private void Initialize(ILevelControllerOptions options)
            // Constructs all the in-level components, then stores the ones that'll be needed later in member variables.
            // Done this way rather than directly initializing the member variables because this way if they're reordered,
            // the compiler will complain if something's being constructed before its dependency.
            var surface    = GeodesicSphereFactory.Build(options);
            var simulation = new SimulationController(surface, options);

            var cameraController = new CameraController(options);

            var meshManager      = new MeshManager(surface);
            var cursorTracker    = new CursorTracker(cameraController.Camera, meshManager);
            var fieldManipulator = new FieldManipulator(surface, cursorTracker, options);

            var colorMapView     = new ColorMapView(surface, meshManager.Mesh, options);
            var particleMapView  = new ParticleMapView(surface, options);
            var rawValuesView    = new RawValuesView(cursorTracker);
            var timeDilationView = new TimeView(50, options.Timestep);
            var latLongGridView  = new LatLongGridView(options.Radius);

            _simulationController = simulation;
            _colorMapView         = colorMapView;
            _particleMapView      = particleMapView;
            _rawValuesView        = rawValuesView;
            _timeView             = timeDilationView;
            _latLongGridView      = latLongGridView;
            _cameraController     = cameraController;
            _cursorTracker        = cursorTracker;
            _fieldManipulator     = fieldManipulator;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a simulation with the specified options, along with all the additional structures needed to display
 /// and interact with it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">The options to use in creating the simulation</param>
 public LevelController(ILevelControllerOptions options)