public void JobWorkflowUpdated(IJTXJob job)
     lock (m_queuedMessages)
         m_queuedMessages.Add("Workflow updated for job: " + job.ID.ToString());
 public void StepExecutionStarting(IJTXJob job, int stepId)
     lock (m_queuedMessages)
         m_queuedMessages.Add("Started running step '" + stepId.ToString() + "' for job: " + job.ID.ToString());
 public void StepExecutionComplete(IJTXJob job, int stepId, IJTXExecuteInfo execInfo)
     lock (m_queuedMessages)
         m_queuedMessages.Add("Finished running step '" + stepId.ToString() + "' for job: " + job.ID.ToString());
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            if (jobID <= 0)
                throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("JobID", jobID, "Job ID must be a positive value"));

            string strNotifType   = "";
            string strSubscribers = "";

            if (!StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[0], true, out strNotifType))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[0], string.Format("\nMissing the {0} parameter!", m_expectedArgs[0]));
            bool bSubscribers = StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[1], true, out strSubscribers);

            IJTXJob ipJob = m_ipDatabase.JobManager.GetJob(jobID);

            if (bSubscribers)
                UpdateSubscriberList(strNotifType, strSubscribers, "add");

            JTXUtilities.SendNotification(strNotifType, m_ipDatabase, ipJob, null);

            if (bSubscribers)
                UpdateSubscriberList(strNotifType, strSubscribers, "remove");

Beispiel #5
        private string ReplaceToken(string token, IJTXDatabase pDB, IJTXJob pJob, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet pOverrides)
            string tokenout = token;

            // Drop the [] and convert to uppercase
            token = token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2).ToUpper();

            // Split the prefix from the actual token
            string[] parts = token.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
            // make sure it is a environment token (starts with "ENV:")
            if (parts.Length == 2)
                if (parts[0].Equals("ENV"))
                    // try to get the env variable
                    string value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(parts[1]);
                    if (value != null)
                        tokenout = value;

        public Tuple <bool, bool, string> RecreateWorkflow(IJTXJob _job)
            bool recreated = false;

                var job = _job as IJTXJob4;
                if (job == null)
                    return(MakeError(recreated, "Could not retrieve job"));

                if (job.Stage == jtxJobStage.jtxJobStageClosed || job.Stage == jtxJobStage.jtxJobStageDoneWorking)
                    return(MakeError(recreated, "Cannot recreate workflow for a closed job"));

                var workflowExec   = job as IJTXWorkflowExecution3;
                var workflowConfig = job as IJTXWorkflowConfiguration2;

                var curStepIDs = workflowExec.GetCurrentSteps();
                if (curStepIDs.Length != 1)
                    return(MakeError(recreated, "Must be one and only one current step"));

                var curStep = workflowConfig.GetStep(curStepIDs[0]) as IJTXStep4;
                if (curStep == null)
                    return(MakeError(recreated, "Could not find current step {0}", curStepIDs[0]));
                var curStepName = curStep.StepName;
                job.RecreateWorkflow(true); // If you aren't auto commiting in your instance, can set this to false, or could get it from system settings
                recreated = true;

                int[] newStepIDs = FindStepByName(workflowConfig, curStepName);

                if (newStepIDs.Length <= 0)
                    utils.LogJobAction("Comment", db, job, null, "The workflow was recreated");
                    return(MakeError(recreated, "Could not find {0} step in re-created workflow", curStepName));

                if (newStepIDs.Length > 1)
                    utils.LogJobAction("Comment", db, job, null, "The workflow was recreated");
                    return(MakeError(recreated, "Step {0} is not unique in the re-created workflow", curStepName));

                utils.LogJobAction("Comment", db, job, null, "The workflow was recreated and current step was reset to " + curStepName);

                return(Tuple.Create <bool, bool, string>(true, true, null));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(MakeError(recreated, ex.Message));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the current job is updated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUpdatedJob"></param>
        public void JobUpdated(IJTXJob pUpdatedJob)
            if (pUpdatedJob != null)
                // The current job was updated
                m_pJob = pUpdatedJob;

