/// <summary> /// Geolocate an IP address /// </summary> /// Identify an IP address Country, State/Provence, City, Zip/Postal Code, /// etc. Useful for security and UX applications. /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='value'> /// IP address to geolocate, e.g. "" /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> public static async Task <PostOKResponse> PostAsync(this IIPAddress operations, string value, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { using (var _result = await operations.PostWithHttpMessagesAsync(value, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { return(_result.Body); } }
/// <summary> /// Parsed the given string representation into a new IIPAddress. /// </summary> /// <param name="IPAddressString">A string representation of an IP address.</param> /// <param name="IPAddress">The parsed IP address.</param> public static Boolean TryParse(String IPAddressString, out IIPAddress IPAddress) { IPv4Address _IPv4Address; if (IPAddressString.IndexOf('.') > 0) { if (IPv4Address.TryParse(IPAddressString, out _IPv4Address)) { IPAddress = _IPv4Address; return(true); } } IPv6Address _IPv6Address; if (IPAddressString.IndexOf(':') > 0) { if (IPv6Address.TryParse(IPAddressString, out _IPv6Address)) { IPAddress = _IPv6Address; return(true); } } throw new FormatException("The given string '" + IPAddressString + "' is not a valid IP address!"); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new UDP receiver listening on the given IP address and port. /// </summary> /// <param name="IPAddress">The IP address to listen.</param> /// <param name="Port">The port to listen.</param> /// <param name="ServiceBanner">Service banner.</param> /// <param name="Mapper">A delegate to transform the incoming UDP packets into custom data structures.</param> /// <param name="ReceiverThreadName">The optional name of the UDP receiver thread.</param> /// <param name="ReceiverThreadPriority">The optional priority of the UDP receiver thread.</param> /// <param name="ReceiverThreadIsBackground">Whether the UDP receiver thread is a background thread or not.</param> /// <param name="PacketThreadsNameCreator">An optional delegate to set the name of the UDP packet threads.</param> /// <param name="PacketThreadsPriority">The optional priority of the UDP packet threads.</param> /// <param name="PacketThreadsAreBackground">Whether the UDP packet threads are background threads or not.</param> /// <param name="Autostart">Start the UDP receiver thread immediately.</param> public UDPReceiver(IIPAddress IPAddress, IPPort Port, String ServiceBanner = DefaultServiceBanner, MapperDelegate Mapper = null, MapReduceDelegate MapReduce = null, String ReceiverThreadName = "UDP receiver thread", ThreadPriority ReceiverThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, Boolean ReceiverThreadIsBackground = true, Func <UDPPacket <TData>, String> PacketThreadsNameCreator = null, ThreadPriority PacketThreadsPriority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, Boolean PacketThreadsAreBackground = true, Boolean Autostart = false) { if (Mapper == null && MapReduce == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The mapper and mapreduce delegate can not be both null!"); } this._IPAddress = IPAddress; this._IsMulticast = IPAddress.IsMulticast; this._Port = Port; this._IPSocket = new IPSocket(_IPAddress, _Port); this.ServiceBanner = ServiceBanner; this.Mapper = Mapper; this.MapReduce = MapReduce; this._ReceiverThreadName = ReceiverThreadName; this._ReceiverThreadPriority = ReceiverThreadPriority; this.PacketThreadsNameCreator = (PacketThreadsNameCreator == null) ? UDPpacket => "UDP packet from " + UDPpacket.RemoteSocket.IPAddress + ":" + UDPpacket.RemoteSocket.Port : PacketThreadsNameCreator; this._PacketThreadsPriority = PacketThreadsPriority; this._PacketThreadsAreBackground = PacketThreadsAreBackground; var LocalIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(new System.Net.IPAddress(_IPAddress.GetBytes()), _Port.ToInt32()); this.LocalSocket = new IPSocket(LocalIPEndPoint); this.LocalDotNetSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); this.LocalDotNetSocket.Bind(LocalIPEndPoint); this.BufferSize = 65536; this.ReceiveTimeout = 5000; if (IsMulticast) { LocalDotNetSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.AddMembership, new MulticastOption(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(_IPAddress.ToString()), System.Net.IPAddress.Any)); } this.CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); this.CancellationToken = CancellationTokenSource.Token; if (Autostart) { Start(); } }
/// <summary>Determines whether a string is a valid IP address.</summary> /// <returns>true if <paramref name="ipString" /> is a valid IP address; otherwise, false.</returns> /// <param name="ipString">The string to validate.</param> /// <param name="address">The <see cref="T:System.Net.IPAddress" /> version of the string.</param> public static bool TryParse([NotNull] string ipString, [CanBeNull] out IIPAddress address) { var parsed = IPAddress.TryParse(ipString, out var tempAddress); address = tempAddress.ToInterface(); return(parsed); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new DNS resolver client. /// </summary> /// <param name="DNSServer">The DNS server to query.</param> public DNSClient(IIPAddress DNSServer) : this(new IPSocket[1] { new IPSocket(DNSServer, new IPPort(53)) }) { }
