public AnteprimaReportRiparto(IList<ReportRipartizioneBilancioDTO> dataSource, CondominioDTO condominio, EsercizioDTO esercizio, BilancioConsuntivoReportParameters parameters, ImpostazioneReportDTO impostazioneReportDTO)
            _dataSource = dataSource;
            _condominio = condominio;
            _esercizio = esercizio;
            _parameters = parameters;
            _impostazioneReportDTO = impostazioneReportDTO;

            Text = $"Riparto {_impostazioneReportDTO.Descrizione}";

                _importoTotale = getBilancioService().GetTotale(dataSource.ToList());
                _importoPreventivo = getBilancioService().GetTotalePreventivo(dataSource.ToList());

                IReportProvider document;
                    document = new RipartoMerge(dataSource, _condominio, _esercizio, _parameters, _impostazioneReportDTO, _importoTotale, _importoPreventivo);
                    document = new RipartoSubreport(dataSource, _condominio, _esercizio, _parameters, _impostazioneReportDTO, _importoTotale, _importoPreventivo);
                SetDataSource(document.GetReport(), _impostazioneReportDTO);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("Errore nell'apertura della maschera di anteprima per riparto - {0} - condominio:{1} - azienda:{2}", ex, Utility.GetMethodDescription(), _condominio?.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ?? "<NULL>", Login.Instance.CurrentLogin().Azienda);
        public AnteprimaReportRipartoPersona(IList<ReportRipartizioneBilancioDTO> dataSource, CondominioDTO condominio, EsercizioDTO esercizio, IList<PersonaContattoDTO> personeRiparto, Dictionary<int, IList<IList<UnitaImmobiliareListaDTO>>> listaUnitaImmobiliare, BilancioConsuntivoReportParameters parameters, ImpostazioneReportDTO impostazioneReportDTO, string reportKey, string note)
            _dataSource = dataSource;
            _condominio = condominio;
            _esercizio = esercizio;
            _parameters = parameters;
            _personeRiparto = personeRiparto;
            _impostazioneReportDTO = impostazioneReportDTO;
            _note = note;

            Text = $"Riparto {_impostazioneReportDTO.Descrizione}";

                _importoTotale = getBilancioService().GetTotale(dataSource.ToList());
                _importoPreventivo = getBilancioService().GetTotalePreventivo(dataSource.ToList());

                IReportProvider document = new RipartoAnnualePersona(dataSource, _condominio, _esercizio, personeRiparto, listaUnitaImmobiliare, _parameters, _impostazioneReportDTO, reportKey, _note);
                SetDataSource(document.GetReport(), _impostazioneReportDTO);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("Errore nell'apertura della maschera di anteprima per riparto - {0} - condominio:{1} - azienda:{2}", ex, Utility.GetMethodDescription(), _condominio?.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ?? "<NULL>", Login.Instance.CurrentLogin().Azienda);
        private static IList<SignatureHelpItem> Filter(IList<SignatureHelpItem> items, IEnumerable<string> parameterNames)
            if (parameterNames == null)
                return items.ToList();

            var filteredList = items.Where(i => Include(i, parameterNames)).ToList();
            return filteredList.Count == 0 ? items.ToList() : filteredList;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts a collection of frames and returns the total score
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scores"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CalculateTotalScore(IList<IFrame> scores)


            var totalScore = 0;

            scores.ToList().ForEach(sc => totalScore += sc.Score);

            return totalScore;
Beispiel #5
        public long Run(IList<int> numbers)
            long total = 0;
            int amount = this.maximum;
            int k;

            var rest = numbers.ToList();

            for (k = 0; k < numbers.Count - 1; k++)
                int move = this.Decide(amount, rest);
                total += (long)move * numbers[k];
                amount -= move;
                amount += this.reload;

                if (amount > this.maximum)
                    amount = this.maximum;

                rest = rest.Skip(1).ToList();

            total += (long)amount * numbers[k];

            return total;
        public Validation CreatePackage(ref Package package, IList<long> items)
            var val = _validator.ValidateNewPackage(package, null);

            var trans = _factory.BuildTransaction("InsertPackage");
                if (val.IsValid)
                    _repo.Insert(ref package, ref trans);
                    long packageId = package.Id;
                    items.ToList().ForEach(i => _itemRepo.SetItemPackage(i, packageId, ref trans));
            catch (Exception e)
                val.AddError(string.Format("Unable to create package: {0}", e.Message));
            return val;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ListController"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">
 /// The list. 
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="dialogTitle">
 /// The dialog title. 
 /// </param>
 public ListController(IList<string> list, string dialogTitle)
     // Clone the list. That way, if the close button is used
     // the original list won't be affected.
     this.List = new BindingList<string>(list.ToList());
     this.Title = dialogTitle;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// When the activity is created
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bundle">Any data passed to the activity</param>
        protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
			base.OnCreate (bundle);

            //Allow this inbox to be retrieved by other classes
            //This allows the inbox to be updated when a new message arrives
			MainActivity.references.Put ("Inbox", this);


			taskListView = (ListView)FindViewById (Resource.Id.listView);
            //Get all the users that this user has had a conversation with
            users = MessageRepository.GetMessagedUsers().ToArray<string>();
            tasks = new List<Message>();

