Beispiel #1
        public void PopulatePossibility(ICmPossibility poss)
        // Creating, assigning parent, etc., is handled elsewhere. This function only sets text values.
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = poss.Cache.WritingSystemFactory;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in Abbrevs)
                int wsId = wsf.GetWsFromStr(kv.Key);
                if (wsId != 0)
                    poss.Abbreviation.set_String(wsId, kv.Value);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in Descriptions)
                int wsId = wsf.GetWsFromStr(kv.Key);
                if (wsId != 0)
                    poss.Description.set_String(wsId, kv.Value);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in Names)
                int wsId = wsf.GetWsFromStr(kv.Key);
                if (wsId != 0)
                    poss.Name.set_String(wsId, kv.Value);
Beispiel #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the a text run from a string representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The owner of the paragraph (book).</param>
        /// <param name="strBldr">The structured string builder.</param>
        /// <param name="textNode">The text node which describes runs to be added to the
        /// paragraph or to the translation for a particular writing system</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private static void CreateRunFromStringRep(CmObject owner, ITsIncStrBldr strBldr,
                                                   XmlNode textNode)
            XmlNode charStyle = textNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("CS");

            if (charStyle != null)

            XmlNode wsICULocale = textNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("WS");

            if (wsICULocale != null)
                ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = owner.Cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
                int ws = wsf.GetWsFromStr(wsICULocale.Value);
                if (ws <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown ICU locale encountered: '" + wsICULocale.Value + "'");
                                         (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, wsf.GetWsFromStr(wsICULocale.Value));
                throw new ArgumentException("Required attribute WS missing from RUN element.");
Beispiel #3
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the object with the proper writing system factory, which also initializes
 /// some standard writing system ids.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wsf">the writing system factory</param>
 /// <returns>nothing</returns>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public virtual void InitializeWritingSystems(ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf)
     m_wsEnglish = wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
     m_wsSpanish = wsf.GetWsFromStr("es");
     // Rebuild the namesets with the new writing system ids.
Beispiel #4
        public void CreateScrBookRefs()
            ReflectionHelper.CallMethod(typeof(TeScrBookRefsInit), "SetNamesAndAbbreviations",
                                        new DummyProgressDlg(), Cache);

            IFdoOwningSequence <IScrBookRef> books =
                Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrRefSystemRepository>().Singleton.BooksOS;

            // Make sure the right number of books was generated.
            Assert.AreEqual(66, books.Count);

            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = Cache.WritingSystemFactory;
            int wsEnglish = wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
            int wsSpanish = wsf.GetWsFromStr("es");

            // Check English Genesis
            IScrBookRef genesis = books[0];


            // Check Spanish Matthew
            IScrBookRef mateo = books[39];


            // Check English 2 Corinthians
            IScrBookRef iiCor = books[46];

            Assert.AreEqual("2 Corinthians",
            Assert.AreEqual("II Corinthians",

            // Check Spanish Revelation
            IScrBookRef apocalipsis = books[65];


            MultilingScrBooks mlsb = new MultilingScrBooks(m_scr.ScrProjMetaDataProvider);

            foreach (IScrBookRef brf in books)
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Add French paragraphs
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void MakeFrenchParagraphs()
            int wsFrn = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("fr");

            AddParagraphs(wsFrn, kFirstParaFra, kSecondParaFra);
Beispiel #6
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the test data.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected override void CreateTestData()
            m_servLoc = Cache.ServiceLocator;
            m_wsf     = Cache.WritingSystemFactory;
            m_ws_en   = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
            m_ws_fr   = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("fr");

Beispiel #7
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the test data.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected override void CreateTestData()
			m_servLoc = Cache.ServiceLocator;
			m_wsf = Cache.WritingSystemFactory;
			m_ws_en = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
			m_ws_fr = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("fr");

        public void MoreWritingSystemLists()
            ILgWritingSystemFactory factWs = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ILgWritingSystemFactory>();

            char[] rgchSplit = new char[] { ' ' };

            string sVern = factWs.GetStrFromWs(Cache.DefaultVernWs);

            Set <string> setVern = new Set <string>();

            Assert.Less(0, setVern.Count, "should be at least one Vernacular WS");
            Set <string> setCurVern = new Set <string>();

            Assert.Less(0, setCurVern.Count, "should be at least one Current Vernacular WS");
            Assert.LessOrEqual(setCurVern.Count, setVern.Count, "at least as many Current Vernacular as Vernacular");
            foreach (string x in setCurVern)
                Assert.IsTrue(setVern.Contains(x), "Vernacular contains everything in Current Vernacular");
                int ws = factWs.GetWsFromStr(x);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, ws, "factory should contain everything in Current Vernacular");
            foreach (string x in setVern)
                int ws = factWs.GetWsFromStr(x);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, ws, "factory should contain everything in Vernacular");

            string sAnal = factWs.GetStrFromWs(Cache.DefaultAnalWs);

