Beispiel #1
        private void ConfigurePusher(IGenericSampleConfig2 ips, ImageHandler ih)
            int hr;


            // Specify the callback routine to call with each sample
            hr = ips.SetBitmapCB(ih);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calls the GSSF and specifies the media type to use.  This
        /// overridable method builds a generic AMMediaType based on the arguments
        /// passed to the constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="psc">Interface pointer to the GSSF</param>
        public override void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig2 psc)
            VideoInfoHeader2 vih2 = new VideoInfoHeader2();

            vih2.BmiHeader = new BitmapInfoHeader();
            vih2.SrcRect = new DsRect(0, 0, m_Width, m_Height);
            vih2.TargetRect = new DsRect(0, 0, m_Width, m_Height);

            // Build a BitmapInfo struct using the parms from the file
            vih2.BmiHeader.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
            vih2.BmiHeader.Width = m_Width;
            vih2.BmiHeader.Height = m_Height;
            vih2.BmiHeader.Planes = 1;
            vih2.BmiHeader.BitCount = m_bpp;
            vih2.BmiHeader.Compression = (int)m_SubType;
            vih2.BmiHeader.ImageSize = ((vih2.BmiHeader.BitCount * vih2.BmiHeader.Width) / 8) * vih2.BmiHeader.Height;
            vih2.BmiHeader.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
            vih2.BmiHeader.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
            vih2.BmiHeader.ClrUsed = 0;
            vih2.BmiHeader.ClrImportant = 0;
            vih2.BmiHeader.Height *= -1; // The bitmap is a top-down DIB

            vih2.BitRate = (int)(vih2.BmiHeader.ImageSize * 8 * m_Fps);
            vih2.BitErrorRate = 0;
            vih2.AvgTimePerFrame = UNIT / m_Fps;
            vih2.InterlaceFlags = 0;
            vih2.CopyProtectFlags = 0;
            vih2.PictAspectRatioX = 4;
            vih2.PictAspectRatioY = 3;
            vih2.ControlFlags = 0;
            vih2.Reserved2 = 0;

            // Free any previous media type
            if (m_pmt != null)

            m_pmt = new AMMediaType();
            m_pmt.majorType = MediaType.Video;
            m_pmt.fixedSizeSamples = true;
            m_pmt.temporalCompression = false;
            m_pmt.formatType = FormatType.VideoInfo2;
            m_pmt.sampleSize = vih2.BmiHeader.ImageSize;

            int iStride;

            if ((int)m_SubType == 3) // 3 == BI_BITFIELDS
                Debug.Assert(vih2.BmiHeader.BitCount == 32); // 16bit uses a slightly different format

                m_pmt.subType = MediaSubType.ARGB32; // Can't use the compression type to compute the subtype

                m_pmt.formatSize = Marshal.SizeOf(vih2) + (3 * (m_bpp / 8)); // Make room for the bitfields
                m_pmt.formatPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_pmt.formatSize);

                if (m_bpp != 16)
                    vih2.BmiHeader.Size += 3 * sizeof(int);

                    // One byte per color
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(m_pmt.formatPtr, 0xff); // Red
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(m_pmt.formatPtr, 4, 0xff00); // Green
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(m_pmt.formatPtr, 8, 0xff0000); // Blue
                    // Todo - 555, 565

                iStride = (m_Width * m_bpp) / 8;
                // Calculate the stride from the compression type
                MFExtern.MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader(vih2.BmiHeader.Compression, vih2.BmiHeader.Width, out iStride);

                m_pmt.subType = (Guid)m_SubType;
                m_pmt.formatSize = Marshal.SizeOf(vih2);
                m_pmt.formatPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_pmt.formatSize);

            m_pmt.sampleSize = iStride * m_Height;
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(vih2, m_pmt.formatPtr, false);

