Beispiel #1
        protected async Task <bool> SendEmailAsync(string email, string subject, object model, string viewName)
            var options = ControllerContext.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService <IOptions <MvcViewOptions> >();

            ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"]     = viewName;
            ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = "";
            var viewEngineResult = options.Value.ViewEngines.Select(x => x.FindView(ControllerContext, viewName, true)).FirstOrDefault(x => x != null);
            var displayContext   = new DisplayContext()
                ServiceProvider = ControllerContext.HttpContext.RequestServices,
                Value           = await _shapeFactory.CreateAsync(viewName, model),
                ViewContext     = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, viewEngineResult.View, ViewData, TempData, new StringWriter(), new HtmlHelperOptions())
            var htmlContent = await _displayManager.ExecuteAsync(displayContext);

            var message = new MailMessage()
                Body = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(htmlContent.ToString()), IsBodyHtml = true, Subject = subject


            // send email
            var result = await _smtpService.SendAsync(message);

        public async Task <IHtmlContent> ShapeExecuteAsync(object shape)
            if (shape == null)
                return(new HtmlString(string.Empty));

            var context = new DisplayContext {
                Display = this, Value = shape, ViewContext = ViewContext

            return(await _displayManager.ExecuteAsync(context));
Beispiel #3
        public Task <IHtmlContent> ShapeExecuteAsync(object shape)
            if (shape == null)
                return(Task.FromResult <IHtmlContent>(HtmlString.Empty));

            var context = new DisplayContext
                DisplayAsync    = this,
                Value           = shape,
                ServiceProvider = _serviceProvider

Beispiel #4
        protected async Task <bool> SendEmailAsync(string email, string subject, IShape model)
            var options = ControllerContext.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService <IOptions <MvcViewOptions> >();

            // Just use the current context to get a view and then create a view context.
            var view = options.Value.ViewEngines
                       .Select(x => x.FindView(

            var displayContext = new DisplayContext()
                ServiceProvider = ControllerContext.HttpContext.RequestServices,
                Value           = model,
                ViewContext     = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, view, ViewData, TempData, new StringWriter(), new HtmlHelperOptions())

            var body = string.Empty;

            using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                var htmlContent = await _displayManager.ExecuteAsync(displayContext);

                htmlContent.WriteTo(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default);
                body = sw.ToString();

            var message = new MailMessage()
                Body       = body,
                IsBodyHtml = true,
                Subject    = subject


            var result = await _smtpService.SendAsync(message);

Beispiel #5
        public Task <IHtmlContent> ShapeExecuteAsync(IShape shape)
            // Check if the shape is null or empty.
            if (shape.IsNullOrEmpty())
                return(Task.FromResult <IHtmlContent>(HtmlString.Empty));

            // Check if the shape is pre-rendered.
            if (shape is IHtmlContent htmlContent)

            var context = new DisplayContext
                DisplayHelper   = this,
                Value           = shape,
                ServiceProvider = _serviceProvider

Beispiel #6
        private async Task <IEnumerable <ContentItem> > FlattenOneLevel(ContentItem container, DisplayContext displayContext)
            var items = new List <ContentItem>();


            var containedItems = await _listContainerService.GetChildContentItems(container.ContentItemId);

            // If the contained items are linked from the container, take the links' order into account. Also if links are present only linked items
            // will be processed.
            if (containedItems.Any())
//                var aliases = containedItems
//                    //.Where(content => content.As<>() .As<IAliasAspect>() != null)
//                    .Where(content => content.Has("AutoroutePart")==true )
//                    .Select(content => new
//                    {
//                        Content = content,
//                       // Path = content.As<IAliasAspect>().Path
//                        Path = content.Content.AutoroutePart?.Path?.Value?.ToString()
//                    })
//                    .ToDictionary(alias => alias.Path);

                var childContentItemAliases = containedItems.Where(content => content.Has("AutoroutePart") == true).ToList();