            Set <string> setAnal = new Set <string>();

            Assert.Less(0, setAnal.Count, "should be at least one Analysis WS");
            Set <string> setCurAnal = new Set <string>();

            Assert.Less(0, setCurAnal.Count, "should be at least one Current Analysis WS");
            Assert.LessOrEqual(setCurAnal.Count, setAnal.Count, "at least as many Current Analysis as Analysis");
            foreach (string x in setCurAnal)
                Assert.IsTrue(setAnal.Contains(x), "Analysis contains everything in Current Analysis");
                int ws = factWs.GetWsFromStr(x);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, ws, "factory should contain everything in Current Analysis");
            foreach (string x in setAnal)
                int ws = factWs.GetWsFromStr(x);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, ws, "factory should contain everything in Analysis");
Beispiel #9
		public void Setup()
			tsf = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
			wsf = new MockWsf();
			wsEn = wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
			wsFrn = wsf.GetWsFromStr("fr");
			ITsPropsBldr propBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			propBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, wsFrn);
			ttpFrn = propBldr.GetTextProps();
Beispiel #10
        public void Setup()
            tsf   = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
            wsf   = new MockWsf();
            wsEn  = wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
            wsFrn = wsf.GetWsFromStr("fr");
            ITsPropsBldr propBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();

            propBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, wsFrn);
            ttpFrn = propBldr.GetTextProps();
Beispiel #11
        public void WritingSystemsLists()
            List <IWritingSystem> list = new List <IWritingSystem>();

            foreach (var x in Cache.LangProject.AllWritingSystems)
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);

            ILgWritingSystemFactory factWs = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ILgWritingSystemFactory>();

            Assert.LessOrEqual(list.Count, factWs.NumberOfWs, "factory list is at least as large as AllWritingSystems");
            Set <int> set = new Set <int>();

            using (ArrayPtr rgwsT = MarshalEx.ArrayToNative <int>(factWs.NumberOfWs))
                factWs.GetWritingSystems(rgwsT, factWs.NumberOfWs);
                set.AddRange(MarshalEx.NativeToArray <int>(rgwsT, factWs.NumberOfWs));
            int wsEn = factWs.GetWsFromStr("en");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, wsEn, "factory should contain English WS");
            int wsFr = factWs.GetWsFromStr("fr");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, wsFr, "factory should contain French WS");
            IWritingSystem eng = null;
            IWritingSystem frn = null;

            foreach (var x in list)
                Assert.IsTrue(set.Contains(x.Handle), "AllWritingSystems should be a subset of the factory list");
                if (x.Handle == wsEn)
                    eng = x;
                else if (x.Handle == wsFr)
                    frn = x;
            Assert.IsNotNull(eng, "AllWritingSystems should contain English");
            Assert.AreEqual("English", factWs.get_EngineOrNull(wsEn).LanguageName);
            Assert.AreEqual("English", eng.LanguageName);

            Assert.IsNotNull(frn, "AllWritingSystems should contain French");
            Assert.AreEqual("French", frn.LanguageName);
            Assert.AreEqual("French", factWs.get_Engine("fr").LanguageName);
            private void SetContentFromNode(FdoCache cache, string sNodeName, bool fFixName, ITsMultiString item)
                ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = cache.WritingSystemFactory;
                ITsStrFactory           tsf = cache.TsStrFactory;
                int     iWS;
                XmlNode nd;
                bool    fContentFound = false;              // be pessimistic

                foreach (IWritingSystem ws in cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems.CurrentAnalysisWritingSystems)
                    string sWS = ws.Id;
                    nd = m_node.SelectSingleNode(sNodeName + "[@ws='" + sWS + "']");
                    if (nd == null || nd.InnerText.Length == 0)
                    fContentFound = true;
                    string sNodeContent;
                    if (fFixName)
                        sNodeContent = NameFixer(nd.InnerText);
                        sNodeContent = nd.InnerText;
                    iWS = wsf.GetWsFromStr(sWS);
                    item.set_String(iWS, (tsf.MakeString(sNodeContent, iWS)));
                if (!fContentFound)
                    iWS = cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems.DefaultAnalysisWritingSystem.Handle;
                    item.set_String(iWS, tsf.MakeString("", iWS));
Beispiel #13
        public static InterlinLineChoices Restore(string data, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf, int defVern, int defAnalysis, ILangProject proj)
            InterlinLineChoices result;

            string[] parts = data.Split(',');

            switch (parts[0])
            case "InterlinLineChoices":
                result = new InterlinLineChoices(defVern, defAnalysis, proj);

