Beispiel #1
        public void TestIlInstructionReader()
            Type[] args = { typeof(string), typeof(int) };

            var opCodeFields = typeof(OpCodes).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);

            ILOpCodeValues parseResult = ILOpCodeValues.Nop;

            foreach (var field in opCodeFields)
                var OpCode = (OpCode)field.GetValue(null);

                var name       = field.Name;
                var lookup     = Enum.TryParse(name, out parseResult);
                var shortValue = unchecked ((short)parseResult);
                if (shortValue == 254)
                    continue;                    //Prefix 1 is used to indicate a two byte instruction.
                Assert.IsTrue(OpCode.Value == shortValue);

                var il       = CompileMethod(OpCode);
                var ilStream = ILInstructionReader.FromByteCode(il);
                var first    = ilStream.First();
                Assert.IsTrue(first.OpCode == OpCode);
                Assert.IsTrue(first.OpCode.Value == shortValue);
Beispiel #2
        public static ILInstruction Create(ILOpCodeValues ilOpCodeValue, object arg)
            RequireOperand(unchecked ((short)ilOpCodeValue));
            var opCode = OpCodeLookup.GetILOpcode((int)ilOpCodeValue);
            var result = new ILInstruction {
                OpCode = opCode, Arg = arg

        public static MethodInfo CompileBinary(ILOpCodeValues opCodeValue, Type returnType, params Type[] parameters)
            var methodName = $"{opCodeValue}";
            var method     = new ILMethod(methodName, returnType);


Beispiel #4
        public void TestAllOpCodesInEngine()
            var            opCodeFields       = typeof(OpCodes).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
            ILOpCodeValues parseResult        = ILOpCodeValues.Nop;
            var            notCovered         = new List <ILOpCodeValues>(Enum.GetValues(typeof(ILOpCodeValues)).Cast <ILOpCodeValues>());
            var            notImplementedList = new List <Exception>();

            foreach (var field in opCodeFields)
                var opCode = (OpCode)field.GetValue(null);

                var name   = field.Name;
                var lookup = Enum.TryParse(name, out parseResult);
                if (parseResult == ILOpCodeValues.Break)

                if (bool.Parse(bool.TrueString) || notCovered.Contains(parseResult))
                    ILOpCodeValues[] used   = null;
                    Exception        caught = null;
                        used = RunTestForOpCode(opCode);
                        Assert.IsNotNull(used, $"OpCode test {opCode} failed to return used opcodes");
                        notCovered.RemoveAll(x => used.Contains(x));
                    catch (NotImplementedException niex)
                        var listEx = new NotImplementedException($"Test {opCode} is not implemented", niex);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        caught = ex;
                    Assert.IsNull(caught, $"Error executing Test {opCode}: {caught}");
            Assert.IsTrue(notImplementedList.Count > 0, "Test failed to throw missing test exception");
            throw notImplementedList[0];
        public static MethodInfo GetMethodForTest(ILOpCodeValues value)
            switch (value)
            case ILOpCodeValues.Add: return(GetFunc <int, int, int>(TestMethods.Add));

            case ILOpCodeValues.Add_Ovf: return(GetCustomFunc <int, int, int>(TestMethods.Add_Ovf));

            case ILOpCodeValues.Add_Ovf_Un: return(GetCustomFunc <uint, uint, uint>(TestMethods.Add_Ovf_Un));

            case ILOpCodeValues.And: return(GetFunc <int, int, int>(TestMethods.Add_Ovf));

            //case ILOpCodeValues.Arglist: return GetByName(nameof(TestMethods.Arglist));
            case ILOpCodeValues.Beq: return(GetFunc <int, int, int>(TestMethods.Br_S));

            case ILOpCodeValues.Beq_S: return(GetFunc <int, int, int>(TestMethods.Br_S));

            default: throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #6
 public void Write(ILOpCodeValues opCodeValue, object arg) => Instructions.Add(ILInstruction.Create(opCodeValue, arg));
Beispiel #7
 public void Write(ILOpCodeValues opCodeValue) => Instructions.Add(ILInstruction.Create(opCodeValue));
        public static int GetOpCodeArgByteSize(ILOpCodeValues value)
            switch (value)
            case ILOpCodeValues.Add: return(0);        // Adds two values and  pushes result onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Add_Ovf: return(0);    // Adds two integer values: return 0; performs overflow and pushes result onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Add_Ovf_Un: return(0); // Adds two unsigned integer values: return 0; performs overflow and pushes result onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.And: return(0);        //Computes the bitwise and and pushes the result onto the stack

