Beispiel #1
            bool ipv4       = (_communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.IPv4") ?? 1) > 0;
            bool preferIPv6 = _communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.PreferIPv6Address") > 0;

            string address;

            if (ipv4 && !preferIPv6)
                address = _communicator.GetProperty($"{_name}.Address") ?? "";
                address = _communicator.GetProperty($"{_name}.Address") ?? "ff15::1";
            int    port = _communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{_name}.Port") ?? 4061;
            string intf = _communicator.GetProperty($"{_name}.Interface") ?? "";

            string lookupEndpoints = _communicator.GetProperty($"{_name}.Lookup") ?? "";

            if (lookupEndpoints.Length == 0)
                int protocol   = ipv4 && !preferIPv6 ? IceInternal.Network.EnableIPv4 : IceInternal.Network.EnableIPv6;
                var interfaces = IceInternal.Network.getInterfacesForMulticast(intf, protocol);
                foreach (string p in interfaces)
                    if (p != interfaces[0])
                        lookupEndpoints += ":";
                    lookupEndpoints += "udp -h \"" + address + "\" -p " + port + " --interface \"" + p + "\"";

            if (_communicator.GetProperty($"{_name}.Reply.Endpoints") == null)
                                          intf.Length == 0 ? "udp -h *" : $"udp -h \"{intf}\"");

            if (_communicator.GetProperty($"{_name}.Locator.Endpoints") == null)
                _communicator.SetProperty($"{_name}.Locator.AdapterId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

            _replyAdapter   = _communicator.createObjectAdapter(_name + ".Reply");
            _locatorAdapter = _communicator.createObjectAdapter(_name + ".Locator");

            // We don't want those adapters to be registered with the locator so clear their locator.

            var lookupPrx = ILookupPrx.Parse($"IceLocatorDiscovery/Lookup -d:{lookupEndpoints}", _communicator);

            // No colloc optimization or router for the multicast proxy!
            lookupPrx = lookupPrx.Clone(clearRouter: false, collocationOptimized: false);

            ILocatorPrx voidLo = _locatorAdapter.Add(new VoidLocatorI());

            string instanceName = _communicator.GetProperty($"{_name}.InstanceName") ?? "";
            var    id           = new Identity("Locator", instanceName.Length > 0 ? instanceName : Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

            _defaultLocator = _communicator.getDefaultLocator();
            _locator        = new LocatorI(_name, lookupPrx, _communicator, instanceName, voidLo);
            _locatorPrx     = ILocatorPrx.UncheckedCast(
                _locatorAdapter.Add((current, incoming) => _locator.Dispatch(current, incoming)));

            LookupReply lookupReplyI = new LookupReplyI(_locator);

            _locator.setLookupReply(_replyAdapter.Add(lookupReplyI).Clone(invocationMode: InvocationMode.Datagram));