            case "EditableInterlinLineChoices":
                result = new EditableInterlinLineChoices(defVern, defAnalysis, proj);

                throw new Exception("Unrecognised type of InterlinLineChoices: " + parts[0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                string[] flidAndWs = parts[i].Split('%');
                if (flidAndWs.Length != 2)
                    throw new Exception("Unrecognized InterlinLineSpec: " + parts[i]);
                int flid = Int32.Parse(flidAndWs[0]);
                int ws   = wsf.GetWsFromStr(flidAndWs[1]);
                result.Add(flid, ws);
Beispiel #14
        public void WriteToLcmMultiString(IMultiAccessorBase dest, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsManager)
            if (dest == null)
            HashSet <int> destWsIdsToClear = new HashSet <int>(dest.AvailableWritingSystemIds);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, LfStringField> kv in this)
                int wsId = wsManager.GetWsFromStr(kv.Key);
                if (wsId == 0)
                    continue;                            // Skip any unidentified writing systems
                string    value = kv.Value.Value;
                ITsString tss   = LfMerge.Core.DataConverters.ConvertMongoToLcmTsStrings.SpanStrToTsString(value, wsId, wsManager);
                dest.set_String(wsId, tss);
            foreach (int wsId in destWsIdsToClear)
                dest.set_String(wsId, string.Empty);
            private void SetContentFromNode(FdoCache cache, string sNodeName, bool fFixName, MultiAccessor item)
                ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
                ITsStrFactory           tsf = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
                int     iWS;
                XmlNode nd;
                bool    fContentFound = false;              // be pessimistic

                foreach (ILgWritingSystem ws in cache.LangProject.CurAnalysisWssRS)
                    string sWS = ws.ICULocale;
                    nd = m_node.SelectSingleNode(sNodeName + "[@ws='" + sWS + "']");
                    if (nd == null || nd.InnerText.Length == 0)
                    fContentFound = true;
                    string sNodeContent;
                    if (fFixName)
                        sNodeContent = NameFixer(nd.InnerText);
                        sNodeContent = nd.InnerText;
                    iWS = wsf.GetWsFromStr(sWS);
                    item.SetAlternative(tsf.MakeString(sNodeContent, iWS), iWS);
                if (!fContentFound)
                    iWS = cache.LangProject.DefaultAnalysisWritingSystem;
                    item.SetAlternative(tsf.MakeString("", iWS), iWS);
        protected override void PopulatePossibilityFromExtraData(ICmPossibility poss)
            ICmSemanticDomain semdom = poss as ICmSemanticDomain;

            if (semdom == null)
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = semdom.Cache.WritingSystemFactory;
            var questionFactory         = semdom.Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ICmDomainQFactory>();
            Dictionary <string, List <SemDomQuestion> > questionsByWs = GetExtraDataWsDict <SemDomQuestion>("Questions");
            // This dict looks like {"en": (question 1, question 2...)} but each question object wants to get data that
            // looks more or less like {"en": "the question in English", "fr": "la question en francais"}...
            // So first we ensure that there are enough question objects available, and then we'll access them by index
            // as we step through the writing systems.
            int numQuestions = questionsByWs.Values.Select(questionList => questionList.Count).Max();

            while (semdom.QuestionsOS.Count < numQuestions)
            foreach (string ws in questionsByWs.Keys)
                int wsId = wsf.GetWsFromStr(ws);
                int i    = 0;
                foreach (SemDomQuestion qStruct in questionsByWs[ws])
                    semdom.QuestionsOS[i].Question.set_String(wsId, qStruct.Question ?? string.Empty);
                    semdom.QuestionsOS[i].ExampleSentences.set_String(wsId, qStruct.ExampleSentences ?? string.Empty);
                    semdom.QuestionsOS[i].ExampleWords.set_String(wsId, qStruct.ExampleWords ?? string.Empty);
        public override void Initialize()

            m_wsf   = Cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
            m_wsEng = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
Beispiel #18
        public override void FixtureSetup()

            m_flidContainingTexts = ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes;
            m_wsf   = Cache.WritingSystemFactory;
            m_wsEng = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
		public override void FixtureSetup()

			m_flidContainingTexts = ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes;
			m_wsf = Cache.WritingSystemFactory;
			m_wsEng = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
Beispiel #20
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Add English paragraphs
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void MakeEnglishParagraphs()

            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = m_fdoCache.WritingSystemFactory;
            int wsEng = wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");

            AddParagraphsToLangProj(wsEng, kFirstParaEng, kSecondParaEng);
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:KeyTermRenderingsControl"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
        /// <param name="mainWnd">the FwMainWnd that owns this control.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public KeyTermRenderingsControl(FdoCache cache, FwMainWnd mainWnd) : base(cache, mainWnd)
            DataGridView = m_dataGridView;