 // METHOD: AssignChildVersion
 private bool AssignChildVersion(IJTXJob2 pParentJob, ref IJTXJob pJob)
     if (m_paramAssignVersionType == AssignVersionType.UseParentJobsVersion)
         pJob.ParentVersion = pParentJob.ParentVersion;
         pJob.VersionName   = pParentJob.VersionName;
Beispiel #9
        public string Parse(string sourceText, IJTXDatabase pDB, IJTXJob pJob, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet pOverrides)
            // Find the token
            string strSource = sourceText;
            string strFinal  = sourceText;
            int    curpos    = strSource.IndexOf('[');
            int    startmarker;
            int    endmarker = -1;
            int    nestedcount;
            int    curtokenpos;

            string strToken;
            string strNewValue;

            while (curpos >= 0)
                nestedcount = 1;
                curtokenpos = curpos + 1;
                strToken    = "";
                //need to find the whole token (including any nested tokens)
                while (nestedcount > 0)
                    startmarker = strSource.IndexOf('[', curtokenpos);
                    endmarker   = strSource.IndexOf(']', curtokenpos);

                    if (startmarker >= 0 && startmarker < endmarker)
                        curtokenpos = startmarker + 1;
                    else if (endmarker < 0)
                        curtokenpos = endmarker + 1;
                if (endmarker >= 0)
                    strToken    = strSource.Substring(curpos, endmarker - curpos + 1);
                    strNewValue = ReplaceToken(strToken, pDB, pJob, pOverrides);
                    strFinal    = strFinal.Replace(strToken, strNewValue);

                curpos = strSource.IndexOf('[', curpos + 1);

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when a new job is opened
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pNewJob"></param>
        public void JobChanged(IJTXJob pNewJob)
            if (pNewJob != null)
                // A new job was opened
                m_pJob = pNewJob;

                // Enable the controls
                txtJobName.Enabled = true;
                cmdSave.Enabled    = true;

                // Load the info
        // METHOD: CreateExtendedPropertyRecord
        private bool CreateExtendedPropertyRecord(IJTXJob job, ExtendedPropertyIdentifier child)
            IJTXAuxProperties pAuxProps = (IJTXAuxProperties)job;

            IJTXAuxRecordContainer pAuxContainer = pAuxProps.GetRecordContainer(child.LongTableName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramExtendedProperties) && pAuxContainer == null)
                string msg = string.Format(
                    "Unable to set extended property for child job {0}. Unable to find child job's extended property table: {1}",
                    job.ID, child.LongTableName);
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 2000, msg);

            System.Array contNames = pAuxProps.ContainerNames;
            System.Collections.IEnumerator contNamesEnum = contNames.GetEnumerator();
            while (contNamesEnum.MoveNext())
                    string strContainerName = (string)contNamesEnum.Current;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramExtendedProperties) && (strContainerName.ToUpper()).Equals(child.LongTableName.ToUpper()))
                        pAuxContainer = pAuxProps.GetRecordContainer(strContainerName);

                        if (pAuxContainer.RelationshipType != esriRelCardinality.esriRelCardinalityOneToOne)
                            throw new Exception("The table relationship is not one-to-one.");
                        IJTXAuxRecord childRecord = pAuxContainer.GetRecords().get_Item(0);//pAuxContainer.CreateRecord();

                        SetExtendedPropertyValues(childRecord, child);
                        JobUtilities.LogJobAction(m_ipDatabase, job, Constants.ACTTYPE_UPDATE_EXT_PROPS, "", null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to create extended property {0} in record for jobid {1}. ERROR: {2}",
                        child.FieldName, job.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 2000, msg);

Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int JobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_ipDatabase != null);

            IJTXJob pJob = m_ipDatabase.JobManager.GetJob(JobID);

            //Automatic status assignment
            IJTXConfiguration           pConfig      = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager;
            IJTXConfigurationProperties pConfigProps = (IJTXConfigurationProperties)pConfig;

