/// <summary>
        /// Check for common pixels which are not transparent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i_Intersectable1">First IIntersectable object.</param>
        /// <param name="i_Intersectable2">Second IIntersectable object.</param>
        /// <param name="o_IntersectionPoints">All of the intersection points.</param>
        /// <returns>True if both objects intersecred, otherwise false.</returns>
        private bool pixelWiseIntersection(IIntersectable i_Intersectable1, IIntersectable i_Intersectable2, out List <Vector2> o_IntersectionPoints)
            o_IntersectionPoints = new List <Vector2>();
            bool isIntersected = false;

            if (i_Intersectable1.ShapeRectangle.Intersects(i_Intersectable2.ShapeRectangle))
                Rectangle intersectedRectangle = intersectionRectangle(i_Intersectable1, i_Intersectable2);
                Color[]   sprite1Colors        = i_Intersectable1.ObjectColors;
                Color[]   sprite2Colors        = i_Intersectable2.ObjectColors;
                for (int x = intersectedRectangle.Left; x <= intersectedRectangle.Right; x++)
                    for (int y = intersectedRectangle.Bottom - 1; y >= intersectedRectangle.Top; y--)
                        int sprite1_index = x - i_Intersectable1.ShapeRectangle.Left + ((y - i_Intersectable1.ShapeRectangle.Top) * i_Intersectable1.ShapeRectangle.Width);
                        int sprite2_index = x - i_Intersectable2.ShapeRectangle.Left + ((y - i_Intersectable2.ShapeRectangle.Top) * i_Intersectable2.ShapeRectangle.Width);
                        if ((sprite1_index < sprite1Colors.Length) && (sprite2_index < sprite2Colors.Length))
                            Color currentPixelSprite1 = sprite1Colors[sprite1_index];
                            Color currentPixelSprite2 = sprite2Colors[sprite2_index];
                            if ((currentPixelSprite1 != sr_transparent) && (currentPixelSprite2 != sr_transparent))
                                isIntersected = true;

                            o_IntersectionPoints.Add(new Vector2(x, y));

        private static Cell[] GetSurroundingCells(this IIntersectable item, Cell[,] maze)
            Rectangle   aabb  = item.GetAABB();
            List <Cell> cells = new List <Cell>();

            int currentCellX = aabb.Center.X / Tile.Size;
            int currentCellY = aabb.Center.Y / Tile.Size;

            int smallX = currentCellX - 1;
            int largeX = currentCellX + 1;

            int smallY = currentCellY - 1;
            int largeY = currentCellY + 1;

            for (int y = smallY; y <= largeY; y++)
                for (int x = smallX; x <= largeX; x++)
                    Cell cell = maze[y, x];
                    if (cell.Tile.Id != 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <c>IntersectionFinder</c> for the specified line feature.
        /// Use this constructor when intersecting something that has already been added to
        /// the map model. This ensures that the line is not intersected with itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The line feature to intersect.</param>
        /// <param name="wantEndEnd">Specify true if you want end-to-end intersections in the results.</param>
        internal IntersectionFinder(LineFeature line, bool wantEndEnd)
            m_Line = line;
            ISpatialIndex index = CadastralMapModel.Current.Index;

            m_Intersects = new FindIntersectionsQuery(index, line, wantEndEnd).Result;
Beispiel #4
        public IIntersectable SatisfyRelations(Point?p = null)
            IList <IIntersectable> possibles = new List <IIntersectable>();

            foreach (Relation2D rel in this.Relations2D)
                if (!rel.IsDriven(this))
                    IIntersectable temp = rel.Satisfy();

            switch (possibles.Count())
            case 0:
                return(p == null ? null : new Point2D(p.Value));

            case 1:

                for (int i = 1; i < possibles.Count; i++)
                    // TODO: Intersection of all possibles
        public static bool AabbAabbIntersectionTest(this IIntersectable A, IIntersectable B)
            Rectangle a = A.GetAABB();
            Rectangle b = B.GetAABB();