            // Setup columns
            m_Rendering.Cache             = m_cache;
            m_Rendering.WritingSystemCode = m_cache.DefaultVernWs;
            m_OriginalTerm.Cache          = m_cache;

            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = m_cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;

            m_wsGreek = wsf.GetWsFromStr("grc");
            if (m_wsGreek <= 0)
                throw new Exception("The Greek writing system is not defined.");
            m_wsHebrew = wsf.GetWsFromStr("hbo");
            if (m_wsHebrew <= 0)
                throw new Exception("The Hebrew writing system is not defined.");

            if (mainWnd != null)
                Parent           = mainWnd;
                m_stylesheet     = mainWnd.StyleSheet;
                m_Rendering.Font = new Font(
                    m_stylesheet.GetNormalFontFaceName(cache, cache.DefaultVernWs),
                    FontInfo.kDefaultFontSize / 1000);

            m_list       = new List <ICheckGridRowObject>();
            m_gridSorter = new CheckGridListSorter(m_list);
            m_gridSorter.AddComparer(m_Rendering.DataPropertyName, m_tsStrComparer);
            m_gridSorter.AddComparer(m_OriginalTerm.DataPropertyName, m_tsStrComparer);
            m_gridSorter.AddComparer(m_Status.DataPropertyName, new RenderingStatusComparer());
                                     new ScriptureReferenceComparer((Scripture)m_cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA));

            m_dataGridView.Cache = m_cache;
            m_dataGridView.ColumnHeaderMouseClick += m_dataGridView_ColumnHeaderMouseClick;
		public void Setup()
			m_wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
			// This is typically run during the build process before InstallLanguage.exe has
			// been built, so we want to disable InstallLanguage for this test.
			m_wsf.BypassInstall = true;

			m_wsEn = m_wsf.get_Engine("en");
			m_wsIdEn = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
			m_wsEn.set_Name(m_wsIdEn, "English");
			m_wsEn.set_Abbr(m_wsIdEn, "ENG");
        public void Setup()
            m_wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            // This is typically run during the build process before InstallLanguage.exe has
            // been built, so we want to disable InstallLanguage for this test.
            m_wsf.BypassInstall = true;

            m_wsEn   = m_wsf.get_Engine("en");
            m_wsIdEn = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
            m_wsEn.set_Name(m_wsIdEn, "English");
            m_wsEn.set_Abbr(m_wsIdEn, "ENG");
        private int GetWsFromStr(string sWs)
            int ws = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr(sWs);

            if (ws != 0)
            // Add this writing system.
            ILgWritingSystem lgws = m_wsf.get_Engine(sWs);

Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate the ICU locale string into the writing system id for the given
        /// writing system factory, adding it to the factory as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="icuLocale"></param>
        /// <param name="wsf"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public int GetWsFromStr(string icuLocale, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf)
            int ws = wsf.GetWsFromStr(icuLocale);

            if (ws == 0)
                // This adds the icuLocale as a new writing system to the factory.
                IWritingSystem lws = wsf.get_Engine(icuLocale);
                ws  = lws.WritingSystem;
                lws = null;
Beispiel #26
        public KeyValuePair <int, string> WsIdAndFirstNonEmptyString(LcmCache cache)
            KeyValuePair <string, string> kv = FirstNonEmptyKeyValue();

            if (kv.Key == null)
                return(new KeyValuePair <int, string>());
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsManager = cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystemManager;
            int wsId = wsManager.GetWsFromStr(kv.Key);

            return(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(wsId, kv.Value));
Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Read multilingual Unicode data from XML fragments like
 /// &lt;Name&gt;
 ///		&lt;AUni ws="en"&gt;FRAME and OCM Categories&lt;/AUni&gt;
 ///	&lt;/Name&gt;
 /// </summary>
 private void SetMultiUnicodeFromXml(XmlReader xrdr, IMultiUnicode mu)
     if (xrdr.IsEmptyElement)
     if (xrdr.ReadToDescendant("AUni"))
             string sWs  = xrdr.GetAttribute("ws");
             string sVal = xrdr.ReadString();
             int    ws   = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr(sWs);
             if (ws != 0)
                 mu.set_String(ws, sVal);
         } while (xrdr.ReadToNextSibling("AUni"));
     xrdr.Read();                // read the end tag.
Beispiel #28
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the existing categories and terms with new localized strings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dlg">The progress dialog.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters: 1) the BiblicalTermsLocalization object
        /// representing the contents of the XML file with the localized strings; 2) The ICU
        /// locale (string).</param>
        /// <returns>always null</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected object UpdateLocalization(IThreadedProgress dlg, params object[] parameters)
            BiblicalTermsLocalization loc = (BiblicalTermsLocalization)parameters[0];
            string locale = (string)parameters[1];

            const int kcStepsToBuildLookupTable = 4;

            dlg.Position = 0;
            dlg.Minimum  = 0;
            dlg.Maximum  = loc.Categories.Count + loc.Terms.Count + kcStepsToBuildLookupTable;
            dlg.Title    = TeResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidLoadKeyTermsInDBCaption");
            dlg.Message  = TeResourceHelper.FormatResourceString("kstidLoadKeyTermsLocalizations",

            m_wsDefault = m_servLoc.WritingSystemManager.GetWsFromStr("en");

            int hvoLocWs = loc.WritingSystemHvo = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr(locale);