            //Get the most recent message from each user to display in the "main" messaging list
            foreach (string s in users)
            // create our adapter
            taskList = new MsgListAdapterInbox(this, users.ToList());

			//Hook up our adapter to our ListView
			taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
        public void Execute(IList<IAggregateCommand> commands, int expectedVersion)
            if (commands.Count == 0)

            // readModelBuilderBus will publish events to a bus that will build read models and then pass events off to
            // the real eventBus
            var readModelBuilderBus = new ReadModelBuildingEventBus(this.registration.ImmediateReadModels(this.scope), this.eventBus);

            // holds the events that were raised from the aggregate and will push them to the read model building bus
            var aggregateEvents = new UnitOfWorkEventBus(readModelBuilderBus);

            // subscribe to the changes in the aggregate and publish them to aggregateEvents
            var aggregateRepo = new AggregateRepository(registration.New, this.scope.GetRegisteredObject<IEventStore>(), scope.GetRegisteredObject<ISnapshotRepository>());
            var subscription = aggregateRepo.Changes.Subscribe(aggregateEvents.Publish);
            this.scope.Add(new UnitOfWorkDisposable(subscription));

            // add them in this order so that aggregateEvents >> readModelBuilderBus >> read model builder >> eventBus

            var cmd = new CommandExecutor(aggregateRepo);
            cmd.Execute(commands.ToList(), expectedVersion);

            // enqueue pending commands
            this.EnqueueCommands(this.scope.GetRegisteredObject<IPendingCommandRepository>(), commands);

            // enqueue read models to be built - for non-immediate read models
            var typeName = AggregateRootBase.GetAggregateTypeDescriptor(registration.AggregateType);
            this.EnqueueReadModels(this.scope.GetRegisteredObject<IReadModelQueueProducer>(), typeName, aggregateEvents.GetEvents().Select(x => x.Event).OfType<IAggregateEvent>().ToList());
        private void setupElems(IList<Profile.ElementComponent> elements)
            if (elements == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("elements");

            _elements = elements.ToList();      // make a *shallow* copy of the list of elements
            OrdinalPosition = null;
 public static SyncOptions OptionsForSyncUp(IList<string> fieldList, MergeModeOptions mergeMode)
     var nativeMergeMode = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mergeMode);
     var nativeSyncOptions = SDK.SmartSync.Model.SyncOptions.OptionsForSyncUp(fieldList.ToList(), JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SDK.SmartSync.Model.SyncState.MergeModeOptions>(nativeMergeMode));
     var syncOptions = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(nativeSyncOptions);
     return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SyncOptions>(syncOptions);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the ToolbarItem reference by it's name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The ToolbarItem object that references the UIBarButtonInfo.</returns>
        /// <param name="items">The list of Items.</param>
        /// <param name="title">The button title.</param>
        ToolbarItem GetToolbarItem(IList<ToolbarItem> items, string title)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || items == null)
                return null;

            return items.ToList().FirstOrDefault(itemData => title.Equals(itemData.Text));
        public void UpdateMarkers(IList<MediaMarker> markers, bool forceRefresh)
            var markersHash = markers.ToDictionary(i => i.Id, i => i);

            List<MediaMarker> newMarkers;
            List<MediaMarker> removedMarkers;

            if (forceRefresh)
                newMarkers = markers.ToList();
                removedMarkers = _previousMarkers.Values.ToList();
                newMarkers = markers.Where(i => !_previousMarkers.ContainsKey(i.Id)).ToList();
                removedMarkers = _previousMarkers.Values.Where(i => !markersHash.ContainsKey(i.Id)).ToList();

            if (removedMarkers.Any() && MarkersRemoved != null)

            if (newMarkers.Any() && NewMarkers != null)

            _previousMarkers = markersHash;
Beispiel #14
        public SeriesData(int seriesId, SeriesMetadata myMeta, IList<DataValue> dataValues, Variable variable, 
            List<Source> sources, List<Method> methods, List<QualityControlLevel> qualityControlLevels)
            : this()
            myMetadata = myMeta;
            SeriesID = seriesId;
            HasConfirmedTimeStamp = true;
            TimeStampMessage = string.Empty;
            myVariable = variable;
            values = dataValues.ToList();
            ontology = new List<OntologyItem>();
            tags = new List<HydroTag>();
            if (null != sources)
                mySources = sources;

            if (null != methods)
                myMethods = methods;

            if (null != qualityControlLevels)
                myQualityControlLevels = qualityControlLevels;
Beispiel #15
        public static Message CreateBindingRequest(IList <MessageAttribute>?attributes, byte[]?customTransactionId)
            byte[] transactionId;
            if (customTransactionId == null)
                transactionId = new byte[12];
                if (customTransactionId.Length != 12)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(customTransactionId), customTransactionId, "TransactionID must be 12 bytes");
                transactionId = customTransactionId;

            var attributeList = attributes?.ToList().AsReadOnly();
            var messageLength = attributeList?.Sum(a => a.Bytes.Count) ?? 0;