            IJTXWorkflowConfiguration pWFConfig = (IJTXWorkflowConfiguration)pJob;
            IJTXWorkflowExecution     pWFExec   = (IJTXWorkflowExecution)pJob;

            int[] iSteps = pWFExec.GetCurrentSteps();
            if (iSteps.Length == 1)
                if (pWFExec.IsLastStep(iSteps[0]))
                    pWFExec.MoveNext(iSteps[0], (int)nullReturnType.null_return);

            pJob.EndDate = System.DateTime.Now;

            if (pConfigProps.PropertyExists(Constants.JTX_PROPERTY_AUTO_STATUS_ASSIGN))
                string strAutoAssign = pConfigProps.GetProperty(Constants.JTX_PROPERTY_AUTO_STATUS_ASSIGN);
                if (strAutoAssign == "TRUE")
                    pJob.Status = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetStatus("Closed");


            IJTXActivityType pActType = pConfig.GetActivityType("CloseJob");

            if (pActType != null)
                pJob.LogJobAction(pActType, null, "");

            JTXUtilities.SendNotification(Constants.NOTIF_JOB_CLOSED, m_ipDatabase, pJob, null);

        public int AskNextSteps(IJTXJob pJob, int currStepID, bool bUseDefaultValuesOnly)
            lock (m_queuedMessages)
                m_queuedMessages.Add("AskNextSteps: Returning -1 for next step");

            IJTXWorkflowExecution3 jobExec = pJob as IJTXWorkflowExecution3;

            int[] nextSteps = jobExec.GetCurrentSteps();
            if (nextSteps.Length != 1)
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            if (jobID <= 0)
                throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("JobID", jobID, "Job ID must be a positive value"));

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_ipDatabase != null);

            IJTXJob pJob     = m_ipDatabase.JobManager.GetJob(jobID);
            string  strValue = "";

            if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[0], true, out strValue) ||
                StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[1], true, out strValue))
                if (pJob.VersionExists())

            if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[2], true, out strValue) ||
                StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[3], true, out strValue))
                if (pJob.MXDExists())

            if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[4], true, out strValue) ||
                StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[5], true, out strValue))
                IJTXAttachmentSet attachments = pJob.Attachments;
                for (int i = attachments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    int id = (attachments.get_Item(i).ID);

Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            IJTXJobManager    ipJobManager = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXConfiguration ipConfig     = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager;
            IJTXJob           ipJob        = ipJobManager.GetJob(jobID);

            string strAssignType = "";
            string strAssignTo   = "";

            if (!StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[0], true, out strAssignType))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[0], string.Format("\nMissing the {0} parameter!", m_expectedArgs[0]));

            if (!StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[1], true, out strAssignTo))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[1], string.Format("\nMissing the {0} parameter!", m_expectedArgs[1]));

            if (strAssignType == "group")
                if (ipConfig.GetUserGroup(strAssignTo) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(m_expectedArgs[1], string.Format("\nThe group {0} is not a group defined in the JTX database!", strAssignTo));

                ipJob.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeGroup;
                if (ipConfig.GetUser(strAssignTo) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(m_expectedArgs[1], string.Format("\nThe user {0} is not a user defined in the JTX database!", strAssignTo));

                ipJob.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser;

            ipJob.AssignedTo = strAssignTo;

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            // Get the arguments
            string sHoldTypeName = "";
            string sHoldRemarks  = "";

            bool bHoldType = StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, "HoldType", true, out sHoldTypeName);

            if (!bHoldType)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid arguments entered. No hold type entered.");
            bool bHoldRemarks = StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, "HoldRemarks", true, out sHoldRemarks);

            // Get the hold type
            IJTXConfiguration pJTXConfig = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager;
            IJTXHoldType      pHoldType  = pJTXConfig.GetHoldType(sHoldTypeName);

            if (pHoldType == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid hold type name entered: " + sHoldTypeName);

            // Get the job
            IJTXJobManager pJobManager = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob        pJob        = pJobManager.GetJob(jobID);
            IJTXJobHolds   pJobHolds   = pJob as IJTXJobHolds;

            // Add new job hold
            IJTXJobHold pNewHold = pJobHolds.CreateHold(pHoldType);

            if (bHoldRemarks)
                pNewHold.HoldComments = sHoldRemarks;