            IEnumerable <ICmPossibility> categories = ((ILangProject)m_scr.Owner).KeyTermsList.PossibilitiesOS;

            foreach (CategoryLocalization localizedCategory in loc.Categories)
                ICmPossibility category = categories.FirstOrDefault(
                    p => p.Abbreviation.get_String(m_wsDefault).Text == localizedCategory.Id);
                if (category != null)
                    category.Name.set_String(hvoLocWs, localizedCategory.Gloss);

            Dictionary <int, IChkTerm> termLookupTable =
                m_servLoc.GetInstance <IChkTermRepository>().AllInstances().ToDictionary(t => t.TermId);


            IChkTerm term;
            string   message = TeResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidLoadKeyTermsInDBStatus");

            foreach (TermLocalization localizedTerm in loc.Terms)
                dlg.Message = string.Format(message, localizedTerm.Gloss);

                if (termLookupTable.TryGetValue(localizedTerm.Id, out term))
                    SetLocalizedGlossAndDescription(term, localizedTerm, loc.WritingSystemHvo);
Beispiel #29
        public void AddingWritingSystems()
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Cache.LangProject.CurrentVernacularWritingSystems.Count, "Only one current vernacular WS");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Cache.LangProject.VernacularWritingSystems.Count, "Only one vernacular WS");
            Assert.IsFalse(Cache.LangProject.VernWss.Contains("es"), "Vernacular WSs do not include Spanish");
            Assert.IsFalse(Cache.LangProject.CurVernWss.Contains("es"), "Current Vernacular WSs do not include Spanish");
            Assert.IsFalse(Cache.LangProject.AnalysisWss.Contains("es"), "Analysis WSs do not include Spanish");
            Assert.IsFalse(Cache.LangProject.CurAnalysisWss.Contains("es"), "Current Analysis WSs do not include Spanish");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, Cache.LangProject.CurrentAnalysisWritingSystems.Count, "Only one current analysis WS");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Cache.LangProject.AnalysisWritingSystems.Count, "Only one analysis WS");
            Assert.IsFalse(Cache.LangProject.VernWss.Contains("de"), "Vernacular WSs do not include German");
            Assert.IsFalse(Cache.LangProject.CurVernWss.Contains("de"), "Current Vernacular WSs do not include German");
            Assert.IsFalse(Cache.LangProject.AnalysisWss.Contains("de"), "Analysis WSs do not include German");
            Assert.IsFalse(Cache.LangProject.CurAnalysisWss.Contains("de"), "Current Analysis WSs do not include German");

            ILgWritingSystemFactory factWs = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ILgWritingSystemFactory>();
            int wsEs = factWs.GetWsFromStr("es");

            if (wsEs != 0)
                Cache.LangProject.VernWss    = Cache.LangProject.VernWss + " es";
                Cache.LangProject.CurVernWss = Cache.LangProject.CurVernWss + " es";
                Assert.AreEqual(2, Cache.LangProject.CurrentVernacularWritingSystems.Count, "Now two current vernacular WS");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, Cache.LangProject.VernacularWritingSystems.Count, "Now two vernacular WS");
            int wsDe = factWs.GetWsFromStr("de");

            if (wsDe != 0)
                IWritingSystem german = factWs.get_EngineOrNull(wsDe) as IWritingSystem;
                Assert.IsNotNull(german, "IWritingSystem and ILgWritingSystem are the same now");
                Assert.IsTrue(Cache.LangProject.AnalysisWss.Contains("de"), "Analysis WSs now include German");
                Assert.IsTrue(Cache.LangProject.CurAnalysisWss.Contains("de"), "Current Analysis WSs now include German");
            public void AddToDatabase(FdoCache cache, ICmPossibilityList posList, MasterCategory parent, IPartOfSpeech subItemOwner)

                if (m_pos != null)
                    return;                     // It's already in the database, so nothing more can be done.
                int newOwningFlid;
                int insertLocation;
                int newOwner =
                    DeterminePOSLocationInfo(subItemOwner, parent, posList, out newOwningFlid, out insertLocation);
                ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;