/// <summary> /// Create a new DNS resolver client. /// </summary> /// <param name="DNSServer">The DNS server to query.</param> /// <param name="Port">The IP port of the DNS server to query.</param> public DNSClient(IIPAddress DNSServer, IPPort Port) : this(new IPSocket[1] { new IPSocket(DNSServer, Port) }) { }
/// <summary>Determines whether a string is a valid IP address.</summary> /// <returns>true if <paramref name="ipString" /> is a valid IP address; otherwise, false.</returns> /// <param name="ipString">The string to validate.</param> /// <param name="address">The <see cref="T:System.Net.IPAddress" /> version of the string.</param> public static bool TryParse(string ipString, out IIPAddress address) { IPAddress tempAddress; var parsed = IPAddress.TryParse(ipString, out tempAddress); address = tempAddress.ToInterface(); return(parsed); }
public static void SendTo(this UDPClient UDPClient, String UDPPacketString, IIPAddress RemoteIPAddress, IPPort IPPort, Encoding Encoding = null, SocketFlags SocketFlags = SocketFlags.None) { if (Encoding == null) Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; var UDPPacketData = Encoding.GetBytes(UDPPacketString); var RemoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(RemoteIPAddress.GetBytes()), IPPort.ToInt32()); UDPClient.SendTo(UDPPacketData, RemoteIPEndPoint, SocketFlags); }
/// <summary> /// Start a new TCP/HTTP/REST based graph server. /// </summary> /// <param name="Graph">A graph.</param> /// <param name="IIPAddress">The listening IP address(es).</param> /// <param name="Port">The listening port.</param> /// <param name="Autostart">Autostart the server.</param> public static IBifrostHTTPServer StartHTTPServer(this IGenericPropertyGraph<String, Int64, String, String, Object, String, Int64, String, String, Object, String, Int64, String, String, Object, String, Int64, String, String, Object> Graph, IIPAddress IIPAddress, IPPort Port, Boolean Autostart = false) { var Server = new BifrostHTTPServer(IIPAddress, Port, Autostart); Server.AddGraph(Graph); return Server; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new HTTPClient using the given optional parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="RemoteIPAddress">The remote IP address to connect to.</param> /// <param name="RemoteCertificateValidator">A delegate to verify the remote TLS certificate.</param> /// <param name="ClientCert">The TLS client certificate to use.</param> /// <param name="RemotePort">An optional remote IP port to connect to [default: 443].</param> /// <param name="DNSClient">An optional DNS client.</param> public HTTPSClient(IIPAddress RemoteIPAddress, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback RemoteCertificateValidator, X509Certificate ClientCert = null, IPPort RemotePort = null, DNSClient DNSClient = null) : base(RemoteIPAddress, RemotePort != null ? RemotePort : IPPort.Parse(443), RemoteCertificateValidator, ClientCert, DNSClient) { }
// public LocalCertificateSelectionCallback ClientCertificateSelector { get; set; } #endregion #region Events #endregion #region Constructor(s) #region HTTPClient(RemoteIPAddress, RemotePort, RemoteCertificateValidator = null, ClientCert = null, DNSClient = null) /// <summary> /// Create a new HTTPClient using the given optional parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="RemoteIPAddress">The remote IP address to connect to.</param> /// <param name="RemotePort">The remote IP port to connect to.</param> /// <param name="RemoteCertificateValidator">A delegate to verify the remote TLS certificate.</param> /// <param name="ClientCert">The TLS client certificate to use.</param> /// <param name="DNSClient">An optional DNS client.</param> public HTTPClient(IIPAddress RemoteIPAddress, IPPort RemotePort, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback RemoteCertificateValidator = null, X509Certificate ClientCert = null, DNSClient DNSClient = null) { this.RemoteIPAddress = RemoteIPAddress; this.Hostname = RemoteIPAddress.ToString(); this.RemotePort = RemotePort; this.RemoteCertificateValidator = RemoteCertificateValidator; this.ClientCert = ClientCert; this.DNSClient = DNSClient == null ? new DNSClient() : DNSClient; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize the TCP server using the given parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="IIPAddress">The listening IP address(es)</param> /// <param name="Port">The listening port</param> /// <param name="ServiceBanner">Service banner.</param> /// <param name="SplitCharacters">An enumeration of delimiters to split the incoming CSV line into individual elements.</param> /// <param name="ServerThreadName">The optional name of the TCP server thread.</param> /// <param name="ServerThreadPriority">The optional priority of the TCP server thread.</param> /// <param name="ServerThreadIsBackground">Whether the TCP server thread is a background thread or not.</param> /// <param name="ConnectionIdBuilder">An optional delegate to build a connection identification based on IP socket information.</param> /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder">An optional delegate to set the name of the TCP connection threads.</param> /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder">An optional delegate to set the priority of the TCP connection threads.</param> /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsAreBackground">Whether the TCP connection threads are background threads or not (default: yes).</param> /// <param name="ConnectionTimeout">The TCP client timeout for all incoming client connections in seconds (default: 30 sec).