Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method starts drop if possible
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void _TryToDrop(DragEventArgs e)
            DragAndDropHelper dragAndDropHelper = new DragAndDropHelper();

            Point  mousePoint    = e.GetPosition(ganttControl);
            object hoveredObject = ganttControl.HitTest(mousePoint); // Get object under mouse cursor.
            Object dropTarget    = _GetTargetData(hoveredObject);    // Get Tag from hovered object.

            if (dropTarget == null)                                  // If target drop object is "null" - do nothing.

            // Get collection of dragging orders.
            ICollection <Order> draggingOrders = dragAndDropHelper.GetDraggingOrders(e.Data);

            // If user try to change single stop position - define additional parameters.
            if ((1 == draggingOrders.Count) && (dropTarget is Route) && (hoveredObject is IGanttItemElement) && ((Route)dropTarget).Stops.Count > 0)
                IGanttItem parentItem = null;
                int        index      = 0;
                parentItem = ((IGanttItemElement)hoveredObject).ParentGanttItem;
                index      = parentItem.GanttItemElements.IndexOf((IGanttItemElement)hoveredObject);

                Debug.Assert(index + 1 < parentItem.GanttItemElements.Count);
                if (parentItem.GanttItemElements[index + 1].Tag is Stop)
                    dropTarget = (Stop)parentItem.GanttItemElements[index + 1].Tag;

            // Do Drop.
            dragAndDropHelper.Drop(dropTarget, e.Data);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>DriveTimeGanttItemElement</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public DriveTimeGanttItemElement(Stop stop, IGanttItem parent)
            // Creates route drive time as a gantt item element.
            _stop   = stop;
            _route  = stop.Route; // Cache route value.
            _parent = parent;

            // Subscribe on stop changes to notify about updates.
            _route.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_RoutePropertyChanged);
            _stop.PropertyChanged  += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_StopPropertyChanged);
        /// <summary>
        /// Selection logic if "Shift" button was pressed in selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pressedElement">Last clicked element.</param>
        /// <returns>New selection collection. If selection shouldn't be changed - returns null.</returns>
        private ICollection <IGanttItemElement> _SelectItemsByShift(IGanttItemElement clickedElement)
            Debug.Assert(_selectedElements.Count > 0); // Collection should contain at least one element. Otherwise we use _SelectItem method.

            // If user clicked to element in other GanttItem - do nothing.
            if (_selectedElements.First().Value.ParentGanttItem != clickedElement.ParentGanttItem)

            // Else - need to select range between first selected item and clicked item.

            // If just clicked element has the same tag as current GanttItem -
            // elemet is already in selection (was added earlier by custom logic in _SelectItem() method). And we should do nothing.
            if (_selectedElements.First().Key.ParentGanttItem.Tag == clickedElement.Tag)

            // Check that clicked item is the same type as items in collection.
            Type selectedItemsType = _selectedElements.First().Value.Tag.GetType();

            // If new element Tag type is nos same as Tag type of already selected elements - do nothing.
            if (clickedElement.Tag.GetType() != selectedItemsType)

            // Rename vars to make code more clear.
            IGanttItemElement firstSelectedElement = _selectedElements.First().Key;
            IGanttItemElement lastSelectedElement  = clickedElement;

            IGanttItem parentItem = lastSelectedElement.ParentGanttItem;

            // Defines whether selection bounds are in revert order.
            bool doSelectionBoundsHaveInvalidOrder = (parentItem.GanttItemElements.IndexOf(lastSelectedElement) < parentItem.GanttItemElements.IndexOf(firstSelectedElement));

            // If index of last selected item parent is smaller than first selected item parent - interchange items.
            if (doSelectionBoundsHaveInvalidOrder)
                IGanttItemElement buffer = firstSelectedElement;
                firstSelectedElement = lastSelectedElement;
                lastSelectedElement  = buffer;

            // Collection of all element which should be selected now.
            ICollection <IGanttItemElement> newSelectedElements = new Collection <IGanttItemElement>();

            // Select elements from selection range.
            newSelectedElements = _GetSelectedElementsByGanttItem(selectedItemsType, parentItem,
                                                                  firstSelectedElement, lastSelectedElement);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets collection of elements which Tag is the same with Gantt item tag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Gantt item.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of IganttItemElements with tags same to gantt item tag.</returns>
        private Collection <IGanttItemElement> _GetSelectedElementsWithGanttItemTag(IGanttItem ganttItem)
            Collection <IGanttItemElement> selectedElements = new Collection <IGanttItemElement>();

            foreach (IGanttItemElement element in ganttItem.GanttItemElements)
                if (element.Tag == ganttItem.Tag)