            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Arglist: return(0);   // Return unmanaged pointer to argument list for current method

            case ILOpCodeValues.Beq: return(4);       // break to target if two values are equal

            case ILOpCodeValues.Beq_S: return(1);     // break to target if two values are equal (short form)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bge: return(4);       // break to target if first value is greater than or equal to the second value

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bge_S: return(1);     // break to target if first value is greater than or equal to the second value (short form)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bge_Un: return(4);    // break to target if first value (unsigned int or float) is greater or equal to the second value

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bge_Un_S: return(1);  // break to target if first value (unsigned int or float) is greater or equal to the second value (short form)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bgt: return(4);       //break to the target if the first value is greater than the second

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bgt_S: return(1);     //break to the target if the first value is greater than the second (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bgt_Un: return(4);    // break to target if first value (unsigned int or float) is greater or equal to the second value

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bgt_Un_S: return(1);  // break to target if first value (unsigned int or float) is greater or equal to the second value (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ble: return(4);       // break to target if the first value is less than or equal to the second.

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ble_S: return(1);     // break to target if the first value is less than or equal to the second (Short).

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ble_Un: return(4);    // break to target if the first value (unsigned int or float) is less than or equal to the second.

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ble_Un_S: return(1);  // break to target if the first value (unsigned int or float)is less than or equal to the second (Short).

            case ILOpCodeValues.Blt: return(4);       // break to target if the first value is less than the second.

            case ILOpCodeValues.Blt_S: return(1);     // break to target if the first value is less than the second (Short).

            case ILOpCodeValues.Blt_Un: return(4);    // break to target if the first value (unsigned int or float) is less than the second.

            case ILOpCodeValues.Blt_Un_S: return(1);  // break to target if the first value (unsigned int or float)is less than the second (Short).

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bne_Un: return(4);    // Break to targer if the two values are not equal (unsigned or float).

            case ILOpCodeValues.Bne_Un_S: return(1);  // Break to targer if the two values are not equal (unsigned or float).

            case ILOpCodeValues.Box: return(4);       // converts a value type of an object reference

            case ILOpCodeValues.Br: return(4);        // branches to target

            case ILOpCodeValues.Break: return(0);     // tells debugger breakpoing has been hit

            case ILOpCodeValues.Brfalse: return(4);   // break to target if value is false: return 0; null or zero

            case ILOpCodeValues.Brfalse_S: return(1); // break to target if value is false: return 0; null or zero (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Brtrue: return(4);    // break to target if value is true: return 0; not null or non-zero

            case ILOpCodeValues.Brtrue_S: return(1);  // break to target if value is true: return 0; not null or non-zero (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Br_S: return(1);      // branches to target (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Call: return(4);      // calls target specified by method descriptor (methoddesc or token)

            // TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Calli: return(4);    // calls method specified by pointer on the stack using specified calling convention

            // TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Callvirt: return(4);    //calls late-bound method on an object

            // // TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Castclass: return(4); // attempts to cast object to the specified class

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ceq: return(0);       // push one on the stack if two values are equal otherwise zero

            case ILOpCodeValues.Cgt: return(0);       // push one on the stack if first value is greater than the second otherwise zero

            case ILOpCodeValues.Cgt_Un: return(0);    // push one on the stack if first value (unsigned) is greater than the second otherwise zero

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ckfinite: return(0);  // Throws arithmetic exception is value is not finite

            case ILOpCodeValues.Clt: return(0);       // push on on the stack if first value is less than the second otherwise zero

            case ILOpCodeValues.Clt_Un: return(0);    // push on on the stack if first value (unsigned) is less than the second otherwise zero

            // TODO: waiting blocked by Callvirt
            case ILOpCodeValues.Constrained: return(4);    // constrains a type on which a virtual call is made

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_I: return(0);         // convert value on the stack to native int

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_I1: return(0);        // convert value on the stack to int8 then extends (pads)  it to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_I2: return(0);        // convert value on the stack to int16 return 0; then extends (pads)  it to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_I4: return(0);        // convert value on the stack to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_I8: return(0);        // convert value on the stack to int64