            return(new Message
                Header = new MessageHeader
                    Type = MessageType.BindingRequest,
                    MessageLength = (ushort)messageLength,
                    MagicCookie = 0x2112A442,
                    TransactionId = transactionId
                Attributes = attributeList
 /// <summary>
 /// Sql parameter constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conditions">
 ///     List of conditions, would be applied in order of list item. Could be cases like 'Not In', or join as 'Or Not' e.t.c
 ///     if parameter is first in WHERE statement or in ORDER BY Name ASC, Name2 DESC
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="parameterName">
 ///     Name of column
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="comparisonOperator">
 ///     >, >=, !=, =, IS, In - Name In Value, Value is: (v1, v2, ....v3), Between - Name Between Value, Value is: v1 and v2, Like
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="parameterValue">
 ///    a) for where parameter is actual value but for IN should be string 'v1, v2, v3' for BETWEEN - string 'v1 AND v2'
 ///    b) for order by parameters ASC or DESC
 /// </param>
 public DbQueryParameter(IList <JoinCondition> conditions, string parameterName, string comparisonOperator, string parameterValue)
     Conditions         = conditions?.ToList();
     ParameterName      = parameterName;
     ComparisonOperator = comparisonOperator;
     ParameterValue     = parameterValue;
 public void ListarEventos(IList<EventoDTO> eventos)
     dgListaEventos.DataSource = eventos.ToList();
     dgListaEventos.Columns["Comentario"].Visible = false;
     dgListaEventos.Columns["Pruebas"].Visible = false;
     dgListaEventos.Columns["EstaHabilitado"].Visible = false;
 public ConsoleManager(IList<Command> allCommands, TextReader consoleReader, TextWriter consoleWriter)
     _allCommands = allCommands;
     _consoleReader = consoleReader;
     _consoleWriter = consoleWriter;
     _commandParser = new CommandParser(_allCommands.ToList());
 /// <summary>
 /// Search for notification status with search and filter criteria
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="paging"></param>
 /// <param name="filterCriteria"></param>
 /// <param name="sortCriteria"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ICollection <NotificationStatusDomain> SearchNotificationStatus(Paging paging, IList <FilterCriteria> filterCriteria, IList <SortCriteria> sortCriteria)
     filterCriteria?.ToList().ForEach(x => x.ValidateFilterCriteria());
     sortCriteria?.ToList().ForEach(x => x.ValidateSortCriteria());
     return(_notificationStatusRepository.SearchNotificationStatus(paging, filterCriteria, sortCriteria));
        public async Task<Route> CalcuteRouteAsync(IList<AddressSearch> addressSearches, RouteType routeType)
            var routeStops = new List<RouteStop>();

            addressSearches.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                var routeStop = Mapper.Map<AddressSearch, RouteStop>(x);
                var point = Mapper.Map<AddressSearch, Point>(x);
                routeStop.point = point;

            var options = _config.GetRouteOptions(routeType);

            using (var routeSoapClient = new RouteSoapClient())
                var response = await routeSoapClient.getRouteAsync(routeStops.ToArray(), options, _token.Tokenvalue);

                if (response.Body.getRouteResult.routeTotals != null)
                    var route = Mapper.Map<RouteTotals, Route>(response.Body.getRouteResult.routeTotals);                    
                    return route;
            return null;
        public static float ApplyFilter(IList<float> buffered, int indexOfSource, int dropSize, int takeSize)
            var list = buffered.ToList();

            return list.Skip(dropSize).Take(takeSize).Average();
        public async void Add(IList<ITableEntity> notes)
            var batchOperation = new TableBatchOperation();

            notes.ToList().ForEach(n => batchOperation.Insert(n));
            await _table.ExecuteBatchAsync(batchOperation);
        public ElementNavigator(IList<ElementDefinition> elements)
            if (elements == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("elements");

            Elements = elements.ToList();      // make a *shallow* copy of the list of elements
            OrdinalPosition = null;
        public SessionFactoryBuilder(IDatabasePlatform platform, string connStr, IList<Assembly> assemblies, bool updateSchema, string defaultSchema, ILinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry linqRegistry, bool showSql, Action<global::NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration> exposedConfig)
            var configurer = platform.AsNHibernateConfiguration(connStr) as IPersistenceConfigurer;

            global::NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration configuration = null;

            _sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure()
            .Mappings(m => assemblies.ToList().ForEach(asm=> m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssembly(asm)))

            .ExposeConfiguration(cfg =>
                                     configuration = cfg;
                                     cfg.SetProperty(global::NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.CollectionTypeFactoryClass, typeof(List<>).AssemblyQualifiedName);
                                     cfg.SetProperty(global::NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.PrepareSql, false.ToString());
                                     cfg.SetProperty(global::NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.ShowSql, showSql.ToString());
                                     cfg.SetProperty(global::NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.TransactionStrategy, "NHibernate.Transaction.AdoNetTransactionFactory");
                                         cfg.SetProperty(global::NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.DefaultSchema, defaultSchema);
                                     if (null != linqRegistry)
                                        cfg.SetProperty(global::NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.LinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry, linqRegistry.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);
                                     if(exposedConfig != null)

            if (updateSchema)
        public Task <IList <MandrillSendMessageResponse> > SendTemplateAsync(MandrillMessage message, string templateName,
                                                                             IList <MandrillTemplateContent> templateContent = null, bool async = false,
                                                                             string ipPool = null, DateTime?sendAtUtc = null)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));
            if (templateName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(templateName));

            if (sendAtUtc != null && sendAtUtc.Value.Kind != DateTimeKind.Utc)
                throw new ArgumentException("date must be in utc", nameof(sendAtUtc));