        // METHOD: CreateChildVersion
        private bool CreateChildVersion(ref IJTXJob pJob)
            IVersion pNewVersion = null;

                string strVersionName = pJob.VersionName;
                int    index          = strVersionName.IndexOf(".", 0);
                if (index >= 0)
                    strVersionName = strVersionName.Substring(index + 1);
                pJob.VersionName = strVersionName;

                pNewVersion = pJob.CreateVersion(esriVersionAccess.esriVersionAccessPublic);

                if (pNewVersion == null)
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, "Unable to create version for child job ID: " + pJob.ID);
                    IPropertySet pOverrides = new PropertySetClass();
                    pOverrides.SetProperty("[VERSION]", pNewVersion.VersionName);
                    JobUtilities.LogJobAction(m_ipDatabase, pJob, Constants.ACTTYPE_CREATE_VERSION, "", pOverrides);
                    JTXUtilities.SendNotification(Constants.NOTIF_VERSION_CREATED, m_ipDatabase, pJob, pOverrides);
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, "Unable to create version for child job ID: " + pJob.ID + ". ERROR: " + ex.Message);

 public void SetJob(IJTXJob ipJob)
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper function to send a notification
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notificationName">The type (name) of the notification to send</param>
 /// <param name="wmxDb">A reference to the active Workflow Manager database</param>
 /// <param name="job">The job for which to send the notification</param>
 public static void SendNotification(string notificationName, IJTXDatabase3 wmxDb, IJTXJob job)
     ESRI.ArcGIS.JTX.Utilities.JTXUtilities.SendNotification(notificationName, wmxDb, job, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the current job is updated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUpdatedJob"></param>
        public void JobUpdated(IJTXJob pUpdatedJob)
            if (pUpdatedJob != null)
                // The current job was updated
                m_pJob = pUpdatedJob;

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int JobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_ipDatabase != null);

            string strValue  = "";
            int    jobTypeID = 0;

            if (!StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[0], true, out strValue))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[0], string.Format("\nMissing the {0} parameter!", m_expectedArgs[0]));

            if (!Int32.TryParse(strValue, out jobTypeID))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[0], "Argument must be an integrer!");

            IJTXJobType    pJobType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetJobTypeByID(jobTypeID);
            IJTXJobManager pJobMan  = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob        pNewJob  = pJobMan.CreateJob(pJobType, 0, true);

            IJTXActivityType pActType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetActivityType(Constants.ACTTYPE_CREATE_JOB);

            if (pActType != null)
                pNewJob.LogJobAction(pActType, null, "");

            JTXUtilities.SendNotification(Constants.NOTIF_JOB_CREATED, m_ipDatabase, pNewJob, null);

            // Assign a status to the job if the Auto Assign Job Status setting is enabled
            IJTXConfigurationProperties pConfigProps = (IJTXConfigurationProperties)m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager;

            if (pConfigProps.PropertyExists(Constants.JTX_PROPERTY_AUTO_STATUS_ASSIGN))
                string strAutoAssign = pConfigProps.GetProperty(Constants.JTX_PROPERTY_AUTO_STATUS_ASSIGN);
                if (strAutoAssign == "TRUE")
                    pNewJob.Status = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetStatus("Created");

            // Associate the current job with the new job with a parent-child relationship
            pNewJob.ParentJob = JobID;

            // Assign the job as specified in the arguments
            string strAssignTo = "";

            if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[1], true, out strAssignTo))
                pNewJob.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeGroup;
                pNewJob.AssignedTo   = strAssignTo;
            else if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[2], true, out strAssignTo))
                pNewJob.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser;
                pNewJob.AssignedTo   = strAssignTo;

            // Copy the workflow to the new job
            WorkflowUtilities.CopyWorkflowXML(m_ipDatabase, pNewJob);

            // Create 1-1 extended property entries
            IJTXAuxProperties pAuxProps = (IJTXAuxProperties)pNewJob;

            System.Array contNames     = pAuxProps.ContainerNames;
            IEnumerator  contNamesEnum = contNames.GetEnumerator();


            while (contNamesEnum.MoveNext())
                string strContainerName = (string)contNamesEnum.Current;
                IJTXAuxRecordContainer pAuxContainer = pAuxProps.GetRecordContainer(strContainerName);
                if (pAuxContainer.RelationshipType == esriRelCardinality.esriRelCardinalityOneToOne)