                //  var aliases = aliasesContentItems.Select(x => x.Content["AutoroutePart"]["Path"].ToString()).ToDictionary(x=>x );
                var aliasesChildContentItems = childContentItemAliases.ToDictionary(x => (x.Content["AutoroutePart"]["Path"]).ToString(), x => x);

                //  var siteUri = new Uri(_siteService.GetSiteSettings().BaseUrl);
                //   var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync();

                var doc = new HtmlDocument();
                //  Stream outputStream = _shapeOutputGenerator.GenerateOutput(container.ContentItem.ContentManager.BuildDisplay(container, "File-ContainerFlattening"));
                //   Stream outputStream = _shapeOutputGenerator.GenerateOutput(container.ContentItem.ContentManager.BuildDisplay(container, "File-ContainerFlattening"));
                var contentItemDisplayManager = _serviceProvider.GetService <IContentItemDisplayManager>();

                dynamic shape = await contentItemDisplayManager.BuildDisplayAsync(container, _updateModelAccessor.ModelUpdater, "ContainerFlattening");

                //replace with actual shape to render
                displayContext.Value = shape;
                var htmlContent = await _displayManager.ExecuteAsync(displayContext);


                //  var aliasAspect = container.As<IAliasAspect>();
                var containerAliasAspect = container.Content.AutoroutePart;
                if (containerAliasAspect != null)
                    Uri siteUri = new Uri(_urlHelper.GetBaseUrl());

                    var links = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@href]");
                    if (links != null) // See:
                        //TEMP DISABLED BY GIANNIS

                        string itemrelativepath = containerAliasAspect["Path"];
                        var    containerItemUri = new Uri(siteUri, itemrelativepath);
                        foreach (var link in links)
                            var href = link.GetAttributeValue("href", null);
                            if (href != null)
                                Uri uri;
                                if (Helpers.UrlHelper.UrlIsInternal(containerItemUri, href, out uri))
                                    var alias = uri.LocalPath.TrimStart('/');
                                    if (aliasesChildContentItems.ContainsKey(alias))
                                        items.AddRange(await FlattenOneLevel(
                                                           aliasesChildContentItems[alias].ContentItem, displayContext));

                if (items.Count == 1) // No contained item was linked
                    foreach (var item in containedItems)
                        items.AddRange(await FlattenOneLevel(item, displayContext));

Beispiel #7
        public async Task <Stream> GenerateHtml(IEnumerable <ContentItem> contents, string extension, DisplayContext displayContext)
            var firstContent = contents.First();
            //  var contentManager = firstContent.ContentItem.ContentManager;

//            var aliases = contents
//                .Where(content => content.Has("AutoroutePart") == true)
//                .Select(content => new
//                {
//                    Id = content.ContentItem.Id,
//                 //   Path = content.As<IAliasAspect>().Path
//                    Path = content.Content.AutoroutePart?.Path?.Value?.ToString()
//                })
//                .ToDictionary(alias => alias.Path);

            // var aliasesContentItems = contents.Where(content => content.Has("AutoroutePart") == true).ToList();
            var aliasesContentItems = contents.Where(content => content.Has("AutoroutePart") == true).ToList();

            // var aliases = aliasesContentItems.Select(x => x.Content["AutoroutePart"]["Path"]).ToDictionary(x=>x );
            var aliases = aliasesContentItems.ToDictionary(x => (x.Content["AutoroutePart"]["Path"]).ToString(), x => x);

//                .Select(content => new
//                {
//                    Id = content.ContentItem.Id,
//                    //   Path = content.As<IAliasAspect>().Path
//                    Path = content.Content.AutoroutePart?.Path?.Value?.ToString()
//                })
//                .ToDictionary(alias => alias.Path);

