Beispiel #1
        public Processor(
            IProgressReporter progress,
            JsonSerializer serialiser,
            IConfigurationRepository configRepository,
            IDataProcessor processor,
            IInputFactory inputFactory)
            if (serialiser == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serialiser));

            if (progress == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(progress));

            if (configRepository == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configRepository));

            if (processor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(processor));

            this.serialiser       = serialiser;
            this.configRepository = configRepository;
            this.processor        = processor;
            this.inputFactory     = inputFactory;
            this.progress         = progress;
Beispiel #2
 public Application(
     ITextTransformer textTransformer,
     IInputFactory inputFactory,
     IOutputFactory outputFactory)
     this.textTransformer = textTransformer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textTransformer));
     this.inputFactory    = inputFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inputFactory));
     this.outputFactory   = outputFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputFactory));
Beispiel #3
        public static IInputFactory getInstance()
            if (instance == null)
                instance = new InputFactory();

Beispiel #4
 public World(GameSettings settings, IInputFactory inputFactory, IGraphicManager graphicManager)
     iteration = 0;
     this.inputFactory = inputFactory;
     this.graphicManager = graphicManager;
     RainClouds = new List<RainCloud>();
     Thunderstorms = new List<Thunderstorm>();
     Clouds = new List<Cloud>();
     Settings = settings;
Beispiel #5
        protected GameBase(Options options, IGamePlatformFactory gamePlatformFactory, IGraphicsFactory graphicsFactory, IInputFactory inputFactory)
            _options             = options;
            _gamePlatformFactory = gamePlatformFactory;
            GraphicsFactory      = graphicsFactory;
            _inputFactory        = inputFactory;
            _inputMapper         = new InputMapper(_inputFactory);

            _gameLoop = _gamePlatformFactory.CreateGameLoop();
Beispiel #6
 public World(GameSettings settings, IInputFactory inputFactory, IGraphicManager graphicManager)
     iteration           = 0;
     this.inputFactory   = inputFactory;
     this.graphicManager = graphicManager;
     RainClouds          = new List <RainCloud>();
     Thunderstorms       = new List <Thunderstorm>();
     Clouds   = new List <Cloud>();
     Settings = settings;
Beispiel #7
        public InputMapper(IInputFactory inputFactory)
            _inputFactory = inputFactory;
            _inputSources = new Dictionary <InputType, IInputSource>();

            _buttonMap      = new Dictionary <string, List <InputButton> >(32);
            _buttonValueMap = new Dictionary <InputButton, bool>(32);

            _axisMap      = new Dictionary <string, Axis>(32);
            _axisValueMap = new Dictionary <Axis, float>(32);
Beispiel #8
 public App(
     ITrackService trackService,
     ITimeService timeService,
     IInputFactory inputFactory,
     SpecialLengthSettings specialLength,
     Sessions sessions)
     _trackService  = trackService;
     _timeService   = timeService;
     _inputFactory  = inputFactory;
     _specialLength = specialLength;
     _sessions      = sessions;
Beispiel #9
 public RunnerWrapper(
     string filePath,
     EngineReference engineRef,
     IDisplayTarget displayTarget,
     ITextureFactory textureFactory,
     IInputFactory inputFactory)
     this.filePath      = filePath;
     this.engineRef     = engineRef;
     this.displayTarget = displayTarget;
     this.inputFactory  = inputFactory;
     this.runner        = new Runner(textureFactory);
Beispiel #10
        public DemoGame(
            Options options,
            IGamePlatformFactory gamePlatformFactory,
            IGraphicsFactory graphicsFactory,
            IInputFactory inputFactory)
            : base(options, gamePlatformFactory, graphicsFactory, inputFactory)
            _options          = options;
            _windowResolution = _options.Graphics.WindowResolution;
            _renderResolution = _options.Graphics.RenderResolution;
            _textureFactory   = graphicsFactory.CreateTextureFactory();

            _camera = new Camera(new Vector3(0, 0, 5), _windowResolution.Width / (float)_windowResolution.Height);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     The PixelVisionEngine constructor requires a render target and an
        ///     optional list of <paramref name="chips" /> to be properly configured.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="displayTarget"></param>
        /// <param name="inputFactory1"></param>
        /// <param name="chips"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <tocexclude />
        public PixelVisionEngine(IDisplayTarget displayTarget, IInputFactory inputFactory, string[] chips = null,
                                 string name = "Engine")
            this.displayTarget = displayTarget;
            this.inputFactory  = inputFactory;

            if (chips != null)
                defaultChips = chips;

   = name;

        public MainViewModel(IInputFactory inputFactory)
            IEnumerable <IInputFormViewModel> GetInputForms()
                string[] descriptions              = { "Enter Current Skill Points:", "Enter Required Skill Points:", "Enter Current Logdisks:", "Enter Logdisk Price:" };
                int[]    minValues                 = { 0, 1, 0, 0 };
                int[]    defaultValues             = { 0, 1, 0, 100 };
                int[]    increments                = { 5, 5, 25, 5 };
                int[]    maxValues                 = { 49, 50, 9_999_999, 100 };
                Action <SkillStats, int>[] actions =
                    (skillStats, currentValue) => skillStats.InitialResearchPoint = currentValue,
                    (skillStats, currentValue) => skillStats.FinalResearchPoint   = currentValue,
                    (skillStats, currentValue) => skillStats.LogdiskCount         = currentValue,
                    (skillStats, currentValue) => skillStats.LogdiskPrice         = currentValue

                for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index)
                    yield return(inputFactory.MakeInputForm(descriptions[index], minValues[index], defaultValues[index],
                                                            increments[index], maxValues[index], actions[index]));

            InputForms = GetInputForms().ToArray();
            Outputs    = new Output[]
                new Output(value => value, value => "Logdisk"),
                new Output(value => value * SkillStats.Instance.LogdiskPrice, value =>
                    if (value < 10_000)
                        return("One Coin");

                    if (value < 100_000)
                        return("Two Coins");

                    return("Three Coins");
Beispiel #13
 public KeyboardEmulatorService(ISendKeysService sendKeysService,
                                IXInputService xinputService,
                                IInputFactory inputFactory,
                                IMappingService mappingService)
     this.KeystrokeSubscription = xinputService.Keystrokes.Subscribe(keystroke =>
         if (this.IsEnabled)
             if (keystroke.Flags == KeyStrokeFlags.KeyDown)
                 var key = mappingService.Map(keystroke.VirtualKey);
                 if (key != null)
                     var inputs = inputFactory.GetKeyDownUp(key.Value);
Beispiel #14
 public App(IInputFactory inputFactory)
     this.inputFactory = inputFactory;
Beispiel #15
 public InputFormViewModel(IInputFactory inputFactory)
     _inputFactory = inputFactory;
Beispiel #16
 public InputManager(IInputFactory inputFactory)
     this.inputFactory = inputFactory;
 public InputFactoryTests(InputFactoryFixture inputFactoryFixture)
     _inputFactory = inputFactoryFixture.InputFactory;
 public InputService(IInputFactory inputFactory, IInputDispatcher inputDispatcher, IVFSLogger logger)
     this.inputFactory    = inputFactory;
     this.inputDispatcher = inputDispatcher;
     this.logger          = logger;