Beispiel #1
		public void DrawAt(IGraphPort graphPort, int x, int y, Rectangle updateRect)
			int centerX = updateRect.Width/2;
			int centerY = updateRect.Height/2;
			int Radius = (updateRect.Height / 2) - 5;
			int N = 36;
			double theta = 3.14159 * 2 / N;

            GDIPen aPen = new GDIPen(PenType.Cosmetic, PenStyle.Solid, PenJoinStyle.Round, PenEndCap.Round, RGBColor.Red, 1, Guid.NewGuid());

            for (int p = 0; p < N; p++)
				byte num = (byte)(((double)p / (double)N) * 254.0);
				byte r = (byte)rnd.Next(0, num);
				byte g = (byte)rnd.Next(0, num);
				byte b = (byte)rnd.Next(0, num);
				uint color = RGBColor.RGB(r, g, b);
				//graphPort.PenColor = color;

				for (int q = 0; q < p; q++)
					graphPort.DrawLine(aPen, new Point((int)(centerX + Radius * Math.Sin(p * theta)),
										(int)(centerY + Radius * Math.Cos(p * theta))),
										new Point((int)(centerX + Radius * Math.Sin(q * theta)),
										(int)(centerY + Radius * Math.Cos(q * theta))));
Beispiel #2
		public PLCView(string name, string heading, int x, int y, int width, int height)
			: base(name, x, y, width, height)
			//this.GraphicsUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

			fTeamLogo = new TextBox("Team Logo","Tahoma",14,GDIFont.FontStyle.Regular,0,0,160,60,RGBColor.Black);
			fLegend = null;
			fCS = new PLCColorScheme();
			//fTransitionAnimator = new CrossFade();
			fDataBinder = null;
			fBackingPixelBuffer = new GDIDIBSection(width, height);
			fBackingGraphics = fBackingPixelBuffer.GraphPort;
			//fBackingGraphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

			fHeading = heading;

			// These are the set of virtual calls
			// That any subclasser will implement

    void DisplayColon(IGraphPort graphPort)

        graphPort.OffsetWindowOrigin(-12, 0);
Beispiel #4
	public GearBox(string name, int x, int y, int width, int height)
		: base(name, x, y, width, height)
        fBacking = new GDIDIBSection(Convert.ToInt32(width * 96), Convert.ToInt32(height * 96));
        fGraphPort = fBacking.GraphPort;
		//fGraphPort.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

    void DrawHour(IGraphPort graphPort)
        if (f24Hour)
            DisplayTwoDigits(graphPort, fThisTime.Hour, fSuppress);
            DisplayTwoDigits(graphPort, ((fThisTime.Hour %= 12) > 0) ? (int)fThisTime.Hour : 12, fSuppress);

	void DisplayTwoDigits(IGraphPort graphPort, int iNumber, bool suppress)
			if (!suppress || (iNumber / 10 != 0))
				SegmentedNumber.DisplayDigit(graphPort, iNumber / 10);

            graphPort.OffsetWindowOrigin(-42, 0);
            SegmentedNumber.DisplayDigit(graphPort, iNumber % 10);
            graphPort.OffsetWindowOrigin(-42, 0);	
Beispiel #7
	public override void OnSetDestinationPixelBuffer()
        if (null == DestinationPixelBuffer)

        bitmapBuffer = (GDIDIBSection)this.DestinationPixelBuffer.Clone();
        bitmapGraphics = bitmapBuffer.GraphPort;
Beispiel #8
 public static void DisplayDigit(IGraphPort graphPort, int iNumber)
     int iSeg;
     for (iSeg = 0; iSeg < 7; iSeg++)
         if (fSevenSegment[iNumber, iSeg] > 0)
Beispiel #9
	public void Animate(IGraphPort graphPort)
        //graphPort.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;
        //graphPort.TranslateTransform(Left, Top);

        //RectangleF f1 = fProductWheel.Frame;
        //RectangleF f2 = fFeatureWheel.Frame;

        //float centerX = f1.Left + f1.Width / 2;
        //float centerY = f1.Top + f1.Height / 2;
        //PointF productCenter = new PointF(centerX, centerY);
        //PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 
        //        new PointF( f1.Left, f1.Top ), 
        //        new PointF( f1.Right, f1.Top ),
        //        new PointF( f1.Left, f1.Bottom )};