                Debug.Assert(m_pos != null);

                if (m_node == null)
                {                 // should not happen, but just in case... we still get something useful
                    m_pos.Name.SetAlternative(m_term, wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_termWs));
                    m_pos.Abbreviation.SetAlternative(m_abbrev, wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_abbrevWs));
                    m_pos.Description.SetAlternative(m_def, wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_defWs));
                    SetContentFromNode(cache, "abbrev", false, m_pos.Abbreviation);
                    SetContentFromNode(cache, "term", true, m_pos.Name);
                    SetContentFromNode(cache, "def", false, m_pos.Description);

                m_pos.CatalogSourceId = m_id;
                // Need a PropChanged, since it isn't done in the 'Append' for some reason.
                cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll,
                                  newOwner, newOwningFlid, insertLocation, 1, 0);
            public void AddToDatabase(FdoCache cache, ICmPossibilityList posList, MasterCategory parent, IPartOfSpeech subItemOwner)
                if (m_pos != null)
                    return;                     // It's already in the database, so nothing more can be done.
                UndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(LexTextControls.ksUndoCreateCategory, LexTextControls.ksRedoCreateCategory,
                                            cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IActionHandler>(), () =>
                    int newOwningFlid;
                    int insertLocation;
                    int newOwner =
                        DeterminePOSLocationInfo(cache, subItemOwner, parent, posList, out newOwningFlid, out insertLocation);
                    ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = cache.WritingSystemFactory;
                    Debug.Assert(m_pos != null);

                    int termWs        = wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_termWs);
                    int abbrevWs      = wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_abbrevWs);
                    int defWs         = wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_defWs);
                    ITsStrFactory tsf = cache.TsStrFactory;
                    if (m_node == null)
                    {                     // should not happen, but just in case... we still get something useful
                        m_pos.Name.set_String(termWs, tsf.MakeString(m_term, termWs));
                        m_pos.Abbreviation.set_String(abbrevWs, tsf.MakeString(m_abbrev, abbrevWs));
                        m_pos.Description.set_String(defWs, tsf.MakeString(m_def, defWs));
                        SetContentFromNode(cache, "abbrev", false, m_pos.Abbreviation);
                        SetContentFromNode(cache, "term", true, m_pos.Name);
                        SetContentFromNode(cache, "def", false, m_pos.Description);

                    m_pos.CatalogSourceId = m_id;
Beispiel #32
        internal static int ReadAstrElementOfMultiString(XElement aStrNode, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf, out ITsString tss)
            var wsHvo  = 0;
            var wsAttr = aStrNode.Attribute("ws");

            if (wsAttr != null)
                wsHvo = wsf.GetWsFromStr(wsAttr.Value);
            tss = TsStringSerializer.DeserializeTsStringFromXml(aStrNode, wsf);
            if (wsHvo == 0)
                // THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN but we live in a fallen world!
                var ttp = tss.get_PropertiesAt(0);
                int nVar;
                wsHvo = ttp.GetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, out nVar);
Beispiel #33
        public static ITsString SpanStrToTsString(string source, int mainWs, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf)
            // How to build up an ITsString via an ITsIncStrBldr -
            // 1. Use SetIntPropValues or SetStrPropValues to set a property "to be applied to any subsequent append operations".
            // 2. THEN use Append(string s) to add a string, which will "pick up" the properties set in step 1.
            // See ScrFootnoteFactory.CreateRunFromStringRep() in LcmFactoryAdditions.cs for a good example.
            if (source == null)
            List <Run> runs    = GetSpanRuns(source);
            var        builder = TsStringUtils.MakeIncStrBldr();

            // Will become: ITsIncStrBldr builder = TsStringUtils.MakeIncStrBldr();  // Add "using SIL.CoreImpl;" when this line is uncommented.
            foreach (Run run in runs)
                builder.ClearProps();                 // Make sure there aren't leftover properties from previous run
                // To remove a string property, you set it to null, so we can just use StyleName directly whether or not it's null.
                builder.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, run.StyleName);
                int runWs = (run.Lang == null) ? mainWs : wsf.GetWsFromStr(run.Lang);
                builder.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, runWs);
                // We don't care about Guids in this function, so run.Guid is ignored
                // But we do need to set any other int or string properties that were in the original
                if (run.IntProperties != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IntProperty> prop in run.IntProperties)
                        builder.SetIntPropValues(prop.Key, prop.Value.Variation, prop.Value.Value);
                if (run.StringProperties != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> prop in run.StringProperties)
                        builder.SetStrPropValue(prop.Key, prop.Value);
Beispiel #34
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the data source combo.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void CheckForScrProject()
            if (m_cache == null || m_langDef == null)

            m_scrChecksDllFile = DirectoryFinder.BasicEditorialChecksDll;