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I: return(0);     // converts value on the stack to native int checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I1: return(0);    // convert value on the stack to int8 and then int32 checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I1_Un: return(0); // convert value on the stack to uint8 and then int33 checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I2: return(0);    // converts value on the stack to native int16 checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I2_Un: return(0); //convert value on the stack to uint16 and then int32 checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I4: return(0);    //convert value on the stack to int32 checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I4_Un: return(0); // convert value on the stack to uint32checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I8: return(0);    // convert value on the stack to  int32 checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I8_Un: return(0); // convert value on the stack  to uint32 checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_I_Un: return(0);  // unsigned to  int32checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U: return(0);     // to unsigned32 checking for overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U1: return(0);    // signed to uint8//extended to int32 with overflow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U1_Un: return(0); // unsigned to uint8 extended to int32 with overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U2: return(0);    // signed to uint16 extended to int32 with overflow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U2_Un: return(0); // unsigned to uint16 extended to int32 with overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U4: return(0);    //  signed to uint32 with overflow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U4_Un: return(0); // unsigned to uint32 with overlow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U8: return(0);    // signed to uint64 with overflow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U8_Un: return(0); // unsigned to uint64 with overlow??

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_Ovf_U_Un: return(0);  // unsigned to unsigned native int

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_R4: return(0);        // converts value on the stack to float32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_R8: return(0);        // to float64

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_R_Un: return(0);      // unsigned to float

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_U: return(0);         //  to native unsigned int

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_U1: return(0);        // to uint8 padded to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_U2: return(0);        // to uint16 padded to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_U4: return(0);        // to uint32 padded to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Conv_U8: return(0);        // to uint32 padded to int64

            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Cpblk: return(0);   // copies number of bytes from source address to destination address

            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Cpobj: return(4);  // copies value type at address ( & * or native int) to destination address ( & * or native int)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Div: return(0);    // divides and pushes result(float) or quotient(int) onto stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Div_Un: return(0); // divides two values and pushes result(int) into the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Dup: return(0);    // pushes copy of top of stack onto the stack

            // TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Endfilter: return(0);    // transfers control from filter to cli excpetion

            //TODO: Imlement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Endfinally: return(0);    //

            case ILOpCodeValues.Exec_MSIL_I: return(4);

            case ILOpCodeValues.Exec_MSIL_S: return(4);

            //case ILOpcodeValues.Exec_MSIL_I: return 4;
            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Initblk: return(0);    // initializes block of memory at at address to given size and value

            // TODO: implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Initobj: return(4);    // initializes each field of a value type to null or default

            // TODO: implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Isinst: return(4);    // determin if object reference is particiluar class

            case ILOpCodeValues.Jmp: return(4);       // exits current method and jumps to specified method

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldarg: return(2);     // loads an argument specified by index onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldarga: return(2);    // loads argument address onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldarga_S: return(1);  // loads an address  onto the stack (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldarg_0: return(0);   // load argument 0 onto the stack (this for instance methods first argument for static)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldarg_1: return(0);   // load argument 1 onto the stack (second argument for instance methods first argument for static)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldarg_2: return(0);   // load argument 2 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldarg_3: return(0);   // load argument 3 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldarg_S: return(1);   // loads an argument specified by index onto the stack (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4: return(4);    // pushes the specified int32 value onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_0: return(0);  // pushes 0 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_1: return(0);  // pushes 1 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_2: return(0);  // pushes 2 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_3: return(0);  // pushes 3 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_4: return(0);  // pushes 4 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_5: return(0);  // pushes 5 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_6: return(0);  // pushes 6 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_7: return(0);  // pushes 7 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_8: return(0);  // pushes 8 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_M1: return(0); // pushes -1 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I4_S: return(1);  // pushes specified int8 onto the stack as int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_I8: return(8);    // pushes specified int64 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_R4: return(4);    // pushes specified f32 onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldc_R8: return(8);    // pushes specified f64 onto the stack

            //TODO: test if we need type references here
            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem: return(4);    // loads element at index onto the stack as type speficied in instruction

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelema: return(4);   // loads element address at index onto the stack as & (managed pointer)

            //TODO: May need to hold off
            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_I: return(0);   // loads element with type native int at specified index onto the stack as native int

