public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] TicketForCreationDto ticketForCreation, [FromQuery(Name = "clientId")] int clientId)
            var ticket = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <Ticket>(ticketForCreation);
            // Look up the client by id
            var client = _clientRepository.Get(clientId);

            // Ensure client exists
            if (client == null)
                return(NotFound("Client not found"));
            // Look up the product by serial number
            var productDetails = await _inventoryService.GetProductAsync(ticketForCreation.ProductSerialNumber);

            // Ensure the product exists
            if (productDetails == null)
                return(NotFound("Serial number not found"));
            // Ensure the product has been sold
            if (!(productDetails.Status == "sold"))
                return(BadRequest("This device has not been sold"));
            // Create the ticket
            // Tickets are set to Status=new by default
            ticket.Status = "new";
            // Tickets are associated with the product they were created for
            ticket.ProductSerialNumber = productDetails.SerialNumber;

            // Assign ticket to the agent with the lowest number of assigned tickets
            ticket.AgentId = (await _hrService.GetAgentsAsync()).OrderBy(a => _ticketRepository.GetAllByAgent(a.Id).Count()).First().Id;

            if (!_clientRepository.Save())
                return(BadRequest("Could not create ticket"));
            var result = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <TicketWithClientAndAgentDto>(ticket);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetTicket", new { id = ticket.Id }, result));