            return(!(a.Right < b.Left || a.Left > b.Right || a.Bottom < b.Top || a.Top > b.Bottom));
Beispiel #6
        private void CheckColumn(int[,] pts, IIntersectable sender, double u, int column, int from, int to, double vStep, double vFrom)
            //pts[j, i] = PointBelongs(partA, sender, new Vector2(i * uStep + uFrom, j * vStep + vFrom));
            if (pts[from, column] == -1)
                pts[from, column] = PointBelongs(sender, new Vector2(u, from * vStep + vFrom));
            if (pts[to, column] == -1)
                pts[to, column] = PointBelongs(sender, new Vector2(u, to * vStep + vFrom));

            if (from == to || from + 1 == to)

            if (pts[from, column] == pts[to, column])
                for (int i = from + 1; i < to; i++)
                    pts[i, column] = pts[from, column];
                var newPt = (from + to) / 2;

                CheckColumn(pts, sender, u, column, from, newPt, vStep, vFrom);
                CheckColumn(pts, sender, u, column, newPt, to, vStep, vFrom);
        public static bool SatIntersectionTest(this IIntersectable A, IIntersectable B)
            if (A.GetSatProjectionAxes().Length == 0 || B.GetSatProjectionAxes().Length == 0)

            List <Vector2> axes = new List <Vector2>();


            foreach (Vector2 axis in axes)
                Range projectionA = A.Get1dProjectionOntoAxis(axis);
                Range projectionB = B.Get1dProjectionOntoAxis(axis);

                if (!IsThere1dProjectionOverlap(projectionA, projectionB))

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor used to combine a series of <c>IntersectResult</c> objects. This
        /// implementation is used to obtain a results object for a new topological line
        /// that has just been intersected against the map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xsect">The result of intersecting a line with the map</param>
        internal IntersectionResult(IntersectionFinder xsect)
            m_IntersectedObject = xsect.Intersector;
            m_Geom = m_IntersectedObject.LineGeometry;
            m_Data = null;

            // Get the total number of intersections that were found (there's one
            // InteresectionResult for each intersected line)
            IList<IntersectionResult> results = xsect.Intersections;
            int nData = 0;
            foreach (IntersectionResult r in results)
                nData += r.m_Data.Count;

            // Return if no intersections.
            if (nData==0)

            // Copy over the info
            m_Data = new List<IntersectionData>(nData);
            foreach (IntersectionResult r in results)
                List<IntersectionData> data = r.Intersections;
                foreach (IntersectionData d in data)

            // Reverse all context codes.
            foreach (IntersectionData d in m_Data)
        public Color Integrate(Ray ray, IIntersectable objects, List <ILight> lights, ISampler sampler, List <List <Sample> > subPathSamples, LightSample lightSample)
            shadowIntegrator = new ShadowIntegrator();
            Color     returnColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);
            HitRecord record      = objects.Intersect(ray);

            if (record != null)
                if (!(record.Material is MirrorMaterial))
                    returnColor.Append(shadowIntegrator.Integrate(ray, objects, lights, sampler, subPathSamples, lightSample));
                if (record.Material is MirrorMaterial && record.Material.Specular.R > 0 && record.Material.Specular.G > 0 && record.Material.Specular.B > 0)
                    returnColor.Append(Reflection(ray, record, 0, returnColor, objects, lights, sampler, subPathSamples, lightSample));
                if (SkyBox.IsSkyBoxLoaded())
                    returnColor = SkyBox.GetSkyBoxColor(ray);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Intersect a ray with scene objects. Writes out hit data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">The ray that will be intersected with the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="hitData">The hit data of the closest hit that will be written out if there is an intersection.
        /// Will output HitData.NoHit otherwise and can be checked with the exists() method on the object.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true, if there is an intersection with at least one scene object, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Intersect(Ray ray, out HitData hitData, bool isShadowRay = false)
            // TODO: Use acceleration Data structures
            HitData closestHit = HitData.NoHit;
            HitData lastHit;