</param> /// <param name="MaxClientConnections">The maximum number of concurrent TCP client connections (default: 4096).</param> /// <param name="Autostart">Start the TCP/CSV server thread immediately (default: no).</param> public TCPCSVServer(IIPAddress IIPAddress, IPPort Port, String ServiceBanner = __DefaultServiceBanner, IEnumerable <Char> SplitCharacters = null, String ServerThreadName = null, ThreadPriority ServerThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, Boolean ServerThreadIsBackground = true, ConnectionIdBuilder ConnectionIdBuilder = null, ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder = null, ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder = null, Boolean ConnectionThreadsAreBackground = true, TimeSpan?ConnectionTimeout = null, UInt32 MaxClientConnections = __DefaultMaxClientConnections, Boolean Autostart = false) : base(IIPAddress, Port, ServiceBanner, ServerThreadName, ServerThreadPriority, ServerThreadIsBackground, ConnectionIdBuilder, ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder, ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder, ConnectionThreadsAreBackground, ConnectionTimeout, MaxClientConnections, false) { this.ServiceBanner = ServiceBanner; this.SplitCharacters = SplitCharacters != null?SplitCharacters.ToArray() : DefaultSpitCharacters; this._TCPCSVProcessor = new TCPCSVProcessor(this.SplitCharacters); this.SendTo(_TCPCSVProcessor); // this.OnNewConnection += (TCPServer, Timestamp, RemoteSocket, ConnectionId, TCPConnection) => SendNewConnection (Timestamp, RemoteSocket, ConnectionId, TCPConnection); // this.OnConnectionClosed += (TCPServer, Timestamp, RemoteSocket, ConnectionId, ClosedBy) => SendConnectionClosed(Timestamp, RemoteSocket, ConnectionId, ClosedBy); this._TCPCSVCommandProcessor = new TCPCSVCommandProcessor(); this._TCPCSVProcessor.ConnectTo(_TCPCSVCommandProcessor); this._TCPCSVCommandProcessor.OnNotification += ProcessBoomerang; if (Autostart) { Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// Compares two instances of this object. /// </summary> /// <param name="Object">An object to compare with.</param> /// <returns>true|false</returns> public Int32 CompareTo(IIPAddress IIPAddress) { if (IIPAddress == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The given IIPAddress must not be null!"); } // Check if the given object can be casted to an IPv4Address var _IPv4Address = IIPAddress as IPv4Address; if ((Object)_IPv4Address == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The given IIPAddress is not an IPv4Address!"); } return(this.CompareTo(_IPv4Address)); }
private Socket CreateAndConnectTCPSocket(IIPAddress _IPAddress, IPPort Port) { Socket _TCPSocket = null; if (_IPAddress is IPv4Address) { _TCPSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); } else if (_IPAddress is IPv6Address) { _TCPSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); } _TCPSocket.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(_IPAddress.ToString()), Port.ToUInt16()); return(_TCPSocket); }
public IOTDevice(CLI CLI, SIM_Id?SIMNumber, String SOC, String InternalSOC, String Description, IIPAddress IPAddress, DateTime?StartDate, DateTime?EndDate, String FriendlyName, String Hints, String ProvisioningMetaData, Byte?Status, Byte?Version, Byte?ActorStatus, Byte?NetworkStatus, Boolean?Enabled, Boolean?LockIMEI, String IMEI, DateTime?LastSync, Last_Connected?LastConnected_Start) { this.CLI = CLI; this.SIMNumber = SIMNumber; this.SOC = SOC; this.InternalSOC = InternalSOC; this.Description = Description; this.IPAddress = IPAddress; this.StartDate = StartDate; this.EndDate = EndDate; this.FriendlyName = FriendlyName; this.Hints = Hints; this.ProvisioningMetaData = ProvisioningMetaData; this.Status = Status; this.Version = Version; this.ActorStatus = ActorStatus; this.NetworkStatus = NetworkStatus; this.Enabled = Enabled; this.LockIMEI = LockIMEI; this.IMEI = IMEI; this.LastSync = LastSync; this.LastConnected = LastConnected; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new UDP/CSV receiver listening on the given IP address and port. /// </summary> /// <param name="IPAddress">The IP address to listen.</param> /// <param name="Port">The port to listen.</param> /// <param name="ServiceBanner">Service banner.</param> /// <param name="Splitter">An array of delimiters to split the incoming CSV line into individual elements.</param> /// <param name="ReceiverThreadName">The optional name of the UDP receiver thread.</param> /// <param name="ReceiverThreadPriority">The optional priority of the UDP receiver thread.</param> /// <param name="ReceiverThreadIsBackground">Whether the UDP receiver thread is a background thread or not.</param> /// <param name="PacketThreadsNameCreator">An optional delegate to set the name of the UDP packet threads.</param> /// <param name="PacketThreadsPriority">The optional priority of the UDP packet threads.</param> /// <param name="PacketThreadsAreBackground">Whether the UDP packet threads are background threads or not.</param> /// <param name="Autostart">Start the UDP receiver thread immediately.