            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 1000, System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowTitle);

            // Update Application message about the new job
            if (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowTitle.Length > 0) //if its not running in server
                MessageBox.Show("Created " + pJobType.Name + " Job " + pNewJob.ID, "Job Created", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

        // METHOD: CreateJobs
        private int CreateJobs(IJTXJob2 pParentJob)
                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor;

                bool bAutoCommit = ConfigurationCache.AutoCommitWorkflow;

                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "CreateJobs");

                // Set the job template values
                IJTXJobManager2    pJobMan         = m_ipDatabase.JobManager as IJTXJobManager2;
                IJTXJobDescription pJobDescription = new JTXJobDescriptionClass();

                pJobDescription.Description = pParentJob.Description;
                pJobDescription.Priority    = pParentJob.Priority;
                pJobDescription.ParentJobId = pParentJob.ID;

                pJobDescription.StartDate = pParentJob.StartDate;

                if (m_dueDate != Constants.NullDate)
                    pJobDescription.DueDate = m_dueDate;
                else if (m_duration > 0)
                    pJobDescription.DueDate = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(m_duration);
                    pJobDescription.DueDate = pParentJob.DueDate;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramAssignToGroup))
                    pJobDescription.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeGroup;
                    pJobDescription.AssignedTo   = m_paramAssignToGroup;
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramAssignToUser))
                    pJobDescription.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser;
                    pJobDescription.AssignedTo   = m_paramAssignToUser;
                    pJobDescription.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUnassigned;

                pJobDescription.OwnedBy = ConfigurationCache.GetCurrentJTXUser().UserName;

                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null)
                    pJobDescription.DataWorkspaceID = pParentJob.ActiveDatabase.DatabaseID;

                // Set the parent version.  This only makes sense if the active workspace has been set
                if (pJobDescription.DataWorkspaceID != null)
                    if (m_paramCreateVersionType == CreateVersionType.None ||
                        m_paramCreateVersionType == CreateVersionType.UseParentJobsVersion)
                        pJobDescription.ParentVersionName = pParentJob.VersionName;     // This has to be set here because setting the job workspace resets the value
                    else if (m_paramCreateVersionType == CreateVersionType.UseJobTypeDefaultSettings)
                        IJTXJobType pJobType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetJobType(m_paramJobTypeName);
                        if (pJobType != null)
                            pJobDescription.ParentVersionName = pJobType.DefaultParentVersionName;
                    else if (m_paramCreateVersionType == CreateVersionType.UseParentJobsDefaultVersion)
                        pJobDescription.ParentVersionName = pParentJob.JobType.DefaultParentVersionName;
                    else if (m_paramCreateVersionType == CreateVersionType.UseParentJobsParentVersion)
                        pJobDescription.ParentVersionName = pParentJob.ParentVersion;

                // Determine the number of jobs to make
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Determining Number of Jobs");

                IArray aoiList = null;
                int    numJobs;
                if (!GetNumberOfJobs(pParentJob, ref aoiList, out numJobs))

                if (numJobs <= 0)
                pJobDescription.AOIList = aoiList;
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Determining Number of Jobs");

                // Create the job objects
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before CreateJobs");
                pJobDescription.JobTypeName = m_paramJobTypeName;
                IJTXExecuteInfo pExecInfo;
                m_ipJobs = pJobMan.CreateJobsFromDescription(pJobDescription, numJobs, true, out pExecInfo);
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After CreateJobs");

                // Populate the job data
                for (int i = 0; i < m_ipJobs.Count; ++i)
                    IJTXJob pJob = m_ipJobs.get_Item(i);

                    SetJobProperties(pJobMan, pJob, pParentJob);
            catch (COMException ex)
                if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_SE_INVALID_COLUMN_VALUE)
                    MessageBox.Show(Properties.Resources.InvalidColumn, Properties.Resources.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
            catch (Exception ex2)
                MessageBox.Show(ex2.Message, Properties.Resources.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default;
        // METHOD: SetJobProperties
        private IJTXJob SetJobProperties(IJTXJobManager pJobMan, IJTXJob pJob, IJTXJob2 pParentJob)
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before LogJobAction (CreateJobs)");