            ObjectList.ForEach((IIntersectable) =>
                if (isShadowRay && IIntersectable.CastShadows == false)

                if (IIntersectable.Intersect(ray, out lastHit))
                    if (!closestHit.exists() && lastHit.exists())
                        closestHit = lastHit;
                    if (ray.Start.Distance(lastHit.Position) < ray.Start.Distance(closestHit.Position))
                        closestHit = lastHit;

            hitData = closestHit;
Beispiel #11
        public Color Integrate(Ray ray, IIntersectable objects, List <ILight> lights, ISampler sampler, List <List <Sample> > subPathSamples, LightSample lightSample)
            HitRecord record = objects.Intersect(ray);

            Color returnColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            if (record != null)
                foreach (ILight light in lights)
                    Vector3 lightDirection = light.GetLightDirection(record.IntersectionPoint);
                    Vector3 hitPos         = record.IntersectionPoint;
                    Vector3 offset         = record.RayDirection;
                    offset  = -offset;
                    offset *= 0.001f;
                    hitPos += offset;
                    Ray       shadowRay = new Ray(hitPos, lightDirection);
                    HitRecord shadowHit = objects.Intersect(shadowRay);
                    Vector3   distance  = Vector3.Subtract(light.Position, hitPos);


                    /*if (shadowHit != null && (shadowHit.Distance > distance.Length))
                     * {
                     *  returnColor.Append(record.HitObject.Material.Shade(record, light.GetLightDirection(record.IntersectionPoint)).Mult(light.GetIncidentColor(record.IntersectionPoint)));
                     * }*/
                    returnColor.Append(record.HitObject.Material.Shade(record, light.GetLightDirection(record.IntersectionPoint)).Mult(light.GetIncidentColor(record.IntersectionPoint)));
Beispiel #12
 public AreaLight(Color c, IIntersectable shape)
     Shape       = shape;
     LightColor  = c;
     shape.Light = this;
     Pdf         = (1f / Shape.GetArea());
Beispiel #13
        public bool Intersect(Ray ray, out HitData hitData)
            // Outsource this into the scene to enable accelerating data structures.
            Ray     offsettedRay = new Ray(ray.Start - Position, ray.Direction);
            HitData closestHit   = HitData.NoHit;
            HitData lastHit;

            triangles.ForEach((IIntersectable) =>
                if (IIntersectable.Intersect(offsettedRay, out lastHit))
                    HitData offsettedHit = new HitData(lastHit.Position + Position, lastHit.Normal, lastHit.TextureCoords, lastHit.Material);
                    if (!closestHit.exists() && lastHit.exists())
                        closestHit = offsettedHit;
                    if (offsettedRay.Start.Distance(offsettedHit.Position) < offsettedRay.Start.Distance(closestHit.Position))
                        closestHit = offsettedHit;

            hitData = closestHit;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <c>IntersectionFinder</c> for the specified geometry.
        /// Use this constructor when intersecting geometry that has been created ad-hoc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geom">The geometry to intersect.</param>
        /// <param name="wantEndEnd">Specify true if you want end-to-end intersections in the results.</param>
        internal IntersectionFinder(LineGeometry geom, bool wantEndEnd)
            m_Line = geom;
            ISpatialIndex index = CadastralMapModel.Current.Index;

            m_Intersects = new FindIntersectionsQuery(index, geom, wantEndEnd).Result;
Beispiel #15
        public int PointBelongs(IIntersectable sender, Vector2 point)
            int     p = boundary?.Count(tuple => IntersectLines(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, point)) ?? 0;
            Vector2 p1, p2;
            int     cnt     = poly.Count - 1;
            var     minSize = System.Math.Min(sender.FirstParamLimit, sender.SecondParamLimit) * 0.8;

            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                p1 = poly[i];
                p2 = poly[i + 1];
                if ((p1 - p2).Length() < minSize)
                    if (IntersectLines(p1, p2, point))
            if (cyclic)
                if ((poly[cnt] - poly[0]).Length() < minSize)
                    if (IntersectLines(poly[cnt], poly[0], point))

