public virtual JoinImpl CreateJoin()
			JoinImpl join = new JoinImpl(_processDefinition);
			this._join = join;
			return join;
		public override void ReadProcessData(XmlElement xmlElement, ProcessDefinitionBuildContext creationContext)
			// the fork and join are created in the parent block but we'll add them
			// also as referencable objects to this block's scope a few lines below
			_parentBlock = creationContext.ProcessBlock;
			this._join = new JoinImpl();
			this._fork = new ForkImpl();

			creationContext.ProcessBlock = this;
			base.ReadProcessData(xmlElement, creationContext);
			XmlElement joinElement = xmlElement.GetChildElement("join");
			creationContext.Check((joinElement != null), "element join is missing");
			XmlElement forkElement = xmlElement.GetChildElement("fork");
			creationContext.Check((joinElement != null), "element fork is missing");
			((JoinImpl) this._join).ReadProcessData(joinElement, creationContext);
			((ForkImpl) this._fork).ReadProcessData(forkElement, creationContext);
			creationContext.ProcessBlock = _parentBlock;


			// add the fork and join as referencable objects in the proper scope
			creationContext.AddReferencableObject(_fork.Name, _parentBlock, typeof (INode), _fork);
			creationContext.AddReferencableObject(_join.Name, this, typeof (INode), _join);
        public void JoinType_Subquery_Alias_With_Alias_Name()
            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person", "per");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Left.Join(sql.RawQuery("Subquery"), person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN (Subquery) AS \"per\"", result.Sql);
        public void Join_Subquery_Alias()
            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Join(sql.RawQuery("Subquery"), person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN (Subquery) AS \"person\"", result.Sql);
        public void JoinType_Expression()
            Person person = null;
            IJoin  join   = sql.Left.Join(() => person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN \"Person\" AS \"person\"", result.Sql);
        public void Join_Typed_Alias()
            IAlias <Person> person = sql.Alias <Person>();
            IJoin           join   = sql.Join(person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"Person\" AS \"person\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #7
        public void Join_Alias_With_Alias_Name_With_JoinType()
            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person", "per");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Join(person, JoinType.Left);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN \"person\" AS \"per\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #8
        public void Join_Expression()
            Person2 person = null;
            IJoin   join   = sql.Join(() => person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"dbo\".\"Person\" AS \"person\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #9
        public void Join_Typed_Alias_With_Alias_Name()
            IAlias <Person2> person = sql.Alias <Person2>("per");
            IJoin            join   = sql.Join(person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"dbo\".\"Person\" AS \"per\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #10
        public void Join_Subquery_Expression_With_Type()
            IAlias person = sql.Alias("per");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Join(sql.RawQuery("Subquery"), () => person, JoinType.Left);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN (Subquery) AS \"person\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #11
        public void Join_TypedAlias_With_Type()
            IAlias <Person> person = sql.Alias <Person>();
            IJoin           join   = sql.Join(person, JoinType.Left);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN \"Person\" AS \"person\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #12
        public void Join_Type_StringAlias_With_Alias()
            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person", "per");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Left.Join(person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN \"person\" AS \"per\"", result.Sql);
        public void JoinType_Subquery_Expression()
            Person person = null;
            IJoin  join   = sql.Left.Join(sql.RawQuery("Subquery"), () => person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN (Subquery) AS \"person\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #14
        internal IAlias BindFromPath()
            if (_from == null)
                _from = new Join(TableName, GetFromAliasName(TableName));

        public void JoinType_Typed_Alias_With_Alias_Name()
            IAlias <Person> person = sql.Alias <Person>("per");
            IJoin           join   = sql.Left.Join(person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN \"Person\" AS \"per\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #16
        public void Join_Alias()
            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Join(person);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"person\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #17
        public void Join_On_Expression()
            Person     person = null;
            Department dept   = null;
            IJoin      join   = sql.Join(() => dept).On(() => dept.Id == person.Department.Id);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"Dept\" AS \"dept\" ON \"dept\".\"Id\" = \"person\".\"DepartmentId\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #18
 public From <TColumns> Join(IJoin join)
     if (this.JoinNodes == null)
         this.JoinNodes = new List <IJoin>();
     QueryNodeHelper.SwitchParent(join, this);
        internal IAlias BindItemVersionCriteria(string type = "")
            _from = _from ?? new Join(typeof(ContentItemVersionRecord).FullName, "civ", type);
            if (_from.Type.Length < type.Length)
                _from.Type = type;

Beispiel #20
        public void Join_On()
            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person");
            IAlias dept   = sql.Alias("dept");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Join(dept).On(dept["Id"].Eq(person["DepartmentId"]));