        //float featureCenterX = f2.Left + f2.Width / 2;
        //float featureCenterY = f2.Top + f2.Height / 2;
        //PointF featureCenter = new PointF(featureCenterX, featureCenterY);
        //PointF[] featurePoints = new PointF[] { 
        //        new PointF( f2.Left, f2.Top ), 
        //        new PointF( f2.Right, f2.Top ),
        //        new PointF( f2.Left, f2.Bottom )};

        //Matrix PX = new Matrix();
        //Matrix FX = new Matrix();

        //for (int angle = 0; angle <= 180; angle += 18)
        //    PX.RotateAt((float)10 / 2, productCenter);
        //    PX.TransformPoints(points);

        //    fGraphPort.Clear(Color.White);
        //    fGraphPort.DrawImage(fProductWheel.Image, points);

        //    // Do the counter clockwise rotation on the feature wheel
        //    FX.RotateAt(-(float)10, featureCenter);
        //    FX.TransformPoints(featurePoints);

        //    fGraphPort.DrawImage(fFeatureWheel.Image, featurePoints);
        //    graphPort.DrawImage(fBacking, new RectangleF(0, 0, Width, Height));

        //    Thread.Sleep(100);

        //// Draw one final time so we get the transparency back

    public virtual void DrawBackground(IGraphPort graphPort)
        // Clear the backing buffer
        //GraphPort.DrawingColor = RGBColor.LtGray;

        graphPort.Rectangle(0, 0, fBounds.Width, fBounds.Height);
Beispiel #11
        public GraphicsChannel(RtpSession aSession, string participantName, IGraphPort localRenderer)
            fSession = aSession;
            fParticipantName = participantName;

            fRenderer = localRenderer;

            fChunkDecoder = new GraphPortChunkDecoder();

Beispiel #12
    public ImageTransition(string name, Rectangle frame, GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, double duration)
        fTimer = new NewTOAPIA.Kernel.PrecisionTimer();
		fDestinationPixelBuffer = dstPixelBuffer;
		fSourcePixelBuffer = srcPixelBuffer;
		fDuration = duration;
		fGraphPort = null;

		// Do this last because others properties may need to be 
		// setup first.
		Frame = frame;
        DestinationPixelBuffer = fDestinationPixelBuffer;
        SourcePixelBuffer = fSourcePixelBuffer;
Beispiel #13
        public GraphicsChannel(IGraphPort localRenderer, PayloadChannel channel)
            fCollaborationChannel = channel;

            fRenderer = localRenderer;

            fChunkDecoder = new GraphPortChunkDecoder();

            // Create the sending graph port
            fChunkEncoder = new GraphPortChunkEncoder();
            fChunkEncoder.ChunkPackedEvent += new GraphPortChunkEncoder.ChunkPacked(GDIChunkPacked);
            // send the frame to the receiver
            fCollaborationChannel.FrameReceivedEvent += new RtpStream.FrameReceivedEventHandler(GDICommandReceived);
Beispiel #14
        public virtual void DrawRaisedRect(IGraphPort aPort, int x, int y, int w, int h)
			aPort.FillRectangle(fBaseColorBrush, new RectangleI(x, y, w, h));

			DrawFrame(aPort, x, y, w, h, FrameStyle.Raised);
Beispiel #15
		public virtual void  DrawFrame(IGraphPort aPort, int x, int y, int w, int h, FrameStyle style)
			int n;

			switch (style)
				case FrameStyle.Sunken:
					for (n=0; n<BorderWidth; n++)
						aPort.DrawLine(fHighlightPen, new Point2I(x+n, y+h-n), new Point2I(x+w-n, y+h-n));    // bottom shadow
                        aPort.DrawLine(fHighlightPen, new Point2I(x + w - n, y + n), new Point2I(x + w - n, y + h));	    // right shadow

					for (n=0; n<BorderWidth; n++)
						aPort.DrawLine(fShadowPen, new Point2I(x+n, y+n), new Point2I(x+w-n, y+n));	    // top edge
						aPort.DrawLine(fShadowPen, new Point2I(x+n, y+n), new Point2I(x+n, y+h-n));	    // left edge