            IJTXActivityType pActType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetActivityType(Constants.ACTTYPE_COMMENT);

            pParentJob.LogJobAction(pActType, null,
                                    String.Format(Properties.Resources.ActTypeMessage, pJob.ID.ToString()));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramExtendedProperties))
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Create Extended Properties");

                ExtendedPropertyIdentifier childExProps = new ExtendedPropertyIdentifier();
                    ParseExtendedPropertiesParam(out childExProps);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to read parent job's extended property. Job ID: {0} ERROR: {1}",
                        pParentJob.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, msg);
                    CreateExtendedPropertyRecord(pJob, childExProps);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to set child job's extended property. Child Job ID: {0} ERROR: {1}",
                        pJob.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, msg);
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Create Extended Properties");

            // Create dependencies on parent job if configured
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Setting Dependencies");

            if (m_paramDependNextStep || m_paramDependThisStep)
                IJTXJobDependencies ipDependencyManager = pJobMan as IJTXJobDependencies;
                CreateDependencyOnParentJob(ipDependencyManager, pParentJob, pJob.ID);
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Setting Dependencies");

            // Create or assign version if configured
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Versioning");

            if (m_paramCreateVersionType != CreateVersionType.None)
                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pJob.ParentVersion) &&
                    (m_paramCreateVersionType != CreateVersionType.UseParentJobsVersion || pParentJob.VersionExists()))
                    CreateChildVersion(ref pJob);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not create version.  Please ensure parent data workspace and versions are set correctly", Properties.Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            else if (m_paramAssignVersionType != AssignVersionType.None)
                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null)
                    AssignChildVersion(pParentJob, ref pJob);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not assign version.  Please ensure parent data workspace is set correctly", Properties.Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Versioning");

            // Store the job and save the changes
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Storing Job");
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Storing Job");
        public string Parse(string sourceText, IJTXDatabase pDB, IJTXJob pJob, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet pOverrides)
            // Find the token
            string strSource = sourceText;
            string strFinal = sourceText;
            int curpos = strSource.IndexOf('[');
            int startmarker;
            int endmarker = -1;
            int nestedcount;
            int curtokenpos;

            string strToken;
            string strNewValue;
            while (curpos >= 0)
                nestedcount = 1;
                curtokenpos = curpos + 1;
                strToken = "";
                //need to find the whole token (including any nested tokens)
                while (nestedcount > 0)
                    startmarker = strSource.IndexOf('[', curtokenpos);
                    endmarker = strSource.IndexOf(']', curtokenpos);

                    if (startmarker >= 0 && startmarker < endmarker)
                        curtokenpos = startmarker + 1;
                    else if (endmarker < 0)
                        curtokenpos = endmarker + 1;

                if (endmarker >= 0)
                    strToken = strSource.Substring(curpos, endmarker - curpos + 1);
                    strNewValue = ReplaceToken(strToken, pDB, pJob, pOverrides);
                    strFinal = strFinal.Replace(strToken, strNewValue);

                curpos = strSource.IndexOf('[', curpos + 1);

            return strFinal;
 void IDockableWindowDef.OnDestroy()
     m_pExt = null;
     m_pJob = null;
        private string ReplaceToken(string token, IJTXDatabase pDB, IJTXJob pJob, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet pOverrides)
            string tokenout = token;
            // Drop the [] and convert to uppercase
            token = token.Substring(1,token.Length - 2).ToUpper();

            // Split the prefix from the actual token
            string[] parts = token.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
            // make sure it is a environment token (starts with "ENV:")
            if (parts.Length == 2)
                if (parts[0].Equals("ENV"))
                    // try to get the env variable
                    string value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(parts[1]);
                    if (value != null)
                        tokenout = value;
            return tokenout;
        // METHOD: SetJobProperties
        private IJTXJob SetJobProperties(IJTXJobManager pJobMan, IJTXJob pJob, IJTXJob2 pParentJob)
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before LogJobAction (CreateJobs)");