        /// <summary>
        /// Rectangle boundries for available pixels that can be intersected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i_Intersectable1">First IIntersectable object.</param>
        /// <param name="i_Intersectable2">Second IIntersectable object.</param>
        /// <returns>A rectangle for available pixels that can be intersected.</returns>
        private Rectangle intersectionRectangle(IIntersectable i_Intersectable1, IIntersectable i_Intersectable2)
            int max_x = MathHelper.Min(i_Intersectable1.ShapeRectangle.Right, i_Intersectable2.ShapeRectangle.Right);
            int min_x = MathHelper.Max(i_Intersectable1.ShapeRectangle.Left, i_Intersectable2.ShapeRectangle.Left);
            int max_y = MathHelper.Min(i_Intersectable1.ShapeRectangle.Bottom, i_Intersectable2.ShapeRectangle.Bottom);
            int min_y = MathHelper.Max(i_Intersectable1.ShapeRectangle.Top, i_Intersectable2.ShapeRectangle.Top);

            return(new Rectangle(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y));
Beispiel #17
 public Instance(IIntersectable intersectable, Matrix4 transMatrix)
     TransformationMatrix           = transMatrix;
     Intersectable                  = intersectable;
     InvTransformationMatrix        = Matrix4.Invert(TransformationMatrix);
     TransposedTransformationMatrix = Matrix4.Transpose(InvTransformationMatrix);
     Material = Intersectable.Material;
Beispiel #18
 public HitRecord(float t, Vector3 hitPoint, Vector3 normal, IIntersectable hitObject, Material material, Vector3 rayDirection)
     Distance          = t;
     IntersectionPoint = hitPoint;
     SurfaceNormal     = normal;
     HitObject         = hitObject;
     Material          = material;
     RayDirection      = rayDirection;
     InvRayDirection   = new Vector3(1 / RayDirection.X, 1 / RayDirection.Y, 1 / RayDirection.Z);
Beispiel #19
        public IIntersectable SatisfyRelations(Point?p = null)
            IIntersectable e = this;

            foreach (Relation2D rel in this.Relations2D)
        public Color Integrate(Ray ray, IIntersectable objects, List <ILight> lights, ISampler sampler, List <List <Sample> > subPathSamples, LightSample lightSample)
            HitRecord record   = objects.Intersect(ray);
            Color     retColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            this.objects = objects;
            this.lights  = lights;
            this.sampler = sampler;
            retColor.Append(GetShadeColor(record, 0));
        public static void SpawnInAnEmptyPosition(this ISpawnable itemToSpawn, Cell[,] maze)
            IIntersectable intersectable = (IIntersectable)itemToSpawn;

                    rng.Next(2 * Tile.Size, (maze.GetLength(1) - 1) * Tile.Size),
                    rng.Next(2 * Tile.Size, (maze.GetLength(0) - 1) * Tile.Size));
            } while (intersectable.AabbMapIntersectionTest(maze));
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 /// This hurtable sprite got hurt by some Intersectable.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="i_Intersectable">The Intersectable that intersects this sprite.</param>
 /// /// <param name="i_IntersectionPoints">Intersection points.</param>
 public void GotHurt(IIntersectable i_Intersectable, List <Vector2> i_IntersectionPoints = null)
     if (i_Intersectable is IAttacker)
         attacked(i_Intersectable as IAttacker);
     else if (i_IntersectionPoints != null)
Beispiel #23
 public bool IsIntersectable(IIntersectable sender)
     if (sender == P)
     if (sender == Q)
Beispiel #24
        public static IList<Point> GetIntersections(IIntersectable e1, IIntersectable e2)
            //todo Preco sa nemozu volat rovnako GetIntersections a GetIntersects??
            dynamic o1 = e1;
            dynamic o2 = e2;