</param> public UDPCSVReceiver(IIPAddress IPAddress, IPPort Port, String ServiceBanner = DefaultServiceBanner, IEnumerable <String> Splitter = null, String ReceiverThreadName = "UDP receiver thread", ThreadPriority ReceiverThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, Boolean ReceiverThreadIsBackground = true, Func <UDPPacket <IEnumerable <String> >, String> PacketThreadsNameCreator = null, ThreadPriority PacketThreadsPriority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, Boolean PacketThreadsAreBackground = true, Boolean Autostart = false) : base(IPAddress, Port, ServiceBanner, // Mapper delegate <= do not use! null, // MapReduce delegate <= will automatically be reduced to multiple events! (UDPReceiver, Timestamp, LocalSocket, RemoteSocket, Message) => Message.ToUTF8String(). Trim(). Split(LineEndings, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries). Select(CSVLine => CSVLine.Trim(). Split((Splitter != null) ? Splitter.ToArray() : DefaultSplitter, StringSplitOptions.None). Select(CSVElement => CSVElement.Trim())), ReceiverThreadName, ReceiverThreadPriority, ReceiverThreadIsBackground, PacketThreadsNameCreator, PacketThreadsPriority, PacketThreadsAreBackground, Autostart) { this._Splitter = (Splitter != null) ? Splitter.ToArray() : DefaultSplitter; }
/// <summary> /// Compares two instances of this object. /// </summary> /// <param name="IIPAddress">An IIPAddress.</param> /// <returns>true|false</returns> public Boolean Equals(IIPAddress IIPAddress) { if ((Object)IIPAddress == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The given IIPAddress must not be null!"); } if (_Length != IIPAddress.Length) { return(false); } // Check if the given IIPAddress can be casted to an IPv4Address var _IPv4Address = IIPAddress as IPv4Address; if ((Object)_IPv4Address == null) { return(false); } return(this.Equals(_IPv4Address)); }
/// <summary> /// Parsed the given string representation into a new IIPAddress. /// </summary> /// <param name="IPAddressString">A string representation of an IP address.</param> /// <param name="IPAddress">The parsed IP address.</param> public static Boolean TryParse(String IPAddressString, out IIPAddress IPAddress) { IPv4Address _IPv4Address; if (IPAddressString.IndexOf('.') > 0) if (IPv4Address.TryParse(IPAddressString, out _IPv4Address)) { IPAddress = _IPv4Address; return true; } IPv6Address _IPv6Address; if (IPAddressString.IndexOf(':') > 0) if (IPv6Address.TryParse(IPAddressString, out _IPv6Address)) { IPAddress = _IPv6Address; return true; } throw new FormatException("The given string '" + IPAddressString + "' is not a valid IP address!"); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void JoinMulticastGroup(IIPAddress multicastAddr) { _client.JoinMulticastGroup(multicastAddr.ToImplementation()); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void JoinMulticastGroup(int ifindex, IIPAddress multicastAddr) { _client.JoinMulticastGroup(ifindex, multicastAddr.ToImplementation()); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void DropMulticastGroup(IIPAddress multicastAddr, int ifindex) { _client.DropMulticastGroup(multicastAddr.ToImplementation(), ifindex); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize the TCP server using the given parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="IIPAddress">The listening IP address(es)</param> /// <param name="Port">The listening port</param> /// <param name="ServiceBanner">Service banner.</param> /// <param name="ServerThreadName">The optional name of the TCP server thread.</param> /// <param name="ServerThreadPriority">The optional priority of the TCP server thread.</param> /// <param name="ServerThreadIsBackground">Whether the TCP server thread is a background thread or not.</param> /// <param name="ConnectionIdBuilder">An optional delegate to build a connection identification based on IP socket information.</param> /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder">An optional delegate to set the name of the TCP connection threads.</param> /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder">An optional delegate to set the priority of the TCP connection threads.</param> /// <param name="ConnectionThreadsAreBackground">Whether the TCP connection threads are background threads or not (default: yes).</param> /// <param name="ConnectionTimeout">The TCP client timeout for all incoming client connections in seconds (default: 30 sec).</param> /// <param name="MaxClientConnections">The maximum number of concurrent TCP client connections (default: 4096).</param> /// <param name="Autostart">Start the TCP server thread immediately (default: no).</param> public TCPServer(IIPAddress IIPAddress, IPPort Port, String ServiceBanner = __DefaultServiceBanner, String ServerThreadName = null, ThreadPriority ServerThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, Boolean ServerThreadIsBackground = true, ConnectionIdBuilder ConnectionIdBuilder = null, ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder = null, ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder = null, Boolean ConnectionThreadsAreBackground = true, TimeSpan?ConnectionTimeout = null, UInt32 MaxClientConnections = __DefaultMaxClientConnections, Boolean Autostart = false) { #region TCP Socket this._IPAddress = IIPAddress; this._Port = Port; this._IPSocket = new IPSocket(_IPAddress, _Port); this._TCPListener = new TcpListener(new System.Net.IPAddress(_IPAddress.GetBytes()), _Port.ToInt32()); #endregion #region TCP Server this._ServiceBanner = (ServiceBanner.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) ? ServiceBanner : __DefaultServiceBanner; this.ServerThreadName = (ServerThreadName != null) ? ServerThreadName : __DefaultServerThreadName + this.IPSocket.ToString(); this.ServerThreadPriority = ServerThreadPriority; this.ServerThreadIsBackground = ServerThreadIsBackground; #endregion #region TCP Connections this._TCPConnections = new ConcurrentDictionary <IPSocket, TCPConnection>(); this.ConnectionIdBuilder = (ConnectionIdBuilder != null) ? ConnectionIdBuilder : (Sender, Timestamp, LocalSocket, RemoteIPSocket) => "TCP:" + RemoteIPSocket.IPAddress + ":" + RemoteIPSocket.Port; this.ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder = (ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder != null) ? ConnectionThreadsNameBuilder : (Sender, Timestamp, LocalSocket, RemoteIPSocket) => "TCP thread " + RemoteIPSocket.IPAddress + ":" + RemoteIPSocket.Port; this.ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder = (ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder != null) ? ConnectionThreadsPriorityBuilder : (Sender, Timestamp, LocalSocket, RemoteIPSocket) => ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; this.ConnectionThreadsAreBackground = ConnectionThreadsAreBackground; this._ConnectionTimeout = ConnectionTimeout.HasValue ? ConnectionTimeout.Value : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); this._MaxClientConnections = MaxClientConnections; #endregion #region TCP Listener Thread this.CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); this.CancellationToken = CancellationTokenSource.Token; _ListenerThread = new Thread(() => { #if __MonoCS__ // Code for Mono C# compiler #else Thread.CurrentThread.Name = this.ServerThreadName; Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = this.ServerThreadPriority; Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = this.ServerThreadIsBackground; #endif #region SetSocketOptions // IOControlCode.* // fd.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, tcpKeepalive); // bytes.PutInteger(endian, tcpKeepalive, 0); // bytes.PutInteger(endian, tcpKeepaliveIdle, 4); // bytes.PutInteger(endian, tcpKeepaliveIntvl, 8); // fd.IOControl(IOControlCode.KeepAliveValues, (byte[])bytes, null); #endregion try { _IsRunning = true; while (!_StopRequested) { // Wait for a new/pending client connection while (!_StopRequested && !_TCPListener.Pending()) { Thread.Sleep(5); } // Break when a server stop was requested if (_StopRequested) { break; } // Processing the pending client connection within its own task var NewTCPClient = _TCPListener.AcceptTcpClient(); // var NewTCPConnection = _TCPListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync(). // ContinueWith(a => new TCPConnection(this, a.Result)); // // ConfigureAwait(false); // Store the new connection //_SocketConnections.AddOrUpdate(_TCPConnection.Value.RemoteSocket, // _TCPConnection.Value, // (RemoteEndPoint, TCPConnection) => TCPConnection); Task.Factory.StartNew(Tuple => { try { var _Tuple = Tuple as Tuple <TCPServer, TcpClient>; var NewTCPConnection = new ThreadLocal <TCPConnection>( () => new TCPConnection(_Tuple.Item1, _Tuple.Item2) ); #region Copy ExceptionOccured event handlers //foreach (var ExceptionOccuredHandler in MyEventStorage) // _TCPConnection.Value.OnExceptionOccured += ExceptionOccuredHandler; #endregion #region OnNewConnection // If this event closes the TCP connection the OnNotification event will never be fired! // Therefore you can use this event for filtering connection initiation requests. OnNewConnection?.Invoke(NewTCPConnection.Value.TCPServer, NewTCPConnection.Value.ServerTimestamp, NewTCPConnection.Value.RemoteSocket, NewTCPConnection.Value.ConnectionId, NewTCPConnection.Value); if (!NewTCPConnection.Value.IsClosed) { OnNotification?.Invoke(NewTCPConnection.Value); } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { while (e.InnerException != null) { e = e.InnerException; } OnExceptionOccured?.Invoke(this, DateTime.Now, e); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace); } }, new Tuple <TCPServer, TcpClient>(this, NewTCPClient)); } #region Shutdown // Request all client connections to finish! foreach (var _SocketConnection in _TCPConnections) { _SocketConnection.Value.StopRequested = true; } // After stopping the TCPListener wait for // all client connections to finish! while (_TCPConnections.Count > 0) { Thread.Sleep(5); } #endregion } #region Exception handling catch (Exception Exception) { var OnExceptionLocal = OnExceptionOccured; if (OnExceptionLocal != null) { OnExceptionLocal(this, DateTime.Now, Exception); } } #endregion _IsRunning = false; }); #endregion if (Autostart) { Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// Geolocate an IP address /// </summary> /// Identify an IP address Country, State/Provence, City, Zip/Postal Code, /// etc. Useful for security and UX applications. /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='value'> /// IP address to geolocate, e.g. "" /// </param> public static PostOKResponse Post(this IIPAddress operations, string value) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew(s => ((IIPAddress)s).PostAsync(value), operations, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult()); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public Task ConnectAsync(IIPAddress address, int port) { return(_client.ConnectAsync(address.ToImplementation(), port)); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new UDP sender. /// </summary> /// <param name="IPAddress">The IP address to send the UDP data.</param> /// <param name="Port">The IP port to send the UDP data.</param> public UDPSender(IIPAddress IPAddress, IPPort Port) : base(Message => Message, IPAddress, Port) { }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void JoinMulticastGroup(IIPAddress multicastAddr, int timeToLive) { _client.JoinMulticastGroup(multicastAddr.ToImplementation(), timeToLive); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a new IPSocket based on the given IPAddress and IPPort. /// </summary> /// <param name="IPAddress">The IPAdress of the socket.</param> /// <param name="Port">The port of the socket.</param> public IPSocket(IIPAddress IPAddress, IPPort Port) { this.IPAddress = IPAddress; this.Port = Port; }
