Beispiel #1
        public void Draw(Graphics canvas, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer, long timestamp, StyleHelper styleHelper)
            double opacityFactor = infosFading.GetOpacityFactor(timestamp);

            if (opacityFactor <= 0)

            using (SolidBrush brushBack = styleHelper.GetBackgroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                using (SolidBrush brushText = styleHelper.GetForegroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                    using (Font fontText = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale))
                        using (Pen penContour = styleHelper.GetForegroundPen((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                            // Note: recompute background size in case the font floored.
                            string text     = value.ToString();
                            SizeF  textSize = canvas.MeasureString(text, fontText);

                            Point bgLocation = transformer.Transform(background.Rectangle.Location);
                            Size  bgSize     = new Size((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);

                            SizeF untransformed = transformer.Untransform(textSize);
                            background.Rectangle = new RectangleF(background.Rectangle.Location, untransformed);

                            penContour.Width = 2;
                            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                            RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, rect, brushBack, fontText.Height / 4, false, true, penContour);
                            canvas.DrawString(text, fontText, brushText, rect.Location);
Beispiel #2
        public KeyframeLabel(PointF attachPoint, Color color, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer)
            this.attachLocation = attachPoint;
            int tx = -20;
            int ty = -50;

            if (transformer != null)
                tx = transformer.Untransform(-20);
                ty = transformer.Untransform(-50);

            background.Rectangle = new Rectangle(attachPoint.Translate(tx, ty).ToPoint(), Size.Empty);
            styleHelper.Font     = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            styleHelper.Bicolor  = new Bicolor(Color.FromArgb(160, color));
Beispiel #3
        public DrawingAngle(PointF origin, long timestamp, long averageTimeStampsPerFrame, DrawingStyle preset = null, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer = null)
            int length = 50;

            if (transformer != null)
                length = transformer.Untransform(50);

            points.Add("o", origin);
            points.Add("a", origin.Translate(length, 0));
            points.Add("b", origin.Translate(0, -length));

            styleHelper.Bicolor = new Bicolor(Color.Empty);
            styleHelper.Font    = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold);

            if (preset == null)
                preset = ToolManager.GetStylePreset("Angle");

            style = preset.Clone();

            // Fading
            infosFading = new InfosFading(timestamp, averageTimeStampsPerFrame);

            mnuSignedAngle.Click         += mnuSignedAngle_Click;
            mnuSignedAngle.Checked        = signedAngle;
            mnuCounterClockwise.Click    += mnuCounterClockwise_Click;
            mnuCounterClockwise.Checked   = counterClockwise;
            mnuSupplementaryAngle.Click  += mnuSupplementaryAngle_Click;
            mnuSupplementaryAngle.Checked = supplementaryAngle;
Beispiel #4
        public static bool HitTest(GraphicsPath path, PointF mouse, int lineSize, bool area, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer)
            if (!area)
                int expansion = 10;
                int enlarger  = Math.Max(1, transformer.Untransform(expansion));

                using (Pen pathPen = new Pen(Color.Black, lineSize + enlarger))
                    if (path.PathPoints.Length == 1)

            using (Region r = new Region(path))
Beispiel #5
        public DrawingAngle(PointF origin, long timestamp, long averageTimeStampsPerFrame, DrawingStyle preset = null, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer = null)
            int length = 50;

            if (transformer != null)
                length = transformer.Untransform(50);

            points.Add("o", origin);
            points.Add("a", origin.Translate(0, -length));
            points.Add("b", origin.Translate(length, 0));

            styleHelper.Bicolor = new Bicolor(Color.Empty);
            styleHelper.Font    = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold);

            if (preset == null)
                preset = ToolManager.GetStylePreset("Angle");

            style = preset.Clone();

            // Fading
            infosFading = new InfosFading(timestamp, averageTimeStampsPerFrame);

            mnuInvertAngle.Click += mnuInvertAngle_Click;
            mnuInvertAngle.Image  = Properties.Drawings.angleinvert;
Beispiel #6
        public static bool HitTest(PointF target, PointF mouse, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer)
            int radius    = 10;
            int boxRadius = Math.Max(1, transformer.Untransform(radius));

        // Note:
        // When using the planar calibration, the projection of the circle in world space and back in image space
        // creates an ellipse whose center is not exactly on the center of the original circle.
        // This is why there are extra checks to move the minilabel attachment point everytime the drawing moves,
        // changes size, or when the calibration changes.