            try {
                return GetIntersects(o1, o2);
            } catch(Exception e)
                return GetIntersects(o2, o1);
Beispiel #25
        public static IList <Point> GetIntersections(IIntersectable e1, IIntersectable e2)
            //todo Preco sa nemozu volat rovnako GetIntersections a GetIntersects??
            dynamic o1 = e1;
            dynamic o2 = e2;

            try {
                return(GetIntersects(o1, o2));
            } catch (Exception e)
                return(GetIntersects(o2, o1));
Beispiel #26
        public Color Integrate(Ray ray, IIntersectable objects, List <ILight> lights, ISampler sampler, List <List <Sample> > subPathSamples, LightSample lightSample)
            HitRecord record = objects.Intersect(ray);

            if (record != null)
                return(new Color(1, 1, 1));
                return(new Color(0, 0, 0));
Beispiel #27
        public BvhNode(IIntersectable left, IIntersectable right)
            _left = left;
            _right = right;

            if (left != null) {
                _leftBounds = left.GetBoundingBox();

            if (right != null) {
                _rightBounds = right.GetBoundingBox();
Beispiel #28
        public Relation2D(params Point2D[] points)
            var point = points.Last();

            if (point == null)
                throw new Exceptions.InvalidSetRelationException();

            points.ToList <Point2D>().ForEach((p) => { Relatables.Add(p); });

            IIntersectable previousRelations = point.SatisfyRelations();

            IIntersectable i = Satisfy();

            if (i == null)
                throw new Exceptions.InvalidSetRelationException();

            IList <Point> intersect = previousRelations != null?previousRelations.Intersection(i) : null;

            if (previousRelations == null || intersect.Count() > 0)
                if (previousRelations == null)
                    p = i.GetNearest(point.Point);
                    p = intersect.GetNearest(point.Point);

                point.Point = p != null ? p.Value : point.Point;

                foreach (Point2D pt in points)
                    if (!pt.Relations2D.Contains(this))
                throw new Exceptions.ConflictRelationException();
Beispiel #29
        public BvhNode(IIntersectable left, IIntersectable right)
            _left  = left;
            _right = right;

            if (left != null)
                _leftBounds = left.GetBoundingBox();

            if (right != null)
                _rightBounds = right.GetBoundingBox();
        public static bool AabbMapIntersectionTest(this IIntersectable item, Cell[,] maze)
            foreach (Cell cell in item.GetSurroundingCells(maze))
                if (item.AabbAabbIntersectionTest(cell))
                    if (item.SatIntersectionTest(cell))

Beispiel #31
        public Color Integrate(Ray ray, IIntersectable objects, List <ILight> lights, ISampler sampler, List <List <Sample> > subPathSamples, LightSample lightSample)
            Color returnColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);

             * Core Ray Tracing algorithm
            HitRecord record = objects.Intersect(ray);

            if (record != null && record.Distance > 0 && record.Distance < float.PositiveInfinity)
                foreach (ILight light in lights)
                    returnColor.Append(record.Material.Shade(record, light.GetLightDirection(record.IntersectionPoint)).Mult(light.GetIncidentColor(record.IntersectionPoint)));
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this instance of IIntersectable contains the provided IIntersectable instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">IIntersectable object to check contention with</param>
        /// <returns>true if the IIntersectable object provided is completely contained within, false otherwise</returns>
        public virtual bool Contains(IIntersectable other)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //Vector3[] vertexes = new Vector3[]
            //	// Front
            //	// Upper right
            //	// Upper left
            //	// Lower left
            //	// Lower right

            //	// Back
            //	// Upper right
            //	// Upper left
            //	// Lower left
            //	// Lower right
Beispiel #33
        private void IntersectSurfaces()
            List <Vector4> intersection = null;
            IIntersectable first        = null;
            IIntersectable second       = null;
            bool           cyclic       = false;

                var selected = models.Where(x => x.IsSelected).ToList();
                var sel      = selected.Select(x => x as IIntersectable).Distinct().ToList();
                if (sel.Count == 2)
                    first  = sel[0];
                    second = sel[1];
                    if (first != null && second != null)
                        intersection = Intersection.Intersect(sel[0], sel[1], this, NewtonStep, out cyclic);
            catch (Exception e)
                intersection = null;

            if (intersection != null && intersection.Count > 2)
                //intersection.ForEach(x => CreateHiddenCatPoint(sel[0].GetPosition(x.X, x.Y)));
                var curv = new GeometryModels.CuttingCurve(intersection, first, second, this, cyclic, CuttingCurveApproximation);
                var sampleMessageDialog = new MessageHost
                    Message = { Text = "Proper intersection could not be found." }

