/// <summary>
        /// Draws the axis horizontally
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawHorizontal( IGraphCanvas canvas, Rectangle drawBounds, RectangleF dataBounds )
            if ( m_TickFont == null )
            float cellSize = m_LineStep;
            float dataX = ( int )( dataBounds.Left / cellSize ) * cellSize;
            float drawY = ( ( ( -dataBounds.Top / dataBounds.Height ) * drawBounds.Height ) + drawBounds.Top );
            if ( drawY < m_TickFont.Height )
                drawY = m_TickFont.Height;
            int widthInCells = ( int )( dataBounds.Width / cellSize ) + 1;
            for ( int cellX = 0; cellX < widthInCells; ++cellX )
                float drawX = ( ( ( dataX - dataBounds.Left ) / dataBounds.Width ) * drawBounds.Width ) + drawBounds.Left;
                canvas.DrawText( m_TickFont, m_TickFontBrush, drawX, GraphUtils.InvY( drawY, drawBounds ), AxisValueToString( dataX ) );

                dataX += cellSize;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the axis vertically
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawVertical( IGraphCanvas canvas, Rectangle drawBounds, RectangleF dataBounds )
            if ( m_TickFont == null )
            float cellSize = m_LineStep;
            float dataY = ( int )( dataBounds.Top / cellSize ) * cellSize;
            int heightInCells = ( int )( dataBounds.Height / cellSize ) + 1;

            float drawX = ( ( -dataBounds.Left / dataBounds.Width ) * drawBounds.Width ) + drawBounds.Left;
            if ( drawX < 2 )
                drawX = 2;
            for ( int cellY = 0; cellY < heightInCells; ++cellY )
                float drawY = ( ( ( dataY - dataBounds.Top ) / dataBounds.Height ) * drawBounds.Height ) + drawBounds.Top;
                canvas.DrawText( m_TickFont, m_TickFontBrush, drawX, GraphUtils.InvY( drawY, drawBounds ), AxisValueToString( dataY ) );

                dataY += cellSize;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws legends for all the graphs
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawLegends( IGraphCanvas graphics, Font font, IEnumerable< GraphComponent > graphComponents )
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;
            using ( SolidBrush fontBrush = new SolidBrush( Color.Black ) )
                using ( Pen pen = new Pen( Color.Black ) )
                    foreach ( GraphComponent graphComponent in graphComponents )
                        fontBrush.Color = ( graphComponent.Renderer != null ) ? graphComponent.Renderer.Colour : Color.Black;
                        pen.Color = fontBrush.Color;

                        graphics.DrawText( font, fontBrush, x, y, graphComponent.Name );
                        y += font.Height + 2;

                        //graphics.DrawLine( pen, x, y, x + 30, y );