        private void CreateCalibratedFile(double [] calibration, double [] errors)
            // No Calibration So Make Something up
            if (calibration == null)
                calibration = new double[720];
                for (int i = 0; i < 720; i++)
                    calibration[i] = i * 3.0;

            // Size of data passed in
            ushort[] cosine = new ushort[calibration.Length];

            // Generate Curves (Amplitude 100)
            for (int pix = 0; pix < calibration.Length; pix++)
                // Convert To Angle
                double angle = Math.PI * ((double)pix - 360) / 180.0;
                // Compute Points
                cosine[pix] = (ushort)((double)100 * (Math.Cos(angle) + (double)1));

            // Mkae a region of interest (Single Strip)
            RegionOfInterest roi = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, calibration.Length, 1, 1, 1);

            // Get the file manager
            var filemgr = LightFieldApplication.FileManager;

            if (filemgr != null)
                RegionOfInterest[] rois          = { roi };
                string             root          = (string)LightFieldApplication.Experiment.GetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationDirectory);
                IImageDataSet      calSampleData = filemgr.CreateFile(root + "\\CalibrationSample.Spe", rois, 1, ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned16);

                // Put Data to frame 1
                IImageData data1 = calSampleData.GetFrame(0, 0);

                // Update The XML for the new document
                SetCalibrationAndError(calSampleData, calibration, errors);

                // Close the file
Beispiel #2
        //  Change some of the values in the underlying IImageDataSet
        void ModifyDataExample(IImageDataSet imageData, int roiIdx)
            // Demostrate how to access the data and change it
            var rois = imageData.Regions;

            // Get the width & the height
            int h = rois[roiIdx].Height;
            int w = rois[roiIdx].Width;

            // Get sub image arrays from the data set
            IImageData row = imageData.GetRow(roiIdx, 0, h / 2);
            IImageData col = imageData.GetColumn(roiIdx, 0, w / 2);
            IImageData pix = imageData.GetPixel(roiIdx, 0, h / 2, w / 2);

            // Create new arrays to replace data
            ushort[] rowData = new ushort[w];
            ushort[] colData = new ushort[h];
            ushort[] pixData = new ushort[1];

            // Build up new data with values
            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                rowData[x] = (ushort)(5000 + x);
            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                colData[y] = (ushort)(10000 + y);

            // bright pixel
            pixData[0] = 65535;

            // Push back to original buffer
Beispiel #3
        // Perform the actual transformation
        public void Transform(IImageData data, int roi)
            // Hint use locals (accessing on Interface forces boundary crossing)
            // that will be unbearably slow.
            int dW = data.Width;    // Boundary Crossing
            int dH = data.Height;   // Boundary Crossing

            switch (data.Format)
            case ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned16:
                ushort[] ptr = (ushort[])data.GetData();             // Input Data

                // Loop Width & Height(Quick and Dirty Padding Of 2)
                // This Avoids a lot of boundary checking or reflection and increases speed
                for (int xx = 2; xx < dW - 2; xx++)
                    for (int yy = 2; yy < dH - 2; yy++)
                        double GY = 0, GX = 0;
                        // Compute the X and Y Components
                        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                            int idx = indexBuffers_[roi][xx, yy, i];
                            GY += ptr[idx] * gy[i];
                            GX += ptr[idx] * gx[i];
                        // Magnitude
                        double G = Math.Sqrt(GX * GX + GY * GY);

                        // Put the Magnitude into the output buffer
                        retDataUs_[roi][yy * dW + xx] = (ushort)G;
                // Write the output buffer to the IImageData
                // Boundary Crossing

            case ImageDataFormat.MonochromeUnsigned32:
                uint[] ptr = (uint[])data.GetData();             // Input Data

                // Loop Width & Height(Quick and Dirty Padding Of 2)
                // This Avoids a lot of boundary checking or reflection and increases speed
                for (int xx = 2; xx < dW - 2; xx++)
                    for (int yy = 2; yy < dH - 2; yy++)
                        double GY = 0, GX = 0;
                        // Compute the X and Y Components
                        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                            int idx = indexBuffers_[roi][xx, yy, i];
                            GY += ptr[idx] * gy[i];
                            GX += ptr[idx] * gx[i];
                        // Magnitude
                        double G = Math.Sqrt(GX * GX + GY * GY);