            ILgWritingSystemFactory lgwsf = m_cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
            string strLocale = m_langDef.HasChangedIcuLocale ? m_langDef.LocaleAbbr :
            bool modifyingVernWs =
                lgwsf.GetWsFromStr(strLocale) == m_cache.DefaultVernWs;

            // If TE isn't installed, we can't support creating an inventory
            // based on Scripture data.
            cmnuScanScripture.Visible = (MiscUtils.IsTEInstalled &&
                                         File.Exists(m_scrChecksDllFile) &&
                                         m_cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA != null && modifyingVernWs);
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="data"></param>
		/// <param name="wsf"></param>
		/// <param name="proj"></param>
		/// <param name="defVern">Typically you want to pass in LgWritingSystemTags.kwsVernInParagraph</param>
		/// <param name="defAnalysis"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static InterlinLineChoices Restore(string data, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf, ILangProject proj, int defVern, int defAnalysis)
			Debug.Assert(defVern != 0);
			Debug.Assert(defAnalysis != 0);

			InterlinLineChoices result;
			string[] parts = data.Split(',');

				case "InterlinLineChoices":
					result = new InterlinLineChoices(proj, defVern, defAnalysis);
				case "EditableInterlinLineChoices":
					result = new EditableInterlinLineChoices(proj, defVern, defAnalysis);
					throw new Exception("Unrecognised type of InterlinLineChoices: " + parts[0]);
			for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
				string[] flidAndWs = parts[i].Split('%');
				if (flidAndWs.Length != 2)
					throw new Exception("Unrecognized InterlinLineSpec: " + parts[i]);
				int flid = Int32.Parse(flidAndWs[0]);
				int ws = wsf.GetWsFromStr(flidAndWs[1]);
				result.Add(flid, ws);
			return result;
		public override void Initialize()

			m_wsf = Cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
			m_wsEng = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
Beispiel #37
		/// <summary>
		/// Translate the ICU locale string into the writing system id for the given
		/// writing system factory, adding it to the factory as needed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="icuLocale"></param>
		/// <param name="wsf"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		static public int GetWsFromStr(string icuLocale, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf)
			int ws = wsf.GetWsFromStr(icuLocale);
			if (ws == 0)
				// This adds the icuLocale as a new writing system to the factory.
				IWritingSystem lws = wsf.get_Engine(icuLocale);
				ws = lws.WritingSystem;
				lws = null;
			return ws;
 public static ITsString SpanStrToTsString(string source, int mainWs, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf)
     // How to build up an ITsString via an ITsIncStrBldr -
     // 1. Use SetIntPropValues or SetStrPropValues to set a property "to be applied to any subsequent append operations".
     // 2. THEN use Append(string s) to add a string, which will "pick up" the properties set in step 1.
     // See ScrFootnoteFactory.CreateRunFromStringRep() in FdoFactoryAdditions.cs for a good example.
     List<Run> runs = GetSpanRuns(source);
     ITsIncStrBldr builder = TsIncStrBldrClass.Create();
     foreach (Run run in runs)
         // To remove a string property, you set it to null, so we can just use StyleName directly whether or not it's null.
         builder.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, run.StyleName);
         int runWs = (run.Lang == null) ? mainWs : wsf.GetWsFromStr(run.Lang);
         builder.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, runWs);
         // We don't care about Guids in this function, so run.Guid is ignored
         // But we do need to set any other int or string properties that were in the original
         if (run.IntProperties != null)
             foreach (KeyValuePair<int, IntProperty> prop in run.IntProperties)
                 builder.SetIntPropValues(prop.Key, prop.Value.Variation, prop.Value.Value);
         if (run.StringProperties != null)
             foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> prop in run.StringProperties)
                 builder.SetStrPropValue(prop.Key, prop.Value);
     return builder.GetString();
Beispiel #39
		public void Setup()
			// Create the following:
			// - part and layout inventories
			// - metadata cache
			// - DataAccess cache
			// - collection of columns to display.

			// We want a MetaDataCache that knows about
			// - LexEntry.Senses, Msas, CitationForm, Bibliography, Etymology
			// - LexSense.SemanticDomains, SenseType, Status, gloss
			// - CmPossibility Name, abbr
			// - MoMorphSynAnalysis
			// - MoStemMsa
			// - MoDerivationalMsa
			m_mdc = FwMetaDataCacheClass.Create();
			string m_sTestPath = Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.FwSourceDirectory,
			m_mdc.InitXml(m_sTestPath, true);