        #region Constructor
        public DrawingCircle(PointF center, long timestamp, long averageTimeStampsPerFrame, DrawingStyle preset = null, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer = null)
   = center;
            miniLabel.SetAttach(center, true);

            if (transformer != null)
                this.radius = transformer.Untransform(25);

            this.radius      = Math.Min(radius, 10);
            this.infosFading = new InfosFading(timestamp, averageTimeStampsPerFrame);

            styleHelper.Color         = Color.Empty;
            styleHelper.LineSize      = 1;
            styleHelper.PenShape      = PenShape.Solid;
            styleHelper.ValueChanged += StyleHelper_ValueChanged;
            if (preset == null)
                preset = ToolManager.GetStylePreset("Circle");

            style = preset.Clone();

        public static bool HitTest(GraphicsPath path, PointF mouse, int lineSize, bool area, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer)
            if (!area)
                int expansion = 10;
                int enlarger  = Math.Max(1, transformer.Untransform(expansion));

                    using (Pen pathPen = new Pen(Color.Black, lineSize + enlarger))
                        if (path.PathPoints.Length == 1)
                    // Sometimes the path is invalid because it's too big or it collapsed.

            using (Region r = new Region(path))
Beispiel #9
        public override void Draw(Graphics canvas, DistortionHelper distorter, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer, bool selected, long currentTimestamp)
            double opacityFactor = infosFading.GetOpacityFactor(currentTimestamp);

            if (opacityFactor <= 0 || editing)

            using (SolidBrush brushBack = styleHelper.GetBackgroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 128)))
                using (SolidBrush brushText = styleHelper.GetForegroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                    using (Font fontText = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale))
                        // Note: recompute background size in case the font floored.
                        SizeF textSize   = canvas.MeasureString(text, fontText);
                        Point bgLocation = transformer.Transform(background.Rectangle.Location);
                        Size  bgSize     = new Size((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);

                        SizeF untransformed = transformer.Untransform(textSize);
                        background.Rectangle = new RectangleF(background.Rectangle.Location, untransformed);

                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                        RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, rect, brushBack, fontText.Height / 4, false, false, null);
                        canvas.DrawString(text, fontText, brushText, rect.Location);
Beispiel #10
        private void ComputeTextPosition(Angle angle, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer)
            int    imageTextDistance = transformer.Untransform(textDistance);
            double bissect           = (angle.Start + angle.Sweep / 2) * MathHelper.DegreesToRadians;
            int    adjacent          = (int)(Math.Cos(bissect) * imageTextDistance);
            int    opposed           = (int)(Math.Sin(bissect) * imageTextDistance);

            TextPosition = new Point(adjacent, opposed);
Beispiel #11
        public override void Draw(Graphics canvas, DistortionHelper distorter, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer, bool selected, long currentTimestamp)
            if (currentTimestamp < visibleTimestamp)

            double opacityFactor = 1.0;

            if (currentTimestamp > invisibleTimestamp)
                opacityFactor = infosFading.GetOpacityFactor(currentTimestamp);

            if (opacityFactor <= 0)

            timecode = GetTimecode(currentTimestamp);
            string text = timecode;

            using (SolidBrush brushBack = styleHelper.GetBackgroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 128)))
                using (SolidBrush brushText = styleHelper.GetForegroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                    using (Font fontText = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale))
                        SizeF textSize   = canvas.MeasureString(text, fontText);
                        Point bgLocation = transformer.Transform(mainBackground.Rectangle.Location);
                        Size  bgSize     = new Size((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);

                        SizeF untransformed = transformer.Untransform(textSize);
                        mainBackground.Rectangle = new RectangleF(mainBackground.Rectangle.Location, untransformed);

                        Rectangle rect           = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                        int       roundingRadius = fontText.Height / 4;
                        RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, rect, brushBack, roundingRadius, false, false, null);
                        canvas.DrawString(text, fontText, brushText, rect.Location);

                        if (showLabel && name.Length > 0)
                            using (Font fontLabel = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale * 0.5f))
                                // Note: the alignment here assumes fixed margins of the rounded rectangle class.
                                SizeF     lblTextSize         = canvas.MeasureString(name, fontLabel);
                                int       labelRoundingRadius = fontLabel.Height / 3;
                                int       top     = rect.Location.Y - (int)lblTextSize.Height - roundingRadius - labelRoundingRadius;
                                Rectangle lblRect = new Rectangle(rect.Location.X, top, (int)lblTextSize.Width, (int)lblTextSize.Height);
                                RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, lblRect, brushBack, labelRoundingRadius, true, false, null);
                                canvas.DrawString(name, fontLabel, brushText, lblRect.Location);
Beispiel #12
        private void FixIfNull(IImageToViewportTransformer transformer)
            int length = transformer.Untransform(50);

            if (points["a"].NearlyCoincideWith(points["o"]))
                points["a"] = points["o"].Translate(0, -length);

            if (points["b"].NearlyCoincideWith(points["o"]))
                points["b"] = points["o"].Translate(length, 0);
Beispiel #13
        public void Draw(Graphics canvas, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer, long timestamp, StyleHelper styleHelper)
            double fOpacityFactor = infosFading.GetOpacityFactor(timestamp);

            if (fOpacityFactor <= 0)

            int alpha = (int)(255 * fOpacityFactor);


            using (SolidBrush brushBack = styleHelper.GetBackgroundBrush((int)(fOpacityFactor * 255)))
                using (SolidBrush brushFront = styleHelper.GetForegroundBrush((int)(fOpacityFactor * 255)))
                    using (Pen penContour = styleHelper.GetForegroundPen((int)(fOpacityFactor * 255)))
                        using (Font f = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale))
                            // Note: recompute the background size each time in case font floored.
                            string text = value.ToString();
                            penContour.Width = 2;
                            SizeF textSize      = canvas.MeasureString(text, f);
                            Point bgLocation    = transformer.Transform(background.Rectangle.Location);
                            SizeF untransformed = transformer.Untransform(textSize);
                            background.Rectangle = new RectangleF(background.Rectangle.Location, untransformed);