            int hr = psc.SetPinMediaType(m_pmt);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the GSSF to specify the media type.  Must be called before pins try to connect.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="psc">Pointer to the GSSF</param>
 public abstract void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig2 psc);
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the GSSF to specify the media type.  Must be called before pins try to connect.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="psc">Pointer to the GSSF</param>
 abstract public void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig2 psc);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calls the GSSF and specifies the media type to use.  This
        /// overridable method builds a generic AMMediaType based on the arguments
        /// passed to the constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="psc">Interface pointer to the GSSF</param>
        public override void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig2 psc)
            VideoInfoHeader2 vih2 = new VideoInfoHeader2();

            vih2.BmiHeader  = new BitmapInfoHeader();
            vih2.SrcRect    = new DsRect(0, 0, m_Width, m_Height);
            vih2.TargetRect = new DsRect(0, 0, m_Width, m_Height);

            // Build a BitmapInfo struct using the parms from the file
            vih2.BmiHeader.Size          = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
            vih2.BmiHeader.Width         = m_Width;
            vih2.BmiHeader.Height        = m_Height;
            vih2.BmiHeader.Planes        = 1;
            vih2.BmiHeader.BitCount      = m_bpp;
            vih2.BmiHeader.Compression   = (int)m_SubType;
            vih2.BmiHeader.ImageSize     = ((vih2.BmiHeader.BitCount * vih2.BmiHeader.Width) / 8) * vih2.BmiHeader.Height;
            vih2.BmiHeader.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
            vih2.BmiHeader.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
            vih2.BmiHeader.ClrUsed       = 0;
            vih2.BmiHeader.ClrImportant  = 0;
            vih2.BmiHeader.Height       *= -1; // The bitmap is a top-down DIB

            vih2.BitRate          = (int)(vih2.BmiHeader.ImageSize * 8 * m_Fps);
            vih2.BitErrorRate     = 0;
            vih2.AvgTimePerFrame  = UNIT / m_Fps;
            vih2.InterlaceFlags   = 0;
            vih2.CopyProtectFlags = 0;
            vih2.PictAspectRatioX = 4;
            vih2.PictAspectRatioY = 3;
            vih2.ControlFlags     = 0;
            vih2.Reserved2        = 0;

            // Free any previous media type
            if (m_pmt != null)

            m_pmt                     = new AMMediaType();
            m_pmt.majorType           = MediaType.Video;
            m_pmt.fixedSizeSamples    = true;
            m_pmt.temporalCompression = false;
            m_pmt.formatType          = FormatType.VideoInfo2;
            m_pmt.sampleSize          = vih2.BmiHeader.ImageSize;

            int iStride;

            if ((int)m_SubType == 3)                                         // 3 == BI_BITFIELDS
                Debug.Assert(vih2.BmiHeader.BitCount == 32);                 // 16bit uses a slightly different format

                m_pmt.subType = MediaSubType.ARGB32;                         // Can't use the compression type to compute the subtype

                m_pmt.formatSize = Marshal.SizeOf(vih2) + (3 * (m_bpp / 8)); // Make room for the bitfields
                m_pmt.formatPtr  = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_pmt.formatSize);

                if (m_bpp != 16)
                    vih2.BmiHeader.Size += 3 * sizeof(int);

                    // One byte per color
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(m_pmt.formatPtr, 0xff);        // Red
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(m_pmt.formatPtr, 4, 0xff00);   // Green
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(m_pmt.formatPtr, 8, 0xff0000); // Blue
                    // Todo - 555, 565

                iStride = (m_Width * m_bpp) / 8;
                // Calculate the stride from the compression type
                MFExtern.MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader(vih2.BmiHeader.Compression, vih2.BmiHeader.Width, out iStride);

                m_pmt.subType    = (Guid)m_SubType;
                m_pmt.formatSize = Marshal.SizeOf(vih2);
                m_pmt.formatPtr  = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_pmt.formatSize);

            m_pmt.sampleSize = iStride * m_Height;
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(vih2, m_pmt.formatPtr, false);

            int hr = psc.SetPinMediaType(m_pmt);

Beispiel #6
        private void ConfigurePusher(IGenericSampleConfig2 ips, ImageHandler ih)
            int hr;


            // Specify the callback routine to call with each sample
            hr = ips.SetBitmapCB(ih);