Beispiel #1
 public ProcessCarImage(Configuration configuration, ILicensePlateRecognizer licensePlateRecognizer)
     this.configuration          = configuration;
     this.licensePlateRecognizer = licensePlateRecognizer;
Beispiel #2
        public static async Task <Message> Run(
            [BlobTrigger("car-images/cameras/{camera}/{name}", Connection = "SECCTRL_CAR_IMAGES")] CloudBlockBlob imageBlob,
            string camera,
            string name,
            [Inject(typeof(Configuration))] Configuration configuration,
            [Inject(typeof(ILicensePlateRecognizer))] ILicensePlateRecognizer licensePlateRecognizer,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"Start processing of new image {name} from camera {camera}");

            // Store timestamp when image was received in blob storage
            var timestamp = imageBlob.Properties.LastModified;

            // Read image file from blob storage and convert content to Base64
            log.LogInformation("Downloading image data");
            var file = new byte[imageBlob.Properties.Length];
            await imageBlob.DownloadToByteArrayAsync(file, 0);

            // Try to recognize the license plate
            log.LogInformation("Starting license plate recognition");
            var recognitionResult = await licensePlateRecognizer.RecognizeAsync(file, configuration);

            // Move image to archive
            log.LogInformation("Moving image to archive folder");
            var archiveImageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var archiveBlob    = imageBlob.Container.GetBlockBlobReference($"archive/{archiveImageId}.jpg");
            await archiveBlob.StartCopyAsync(imageBlob);

            await imageBlob.DeleteAsync();

            log.LogInformation("Building plate read result");
            if (recognitionResult != null)
                // We have recognized a license plate
                var read = new PlateRead
                    ReadTimestamp         = timestamp.Value.Ticks,
                    CameraID              = camera,
                    LicensePlate          = recognitionResult.Plate,
                    Confidence            = recognitionResult.Confidence,
                    Nationality           = recognitionResult.Region,
                    NationalityConfidence = recognitionResult.RegionConfidence,
                    ImageID = archiveImageId

                var readQuality = "low";
                if (recognitionResult.Confidence >= 75d && recognitionResult.RegionConfidence >= 75d)
                    readQuality = "high";

                return(CreateMessage(read, readQuality));
                // No license plate found
                var read = new EmptyPlateRead
                    ReadTimestamp = timestamp.Value.Ticks,
                    CameraID      = camera,
                    ImageID       = archiveImageId
                return(CreateMessage(read, "empty"));