                        // Put the Magnitude into the output buffer
                        retDataI_[roi][yy * dW + xx] = (uint)G;
                // Write the output buffer to the IImageData
                // Boundary Crossing

            case ImageDataFormat.MonochromeFloating32:
                float[] ptr = (float[])data.GetData();             // Input Data

                // Loop Width & Height(Quick and Dirty Padding Of 2)
                // This Avoids a lot of boundary checking or reflection and increases speed
                for (int xx = 2; xx < dW - 2; xx++)
                    for (int yy = 2; yy < dH - 2; yy++)
                        double GY = 0, GX = 0;
                        // Compute the X and Y Components
                        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                            int idx = indexBuffers_[roi][xx, yy, i];
                            GY += ptr[idx] * gy[i];
                            GX += ptr[idx] * gx[i];
                        // Magnitude
                        double G = Math.Sqrt(GX * GX + GY * GY);

                        // Put the Magnitude into the output buffer
                        retDataF_[roi][yy * dW + xx] = (float)G;
                // Write the output buffer to the IImageData
                // Boundary Crossing
Beispiel #4
        //  The following routine demonstrates how to create files using the
        //  LightField Addin SDK.
        //  Create 1 File with 2 Frames and 1 Region  (TwoFrameOneRoi.Spe)
        //  Create 1 File with 1 Frames and 2 Regions (OneFrameTwoRoi.Spe)
        private void GenerateFiles()
            // Get the addin file manager
            var filemgr = LightFieldApplication.FileManager;

            if (filemgr != null)
                // Part 1: Two Frames 1 Region
                int[] w1 = { 100 };
                int[] h1 = { 200 };

                // Pseudo Frame 1 Region 1, Frame 2 Region 1
                ushort[] frame1 = new ushort[100 * 200];
                ushort[] frame2 = new ushort[100 * 200];
                for (int pix = 0; pix < 100 * 200; pix++)
                    frame1[pix] = (ushort)pix;
                    frame2[pix] = (ushort)(pix * 2);

                // Folder Selector
                var dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
                dialog.Description = "Please choose folder for resulting SPE file(s).";
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();

                // Something bad happened we don't want to write the files.
                if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                // Local variable containing path
                string path = dialog.SelectedPath;

                // Create a file with 2 frames and the proper width and height
                // The file is initially created as empty and the user must load data to it.
                RegionOfInterest   roi            = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, w1[0], h1[0], 1, 1);
                RegionOfInterest[] rois           = { roi };
                IImageDataSet      TwoFrameOneRoi = filemgr.CreateFile(path + "\\TwoFrameOneRoi.spe",
                                                                       2,     // Frames

                // Put Data to frame 1
                IImageData data1 = TwoFrameOneRoi.GetFrame(0, 0);

                // Put Data to frame 2
                IImageData data2 = TwoFrameOneRoi.GetFrame(0, 1);

                // Finally close this file

                // Part 2: 1 Frame 2 Regions
                int[] w2 = { 300, 500 };
                int[] h2 = { 400, 600 };

                // Pseudo Frame 2 Region 1
                ushort[] frame1_roi1 = new ushort[300 * 400];
                for (int pix = 0; pix < 300 * 400; pix++)
                    frame1_roi1[pix] = (ushort)pix;

                // Pseudo Frame 2 Region 2
                ushort[] frame1_roi2 = new ushort[500 * 600];
                for (int pix = 0; pix < 500 * 600; pix++)
                    frame1_roi2[pix] = (ushort)pix;

                // Create a file, get the buffer and fill it in for each region
                // The file is initially created as empty and the user must load data to it.
                // The regions can not overlap
                RegionOfInterest   r1             = new RegionOfInterest(0, 0, w2[0], h2[0], 1, 1);
                RegionOfInterest   r2             = new RegionOfInterest(w2[0] + 1, h2[0] + 1, w2[1], h2[1], 1, 1);
                RegionOfInterest[] rois2          = { r1, r2 };
                IImageDataSet      OneFrameTwoRoi = filemgr.CreateFile(path + "\\OneFrameTwoRoi.spe",
                                                                       1,     // Frames

                // Put Data To Region 1
                IImageData data2_roi1 = OneFrameTwoRoi.GetFrame(0, 0);

                // Data To Region 2
                IImageData data2_roi2 = OneFrameTwoRoi.GetFrame(1, 0);

                // Finally close this file