                DialogHost.Show(sampleMessageDialog, "RootDialog");
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <c>IntersectionFinder</c> for the specified line feature.
 /// Use this constructor when intersecting something that has already been added to
 /// the map model. This ensures that the line is not intersected with itself.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="line">The line feature to intersect.</param>
 /// <param name="wantEndEnd">Specify true if you want end-to-end intersections in the results.</param>
 internal IntersectionFinder(LineFeature line, bool wantEndEnd)
     m_Line = line;
     ISpatialIndex index = CadastralMapModel.Current.Index;
     m_Intersects = new FindIntersectionsQuery(index, line, wantEndEnd).Result;
Beispiel #35
 public virtual IList<Point> Intersection(IIntersectable shape)
     return Helpers.AnalyticGeometryHelper.GetIntersections(this, shape);
Beispiel #36
 public Renderable(IIntersectable geometry, IMaterial material)
     Geometry = geometry;
     Material = material;
Beispiel #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if this instance of Ray intersects with another
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">IIntersectable object to check intersection with</param>
 /// <returns>true if there is intersection, false otherwise</returns>
 public bool Intersects(IIntersectable other)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <c>IntersectionResult</c> for the specified line. This
 /// implementation is used when intersecting ad-hoc geometry, as well as
 /// representing the results of intersecting a line feature with previously
 /// existing topology.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="intersectedObject"></param>
 internal IntersectionResult(IIntersectable intersectedObject)
     m_IntersectedObject = intersectedObject;
     m_Geom = intersectedObject.LineGeometry;
     m_Data = new List<IntersectionData>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
     m_Line = null;
     m_Intersects = new List<IntersectionResult>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <c>IntersectionFinder</c> for the specified geometry.
 /// Use this constructor when intersecting geometry that has been created ad-hoc.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geom">The geometry to intersect.</param>
 /// <param name="wantEndEnd">Specify true if you want end-to-end intersections in the results.</param>
 internal IntersectionFinder(LineGeometry geom, bool wantEndEnd)
     m_Line = geom;
     ISpatialIndex index = CadastralMapModel.Current.Index;
     m_Intersects = new FindIntersectionsQuery(index, geom, wantEndEnd).Result;
Beispiel #41
 public IList<Point> Intersection(IIntersectable shape)
     return shape.Intersection(this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this instance of IIntersectable contains the provided IIntersectable instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">IIntersectable object to check contention with</param>
        /// <returns>true if the IIntersectable object provided is completely contained within, false otherwise</returns>
        public virtual bool Contains(IIntersectable other)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //Vector3[] vertexes = new Vector3[]
            //	// Front
            //	// Upper right
            //	// Upper left
            //	// Lower left
            //	// Lower right

            //	// Back
            //	// Upper right
            //	// Upper left
            //	// Lower left
            //	// Lower right
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this instance of IIntersectable intersects with another
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">IIntersectable object to check intersection with</param>
        /// <returns>true if there is intersection, false otherwise</returns>
        public virtual bool Intersects(IIntersectable other)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //// float ra, rb;
            //// Matrix33 R, AbsR;
            //int i, j;

            //// Compute rotation matrix expressing b in a's coordinate frame
            //for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) ;
            //	//R[i][j] = Dot(a.u[i], b.u[j]);
            int TestOBBOBB(OBB &a, OBB &b)