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all IGanttItemElements in necessary item.GanttItemElements from selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Item whose elements should be removed.</param>
        /// <returns>True if even one element was removed.</returns>
        private bool _RemoveVisualsFromSelectionForGanttItem(IGanttItem ganttItem)
            bool isVisualsWereRemoved = false;

            foreach (IGanttItemElement element in ganttItem.GanttItemElements)
                if (_selectedElements.ContainsValue(element))
                    isVisualsWereRemoved = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>StopGanttItem</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public StopGanttItemElement(Stop stop, IGanttItem parent)
            Debug.Assert(stop != null);
            Debug.Assert(parent != null);

            // Initialize stop.
            _stop  = stop;
            _route = stop.Route;

            // Subscribe on stop and route changes to notify about updates.
            _route.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_RoutePropertyChanged);
            _stop.PropertyChanged  += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_StopPropertyChanged);

            // Initialize parent.
            _parent = parent;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>StopGanttItem</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public StopGanttItemElement(Stop stop, IGanttItem parent)
            Debug.Assert(stop != null);
            Debug.Assert(parent != null);

            // Initialize stop.
            _stop = stop;
            _route = stop.Route;

            // Subscribe on stop and route changes to notify about updates.
            _route.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_RoutePropertyChanged);
            _stop.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_StopPropertyChanged);

            // Initialize parent.
            _parent = parent;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method removes all visuals from child collection if visual is bound with gantt item. Also removes objects from selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Gantt item.</param>
        private void _RemoveVisualsForGanttItem(IGanttItem ganttItem)
            Collection <IGanttItemElement> itemsToRemove = new Collection <IGanttItemElement>();

            foreach (GanttItemElementDrawingVisual visual in _children) //(int i = 0; i < VisualChildrenCount; i++)
                IGanttItemElement element = ((GanttItemElementDrawingVisual)visual).GanttItemElement;

                if (element.ParentGanttItem.Equals(ganttItem))

            // Remove necessary elements from collection.
            foreach (IGanttItemElement element in itemsToRemove)
                element.RedrawRequired -= _ElementRedrawRequired;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds one "row" of visual elements to necessary gantt item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Gantt item.</param>
        private void _AddVisualsForGanttItem(IGanttItem ganttItem)
            // Define next Gantt item in collection to insert new visuals before it's visuals.
            int indexOfNextGanttItem = _ganttItems.IndexOf(ganttItem) + 1;

            if (indexOfNextGanttItem == _ganttItems.Count) // If new item was added to the end of collection.
                // Add new visuals to the end of collection.
                foreach (IGanttItemElement element in ganttItem.GanttItemElements)
                    GanttItemElementDrawingVisual newVisual = new GanttItemElementDrawingVisual(element);
                    newVisual.RedrawRequired = true;
                    _mapElementToVisual.Add(element, newVisual); // Add pair to dictionary.
                    element.RedrawRequired += new EventHandler(_ElementRedrawRequired);
                // TODO : Add code to insert visual to necessary position later if necessary
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all IGanttItemElements in necessary item.GanttItemElements from selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Item whose elements should be removed.</param>
        /// <returns>True if even one element was removed.</returns>
        private bool _RemoveVisualsFromSelectionForGanttItem(IGanttItem ganttItem)
            bool isVisualsWereRemoved = false;

            foreach (IGanttItemElement element in ganttItem.GanttItemElements)
                if (_selectedElements.ContainsValue(element))
                    isVisualsWereRemoved = true;

            return isVisualsWereRemoved;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method removes all visuals from child collection if visual is bound with gantt item. Also removes objects from selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Gantt item.</param>
        private void _RemoveVisualsForGanttItem(IGanttItem ganttItem)
            Collection<IGanttItemElement> itemsToRemove = new Collection<IGanttItemElement>();

            foreach (GanttItemElementDrawingVisual visual in _children) //(int i = 0; i < VisualChildrenCount; i++)
                IGanttItemElement element = ((GanttItemElementDrawingVisual)visual).GanttItemElement;

                if (element.ParentGanttItem.Equals(ganttItem))