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"dept\" ON \"dept\".\"Id\" = \"person\".\"DepartmentId\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #21
        public void Join_Cte_String()
            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person");
            ICte   cte    = sql.Cte("cte").As(sql.Query.Select(person.All).From(person));
            IJoin  join   = sql.Join(cte, "personCte");

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"cte\" AS \"personCte\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #22
        public void Full_Join_Not_Supported()
            engine.Options.FullJoinSupported = false;

            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Full.Join(person);

            Exception ex = Assert.Throws <ClauseNotSupportedException>(() => engine.Compile(join));

            Assert.Equal("Full join is not supported in this engine.", ex.Message);
Beispiel #23
        public void Join_Cte_Expression()
            Person person    = null;
            Person personCte = null;
            ICte   cte       = sql.Cte("cte").As(sql.Query.Select(() => person).From(() => person));
            IJoin  join      = sql.Join(cte, () => personCte);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"cte\" AS \"personCte\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #24
        public void Join_Without_As()
            engine.Options.TableAs = false;

            IAlias person = sql.Alias("person", "per");
            IJoin  join   = sql.Join(person, JoinType.Left);

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("LEFT JOIN \"person\" \"per\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JoinConstrainableContext"/> class.
 ///     Each <see cref="IColumnValueCollectionPair"/> in <paramref name="constraintList"/> describes a list of values in a column.
 ///     A row is a match if all columns contain at least one of the listed values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <parameters>
 /// <param name="join">The join describing how tables are connected in the request.</param>
 /// <param name="constraintList">The constraints specifying the subset of values this request must match.</param>
 /// </parameters>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
 ///     <paramref name="join"/> is null.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
 ///     <paramref name="constraintList"/> is null.
 /// </exception>
 public JoinConstrainableContext(IJoin join, IEnumerable <IColumnValueCollectionPair> constraintList)
     : base(join)
     if (constraintList == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(constraintList));
Beispiel #26
        protected virtual void BuildTreeFromGraph(TreeNodeViewModel <INode> parentNode, IEnumerable <INode> nodes)
            foreach (var node in nodes)
                if (node is IFork)
                    IJoin matchingJoin = FindMatchingJoin(node);
                    if (matchingJoin == null)
                        throw new Exception(Resources.DefaultWorkflowViewModelBuilder_ErrorNoMatchingForkOrJoin);
                    matchingJoin.ParentObject = parentNode;

                if (node is IDecision)
                    IMerge matchingMerge = FindMatchingMerge(node);
                    if (matchingMerge == null)
                        throw new Exception(Resources.DefaultWorkflowViewModelBuilder_NoMatchingMerge);
                    matchingMerge.ParentObject = parentNode;

                if (node is IJoin)
                    if (node.ParentObject == null)
                        throw new Exception(Resources.DefaultWorkflowViewModelBuilder_ErrorOrphanJoin);
                    this.BuildTreeFromGraph((TreeNodeViewModel <INode>)node.ParentObject, node.Successors);
                else if (node is IMerge)
                    if (node.ParentObject == null)
                        throw new Exception(Resources.DefaultWorkflowViewModelBuilder_ErrorOrphanMerge);
                    this.BuildTreeFromGraph((TreeNodeViewModel <INode>)node.ParentObject, node.Successors);
                else if (!(node is IFinal))
                    var childViewModel = this.GetNodeViewModel(node);
                    childViewModel.ParentNode =
                        parentNode.ParentNode != null && !(parentNode.Model is IFork) && !(parentNode.Model is IDecision) ?
                        parentNode.ParentNode :
                    this.BuildTreeFromGraph(childViewModel, node.Successors);
Beispiel #27
        public void Options()
            Person     person = null;
            Department dept   = null;
            IJoin      join   = sql.Join(() => dept)
                                .On(() => dept.Id == person.Department.Id)
                                .Options(sql.Raw("USE INDEX (myIndex)"));

            QueryResult result = engine.Compile(join);

            Assert.Equal("INNER JOIN \"Dept\" AS \"dept\" USE INDEX (myIndex) "
                         + "ON \"dept\".\"Id\" = \"person\".\"DepartmentId\"", result.Sql);
Beispiel #28
        public void RightJoin()
            ICriteriaBuilder cb = EJBContainer.Instance.EntityManager.GetCriteriaBuilder();
            ICriteriaQuery   cc = cb.CreateQuery();

            IRoot r = cc.From("Students");

            IJoin facultiesJoin = r.Join("Faculties", JoinType.Right, "Faculty_Id", "Id");

            cc.Select(r.Get("Firstname"), facultiesJoin.Get("Name"));

