Beispiel #1
        public void ApplyOneGateProvideStateVectorToGate()
            // Arrange
            QuantumCircuit qc = new QuantumCircuit(2);

            qc.stateVector[0] = Complex.Zero;
            qc.stateVector[1] = Complex.Zero;
            qc.stateVector[2] = Complex.One;
            qc.stateVector[3] = Complex.Zero;
            StateVector sv              = new StateVector(2);
            IGate       gate            = new IGateMocks.GateStub(s => sv = s);
            Complex     expect0IdxValue = Complex.Zero;
            Complex     expect1IdxValue = Complex.Zero;
            Complex     expect2IdxValue = Complex.One;
            Complex     expect3IdxValue = Complex.Zero;

            // Act
            Complex actual0IdxValue = sv[0];
            Complex actual1IdxValue = sv[1];
            Complex actual2IdxValue = sv[2];
            Complex actual3IdxValue = sv[3];

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(expect0IdxValue == actual0IdxValue &&
                          expect1IdxValue == actual1IdxValue &&
                          expect2IdxValue == actual2IdxValue &&
                          expect3IdxValue == actual3IdxValue,
                          $"QuantumCircuit should pass the current StateVector to the gate, " +
                          $"expected [ {expect0IdxValue}, {expect1IdxValue}, {expect2IdxValue}, {expect3IdxValue} ]" +
                          $"but found [ {actual0IdxValue}, {actual1IdxValue}, {actual2IdxValue}, {actual3IdxValue} ].");
Beispiel #2
        public void ApplyOneGateTest()
            // Arrange
            QuantumCircuit qc = new QuantumCircuit(2);
            StateVector    sv = new StateVector(2);

            sv[0] = Complex.Zero;
            sv[1] = Complex.Zero;
            sv[2] = Complex.Zero;
            sv[3] = Complex.One;
            IGate   gate            = new IGateMocks.GateStub(_ => sv);
            Complex expect0IdxValue = Complex.Zero;
            Complex expect1IdxValue = Complex.Zero;
            Complex expect2IdxValue = Complex.Zero;
            Complex expect3IdxValue = Complex.One;

            // Act
            Complex actual0IdxValue = qc.stateVector[0];
            Complex actual1IdxValue = qc.stateVector[1];
            Complex actual2IdxValue = qc.stateVector[2];
            Complex actual3IdxValue = qc.stateVector[3];

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(expect0IdxValue == actual0IdxValue &&
                          expect1IdxValue == actual1IdxValue &&
                          expect2IdxValue == actual2IdxValue &&
                          expect3IdxValue == actual3IdxValue,
                          $"Apply IGate should modify StateVector, " +
                          $"expected [ {expect0IdxValue}, {expect1IdxValue}, {expect2IdxValue}, {expect3IdxValue} ]" +
                          $"but found [ {actual0IdxValue}, {actual1IdxValue}, {actual2IdxValue}, {actual3IdxValue} ].");