                (MandrillApi.PostAsync <MandrillSendMessageRequest, IList <MandrillSendMessageResponse> >(
                     new MandrillSendTemplateRequest
                Message = message,
                TemplateName = templateName,
                TemplateContent = templateContent?.ToList(),
                Async = async,
                IpPool = ipPool,
                SendAt = sendAtUtc?.ToString(SendAtDateFormat)
Beispiel #26
 public void Add(IList<HandlerTypeInfo> typeInfos)
     if (!_set)
         if (typeInfos.Count == 1)
             _single = typeInfos[0];
             _list = new List<HandlerTypeInfo>(typeInfos);
         _set = true;
         if (_single != null)
             _list = typeInfos as List<HandlerTypeInfo> ?? typeInfos.ToList();
             _list.Insert(0, _single);
             _single = null;
Beispiel #27
 private static void GenerateChains(IList<int> chain, int n)
     var count = chain.Count;
     if (count >= n) return;
     var last = chain.Last();
     var nextElems = _dict[last].Where(k => !chain.Contains(k)).ToList();
     if (nextElems.Any() && count < n)
         foreach (var next in nextElems)
             var deeper = chain.ToList();
             GenerateChains(deeper, n);
     else if (IsPrime(last + 1) && count == n - 1)
         /*foreach (var elem in chain)
             Console.Write(elem+" ");
Beispiel #28
		private ToolbarItem GetButtonInfo(IList<ToolbarItem> items, string name)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || items == null)
				return null;

			return items.ToList().Where(itemData => name.Equals(itemData.Name)).FirstOrDefault();
Beispiel #29
		public PocoSettings(
			bool makePartial,
			string nameSpace,
			IList<string> nameSpaceComments,
			bool createDefaultConstructor, 
			bool createAllPropertiesConstructor, 
			bool createAllPropertiesSansPrimaryKeyConstructor,
			bool createCopyConstructor,
			bool createMethodEquals, 
			string createMethodEqualsRegex,
            string outputFolder, 
			string projectPath, 
			string xmlOutputFilename)
			this.MakePartial = makePartial;
			this.NameSpace = nameSpace;
			this.NameSpaceComments = nameSpaceComments.ToList();
			this.CreateDefaultConstructor = createDefaultConstructor;
			this.CreateAllPropertiesConstructor = createAllPropertiesConstructor;
			this.CreateAllPropertiesSansPrimaryKeyConstructor = createAllPropertiesSansPrimaryKeyConstructor;
			this.CreateCopyConstructor = createCopyConstructor;

			this.CreateMethodEquals = createMethodEquals;
			this.CreateMethodEqualsRegex = createMethodEqualsRegex;

			this.OutputFolder = outputFolder;
			this.ProjectPath = projectPath;
			this.XmlOutputFilename = xmlOutputFilename;
        public ActionResult Create(decimal valor, Pessoa pessoa, IList<Lancamento> lancamentos)
                Caixa caixa = new Caixa()
                    Valor = valor,
                    DataPagamento = DateTime.Now,
                    Pessoa = pessoa,
                    Lancamentos = new List<Lancamento>()
                lancamentos.ToList().ForEach(x => caixa.Lancamentos.Add(new Lancamento()
                        LancamentoId = x.LancamentoId,
                        Valor = x.Valor,
                        DataVencimento = x.DataVencimento,
                        Pago = true

                return Json(new
                    Success = true
                }, "application/json", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                return Json(new
                    Success = false
                }, "application/json", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            return View();
Beispiel #31
        public IList <ClaimHistory> GetClaimHistoryByPolicyNumber(string policynumber, DateTime Start, DateTime end)
            IList <ClaimHistory> all           = NewMethod(policynumber, Start, end);
            IList <Claim>        allfromclaims = _session.QueryOver <Claim>().WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.enrolleePolicyNumber).IsInsensitiveLike(policynumber, MatchMode.End).Where(y => y.ServiceDate >= Start).Where(z => z.ServiceDate <= end).List <Claim>();