            Assert.AreEqual("SELECT Students.Firstname, Faculties.Name FROM Students RIGHT JOIN Faculties ON Students.Faculty_Id = Faculties.Id", cc.ExpressionValue);
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimises an Algebra to a form that uses <see cref="LazyBgp">LazyBgp</see> where possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algebra">Algebra.</param>
        /// <param name="depth">Depth.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// By transforming a query to use <see cref="LazyBgp">LazyBgp</see> we can achieve much more efficient processing of some forms of queries.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        protected override ISparqlAlgebra OptimiseInternal(ISparqlAlgebra algebra, int depth)
                ISparqlAlgebra temp;

                // Note this first test is specifically for the default BGP implementation since other optimisers
                // may run before us and replace with other BGP implementations which we don't want to replace hence
                // why we don't check for IBgp here
                if (algebra is Bgp)
                    temp = new LazyBgp(((Bgp)algebra).TriplePatterns);
                else if (algebra is IUnion)
                    IUnion join = (IUnion)algebra;
                    temp = new LazyUnion(OptimiseInternal(join.Lhs, depth + 1), OptimiseInternal(join.Rhs, depth + 1));
                else if (algebra is IJoin)
                    IJoin join = (IJoin)algebra;
                    if (join.Lhs.Variables.IsDisjoint(join.Rhs.Variables))
                        // If the sides of the Join are disjoint then can fully transform the join since we only need to find the requisite number of
                        // solutions on either side to guarantee a product which meets/exceeds the required results
                        temp = join.Transform(this);
                        // If the sides are not disjoint then the LHS must be fully evaluated but the RHS need only produce enough
                        // solutions that match
                        temp = join.TransformRhs(this);
                else if (algebra is Algebra.Graph || algebra is Select || algebra is Slice || algebra is OrderBy)
                    IUnaryOperator op = (IUnaryOperator)algebra;
                    temp = op.Transform(this);
                    temp = algebra;
                // If the Optimise fails return the current algebra
Beispiel #30
        public HqlProjection(Type type, string projectionName, string projectionAlias)
            _rootEntityName  = type.Name;
            _projectionName  = projectionName;
            _projectionAlias = projectionAlias;

            if (_projectionName.Contains("."))
                _projectionNameSplits = _projectionName.Split('.');

            _reuquiredJoin   = new HqlJoin(_rootEntityName, _projectionName);
            _requiredGroupBy = new HqlGroupBy(GetProjectionName(), false);
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimises the Algebra to use implict joins where applicable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algebra">Algebra</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ISparqlAlgebra Optimise(ISparqlAlgebra algebra)
                if (algebra is Filter)
                    Filter f = (Filter)algebra;

                    // See if the Filtered Product style optimization applies instead
                    int splitPoint = -1;
                    if (f.SparqlFilter.Expression.CanParallelise && IsDisjointOperation(f.InnerAlgebra, f.SparqlFilter.Expression.Variables.ToList(), out splitPoint))
                        if (splitPoint > -1)
                            // Means the inner algebra is a BGP we can split into two parts
                            IBgp bgp = (IBgp)f.InnerAlgebra;
                            return(new FilteredProduct(new Bgp(bgp.TriplePatterns.Take(splitPoint)), new Bgp(bgp.TriplePatterns.Skip(splitPoint)), f.SparqlFilter.Expression));
                            // Means that the inner algebra is a Join where the sides are disjoint
                            IJoin join = (IJoin)f.InnerAlgebra;
                            return(new FilteredProduct(join.Lhs, join.Rhs, f.SparqlFilter.Expression));
                else if (algebra is IAbstractJoin)
                else if (algebra is IUnaryOperator)
Beispiel #32
        void IThematicController.JoinedRender()
            _joinView = (IJoinView)_view;
            _join = new GJoin();
            _joinController = new GJoinController(_join, _joinView);

            _thematic.Layer = _joinView.FeatureLayer;
            _thematic.BreakCount = _view.BreakCount;
            _thematic.FieldName = _view.FieldName;
            _thematic.IndexLayer = _view.IndexLayer;
            _thematic.MaxValue = _view.MaxValue;
            _thematic.MinValue = _view.MinValue;

        public void SparqlGraphPatternToAlgebra6()
            GraphPattern gp = new GraphPattern();

            gp.IsService      = true;
            gp.GraphSpecifier = new VariableToken("g", 0, 0, 1);
            gp.AddInlineData(new BindingsPattern());

            ISparqlAlgebra algebra = gp.ToAlgebra();

            Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IJoin>(algebra);

            IJoin join = (IJoin)algebra;

            Assert.IsType <Service>(join.Lhs);
            Assert.IsType <Bindings>(join.Rhs);
Beispiel #34
 protected virtual IJoin VisitJoin(IJoin node)
     return node;
Beispiel #35
 public GJoinController(IJoin join, IJoinView view)
     _join = join;
     _view = view;