private Socket CreateAndConnectTCPSocket(IIPAddress _IPAddress, IPPort Port) { Socket _TCPSocket = null; if (_IPAddress is IPv4Address) _TCPSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); else if (_IPAddress is IPv6Address) _TCPSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); _TCPSocket.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(_IPAddress.ToString()), Port.ToUInt16()); return _TCPSocket; }
/// <summary>Determines whether a string is a valid IP address.</summary> /// <returns>true if <paramref name="ipString" /> is a valid IP address; otherwise, false.</returns> /// <param name="ipString">The string to validate.</param> /// <param name="address">The <see cref="T:System.Net.IPAddress" /> version of the string.</param> public bool TryParse(string ipString, out IIPAddress address) { return(IPAddressAdapter.TryParse(ipString, out address)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void JoinMulticastGroup(IIPAddress multicastAddr, IIPAddress localAddress) { _client.JoinMulticastGroup(multicastAddr.ToImplementation(), localAddress.ToImplementation()); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new HTTPClient using the given optional parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="RemoteIPAddress">The IP address to connect to.</param> /// <param name="RemotePort">The IP port to connect to.</param> public HTTPClient(IIPAddress RemoteIPAddress = null, IPPort RemotePort = null) { this.RemoteIPAddress = RemoteIPAddress; this.RemotePort = RemotePort; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void Connect(IIPAddress address, int port) { _socket.Connect(address.ToImplementation(), port); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the TcpListener class that listens for incoming connection attempts on the specified local IP address and port number. /// </summary> /// <param name="localaddr">An IPAddress that represents the local IP address.</param> /// <param name="port">The port on which to listen for incoming connection attempts.</param> public TcpListenerAdapter(IIPAddress localaddr, int port) : this(new TcpListener(localaddr.ToImplementation(), port)) { }
/// <summary> /// Create a new http request header based on the given string representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="HTTPHeader">A valid string representation of a http request header.</param> public HTTPRequest(IIPAddress RemoteHost, IPPort RemotePort, String HTTPHeader) { this.RemoteHost = RemoteHost; this.RemotePort = RemotePort; if (!ParseHeader(HTTPHeader)) return; #region Parse HTTPMethod (first line of the http request) var _HTTPMethodHeader = FirstPDULine.Split(_SpaceSeperator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // e.g: PROPFIND /file/file Name HTTP/1.1 if (_HTTPMethodHeader.Length != 3) { this.HTTPStatusCode = HTTPStatusCode.BadRequest; return; } // Parse HTTP method // Propably not usefull to define here, as we can not send a response having an "Allow-header" here! HTTPMethod _HTTPMethod = null; if (!HTTPMethod.TryParseString(_HTTPMethodHeader[0], out _HTTPMethod)) { this.HTTPStatusCode = HTTPStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed; return; } this.HTTPMethod = _HTTPMethod; #endregion #region Parse URL and QueryString (first line of the http request) var RawUrl = _HTTPMethodHeader[1]; var _ParsedURL = RawUrl.Split(_URLSeperator, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); UrlPath = _ParsedURL[0]; if (UrlPath == "" || UrlPath == null) UrlPath = "/"; // Parse QueryString after '?' if (RawUrl.IndexOf('?') > -1) { //var a = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(_ParsedURL[1]); //foreach (var b in a.AllKeys) // QueryString.Add(b, a[b]); this.QueryString = new QueryString(_ParsedURL[1]); } #endregion #region Parse protocol name and -version (first line of the http request) var _ProtocolArray = _HTTPMethodHeader[2].Split(_SlashSeperator, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); ProtocolName = _ProtocolArray[0].ToUpper(); if (ProtocolName.ToUpper() != "HTTP") { this.HTTPStatusCode = HTTPStatusCode.InternalServerError; return; } HTTPVersion _HTTPVersion = null; if (HTTPVersion.TryParseVersionString(_ProtocolArray[1], out _HTTPVersion)) ProtocolVersion = _HTTPVersion; if (ProtocolVersion != HTTPVersion.HTTP_1_1) { this.HTTPStatusCode = HTTPStatusCode.HTTPVersionNotSupported; return; } #endregion if (!HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Host")) HeaderFields.Add("Host", "*"); this.HTTPStatusCode = HTTPStatusCode.OK; }
/// <summary> /// Establishes a connection to a remote host. The host is specified by an IP address and a port number. /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">The socket to perform the connect operation on.</param> /// <param name="address">The IP address of the remote host.</param> /// <param name="port">The port number of the remote host.</param> /// <returns>An asynchronous Task.</returns> public static Task ConnectAsync(this ISocket socket, IIPAddress address, int port) { return(socket.ToImplementation().ConnectAsync(address.ToImplementation(), port)); }