            IJTXActivityType pActType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetActivityType(Constants.ACTTYPE_COMMENT);

            pParentJob.LogJobAction(pActType, null,
                String.Format(Properties.Resources.ActTypeMessage, pJob.ID.ToString()));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramExtendedProperties))
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Create Extended Properties");

                ExtendedPropertyIdentifier childExProps = new ExtendedPropertyIdentifier();
                    ParseExtendedPropertiesParam(out childExProps);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to read parent job's extended property. Job ID: {0} ERROR: {1}",
                        pParentJob.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, msg);
                    CreateExtendedPropertyRecord(pJob, childExProps);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to set child job's extended property. Child Job ID: {0} ERROR: {1}",
                        pJob.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, msg);
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Create Extended Properties");

            // Create dependencies on parent job if configured 
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Setting Dependencies");

            if (m_paramDependNextStep || m_paramDependThisStep)
                IJTXJobDependencies ipDependencyManager = pJobMan as IJTXJobDependencies;
                CreateDependencyOnParentJob(ipDependencyManager, pParentJob, pJob.ID);
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Setting Dependencies");

            // Create or assign version if configured 
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Versioning");

            if (m_paramCreateVersionType != CreateVersionType.None)
                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pJob.ParentVersion) && 
                    (m_paramCreateVersionType != CreateVersionType.UseParentJobsVersion || pParentJob.VersionExists()))
                    CreateChildVersion(ref pJob);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not create version.  Please ensure parent data workspace and versions are set correctly", Properties.Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            else if (m_paramAssignVersionType != AssignVersionType.None)
                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null)
                    AssignChildVersion(pParentJob, ref pJob);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not assign version.  Please ensure parent data workspace is set correctly", Properties.Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Versioning");

            // Store the job and save the changes
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Storing Job");
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Storing Job");
            return pJob;
        private void AttachMsg(IJTXJob ipJob, string strTool, string strMessage)
            // Attach the messages as a file
            string strFileName = strTool + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "_Results.log";
            string strPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP"), strFileName);

            using (TextWriter pTextWriter = new StreamWriter(strPath))

            if (File.Exists(strPath))
                    Log("JTXTempLog: ExecuteGPTool.AttachMsg adding Job Attachment..");
                    ipJob.AddAttachment(strPath, jtxFileStorageType.jtxStoreInDB, "");
                    Log("JTXTempLog: ExecuteGPTool.AttachMsg added Job Attachment..");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    String strMsg = ex.Message;
        public void SetJob(IJTXJob ipJob)

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when a new job is opened
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pNewJob"></param>
        public void JobChanged(IJTXJob pNewJob)
            if (pNewJob != null)
                // A new job was opened
                m_pJob = pNewJob;

                // Enable the controls
                txtJobName.Enabled = true;
                cmdSave.Enabled = true;

                // Load the info
 // METHOD: AssignChildVersion
 private bool AssignChildVersion(IJTXJob2 pParentJob, ref IJTXJob pJob)
     if (m_paramAssignVersionType == AssignVersionType.UseParentJobsVersion)
         pJob.ParentVersion = pParentJob.ParentVersion;
         pJob.VersionName = pParentJob.VersionName;
     return true;
        // METHOD: CreateExtendedPropertyRecord
        private bool CreateExtendedPropertyRecord(IJTXJob job, ExtendedPropertyIdentifier child)
            IJTXAuxProperties pAuxProps = (IJTXAuxProperties)job;

            IJTXAuxRecordContainer pAuxContainer = pAuxProps.GetRecordContainer(child.LongTableName);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramExtendedProperties) && pAuxContainer == null)
                string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to set extended property for child job {0}. Unable to find child job's extended property table: {1}",
                        job.ID, child.LongTableName);
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 2000, msg);

            System.Array contNames = pAuxProps.ContainerNames;
            System.Collections.IEnumerator contNamesEnum = contNames.GetEnumerator();
            while (contNamesEnum.MoveNext())
                    string strContainerName = (string)contNamesEnum.Current;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramExtendedProperties) && (strContainerName.ToUpper()).Equals(child.LongTableName.ToUpper()))
                        pAuxContainer = pAuxProps.GetRecordContainer(strContainerName);

