            return("Relink failed: CrossImport porting failed for " + objProperty.Name + " " + objProperty.Value + " " + destinationPCC.getEntry(objProperty.Value).GetFullPath);
                            return("Relink failed: New export does not exist - this is probably a bug in cross import code for " + objProperty.Name + " " + objProperty.Value);
                string path = importingPCC.getEntry(objProperty.Value) != null?importingPCC.getEntry(objProperty.Value).GetFullPath : "Entry not found: " + objProperty.Value;

                Debug.WriteLine("Relink failed: " + objProperty.Name + " " + objProperty.Value + " " + path);
                return("Relink failed: " + objProperty.Name + " " + objProperty.Value + " " + path);
 private void importImport(IMEPackage importpcc, int n, int link)
     ImportEntry imp = importpcc.getImport(n);
     ImportEntry nimp = new ImportEntry(pcc, imp.header);
     nimp.idxLink = link;
     nimp.idxClassName = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(importpcc.getNameEntry(imp.idxClassName));
     nimp.idxObjectName = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(importpcc.getNameEntry(imp.idxObjectName));
     nimp.idxPackageFile = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(importpcc.getNameEntry(imp.idxPackageFile));