/// <summary> /// Execute the given HTTP request and return its result. /// </summary> /// <param name="Request">A HTTP request.</param> /// <param name="RequestLogDelegate">A delegate for logging the HTTP request.</param> /// <param name="ResponseLogDelegate">A delegate for logging the HTTP request/response.</param> /// <param name="Timeout">An optional timeout.</param> /// <param name="CancellationToken">A cancellation token.</param> public async Task <HTTPResponse> Execute(HTTPRequest Request, ClientRequestLogHandler RequestLogDelegate = null, ClientResponseLogHandler ResponseLogDelegate = null, TimeSpan?Timeout = null, CancellationToken?CancellationToken = null) { #region Call the optional HTTP request log delegate try { RequestLogDelegate?.Invoke(DateTime.Now, this, Request); } catch (Exception e) { e.Log(nameof(HTTPClient) + "." + nameof(RequestLogDelegate)); } #endregion var task = Task <HTTPResponse> .Factory.StartNew(() => { HTTPResponse Response = null; try { if (Environment.MachineName.Contains("QUAD2QUANTOR") && Request.URI.Contains("eRoaming")) { throw new Exception("Catch me if you can!"); } Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; #region Data var HTTPHeaderBytes = new Byte[0]; var sw = new Stopwatch(); if (!Timeout.HasValue) { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60); } #endregion #region Create TCP connection (possibly also do DNS lookups) if (TCPClient == null) { System.Net.IPEndPoint _FinalIPEndPoint = null; IIPAddress _ResolvedRemoteIPAddress = null; if (RemoteIPAddress == null) { if (Hostname.Trim() == "") { _ResolvedRemoteIPAddress = IPv4Address.Localhost; } else { var RegExpr = new Regex(@"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b"); if (RegExpr.IsMatch(Hostname)) { _ResolvedRemoteIPAddress = IPv4Address.Parse(Hostname); } } #region DNS lookup... if (_ResolvedRemoteIPAddress == null) { try { var IPv4AddressTask = DNSClient. Query <A>(Hostname). ContinueWith(QueryTask => QueryTask.Result. Select(ARecord => ARecord.IPv4Address). FirstOrDefault()); IPv4AddressTask.Wait(); _ResolvedRemoteIPAddress = IPv4AddressTask.Result; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now + "] " + e.Message); } } #endregion } else { _ResolvedRemoteIPAddress = RemoteIPAddress; } _FinalIPEndPoint = new System.Net.IPEndPoint(new System.Net.IPAddress(_ResolvedRemoteIPAddress.GetBytes()), RemotePort.ToInt32()); sw.Start(); TCPClient = new TcpClient(); TCPClient.Connect(_FinalIPEndPoint); TCPClient.ReceiveTimeout = (Int32)Timeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds; } #endregion #region Create (Crypto-)Stream TCPStream = TCPClient.GetStream(); TCPStream.ReadTimeout = (Int32)Timeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds; TLSStream = RemoteCertificateValidator != null ? new SslStream(TCPStream, false, RemoteCertificateValidator) // ClientCertificateSelector, //EncryptionPolicy.RequireEncryption) : null; if (TLSStream != null) { TLSStream.ReadTimeout = (Int32)Timeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds; } HTTPStream = null; if (RemoteCertificateValidator != null) { HTTPStream = TLSStream; TLSStream.AuthenticateAsClient(Hostname);//, new X509CertificateCollection(new X509Certificate[] { ClientCert }), SslProtocols.Default, false); } else { HTTPStream = TCPStream; } HTTPStream.ReadTimeout = (Int32)Timeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds; #endregion #region Send Request HTTPStream.Write(String.Concat(Request.EntireRequestHeader, Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine). ToUTF8Bytes()); var RequestBodyLength = Request.HTTPBody == null ? Request.ContentLength.HasValue ? (Int32)Request.ContentLength.Value : 0 : Request.ContentLength.HasValue ? Math.Min((Int32)Request.ContentLength.Value, Request.HTTPBody.Length) : Request.HTTPBody.Length; if (RequestBodyLength > 0) { HTTPStream.Write(Request.HTTPBody, 0, RequestBodyLength); } var _MemoryStream = new MemoryStream(); var _Buffer = new Byte[10485760]; // 10 MBytes, a smaller value leads to read errors! #endregion #region Wait timeout for the server to react! //Debug.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now + "] HTTPClient timeout: " + Timeout.Value.ToString()); while (!TCPStream.DataAvailable) { if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= Timeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds) { TCPClient.Close(); throw new Exception("[" + DateTime.Now + "] Could not read from the TCP stream for " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms!"); } Thread.Sleep(1); } //Debug.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now + "] HTTPClient (" + TCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.ToString() + " -> " + RemoteSocket.ToString() + ") got first response after " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms!"); #endregion #region Read the entire HTTP header, and maybe some of the HTTP body var CurrentDataLength = 0; do { #region When data available, write it to the buffer... while (TCPStream.DataAvailable) { CurrentDataLength = HTTPStream.Read(_Buffer, 0, _Buffer.Length); if (CurrentDataLength > -1) { _MemoryStream.Write(_Buffer, 0, CurrentDataLength); // Debug.