            // var siteUri = new Uri(_siteService.GetSiteSettings().BaseUrl);
            //   var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync();
            //   var siteUri = siteSettings.BaseUrl;
            var contentItemDisplayManager = _serviceProvider.GetService <IContentItemDisplayManager>();

            var contentShapes = contents.Select(async content =>
                // IShape contentShape = contentManager.BuildDisplay(content, "File-" + extension);
                IShape contentShape = await contentItemDisplayManager.BuildDisplayAsync(content, _updateModelAccessor.ModelUpdater, "File");   //.Result;
                //  IShape contentShape =    contentItemDisplayManager.BuildDisplayAsync(content, null, "Detail").Result;
                // IShape contentShape =    contentItemDisplayManager.BuildDisplayAsync(content, null, "File-" + extension).Result;

                contentShape.Metadata.OnDisplayed(context =>
                    var doc = new HtmlDocument();

                    //temp disabled bu giannis

                    // var aliasAspect = content.As<IAliasAspect>();
                    var aliasAspect = content.Content.AutoroutePart;
                    if (aliasAspect != null)
                        Uri siteUri = new Uri(_urlHelper.GetBaseUrl());
                        var itemUri = new Uri(siteUri, aliasAspect["Path"]);

                        var links = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@href]");
                        if (links != null) // See:
                            foreach (var link in links)
                                var href = link.GetAttributeValue("href", null);
                                if (href != null)
                                    Uri uri;
                                    if (Helpers.UrlHelper.UrlIsInternal(itemUri, href, out uri))
                                        var alias = uri.LocalPath.TrimStart('/');
                                        if (aliases.ContainsKey(alias))
                                            link.SetAttributeValue("href", "#content-item-top-" + aliases[alias].ContentItemId);
                                            link.SetAttributeValue("href", uri.ToString());

                        var srcElements = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@src]");
                        if (srcElements != null)
                            foreach (var element in srcElements)
                                var src = element.GetAttributeValue("src", null);
                                if (src != null)
                                    Uri uri;
                                    if (Helpers.UrlHelper.UrlIsInternal(itemUri, src, out uri))
                                        element.SetAttributeValue("src", uri.ToString());

                    var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter(stringBuilder))
                    context.Shape.Metadata.ChildContent = new   HtmlString(stringBuilder.ToString());


//            var shape = _shapeFactory.File_ContentsWrapper(
//                Title: metadataitem.DisplayText,
//                ContentShapes: contentShapes);

//            var shape  = await _shapeFactory.CreateAsync("File_ContentsWrapper",  Arguments.From(new
//            {
//                Title= metadataitem.DisplayText,
//                ContentShapes= contentShapes
//            }));

            dynamic shape = await _shapeFactory.File_ContentsWrapper(
                Title : firstContent.DisplayText,
                ContentShapes : contentShapes


//            shape.Metadata.Alternates.Add("File_ContentsWrapper__" + extension);
//            shape.Metadata.Alternates.Add("File_ContentsWrapper__" + extension + " __" + firstContent.ContentItem.Id);
//            shape.Metadata.Alternates.Add("File_ContentsWrapper__" + firstContent.ContentItem.Id);

            //   var result = await _iHtmlDisplay.ExecuteAsync(CreateDisplayContext(shape));

            //  var displayHelper = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IDisplayHelperFactory>().CreateHelper(  _html.ViewContext);

//            var displayContext =new DisplayContext()
//            {
//               // ServiceProvider = page.Context.RequestServices,
//                DisplayAsync = displayHelper,
//                ViewContext =  _html.ViewContext,
//                Value = shape
//            };
            //replace with actual shape to render
            displayContext.Value = shape;
            //  var result = await _iHtmlDisplay.ExecuteAsync(displayContext);
            var htmlContent = await _displayManager.ExecuteAsync(displayContext);

            // convert string to stream
            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(htmlContent.ToString());
            //  byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(htmlContent.ToString()));
            //byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(contents);
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

            return(stream);// result.ToString();
            // return _shapeOutputGenerator.GenerateOutput(shape);