Beispiel #1
 internal Widget(string widgetKey, IGeckoApi api, TFactory widgetDataFactory)
     _api = api;
     _widgetDataFactory = widgetDataFactory;
     _widgetKey = widgetKey;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a proxy to an already existing geckoboard (at, which you can use to push data to the boards widgets.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="apiKey">If you can log in at geckoboard, you'll find your api key in your account details.</param>
 /// <param name="client">If you provide your own HttpClient here, you are responsible for cleaning up afterwards. Otherwise, you can safely assume that any internally created HttpClients will be Disposed when you Dispose this Geckoboard.</param>
 public Geckoboard(string apiKey, HttpClient client = null)
     _api = Create(new GeckoApiSettings(apiKey), client);