                            Size bgSize;
                            if (value < 10)
                                bgSize = new Size((int)textSize.Height, (int)textSize.Height);
                                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                                canvas.FillEllipse(brushBack, rect);
                                canvas.DrawEllipse(penContour, rect);
                                bgSize = new Size((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);
                                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                                RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, rect, brushBack, f.Height / 4, false, true, penContour);

                            int   verticalShift = (int)(textSize.Height / 10);
                            Point textLocation  = new Point(bgLocation.X + (int)((bgSize.Width - textSize.Width) / 2), bgLocation.Y + verticalShift);
                            canvas.DrawString(text, f, brushFront, textLocation);
Beispiel #14
        public override void Draw(Graphics canvas, DistortionHelper distorter, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer, bool selected, long currentTimestamp)
            double opacity = infosFading.GetOpacityFactor(currentTimestamp);

            if (opacity <= 0)

            //int backgroundOpacity = editing ? 255 : 192;
            int backgroundOpacity = 255;

            using (SolidBrush brushBack = styleHelper.GetBackgroundBrush((int)(opacity * backgroundOpacity)))
                using (SolidBrush brushText = styleHelper.GetForegroundBrush((int)(opacity * 255)))
                    using (Pen pen = styleHelper.GetPen(backgroundOpacity))
                        using (Font fontText = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale))
                            SizeF textSize   = canvas.MeasureString(text, fontText);
                            Point bgLocation = transformer.Transform(background.Rectangle.Location);
                            Size  bgSize     = new Size((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);

                            SizeF untransformed = transformer.Untransform(textSize);
                            background.Rectangle = new RectangleF(background.Rectangle.Location, untransformed);

                            Rectangle rect           = new Rectangle(bgLocation, bgSize);
                            int       roundingRadius = fontText.Height / 4;

                            if (showArrow)
                                pen.Color = brushBack.Color;
                                pen.Width = fontText.Height / 4;
                                Point arrowStartInScreen = rect.Center();
                                Point arrowEndInScreen   = transformer.Transform(arrowEnd);
                                canvas.DrawLine(pen, arrowStartInScreen, arrowEndInScreen);
                                ArrowHelper.Draw(canvas, pen, arrowEndInScreen, arrowStartInScreen);

                            RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, rect, brushBack, roundingRadius, false, false, null);

                            if (!editing)
                                canvas.DrawString(text, fontText, brushText, rect.Location);
Beispiel #15
        public DrawingCircle(PointF center, long timestamp, long averageTimeStampsPerFrame, DrawingStyle preset = null, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer = null)
   = center;

            if (transformer != null)
                this.radius = transformer.Untransform(25);

            this.radius      = Math.Min(radius, 10);
            this.infosFading = new InfosFading(timestamp, averageTimeStampsPerFrame);

            styleHelper.Color    = Color.Empty;
            styleHelper.LineSize = 1;

            if (preset == null)
                preset = ToolManager.GetStylePreset("Circle");

            style = preset.Clone();
Beispiel #16
        public void Draw(Graphics canvas, IImageToViewportTransformer transformer, double opacityFactor)
            using (SolidBrush fillBrush = styleHelper.GetBackgroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                using (Pen p = styleHelper.GetBackgroundPen((int)(opacityFactor * 64)))
                    using (Font f = styleHelper.GetFont((float)transformer.Scale))
                        using (SolidBrush fontBrush = styleHelper.GetForegroundBrush((int)(opacityFactor * 255)))
                            SizeF textSize = canvas.MeasureString(text, f);
                            Point location = transformer.Transform(background.Rectangle.Location);
                            Size  size     = new Size((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);

                            SizeF untransformed = transformer.Untransform(textSize);
                            background.Rectangle = new RectangleF(background.Rectangle.Location, untransformed);

                            Point attch  = transformer.Transform(attachLocation);
                            Point center = transformer.Transform(background.Center);
                            canvas.FillEllipse(fillBrush, attch.Box(2));
                            canvas.DrawLine(p, attch, center);

                            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(location, size);
                            RoundedRectangle.Draw(canvas, rect, fillBrush, f.Height / 4, false, false, null);
                            canvas.DrawString(text, f, fontBrush, rect.Location);