private static void InterceptContext(IInterceptable interceptable, ContextAccessor <TDbContext> accessor)
        var nameDescriptor = InterceptionDescriptor.InterceptMethod("OnModelCreating");

        nameDescriptor.ParameterTypes = new[] { typeof(ModelBuilder) };
        nameDescriptor.PostAction     = (s, v) =>
            if (!accessor.DataOptions.Access.AutomaticMapping)

            var modelBuilder = v.Parameters?[0]?.As <ModelBuilder>() !;

            // 默认尝试创建迁移程序集的模型
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessor.RelationalExtension?.MigrationsAssembly))

            // 启用对实体加密属性功能的支持
            var converterFactory = accessor.OriginalContext.GetService <IEncryptionConverterFactory>();
            foreach (var entityType in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
                entityType.UseEncryption(converterFactory, accessor);
                entityType.UseQueryFilters(accessor.DataOptions.QueryFilters, accessor);

                accessor.ModelCreatedAction?.Invoke(entityType, accessor);
        internal static void AddInterceptorImpl <T>(this IInterceptable <T> interceptable, T interceptor)
            where T : IInterceptor
            if (interceptable.Interceptor == null)
                interceptable.Interceptor = interceptor;
            else if (interceptable.Interceptor is AggregatedInterceptor <T> aggregated)
                switch (interceptable)
                case IInterceptable <ICommandInterceptor> cmi when interceptor is ICommandInterceptor cm:
                    cmi.Interceptor = new AggregatedCommandInterceptor          {
                        Interceptors = { cmi.Interceptor !, cm }

                case IInterceptable <IConnectionInterceptor> ci when interceptor is IConnectionInterceptor c:
                    ci.Interceptor = new AggregatedConnectionInterceptor        {
                        Interceptors = { ci.Interceptor !, c }

                case IInterceptable <IDataContextInterceptor> dci when interceptor is IDataContextInterceptor dc:
                    dci.Interceptor = new AggregatedDataContextInterceptor      {
                        Interceptors = { dci.Interceptor !, dc }

                case IInterceptable <IEntityServiceInterceptor> esi when interceptor is IEntityServiceInterceptor es:
                    esi.Interceptor = new AggregatedEntityServiceInterceptor    {
                        Interceptors = { esi.Interceptor !, es }

                case IInterceptable <IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> wri when interceptor is IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor wr:
                    wri.Interceptor = new AggregatedUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor {
                        Interceptors = { wri.Interceptor !, wr }

                    throw new NotImplementedException($"AddInterceptor for '{typeof(T).Name}' is not implemented.");
        internal static void AddInterceptorImpl(this IInterceptable interceptable, IInterceptor interceptor)
            switch (interceptor)
            case ICommandInterceptor cm: AddInterceptorImpl((IInterceptable <ICommandInterceptor>)interceptable, cm); break;

            case IConnectionInterceptor cn: AddInterceptorImpl((IInterceptable <IConnectionInterceptor>)interceptable, cn); break;

            case IDataContextInterceptor dc: AddInterceptorImpl((IInterceptable <IDataContextInterceptor>)interceptable, dc); break;

            case IEntityServiceInterceptor es: AddInterceptorImpl((IInterceptable <IEntityServiceInterceptor>)interceptable, es); break;

            case IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor wr: AddInterceptorImpl((IInterceptable <IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>)interceptable, wr); break;
        internal static void RemoveInterceptor <T>(this IInterceptable <T> interceptable, IInterceptor interceptor)
            where T : IInterceptor
            if (interceptor is T i)
                switch (interceptable.Interceptor)
                case null:

                case AggregatedInterceptor <T> ae:

                case IInterceptor e when e == interceptor:
                    interceptable.Interceptor = default;
        public static T NotifyInterceptors <T>(this IInterceptable <T> interceptable, T change)
            var tracked = States.UntrackedStart();

                var interceptors = interceptable.Interceptors.ToList();
                foreach (var interceptor in interceptors)
                    change = interceptor(change);
                    if (change == null)
 public InterceptableList(IInterceptable interceptable, string propertyName)
     : this()
     Interceptable = interceptable;
     PropertyName = propertyName;
Beispiel #7
 public HomeController(IInterceptable <ISystemClock> clockAccessor)
     _clock = clockAccessor.Proxy;
     Debug.Assert(typeof(SystemClock) != _clock.GetType());
Beispiel #8
        protected virtual void DoNotifyPropertySet(object obj, string propertyName, ref object value, object oldValue, bool hasOldValue, ref bool cancel)
            IContext                ctx = this.Context;
            IObjectManager          om  = ctx.ObjectManager;
            IPersistenceEngine      pe  = ctx.PersistenceEngine;
            PropertyCancelEventArgs e;

            if (hasOldValue)
                e = new PropertyCancelEventArgs(obj, propertyName, value, oldValue, this.Context.ObjectManager.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyName));
                e = new PropertyCancelEventArgs(obj, propertyName, value, this.Context.ObjectManager.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyName), this.Context.ObjectManager.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyName));
            this.Context.EventManager.OnWritingProperty(this, e);
            if (e.Cancel)
                cancel = true;
            value = e.NewValue;
            IClassMap    classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
            IPropertyMap propertyMap;
            string       prevId;
            string       newId;

            propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(propertyName);

            if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None && value != null)
                if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.OneToMany || propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.OneToOne)
                    //parent object
                    IInterceptable ivalue = value as IInterceptable;
                    if (ivalue == null)
                        throw new NPersistException(string.Format("Object is not a NPersist managed object, do not use 'new' on Entities. (Property='{0}', Owner={1})", propertyName, obj));
                        if (ivalue.GetInterceptor().Context != this.Context)
                            throw new NPersistException(string.Format("Object does not belong to the same context object as the property owner. (Property='{0}', Owner={1})", propertyName, obj));
                        ObjectStatus valueObjectStatus = om.GetObjectStatus(value);
                        if (valueObjectStatus == ObjectStatus.UpForDeletion || valueObjectStatus == ObjectStatus.Deleted)
                            throw new DeletedObjectException(string.Format("Object has been deleted. (Object={0})", value), value);
                else if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.ManyToOne || propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.ManyToMany)
                    IInterceptableList ivalue = value as IInterceptableList;
                    if (ivalue == null)
                        throw new NPersistException(string.Format("List is not a NPersist managed list, do not use 'new' to initialize lists, NPersist does this for you. (Property='{0}', Owner={1})", propertyName, obj));
                    else if (ivalue.Interceptable.GetInterceptor().Context != this.Context)
                        throw new NPersistException(string.Format("List does not belong to the same context object as the property owner. (Property='{0}', Owner={1})", propertyName, obj));

            if (propertyMap.IsReadOnly)
                //Let read-only inverse properties through
                if (!(propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None && propertyMap.Inverse.Length > 0 && propertyMap.NoInverseManagement == false))
                    //Special - if someone forgot to make their ManyOne read-only,
                    //why bug them about it? (so don't add an "else" with an exception...)
                    if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.ManyToOne)
                        throw new ReadOnlyException("Property '" + classMap.Name + "." + propertyName + "' is read-only!");                         // do not localize
            PropertyStatus propStatus        = PropertyStatus.Clean;
            ObjectStatus   objStatus         = om.GetObjectStatus(obj);
            bool           hasPropertyStatus = false;

            if (objStatus == ObjectStatus.Deleted)
                throw new DeletedObjectException("The object has been deleted!", obj, propertyName);                 // do not localize
            else if (objStatus == ObjectStatus.UpForDeletion)
                throw new DeletedObjectException("The object has been registered as up for deletion!", obj, propertyName);                 // do not localize


            if (objStatus == ObjectStatus.UpForCreation)
            else if (objStatus == ObjectStatus.Clean)
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyName);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    pe.LoadProperty(obj, propertyName);
                if (!(hasOldValue))
                    if (!(om.ComparePropertyValues(obj, propertyName, value, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyName))))
            else if (objStatus == ObjectStatus.NotLoaded)
                propertyMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType()).MustGetPropertyMap(propertyName);
                if (!(propertyMap.IsIdentity))
                    propStatus        = this.Context.ObjectManager.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyName);
                    hasPropertyStatus = true;
                    //it would be sweet to be able to determine beforehand if this property would be part of the span
                    //that is loaded with LoadObject and only call LoadObject if that is the case....
                    if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                        hasPropertyStatus = false;
                        //this.Context.PersistenceEngine.LoadObject(ref obj);
                        this.Context.IdentityMap.LoadObject(ref obj, true);
                        if (obj == null)
                            throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Object not found!");                             // do not localize
                    if (!hasPropertyStatus)
                        propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyName);

                    if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                        pe.LoadProperty(obj, propertyName);

                if (!(hasOldValue))
                    if (!(om.ComparePropertyValues(obj, propertyName, value, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyName))))
            else if (objStatus == ObjectStatus.Dirty)
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyName);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    pe.LoadProperty(obj, propertyName);
            if (propertyMap.IsIdentity)
                prevId = om.GetObjectIdentity(obj);
                newId  = om.GetObjectIdentity(obj, propertyMap, value);
                if (prevId != newId)
                    ctx.IdentityMap.UpdateIdentity(obj, prevId, newId);
            om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyName, false);
            om.SetUpdatedStatus(obj, propertyName, true);
            if (hasOldValue)
                ctx.InverseManager.NotifyPropertySet(obj, propertyName, value, oldValue);
                ctx.InverseManager.NotifyPropertySet(obj, propertyName, value);
Beispiel #9
 public HomeController(IInterceptable <ISystomClock> interceptable)
     _clock = interceptable.Proxy;
Beispiel #10
 public HomeController(IInterceptable <ISystemClock> clockAccessor)
     _clock = clockAccessor.Proxy;
Beispiel #11
 public HomeController(IInterceptable <IFoobarService> service)
     _service = service.Proxy;
 public static bool HasInterceptors <T>(this IInterceptable <T> interceptable)
     return(interceptable.Interceptors.Count > 0);
        public static IDisposable ResigerInterceptor <T>(this IInterceptable <T> interceptable, Func <T, T> interceptor)

            return(new Disposable(() => interceptable.Interceptors.Remove(interceptor)));
 public InterceptableList(IInterceptable interceptable, string propertyName) : this()
     Interceptable = interceptable;
     PropertyName  = propertyName;