Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds identity to the current user.
        /// If the identity you are trying to add already belongs to another user it will invoke <code>onConflict</code> callback passing
        /// information about current user, remote user the identity you are trying to add already belongs to, and action to finalize the callback.
        /// If you implement <code>onConflict</code> callback you MUST ALWAYS call finalize action pasing your conflict resolution strategy as a parameter.
        /// If you do not provide <code>onConflict</code> callback SDK will substitute the current user with the user identity already belongs to.
        /// After the finalized action is called you are guaranteed to receive either <code>onComplete</code> or <code>onFailure</code> callback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identity">Identity info to be added</param>
        /// <param name="onComplete">Invoked when adding identity is completed. The result describing how it completed will be passed as parameter <see cref="AddIdentityResult"/></param>
        /// <param name="onFailure">Invoked when adding identity failed</param>
        /// <param name="onConflict">
        /// Invoked when the identity already belongs to another user and the conflict needs to be resolved.
        /// </param>
        public void AddUserIdentity(UserIdentity identity,
                                    Action <AddIdentityResult> onComplete,
                                    Action <string> onFailure,
                                    CurrentUser.OnAddIdentityConflictDelegate onConflict = null)
            Check.Argument.IsNotNull(identity, "identity", "Identity cannot be null");
            Check.Argument.IsNotNull(onComplete, "onComplete", "Complete callback cannot be null");
            Check.Argument.IsNotNull(onFailure, "onFailure", "Failure callback cannot be null");

            nativeBridge.AddUserIdentity(identity.Serialize().ToString(), onComplete, onFailure, onConflict);