                        if (pAuxContainer.RelationshipType != esriRelCardinality.esriRelCardinalityOneToOne)
                            throw new Exception("The table relationship is not one-to-one.");
                        IJTXAuxRecord childRecord = pAuxContainer.GetRecords().get_Item(0);//pAuxContainer.CreateRecord();

                        SetExtendedPropertyValues(childRecord, child);
                        JobUtilities.LogJobAction(m_ipDatabase, job, Constants.ACTTYPE_UPDATE_EXT_PROPS, "", null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to create extended property {0} in record for jobid {1}. ERROR: {2}",
                        child.FieldName, job.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 2000, msg);

            return true;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            JTXOverdueNotification prog = new JTXOverdueNotification();

            if (prog.CheckoutLicense())
                    // Arguments list
                    // /NotifType:<Notification type to send>
                    // example: JTXOverdueNotification.exe /NotifType:OverdueJob

                    object[] pArgObjects = args as object[];

                    // Get some variables ready
                    string sNotificationTypeName = "";

                    StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref pArgObjects, "NotifType", true, out sNotificationTypeName);
                    if (sNotificationTypeName == "")
                        Console.WriteLine("A notification type must be entered.");

                    IJTXDatabaseManager jtxDBMan   = new JTXDatabaseManagerClass();
                    IJTXDatabase        pJTXDB     = jtxDBMan.GetActiveDatabase(false);
                    IJTXConfiguration   pJTXConfig = pJTXDB.ConfigurationManager;

                    // Create a simple query to find jobs that were due before today
                    IQueryFilter pQF = new QueryFilterClass();

                    // NOTE #1: Verify the date format matches your selected RDBMS
                    // NOTE #2: Verify the status id for 'Closed' with the JTX Administrator
                    pQF.WhereClause = "DUE_DATE < '" + DateTime.Today.ToString() + "'" + " AND STATUS <> 9";

                    // Get the notification type for the notification that will be sent
                    IJTXNotificationConfiguration pNotificationConfig = pJTXConfig as IJTXNotificationConfiguration;
                    IJTXNotificationType          pNotificationType   = pNotificationConfig.GetNotificationType(sNotificationTypeName);
                    if (pNotificationType == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid notification type.");

                    // Get the job manager to execute the query and find the jobs in question
                    IJTXJobManager pJobManager = pJTXDB.JobManager;
                    IJTXJobSet     pJobs       = pJobManager.GetJobsByQuery(pQF);

                    for (int a = 0; a < pJobs.Count; a++)
                        IJTXJob pJob = pJobs.Next();

                        // Send it!
                        JTXUtilities.SendNotification(sNotificationTypeName, pJTXDB, pJob, null);
                catch (Exception except)
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + except.Message);
        // METHOD: CreateChildVersion
        private bool CreateChildVersion(ref IJTXJob pJob)
            IVersion pNewVersion = null;
                string strVersionName = pJob.VersionName;
                int index = strVersionName.IndexOf(".", 0);
                if (index >= 0)
                    strVersionName = strVersionName.Substring(index + 1);
                pJob.VersionName = strVersionName;

                pNewVersion = pJob.CreateVersion(esriVersionAccess.esriVersionAccessPublic);

                if (pNewVersion == null)
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, "Unable to create version for child job ID: " + pJob.ID);
                    IPropertySet pOverrides = new PropertySetClass();
                    pOverrides.SetProperty("[VERSION]", pNewVersion.VersionName);
                    JobUtilities.LogJobAction(m_ipDatabase, pJob, Constants.ACTTYPE_CREATE_VERSION, "", pOverrides);
                    JTXUtilities.SendNotification(Constants.NOTIF_VERSION_CREATED, m_ipDatabase, pJob, pOverrides);

            catch (Exception ex)
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, "Unable to create version for child job ID: " + pJob.ID + ". ERROR: " + ex.Message);

            return true;
 void IDockableWindowDef.OnDestroy()
     m_pExt = null;
     m_pJob = null;