            //convert the claimhistory to shiit
            List <ClaimHistory> collection = new List <ClaimHistory>();

            foreach (Claim item in allfromclaims)
                ClaimHistory nobj     = new ClaimHistory();
                Provider     provider = _providersvc.GetProvider(item.ProviderId);
                nobj.PROVIDER = provider != null?provider.Name.ToUpper() : "Unknown";

                nobj.PROVIDERID      = provider != null ? provider.Id : -1;
                nobj.POLICYNUMBER    = item.enrolleePolicyNumber;
                nobj.ENCOUNTERDATE   = Convert.ToDateTime(item.ServiceDate);
                nobj.DATERECEIVED    = item.CreatedOn;
                nobj.DIAGNOSIS       = item.Diagnosis.ToUpper();
                nobj.AMOUNTSUBMITTED = Convert.ToDecimal(item.DrugList.Sum(x => x.InitialAmount) + item.ServiceList.Sum(x => x.InitialAmount));
                nobj.AMOUNTPROCESSED = Convert.ToDecimal(item.DrugList.Sum(x => x.VettedAmount) + item.ServiceList.Sum(x => x.VettedAmount));
                nobj.CLASS           = Enum.GetName(typeof(ClaimsTAGS), item.Tag);
                nobj.CLIENTNAME      = item.enrolleeFullname;

                //added ? after collection, collection and all


Beispiel #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Search Tenants
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="paging, filterCriteria, sortCriteria"></param>
 /// <returns><see cref="ICollection{TenantDomain}"/></returns>
 public ICollection <TenantDomain> SearchTenants(Paging paging, IList <FilterCriteria> filterCriteria, IList <SortCriteria> sortCriteria)
     filterCriteria?.ToList().ForEach(x => x.ValidateFilterCriteria());
     sortCriteria?.ToList().ForEach(x => x.ValidateSortCriteria());
     return(_tenantRepository.SearchTenants(paging, filterCriteria, sortCriteria));
        public void AppendToStream(IIdentity id, long expectedVersion, IList<IEvent> newEvents)
            var server = this.client.GetServer();
            var db = server.GetDatabase("EventStore");
            var query = Query<MongoEventDocument>.EQ(s =>, id);
            var events = db.GetCollection<MongoEventDocument>("Events",_commitSettings);

            //events.Insert<MongoEventDocument>(new MongoEventDocument
            //    events = newEvents.ToList<IEvent>(),
            //    id = id,
            //    version = 1

            var doc = events.FindOneAs<MongoEventDocument>(query);
            if (doc == null) events.Insert<MongoEventDocument>(new MongoEventDocument
                events = newEvents.ToList<IEvent>(),
                id = id,
                version = 1
            if (doc != null)
                doc.version += 1;

		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of UITableView.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="data">Source Data.</param>
		/// <param name="cellHeight">cellHeight, use 0 for default.</param>
		/// <param name="fSize">Cell Font size.</param>
		/// <param name="cellSelectedBackgroundColor">Cell selected background color, Use Clear for default</param>
		/// <param name="cellSelectedTextColor">Cell selected text color, Use Clear for default</param>
		public DropDownTable(IList<string> data, nfloat cellHeight,
			nfloat fSize, UIColor cellSelectedBackgroundColor, UIColor cellSelectedTextColor,
			string selectedText = "") : base()
			CellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth = false;
			this.MultipleTouchEnabled = true;
			this._FontSize = fSize;
			this._CellHeight = cellHeight;
			this._CellSBackgroundColor = cellSelectedBackgroundColor;
			this._CellSTextColor = cellSelectedTextColor;

			Source = new DropDownSource (data, this._FontSize, this._CellHeight, this._CellSBackgroundColor, 
				this._CellSTextColor, selectedText);

			//ContentInset =  new UIEdgeInsets(0, -10, 0, 0);
			LayoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets.Zero;
			SeparatorInset = UIEdgeInsets.Zero;

			// select default row
			var idx = data.ToList().FindIndex(x => x == selectedText);
			System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (idx);
			if (idx >= 0) {
				this.SelectRow (Foundation.NSIndexPath.FromItemSection (idx, 0), false, UITableViewScrollPosition.Top);

			(Source as DropDownSource).OnSelected += RowSelected;
        public CompletedItemReviewer(IList<SuspiciousPhrase> basicSuspiciousPhrases)
            if (basicSuspiciousPhrases == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(basicSuspiciousPhrases));

            _basicSuspiciousPhrases = basicSuspiciousPhrases.ToList();
Beispiel #36
        public SolutionWriter(ProjectVersion projectVersion, IList<Project> projects, string filename)
            this.projectVersion = projectVersion;
            this.projects = projects.ToList();
            this.projects.Sort((a, b) => {
                // Sort exes first since VS picks the first file in the solution to be the
                // "StartUp Project".
                int ae = (a.Module.Characteristics & Characteristics.Dll) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
                int be = (b.Module.Characteristics & Characteristics.Dll) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
                int c = ae.CompareTo(be);
                if (c != 0)
                    return c;
                return StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(a.Filename, b.Filename);
            this.filename = filename;

            this.configs = new List<string>();

            var hash = new HashSet<string>(projects.Select(a => a.Platform));
            this.platforms = new List<string>(hash.Count);
            this.platforms.Add("Any CPU");
            if (hash.Count > 0)
                this.platforms.Add("Mixed Platforms");
            foreach (var p in hash)
Beispiel #37
        public AddPurchase()

            myResourceDictionary        = new ResourceDictionary();
            myResourceDictionary.Source =
                new Uri("/ResourceFiles/En.xaml",
            new ObservableCollection <PurchaseStockModel>().Clear();
            // =DateTime.Now;
            ResponseVm responseTax = taxController.GetTax();