				case FrameStyle.Raised:	
					for (n=0; n<BorderWidth; n++)
						aPort.DrawLine(fShadowPen, new Point2I(x+n, y+h-n), new Point2I(x+w-n, y+h-n));      // bottom shadow
						aPort.DrawLine(fShadowPen, new Point2I(x+w-n, y+n), new Point2I(x+w-n, y+h));	    // right shadow
					if (BorderWidth > 0)
						n = BorderWidth - 1;
						aPort.DrawingColor = fBottomShadowTopLiner;
						aPort.DrawLine(x+n, y+h-n, x+w-n, y+h-n);		// bottom shadow
						aPort.DrawLine(x+w-n, y+n, x+w-n, y+h);			// right shadow
                        aPort.DrawLine(fBottomShadowBottomLinerPen, new Point2I(x, y + h), new Point2I(x + w, y + h));				// bottom shadow
                        aPort.DrawLine(fBottomShadowBottomLinerPen, new Point2I(x + w, y), new Point2I(x + w, y + h));				// right shadow

					for (n=0; n<BorderWidth; n++)
						aPort.DrawLine(fHighlightPen, new Point2I(x+n,y+n), new Point2I(x+w-n, y+n));	    // top edge
						aPort.DrawLine(fHighlightPen, new Point2I(x+n, y+n), new Point2I(x+n, y+h-n));	    // left edge

Beispiel #16
        void FlyAGraphic(IGraphPort graphPort, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle startFrame, GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, Rectangle endFrame, int steps)
            double xIncrement = (float)(endFrame.X - startFrame.X) / steps;
            double yIncrement = (float)(endFrame.Y - startFrame.Y) / steps;

            Rectangle lastFrame = startFrame;
            int startX = startFrame.X;
            int startY = startFrame.Y;
            int x;
            int y;

            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
                // Draw a section of the destination pixel buffer to 
                // cover where the graphic was sitting before it draws
                // itself in the new location.
                if (i > 0)
                    graphPort.AlphaBlend(lastFrame.X, lastFrame.Y, srcPixelBuffer.Width, srcPixelBuffer.Height, dstPixelBuffer,
                        lastFrame.X, lastFrame.Y, srcPixelBuffer.Width, srcPixelBuffer.Height, 255);

                x = (int)Math.Floor((double)startX + (i * xIncrement) + 0.5);
                y = (int)Math.Floor((double)startY + (i * yIncrement) + 0.5);

                //aGraphic.MoveTo(x, y);
                //DrawEvent devent = new DrawEvent(graphPort, Frame);
                graphPort.PixBlt(srcPixelBuffer, x, y);
                //graphPort.AlphaBlend(x, y, srcPixelBuffer.Width, srcPixelBuffer.Height, srcPixelBuffer,
                //    0, 0, srcPixelBuffer.Width, srcPixelBuffer.Height, 127);

                lastFrame = new Rectangle(x, y, srcPixelBuffer.Width, srcPixelBuffer.Height);

            //aGraphic.MoveTo(endFrame.X, endFrame.Y);
            graphPort.PixBlt(srcPixelBuffer, endFrame.X, endFrame.Y);

Beispiel #17
 public DrawEvent(IGraphPort device, Rectangle clipRect)
     fClipRect = clipRect;
     fDevice = device;
Beispiel #18
 public Command_Render(IGraphPort graphPort)
     fGraphPort = graphPort;
 void DrawMinutes(IGraphPort graphPort)
     DisplayTwoDigits(graphPort, fThisTime.Minute, false);
 void DrawSeconds(IGraphPort graphPort)
     DisplayTwoDigits(graphPort, fThisTime.Second, false);
Beispiel #21
 public virtual void DrawInto(IGraphPort graphPort)
Beispiel #22
        public virtual int OnEraseBackground(IGraphPort aPort)
            //GraphPort.DrawingColor = BackgroundColor;
            //GraphPort.FillRectangle(fOrigin.X, fOrigin.Y, fDimension.Width, fDimension.Height);

            return 1;
Beispiel #23
    public virtual void Run(IGraphPort grfx)
        // Reset the clock
        fGraphPort = grfx;


        while (fTimer.GetElapsedSeconds() < Duration)
            Draw(new DrawEvent(GraphPort, Frame));

Beispiel #24
        public void AddGraphPort(IGraphPort aPort)
            SetPixelHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetPixel(aPort.SetPixel);

            DrawLineHandler += new DrawLine(aPort.DrawLine);
            DrawLinesHandler += new DrawLines(aPort.DrawLines);

            DrawRectangleHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawRectangle(aPort.DrawRectangle);
            DrawRectanglesHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawRectangles(aPort.DrawRectangles);
            FillRectangleHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.FillRectangle(aPort.FillRectangle);

            DrawEllipseHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawEllipse(aPort.DrawEllipse);
            FillEllipseHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.FillEllipse(aPort.FillEllipse);

            DrawRoundRectHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawRoundRect(aPort.DrawRoundRect);

            PolygonHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.Polygon(aPort.Polygon);
            DrawBeziersHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawBeziers(aPort.DrawBeziers);
            DrawPathHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawPath(aPort.DrawPath);
            FillPathHandler += new FillPath(aPort.FillPath);

            //// Gradient fills
            //DrawGradientRectangleHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawGradientRectangle(aPort.DrawGradientRectangle);

            //// Drawing Text
            DrawStringHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawString(aPort.DrawString);

            ///// Draw bitmaps
            PixBltHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.PixBlt(aPort.PixBlt);
            //PixmapShardBltHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.PixmapShardBlt(aPort.PixmapShardBlt);
            //AlphaBlendHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.AlphaBlend(aPort.AlphaBlend);

            // Path handling
            //DrawPathHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.DrawPath(aPort.DrawPath);
            //SetPathAsClipRegionHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetPathAsClipRegion(aPort.SetPathAsClipRegion);

            //// Setting some objects
            SetPenHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetPen(aPort.SetPen);
            SetBrushHandler += new SetBrush(aPort.SetBrush);
            SetFontHandler += new SetFont(aPort.SetFont);

            //SelectStockObjectHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SelectStockObject(aPort.SelectStockObject);
            SelectUniqueObjectHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SelectUniqueObject(aPort.SelectUniqueObject);

            //// State Management
            FlushHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.Flush(aPort.Flush);
            SaveStateHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SaveState(aPort.SaveState);
            ResetStateHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.ResetState(aPort.ResetState);
            RestoreStateHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.RestoreState(aPort.RestoreState);

            //// Setting Attributes and modes
            SetTextColorHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetTextColor(aPort.SetTextColor);

            //// Setting some modes
            SetBkColorHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetBkColor(aPort.SetBkColor);
            SetBkModeHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetBkMode(aPort.SetBkMode);

            SetMappingModeHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetMappingMode(aPort.SetMappingMode);
            SetPolyFillModeHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetPolyFillMode(aPort.SetPolyFillMode);
            SetROP2Handler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetROP2(aPort.SetROP2);

            SetClipRectangleHandler += new SetClipRectangle(aPort.SetClipRectangle);

            // World transform management
            SetWorldTransformHandler += new NewTOAPIA.Drawing.SetWorldTransform(aPort.SetWorldTransform);
            TranslateTransformHandler += new TranslateTransform(aPort.TranslateTransform);
            ScaleTransformHandler += new ScaleTransform(aPort.ScaleTransform);
            RotateTransformHandler += new RotateTransform(aPort.RotateTransform);
Beispiel #25
        public virtual void DrawLine(IGraphPort aPort, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int border_width)
            // Vertical line
			if (x1 == x2)
				for (int n=0; n<BorderWidth; n++) 
					aPort.DrawLine(fShadowPen, new Point2I(x1-n, y1+n), new Point2I(x1-n, y2-n));  // left part
				for (int n=1; n<BorderWidth; n++) 
					aPort.DrawLine(fHighlightPen, new Point2I(x1+n, y1+n), new Point2I(x1+n, y2-n));  // right part
			else if (y1 == y2)  // Horizontal line
				for (int n=0; n<BorderWidth; n++) 
					aPort.DrawLine(fShadowPen, new Point2I(x1+n, y1-n), new Point2I(x2-n, y1-n));  // top part

				for (int n=1; n<BorderWidth; n++) 
					aPort.DrawLine(fHighlightPen, new Point2I(x1+n, y1+n), new Point2I(x2-n, y1+n));  // bottom part
 void DrawBackground(IGraphPort gPort)
     gPort.FillRectangle(fBackgroundBrush, ClientRectangle);
Beispiel #27
    public DrawEventArgs(IGraphPort device, PAINTSTRUCT pStruct)
        fPaintStruct = pStruct;
		fDevice = device;