			// We want ISilDataAccess with:
			// - LexEntry (1) with no senses and one MSA (2)
			// - LexEntry (4) with one sense (5) and no MSA
			// - LexEntry (6) with three senses (7, 8, 9) and two MSAs (10, 11)
			// - sense(5) with no semantic domains
			// - senses with one SD (7->30, 8->31)
			// - sense with three SDs, one the same as the first (9->30, 31, 32)
			// - MoStemMsa (2, 11)
			// - MoDerivationalMsa (10)
			m_cda = VwCacheDaClass.Create();
			m_sda = m_cda as ISilDataAccess;
			m_wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
			m_sda.WritingSystemFactory = m_wsf;
			SimpleDataParser parser = new SimpleDataParser(m_mdc, m_cda);

			int wsEn = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
			// These are mainly to check out the parser.
			Assert.AreEqual(3, m_sda.get_ObjectProp(2, 23011), "part of speech of an MoStemMsa");
			Assert.AreEqual(2, m_sda.get_VecItem(1, 2009, 0), "owned msa");
			Assert.AreEqual("noun", m_sda.get_MultiStringAlt(3, 7003, wsEn).Text, "got ms property");
			Assert.AreEqual(9, m_sda.get_VecItem(6, 2010, 2), "3rd sense");
			Assert.AreEqual(31, m_sda.get_VecItem(9, 21016, 1), "2nd semantic domain");

			// Columns includes
			// - CitationForm (string inside span)
			// - Bibliography (string not in span)
			// - Sense glosses (string in para in seq, nested in column element)
			// - Semantic domains (pair of strings in para in seq in seq, using layout refs)
			// - MSAs (simplified, but polymorphic with one having <choice> and one <obj> to CmPossibility
			XmlDocument docColumns = new XmlDocument();
			m_columnList = docColumns.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;

			// Parts just has what those columns need.
			string partDirectory = Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.FwSourceDirectory,
			Dictionary<string, string[]> keyAttrs = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
			keyAttrs["layout"] = new string[] {"class", "type", "name" };
			keyAttrs["group"] = new string[] {"label"};
			keyAttrs["part"] = new string[] {"ref"};

			// Currently there are no specialized layout files that match.
			m_layoutInventory = new Inventory(new string[] {partDirectory},
				"*Layouts.xml", "/LayoutInventory/*", keyAttrs);

			keyAttrs = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
			keyAttrs["part"] = new string[] {"id"};

			m_partInventory = new Inventory(new string[] {partDirectory},
				"TestParts.xml", "/PartInventory/bin/*", keyAttrs);
			if (m_layouts != null)
			m_layouts = new LayoutCache(m_mdc, m_layoutInventory, m_partInventory);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the a text run from a string representation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="wsf">The writing system factory.</param>
		/// <param name="strBldr">The structured string builder.</param>
		/// <param name="textNode">The text node which describes runs to be added to the
		/// paragraph or to the translation for a particular writing system</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void CreateRunFromStringRep(ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf, ITsIncStrBldr strBldr,
			XmlNode textNode)
			XmlNode charStyle = textNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("CS");
			if (charStyle != null)
				strBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, charStyle.Value);
				strBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, null);

			XmlNode wsICULocale = textNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("WS");
			if (wsICULocale != null)
				int ws = wsf.GetWsFromStr(wsICULocale.Value);
				if (ws <= 0)
					throw new ArgumentException("Unknown ICU locale encountered: '" + wsICULocale.Value + "'");
					(int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, wsf.GetWsFromStr(wsICULocale.Value));
				throw new ArgumentException("Required attribute WS missing from RUN element.");
Beispiel #41
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets (or makes) the writing system. If there isn't already one with this locale id,
		/// we assume there is an XML language definition we can load.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IWritingSystem EnsureRealWs(ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf)
			if (wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_icuLocale) == 0)
				// Need to create a new writing system from the XML file.
				LanguageDefinitionFactory ldf =
					new LanguageDefinitionFactory(wsf, m_icuLocale);
				string pathname = DirectoryFinder.LanguagesDirectory + "\\" + m_icuLocale + ".xml";
			return wsf.get_EngineOrNull(wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_icuLocale));
		public override void FixtureSetup()

			Debug.Assert(m_fdoCache == null, "m_fdoCache is not null");
			//if (m_fdoCache != null)
			//	m_fdoCache.DisposeWithWSFactoryShutdown();
			m_fdoCache = InDatabaseFdoTestBase.SetupCache();

			m_wsf = m_fdoCache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
			m_wsf.BypassInstall = true;
			m_wsEn = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");

			m_factory = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
Beispiel #43
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize the object with the proper writing system factory, which also initializes
		/// some standard writing system ids.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="wsf">the writing system factory</param>
		/// <returns>nothing</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual void InitializeWritingSystems(ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf)
			m_wsEnglish = wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
			m_wsSpanish = wsf.GetWsFromStr("es");
			// Rebuild the namesets with the new writing system ids.