            if (responseTax.FaultData == null)
                TaxModel objTaxModel = new TaxModel(0, "Select", 0, "", "", "", "");
                _taxdetails = responseTax.Response.Cast <TaxModel>().ToList();
                _taxdetails.Insert(0, objTaxModel);
                this.cmbTax.ItemsSource       = _taxdetails;
                this.cmbTax.DisplayMemberPath = "TaxDetail";
                this.cmbTax.SelectedValuePath = "TaxCode";
                this.cmbTax.SelectedIndex     = 0;
            ResponseVm responce = productController.GetProductsByCompanyAndBranch();

            if (responce.FaultData == null)
                _products = responce.Response.Cast <ProductModel>().ToList();
                if (_products != null && _products.Count > 0)
                    _products?.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                        int currentStock = OpeningStockController.GetCurrentStockByProductCode(Convert.ToInt64(x.Id));
                        //ProductModel product = new ProductModel(x.Id, x.ItemCode, x.ItemName, x.RetailPrice.Value, x.TradePrice.Value, x.CategoryCode.Value, x.ItemType, x.BarCode, x.TaxPercentage.Value, x.CategoryName);
                        x.CurrentStock = currentStock;

                    dgPurchases.ItemsSource = _products;
                    dgPurchases.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
                    dgPurchases.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    brd_exp.Visibility     = Visibility.Visible;
            if (purchaseStocks == null)

            btn_AddRow.IsEnabled    = true;
            btn_Save.IsEnabled      = true;
            btn_remove.IsEnabled    = false;
            btn_remove.Background   = Brushes.Gray;
            _supliers               = controller.GetSuppliersByCompanyAndBrach(UserModelVm.CompanyId, UserModelVm.BranchId).ToList();
            lstPurchase.ItemsSource = purchaseStocks;
Beispiel #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the current user values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId"><see cref="UserId"/></param>
        /// <param name="tenantId"><see cref="TenantId"/></param>
        /// <param name="tenantName"><see cref="TenantName"/></param>
        /// <param name="email"><see cref="Email"/></param>
        /// <param name="givenName"><see cref="GivenName"/></param>
        /// <param name="products"><see cref="Products"/></param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        /// Thrown when method is called on an already populated IdentityUser.
        /// Since this data is for the current user of the request it cannot be changed as the source of a request cannot change.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if UserId or TenantId is a default guid (all 0s).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if TenantName, Email, or GivenName is null or empty.</exception>
        public void SetUser(
            Guid userId,
            Guid tenantId,
            string tenantName,
            string tenantDisplayName,
            string email,
            string givenName,
            string firstName,
            string lastName,
            IList <UserProduct> products,
            IList <Guid> roles,
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > permissions)
            if (userId == default)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(userId));
            if (tenantId == default)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(tenantId));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tenantName));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantDisplayName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tenantDisplayName));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(email));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(givenName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(givenName);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(firstName);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(lastName);

            UserId            = userId;
            TenantId          = tenantId;
            TenantName        = tenantName;
            TenantDisplayName = tenantDisplayName;
            Email             = email;
            GivenName         = givenName;
            FirstName         = firstName;
            LastName          = lastName;
            Products          = new ReadOnlyCollection <UserProduct>(products);
            Roles             = roles?.ToList();
            Permissions       = permissions;
            IsLoaded          = true;
Beispiel #39
 /// <summary>
 /// 添加错误信息列表
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="errors"></param>
 public virtual void AddErrors(IList <ErrorInfo> errors)
     Errors = Errors ?? new List <ErrorInfo>();
     errors?.ToList().ForEach(error =>
Beispiel #40
        public IEnumerable <DocumentDomain> Search(Paging paging, IList <FilterCriteria> filterCriteria, IList <SortCriteria> sortCriteria)
            filterCriteria?.ToList().ForEach(x => x.ValidateFilterCriteria());
            sortCriteria?.ToList().ForEach(x => x.ValidateSortCriteria());

            return(_documentRepository.Search(paging, filterCriteria, sortCriteria));
Beispiel #41
 public TemplateHandler(IList <ITypeMapping> typeMappings)
     typeMappingsField = typeMappings?.ToList() ?? new List <ITypeMapping>();
     templateContextHandlerProvider = new TemplateContextHandlerPackageProvider <AbstractTemplateContextHandler>(this, typeMappings);
     templateValidator                   = new TemplateValidator(this, typeMappings);
     contextVisitor                      = new ContextVisitor <AbstractTemplateContextHandler>(templateContextHandlerProvider);
     templateContextProcessor            = new TemplateContextProcessor(this, typeMappings);
     toQualifiedTemplateContextConverter = new ToQualifiedTemplateContextConverter(this, typeMappings);
Beispiel #42
        public void Notify(IList <ModStatus> statuses)
            this.notified             = true;
            this.originalStatuses     = statuses?.ToList();
            this.displayIndex         = 0;
            this.currentSortColumn    = 1;
            this.currentSortDirection = 1;