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_I1: return(0);  // loads int8 element at index onto the stack as int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_I2: return(0);  // loads int16 element at index onto the stack as int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_I4: return(0);  // loads int32 at index onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_I8: return(0);  // loads int64 at index onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_R4: return(0);  //loads f32 at index onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_R8: return(0);  // loads f64 at index onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_Ref: return(0); // loads element containing object reference onto stack as object reference

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_U1: return(0);  // load uint8 onto the stack extended to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_U2: return(0);  // load uint8 onto the stack extended to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldelem_U4: return(0);  // load uint8 onto the stack extended to int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldfld: return(4);      // load field of object reference on the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldflda: return(4);     // load address of field of object reference on the stack

            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldftn: return(4);     // loads native int (unmanaged pointer) to native code for a method onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_I: return(0);   // indirectlyloads value type of native int onto the stack as native int

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_I1: return(0);  // indirectlyloads value type of i8 onto the stack as native int

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_I2: return(0);  // indirectlyloads value type of i16 onto the stack as native int

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_I4: return(0);  /// indirectly loads value type of int32 onto the stack as native int

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_I8: return(0);  /// indirectly loads value type of int34 onto the stack as int64

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_R4: return(0);  // loads f32 onto the stack as native float

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_R8: return(0);  // loads f64 onto the stack as native float

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_Ref: return(0); // indirectly loads object reference on stack as type O  (object reference)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_U1: return(0);  // indirectly loads uint8 onto the stack as int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_U2: return(0);  // indirectly loads uint16 onto the stack as int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldind_U4: return(0);  // indirectly loads uint8 onto the stack as int32

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldlen: return(0);     // pushes the number of zero based 1-d array elements onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldloc: return(2);     // loads local variable at specified index onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldloca: return(2);    // loads address of local variable at specified index onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldloca_S: return(1);  // loads local variable at specified index onto the stack (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldloc_0: return(0);   // loads local variable at index 0 onto the stack (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldloc_1: return(0);   // loads local variable at index 1 onto the stack (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldloc_2: return(0);   // loads local variable at index 2 onto the stack (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldloc_3: return(0);   // loads local variable at index 3 onto the stack (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldloc_S: return(1);   // loads local variable at specified index onto the stack (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldnull: return(0);    // load null value onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldobj: return(4);     // copies value type pointed to by with object reference onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldsfld: return(4);    // pushes value of static field onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldsflda: return(4);   // pushes address of static field onto stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldstr: return(4);     // pushes object reference to string stored in meta

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldtoken: return(4);   // converts metadatatoken to runtime type handle and pushes it on the stack

            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Ldvirtftn: return(4);    // pushes unmanaged prt(native int) to native code of virtual method onto the stack

            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Leave: return(4);    // breaks from protected region of code to specified target

            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Leave_S: return(1);    // breaks from protected region of code to specified target (short)

            // TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Localloc: return(0);    // allocates number of bytes from memory pool and pushes transient ptr* to first byte address on the stack

            // TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Mkrefany: return(4);   // pushes typed refrence to specified instance onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Mul: return(0);        // multiplies two values

            case ILOpCodeValues.Mul_Ovf: return(0);    // multiplies two values with overflow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Mul_Ovf_Un: return(0); // mutltiplies two usigned values with overflow

            case ILOpCodeValues.Neg: return(0);        // negates value and pushes result onto stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Newarr: return(4);     // pushes object reference to zero index 1d array onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Newobj: return(4);     // creates new object or new instance of value type pushes object reference on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Nop: return(0);        // Fills space if opcodes are patched

            case ILOpCodeValues.Not: return(0);        // bitwise complement of int on the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Or: return(0);         // bitwise complement of two integers on the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Pop: return(0);        // removes a value from the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Prefix1: return(0);    // reserved

            case ILOpCodeValues.Prefix2: return(0);    // reserved

            case ILOpCodeValues.Prefix3: return(0);    // reserved

            case ILOpCodeValues.Prefix4: return(0);    // reserved

            case ILOpCodeValues.Prefix5: return(0);    // reserved

            case ILOpCodeValues.Prefix6: return(0);    // reserved

            case ILOpCodeValues.Prefix7: return(0);    // reserved

            case ILOpCodeValues.Prefixref: return(0);  // reserved

            // TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Readonly: return(0);    // specifies susequent array address performs no type check returns pointer with restricted mutability