            // Remove necessary elements from collection.
            foreach (IGanttItemElement element in itemsToRemove)
                element.RedrawRequired -= _ElementRedrawRequired;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets collection of elements which Tag is the same with Gantt item tag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Gantt item.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of IganttItemElements with tags same to gantt item tag.</returns>
        private Collection<IGanttItemElement> _GetSelectedElementsWithGanttItemTag(IGanttItem ganttItem)
            Collection<IGanttItemElement> selectedElements = new Collection<IGanttItemElement>();

            foreach (IGanttItemElement element in ganttItem.GanttItemElements)
                if (element.Tag == ganttItem.Tag)

            return selectedElements;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets collection of selected elements in necessary Gantt item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedType">TYpe of elements which can be added to selection.</param>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Parent gantt item.</param>
        /// <param name="firstSelectedElement">First element in global selection.</param>
        /// <param name="lastSelectedElement">Last element in global selection.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of selected elements.</returns>
        private ICollection<IGanttItemElement> _GetSelectedElementsByGanttItem(Type selectedType, IGanttItem ganttItem,
            IGanttItemElement firstSelectedElement, IGanttItemElement lastSelectedElement)
            Collection<IGanttItemElement> selectedElements = new Collection<IGanttItemElement>();

            int startIndex = 0;
            int endIndex = ganttItem.GanttItemElements.Count;

            if (ganttItem.GanttItemElements.Contains(firstSelectedElement))
                startIndex = ganttItem.GanttItemElements.IndexOf(firstSelectedElement);
            if (ganttItem.GanttItemElements.Contains(lastSelectedElement))
                endIndex = ganttItem.GanttItemElements.IndexOf(lastSelectedElement) + 1;

            for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
                if (ganttItem.GanttItemElements[i].Tag.GetType() == selectedType)

            return selectedElements;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets collection of selected elements in necessary Gantt item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedType">TYpe of elements which can be added to selection.</param>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Parent gantt item.</param>
        /// <param name="firstSelectedElement">First element in global selection.</param>
        /// <param name="lastSelectedElement">Last element in global selection.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of selected elements.</returns>
        private ICollection <IGanttItemElement> _GetSelectedElementsByGanttItem(Type selectedType, IGanttItem ganttItem,
                                                                                IGanttItemElement firstSelectedElement, IGanttItemElement lastSelectedElement)
            Collection <IGanttItemElement> selectedElements = new Collection <IGanttItemElement>();

            int startIndex = 0;
            int endIndex   = ganttItem.GanttItemElements.Count;

            if (ganttItem.GanttItemElements.Contains(firstSelectedElement))
                startIndex = ganttItem.GanttItemElements.IndexOf(firstSelectedElement);
            if (ganttItem.GanttItemElements.Contains(lastSelectedElement))
                endIndex = ganttItem.GanttItemElements.IndexOf(lastSelectedElement) + 1;

            for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
                if (ganttItem.GanttItemElements[i].Tag.GetType() == selectedType)

 public GanttItemProgressDrawingVisual(IGanttItem item)
     GanttItem = item;
     RedrawRequired = true;
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>EmptyGanttItemElement</c> class.
 /// </summary>
 public EmptyGanttItemElement(IGanttItem parent)
     _startTime = DateTime.MinValue;
     _endTime   = DateTime.MaxValue;
     _parent    = parent;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds one "row" of visual elements to necessary gantt item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ganttItem">Gantt item.</param>
        private void _AddVisualsForGanttItem(IGanttItem ganttItem)
            // Define next Gantt item in collection to insert new visuals before it's visuals.
            int indexOfNextGanttItem = _ganttItems.IndexOf(ganttItem) + 1;

            if (indexOfNextGanttItem == _ganttItems.Count) // If new item was added to the end of collection.
                // Add new visuals to the end of collection.
                foreach (IGanttItemElement element in ganttItem.GanttItemElements)
                    GanttItemElementDrawingVisual newVisual = new GanttItemElementDrawingVisual(element);
                    newVisual.RedrawRequired = true;
                    _mapElementToVisual.Add(element, newVisual); // Add pair to dictionary.
                    element.RedrawRequired += new EventHandler(_ElementRedrawRequired);
                // TODO : Add code to insert visual to necessary position later if necessary
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>DriveTimeGanttItemElement</c> class.
        /// </summary>
        public DriveTimeGanttItemElement(Stop stop, IGanttItem parent)
            // Creates route drive time as a gantt item element.
            _stop = stop;
            _route = stop.Route; // Cache route value.
            _parent = parent;

            // Subscribe on stop changes to notify about updates.
            _route.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_RoutePropertyChanged);
            _stop.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(_StopPropertyChanged);
 public GanttItemProgressDrawingVisual(IGanttItem item)
     GanttItem      = item;
     RedrawRequired = true;