Beispiel #43
 public TemplateContextProcessor(ITemplateHandler templateHandlerNew, IList <ITypeMapping> typeMappings)
     typeMappingsField = typeMappings?.ToList() ?? new List <ITypeMapping>();
     databaseTemplateContextHandlerProvider   = new TemplateContextHandlerPackageProvider <AbstractDatabaseTemplateContextHandler>(templateHandlerNew, typeMappings);
     tableTemplateContextHandlerProvider      = new TemplateContextHandlerPackageProvider <AbstractTableTemplateContextHandler>(templateHandlerNew, typeMappings);
     columnTemplateContextHandlerProvider     = new TemplateContextHandlerPackageProvider <AbstractColumnTemplateContextHandler>(templateHandlerNew, typeMappings);
     constraintTemplateContextHandlerProvider = new TemplateContextHandlerPackageProvider <AbstractConstraintTemplateContextHandler>(templateHandlerNew, typeMappings);
     functionTemplateContextHandlerProvider   = new TemplateContextHandlerPackageProvider <AbstractFunctionTemplateContextHandler>(templateHandlerNew, typeMappings);
     databaseContextCopier = new DatabaseContextCopier();
        private DebuggerEngines(bool isLazy, bool isAutomatic, IList <DebuggerEngine> manualSelection)
            this.isLazy          = isLazy;
            this.IsAutomatic     = isAutomatic;
            this.manualSelection = manualSelection?.ToList() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ManualSelection));

            foreach (var debuggerEngine in this.manualSelection)
                debuggerEngine.PropertyChanged += OnChildPropertyChanged;
        public static IList <T> Generate <T>(IList <T> seed, Func <IList <T>, T> function, Func <IList <T>, bool> continueSeries)
            var result = seed?.ToList() ?? new List <T>();

            while (continueSeries(result))

        private void CollectCurrentMonth()
            _groupItem = 0;

            for (DateTime[] day = { _firstDayCurrent }; day[0] <= _lastDayCurrent; day[0] = day[0].AddDays(1))
                var selected = _listDateTimeCalendar?.ToList().Exists(x => x.Date == day[0].Date) ?? false;

                Calendar.CurrentMonthDay.Add(ModificationOrdin(new DateInfoCell(), day[0], _groupItem, selected));


            if (Calendar.CurrentMonthDay.Count(x => x.LineGroupGrid == 0) != 7)

Beispiel #47
        public static Polygon3D ToSAM_Polygon3D(this Wire wire)
            IList <Vertex> vertices = wire.Vertices;

            if (vertices == null || vertices.Count < 3)

            return(Spatial.Create.Polygon3D(vertices?.ToList().ConvertAll(x => x.ToSAM())));
Beispiel #48
        // ReSharper restore MemberCanBePrivate.Global

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a block node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tree">Tree to be executed</param>
        private void Block(KermitAST tree)
            if (tree.Type != KermitParser.BLOCK)
                ThrowHelper.InterpreterException("Not a block!: " + tree.ToStringTree());

            IList <ITree> children = tree.Children;

            children?.ToList().ForEach(x => Execute((KermitAST)x));
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            IList <ApplicationFeatureFlag> applicationFeatureFlags = null;
            HttpResponseMessage            response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(ApplicationFeatureFlagResourceName);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                applicationFeatureFlags = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <IList <ApplicationFeatureFlag> >();

Beispiel #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Run the middlewares.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hubContext">DotNetify hub context.</param>
 private void RunMiddlewares(IDotNetifyHubContext hubContext)
         _middlewareFactories?.ToList().ForEach(factory => factory().Invoke(hubContext));
     catch (Exception ex)
         Response_VM(Context.ConnectionId, hubContext.VMId, SerializeException(ex));
         throw new OperationCanceledException($"Middleware threw {ex.GetType().Name}: {ex.Message}", ex);
Beispiel #51
 IList <T> getn()
     lock (o)
         if (n == c)
             n = c?.ToList() ?? new List <T>();
             c = null;
Beispiel #52
        public IEnumerable <DevicePingDomain> Search(int tenantId, Paging paging, IList <FilterCriteria> filterCriteria, IList <SortCriteria> sortCriteria)
            if (paging == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("paging cannot be null");

            filterCriteria?.ToList().ForEach(x => x.ValidateFilterCriteria());
            sortCriteria?.ToList().ForEach(x => x.ValidateSortCriteria());

            return(_devicePingRepository.Search(tenantId, paging, filterCriteria, sortCriteria));
Beispiel #53
        public JsonWebToken CreateToken(string userId, string role = null, IList <Claim> claims = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userId))
                throw new ArgumentException("User id claim can not be empty.", nameof(userId));

            var now       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var jwtClaims = new List <Claim>
                new Claim(JwtClaimsTypes.Sub, userId),
                new Claim(JwtClaimsTypes.UniqueName, userId),
                new Claim(JwtClaimsTypes.Name, userId),
                new Claim(JwtClaimsTypes.Jti, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
                new Claim(JwtClaimsTypes.Iat, now.ToTimestamp().ToString())