            //Todo: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Refanytype: return(0);    // retrieves type token embedded in type reference

            // TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Refanyval: return(4);  //retrieves the address (&) embeeded int a type reference

            case ILOpCodeValues.Rem: return(0);        // divides two values an pushes remainder on the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Rem_Un: return(0);     // divides two unsigned values and pushes remainder on the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Ret: return(0);        // returns from current method and pushes return value from evaluation stack(if present) to top of caller's stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Rethrow: return(0);    // rethrows current exception

            case ILOpCodeValues.Shl: return(0);        // shifts int on stack left by number of bits

            case ILOpCodeValues.Shr: return(0);        // shifts int on stack right by number of bits

            case ILOpCodeValues.Shr_Un: return(0);     // shift unsigned into right by number of bits

            case ILOpCodeValues.Sizeof: return(4);     // pushes size in bytes of current value type on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Starg: return(2);      // stores value on stack to argument slot at index

            case ILOpCodeValues.Starg_S: return(1);    // stores value on stack to argument slot at index (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem: return(4);     // replace element array at index with value on stack type specied in instruction

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem_I: return(0);   // replace element array at index with value native int on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem_I1: return(0);  // replace element array at index with int8 on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem_I2: return(0);  // replace element array at index with int16 on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem_I4: return(0);  // replace element array at index with int32 on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem_I8: return(0);  // replace element array at index with int32 on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem_R4: return(0);  // replace element array at index with f32 on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem_R8: return(0);  // replace element array at index with f64 on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stelem_Ref: return(0); // replace element array at index with object ref value on the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stfld: return(4);      // replace value stored in field

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stind_I: return(0);    // store native int at supplied address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stind_I1: return(0);   // store int8 at supplied address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stind_I2: return(0);   // store int16 at supplied address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stind_I4: return(0);   // store int32 at supplied address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stind_I8: return(0);   // store int64 at supplied address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stind_R4: return(0);   // store f32 at supplied address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stind_R8: return(0);   //store f64 at supplied address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stind_Ref: return(0);  // store object reference value at supplied address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stloc: return(2);      // pops top of stack and stores it to local variable at specified index

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stloc_0: return(0);    // pops top of stack and stores it to local variable at index 0

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stloc_1: return(0);    // pops top of stack and stores it to local variable at index 1

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stloc_2: return(0);    // pops top of stack and stores it to local variable at index 2

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stloc_3: return(0);    // pops top of stack and stores it to local variable at index 3

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stloc_S: return(1);    // pops top of stack and stores it to local variable at specified index (short)

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stobj: return(4);      // Copies value at top of evaluation stack to specified address

            case ILOpCodeValues.Stsfld: return(4);     // replaces value of stack field with value on stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Sub: return(0);        // subtract and push result onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Sub_Ovf: return(0);    // subtract with overflow check and push result onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Sub_Ovf_Un: return(0); // subtract unsigned with overflow check and push result onto the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Switch: return(4);     // Implements a jump table

            //TODO: Implement later
            case ILOpCodeValues.Tailcall: return(0);  // preforms call after moving current methods stack frame

            case ILOpCodeValues.Throw: return(0);     // Throws exception object on the stack

            case ILOpCodeValues.Unaligned: return(1); // specifies value on stack might not be aligned following following ldind stind ldfld stfld ldobj stobj initblk or cpblk instruction

            case ILOpCodeValues.Unbox: return(4);     // converts boxed value type to unboxed form

            case ILOpCodeValues.Unbox_Any: return(4); // converts boxed representation of type to unboxed form

            case ILOpCodeValues.Volatile: return(0);  // Specifies address cannot be cached and multiple stores can not be supressed

            case ILOpCodeValues.Xor: return(0);       // Bitwise XOR

            default: throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #9
 public InvalidOpCodeException(ILOpCodeValues opCodeValue) : base($"Invalid Opcode {opCodeValue}.")
     this.opCodeValue = unchecked ((short)opCodeValue);
 public OpCodeNotImplementedException(ILOpCodeValues opCodeValue) : base($"Opcode {opCodeValue} is not implemented")
     this.opCodeValue = unchecked ((short)opCodeValue);