               // Compute translation vector t
               Vector t = b.c - a.c;
               // Bring translation into a’s coordinate frame
               t = Vector(Dot(t, a.u[0]), Dot(t, a.u[2]), Dot(t, a.u[2]));
               // Compute common subexpressions. Add in an epsilon term to
               // counteract arithmetic errors when two edges are parallel and
               // their cross product is (near) null (see text for details)
               for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
              for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
             AbsR[i][j] = Abs(R[i][j]) + EPSILON;
               // Test axes L = A0, L = A1, L = A2
               for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
              ra = a.e[i];
              rb = b.e[0] * AbsR[i][0] + b.e[1] * AbsR[i][1] + b.e[2] * AbsR[i][2];
              if (Abs(t[i]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axes L = B0, L = B1, L = B2
               for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
              ra = a.e[0] * AbsR[0][i] + a.e[1] * AbsR[1][i] + a.e[2] * AbsR[2][i];
              rb = b.e[i];
              if (Abs(t[0] * R[0][i] + t[1] * R[1][i] + t[2] * R[2][i]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A0 x B0
               ra = a.e[1] * AbsR[2][0] + a.e[2] * AbsR[1][0];
               rb = b.e[1] * AbsR[0][2] + b.e[2] * AbsR[0][1];
               if (Abs(t[2] * R[1][0] - t[1] * R[2][0]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A0 x B1
               ra = a.e[1] * AbsR[2][1] + a.e[2] * AbsR[1][1];
               rb = b.e[0] * AbsR[0][2] + b.e[2] * AbsR[0][0];
               if (Abs(t[2] * R[1][1] - t[1] * R[2][1]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A0 x B2
               ra = a.e[1] * AbsR[2][2] + a.e[2] * AbsR[1][2];
               rb = b.e[0] * AbsR[0][1] + b.e[1] * AbsR[0][0];
               if (Abs(t[2] * R[1][2] - t[1] * R[2][2]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A1 x B0
               ra = a.e[0] * AbsR[2][0] + a.e[2] * AbsR[0][0];
               rb = b.e[1] * AbsR[1][2] + b.e[2] * AbsR[1][1];
               if (Abs(t[0] * R[2][0] - t[2] * R[0][0]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A1 x B1
               ra = a.e[0] * AbsR[2][1] + a.e[2] * AbsR[0][1];
               rb = b.e[0] * AbsR[1][2] + b.e[2] * AbsR[1][0];
               if (Abs(t[0] * R[2][1] - t[2] * R[0][1]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A1 x B2
               ra = a.e[0] * AbsR[2][2] + a.e[2] * AbsR[0][2];
               rb = b.e[0] * AbsR[1][1] + b.e[1] * AbsR[1][0];
               if (Abs(t[0] * R[2][2] - t[2] * R[0][2]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A2 x B0
               ra = a.e[0] * AbsR[1][0] + a.e[1] * AbsR[0][0];
               rb = b.e[1] * AbsR[2][2] + b.e[2] * AbsR[2][1];
               if (Abs(t[1] * R[0][0] - t[0] * R[1][0]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A2 x B1
               ra = a.e[0] * AbsR[1][1] + a.e[1] * AbsR[0][1];
               rb = b.e[0] * AbsR[2][2] + b.e[2] * AbsR[2][0];
               if (Abs(t[1] * R[0][1] - t[0] * R[1][1]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Test axis L = A2 x B2
               ra = a.e[0] * AbsR[1][2] + a.e[1] * AbsR[0][2];
               rb = b.e[0] * AbsR[2][1] + b.e[1] * AbsR[2][0];
               if (Abs(t[1] * R[0][2] - t[0] * R[1][2]) > ra + rb) return 0;
               // Since no separating axis is found, the OBBs must be intersecting
               return 1;
Beispiel #44
        public void AddGeometry(IIntersectable geometry)
            Ensure.That("geometry", geometry).IsNotNull();

        public Color DetermineRayColor(Ray ray, IIntersectable scene)
            var intersection = scene.FindClosestIntersectionWith(ray);

            return intersection == null ? Color.Black : intersection.Color;