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(role))
                jwtClaims.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimsTypes.Role, role));

            var customClaims = claims?.ToList() ?? new List <Claim>();

            var expires = now.AddMinutes(_options.ExpiryMinutes);
            var jwt     = new JwtSecurityToken(
                issuer: _options.Issuer,
                claims: jwtClaims,
                notBefore: now,
                expires: expires,
                signingCredentials: _signingCredentials
            var token = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

            var jwtToken = token.WriteToken(jwt);

            customClaims.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimsTypes.AccessToken, jwtToken));

            return(new JsonWebToken
                AccessToken = jwtToken,
                RefreshToken = string.Empty,
                Expires = expires,
                Id = userId,
                Role = role ?? string.Empty,
                Claims = customClaims.ToDictionary(c => c.Type, c => c.Value)
        public async Task <IActionResult> Customers()
            IList <ApplicationUser> users = await _userManager.GetUsersInRoleAsync(Roles.User.ToString());

            // Manter os usuarios (clientes) na sessao
            HttpContext.Session.SetSession("Customers", users);

            var customerModel = new CustomersViewModel()
                Customers    = users?.ToList(),
                Registration = new CustomerRegistrationViewModel()

 public Task <IList <MandrillMessageTimeSeries> > SearchTimeSeriesAsync(string query, DateTime?dateFrom = null,
                                                                        DateTime?dateTo        = null, IList <string> tags = null,
                                                                        IList <string> senders = null)
         (MandrillApi.PostAsync <MandrillMessageSearchRequest, IList <MandrillMessageTimeSeries> >(
              new MandrillMessageSearchRequest
         DateFrom = dateFrom?.ToString(SearchDateFormat),
         DateTo = dateTo?.ToString(SearchDateFormat),
         Query = query,
         Tags = tags?.ToList(),
         Senders = senders?.ToList()
Beispiel #56
        public virtual IDbCommand GetCommand(string commandtext = "", CommandType commandtype = CommandType.Text, IList <SqlParameter> parameters = null)
            var command = _dbcreator?.Command;

            command.CommandText = commandtext;
            command.CommandType = commandtype;

            parameters?.ToList()?.ForEach(p =>
                command.Parameters.Add(GetParameter(p.Name, p.Type, p.Value, p.Direction));

            command.Connection = _dbcreator?.Connection;

 public Task <IList <MandrillMessageInfo> > SearchAsync(string query, DateTime?dateFrom = null,
                                                        DateTime?dateTo        = null, IList <string> tags = null, IList <string> senders = null,
                                                        IList <string> apiKeys = null, int?limit           = null)
         (MandrillApi.PostAsync <MandrillMessageSearchRequest, IList <MandrillMessageInfo> >("messages/search.json",
                                                                                             new MandrillMessageSearchRequest
         DateFrom = dateFrom?.ToString(SearchDateFormat),
         DateTo = dateTo?.ToString(SearchDateFormat),
         Query = query,
         Tags = tags?.ToList(),
         Senders = senders?.ToList(),
         ApiKeys = apiKeys?.ToList(),
         Limit = limit
Beispiel #58
        private List <ForecastObject> GetForecastsObjects()
            IList <ForecastObject> forecastObjects = null;

                forecastObjects = _forecastObjectProvider.GetDataFromServer();
            catch (Exception e)
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(SetUpAfterError));

Beispiel #59
        private void CreateMarketDataProcessingDataFlow()
            _source = new BufferBlock <MarketDataUpdate>(new DataflowBlockOptions()
                BoundedCapacity = DataAggregatorAppSettings.BufferBoundedCapacity
            _batchBlock = new BatchBlock <MarketDataUpdate>(batchSize: DataAggregatorAppSettings.BatchSize, new GroupingDataflowBlockOptions()
                Greedy = true

            _writer = new ActionBlock <List <MarketDataUpdate> >(cd =>
                cd.ForEach(d => Console.WriteLine(d));
                // snapshot work with current copy data - thread safe.
                _watchers?.ToList().ForEach(watcher => watcher.OnUpdate(cd.ToArray()));

            _transformBlock = new TransformBlock <MarketDataUpdate[], List <MarketDataUpdate> >(e =>
                var helper = new MergeDataHelper();

            _source.LinkTo(_batchBlock, new DataflowLinkOptions()
                PropagateCompletion = true

            _batchBlock.LinkTo(_transformBlock, new DataflowLinkOptions()
                PropagateCompletion = true
            _transformBlock.LinkTo(_writer, new DataflowLinkOptions()
                PropagateCompletion = true

            _timer = new Timer(x => {
            _timer.Change(DataAggregatorAppSettings.TimerDueTimeMiliseconds, DataAggregatorAppSettings.TimerPeriodMiliseconds);
Beispiel #60
        private static List <Field> GetListFromCache(int contentId)
            IList <Field> result = null;
            var           cache  = QPContext.GetFieldCache();
            var           cache2 = QPContext.GetContentFieldCache();

            if (cache != null && cache2 != null && cache2.ContainsKey(contentId))
                var fieldIds     = cache2[contentId];
                var tempFieldIds = fieldIds.Select(n => cache.ContainsKey(n) ? cache[n] : null).ToList();
                if (tempFieldIds.All(n => n != null))
                    result = tempFieldIds;