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now + "] Read " + CurrentDataLength + " bytes from HTTP connection (" + TCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.ToString() + " -> " + RemoteSocket.ToString() + ") (" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms)!"); } } #endregion #region Check if the entire HTTP header was already read into the buffer if (_MemoryStream.Length > 4) { var MemoryCopy = _MemoryStream.ToArray(); for (var pos = 3; pos < MemoryCopy.Length; pos++) { if (MemoryCopy[pos] == 0x0a && MemoryCopy[pos - 1] == 0x0d && MemoryCopy[pos - 2] == 0x0a && MemoryCopy[pos - 3] == 0x0d) { Array.Resize(ref HTTPHeaderBytes, pos - 3); Array.Copy(MemoryCopy, 0, HTTPHeaderBytes, 0, pos - 3); break; } } //if (HTTPHeaderBytes.Length > 0) // Debug.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now + "] End of (" + TCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.ToString() + " -> " + RemoteSocket.ToString() + ") HTTP header at " + HTTPHeaderBytes.Length + " bytes (" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms)!"); } #endregion Thread.Sleep(1); } // Note: Delayed parts of the HTTP body may not be read into the buffer // => Must be read later! while (TCPStream.DataAvailable || ((sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < HTTPStream.ReadTimeout) && HTTPHeaderBytes.Length == 0)); //Debug.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now + "] Finally read " + _MemoryStream.Length + " bytes of HTTP client (" + TCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.ToString() + " -> " + RemoteSocket.ToString() + ") data (" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms)!"); #endregion #region Copy HTTP header data and create HTTP response if (HTTPHeaderBytes.Length == 0) { throw new ApplicationException(DateTime.Now + " Could not find the end of the HTTP protocol header!"); } Response = HTTPResponse.Parse(HTTPHeaderBytes.ToUTF8String(), Request); #endregion #region Read 'Content-Length' bytes... // Copy only the number of bytes given within // the HTTP header element 'Content-Length'! if (Response.ContentLength.HasValue && Response.ContentLength.Value > 0) { _MemoryStream.Seek(HTTPHeaderBytes.Length + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin); var _Read = _MemoryStream.Read(_Buffer, 0, _Buffer.Length); var _StillToRead = (Int32)Response.ContentLength.Value - _Read; Response.HTTPBodyStream.Write(_Buffer, 0, _Read); var _CurrentBufferSize = 0; do { while (TCPStream.DataAvailable && _StillToRead > 0) { _CurrentBufferSize = Math.Min(_Buffer.Length, (Int32)_StillToRead); _Read = HTTPStream.Read(_Buffer, 0, _CurrentBufferSize); Response.HTTPBodyStream.Write(_Buffer, 0, _Read); _StillToRead -= _Read; } if (_StillToRead <= 0) { break; } Thread.Sleep(1); }while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < HTTPStream.ReadTimeout); Response.ContentStreamToArray(); } #endregion #region ...or read till timeout (e.g. for chunked transport)! else { try { _MemoryStream.Seek(HTTPHeaderBytes.Length + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin); Response.NewContentStream(); Response.HTTPBodyStream.Write(_Buffer, 0, _MemoryStream.Read(_Buffer, 0, _Buffer.Length)); var Retries = 0; while (Retries < 10) { while (TCPStream.DataAvailable) { Response.HTTPBodyStream.Write(_Buffer, 0, HTTPStream.Read(_Buffer, 0, _Buffer.Length)); Retries = 0; } Thread.Sleep(10); Retries++; } if (Response.TransferEncoding == "chunked") { //Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Chunked encoding detected"); var TEContent = ((MemoryStream)Response.HTTPBodyStream).ToArray(); var TEString = TEContent.ToUTF8String(); var ReadBlockLength = true; var TEMemStram = new MemoryStream(); var LastPos = 0; var i = 0; do { if (i > 2 && ReadBlockLength && TEContent[i - 1] == '\n' && TEContent[i - 2] == '\r') { var len = TEContent.ReadTEBlockLength(LastPos, i - LastPos - 2); //Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Chunked encoded block of length " + len + " bytes detected"); if (len == 0) { break; } if (i + len <= TEContent.Length) { TEMemStram.Write(TEContent, i, len); i = i + len; if (TEContent[i] == 0x0d) { i++; } if (i < TEContent.Length - 1) { if (TEContent[i] == 0x0a) { i++; } } else { } LastPos = i; ReadBlockLength = false; } else { // Reaching this point seems to be an endless loop! break; } } else { ReadBlockLength = true; i++; } } while (i < TEContent.Length); Response.ContentStreamToArray(TEMemStram); } else { Response.ContentStreamToArray(); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " " + e.Message); } } #endregion #region Close connection if requested! if (Response.Connection == null || Response.Connection == "close") { TCPClient.Close(); HTTPStream = null; TCPClient = null; } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { #region Create a HTTP response for the exception... while (e.InnerException != null) { e = e.InnerException; } Response = new HTTPResponseBuilder(Request, HTTPStatusCode.BadRequest) { ContentType = HTTPContentType.JSON_UTF8, Content = JSONObject.Create(new JProperty("Message", e.Message), new JProperty("StackTrace", e.StackTrace)). ToUTF8Bytes() }; #endregion } #region Call the optional HTTP response log delegate try { ResponseLogDelegate?.Invoke(DateTime.Now, this, Request, Response); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.Log(nameof(HTTPClient) + "." + nameof(ResponseLogDelegate)); } #endregion return(Response); }, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent); return(await task); }
public static void SendTo(this UDPClient UDPClient, Byte[] UDPPacketData, IIPAddress RemoteIPAddress, IPPort IPPort, SocketFlags SocketFlags = SocketFlags.None) { var RemoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(RemoteIPAddress.GetBytes()), IPPort.ToInt32()); UDPClient.SendTo(UDPPacketData, RemoteIPEndPoint, SocketFlags); }