protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { IFrameSet bs = null; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref bs)) { return; } string modelUnit = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString(); sRhinoConverter rhcon = new sRhinoConverter("Meters", modelUnit); List <sFixity> fixs = new List <sFixity>(); //fixs.Add(bs.fixityAtStart); //fixs.Add(bs.fixityAtEnd); List <sLineLoad> lls = new List <sLineLoad>(); if (bs.lineLoads != null && bs.lineLoads.Count > 0) { lls = rhcon.EnsureUnit(bs.lineLoads).ToList(); } DA.SetData(0, bs.frameSetName); DA.SetData(1, rhcon.EnsureUnit(rhcon.ToRhinoCurve(bs.parentCrv))); DA.SetData(2, bs.crossSection); DA.SetDataList(3, bs.frames); DA.SetDataList(4, lls); DA.SetDataList(5, fixs); }
public double GetBeamEffectiveSlabWidth(IFrameSet ifs) { sSteelFrameSet fs = ifs as sSteelFrameSet; CompositeBeamSection cs = new CompositeBeamSection(); double L = fs.parentCrv.length * 39.3701;//m to in return(cs.GetEffectiveSlabWidth(L, fs.effectiveSlabEdges.L_centerLeft_in, fs.effectiveSlabEdges.L_centerRight_in, fs.effectiveSlabEdges.L_edgeLeft_in, fs.effectiveSlabEdges.L_edgeRight_in)); }
public double GetDemand_LocalDeflection_Vertical(double adjusted_Iyy, IFrameSet fs_Live) { double def_local = fs_Live.GetFrameSetDemand(eColorMode.Deflection_Local); double IyyRatio = (fs_Live.crossSection.I_StrongAxis / adjusted_Iyy); double def_adjusted = IyyRatio * def_local; def_adjusted *= 0.0393701;//mm to in return(def_adjusted); }
public double GetSumOfStudsStrength(IFrameSet fs) { double len_ft = fs.parentCrv.length * 3.280841666667; int studCount = (int)Math.Round((len_ft / 1), 0); // assuming, // Shear Stud Anchor // Light Weight Concrete : 4ksi // Deck Perpendicular // 1 Weak Studs per rib // 3/4" in diameter return(studCount * 17.2); }
public List <sCrossSection> Design_Beams_Gravity(IFrameSet fs_Full, IFrameSet fs_Minute, IFrameSet fs_Live, List <sCrossSection> sortedShapes, int count = 3, double depthLimitMax_in = -1, double depthLimitMin_in = -1) { List <sCrossSection> selected = new List <sCrossSection>(); int selectedCount = 0; foreach (sCrossSection c in sortedShapes) { //depth check if (depthLimitMax_in > 0.0 && c.depth > depthLimitMax_in) { continue; } if (depthLimitMin_in > 0.0 && c.depth < depthLimitMin_in) { continue; } //strength check double momentY_adjusted = this.GetDemand_Flexural_Vertical(c, fs_Full, fs_Minute); //?? put minute frame??? double momentY_capacity = this.GetFlexuralStrength_Vertical(c, eColorMode.Moment_Y, fs_Minute); double momentY_DCR = (momentY_adjusted / momentY_capacity); //stiffness check //units?? double I_LB = this.GetLowerBoundMomentOfInertia(c, fs_Live); double def_adjusted = this.GetDemand_LocalDeflection_Vertical(I_LB, fs_Live); double def_capacity = (fs_Live.parentCrv.length / 360.0); sSteelFrameSet sfs_Live = fs_Live as sSteelFrameSet; if (sfs_Live.AsCantilever) { def_capacity *= 2; } def_capacity *= 39.3701;//m to in double def_DCR = (def_adjusted / def_capacity); //select if (momentY_DCR > 0 && momentY_DCR < 0.9999 && def_DCR > 0 && def_DCR < 0.9999) { selected.Add(c); selectedCount++; } if (selectedCount == count) { break; } } return(selected); }
public IFrameSet GetsFrameSetByGUID(Guid gid) { IFrameSet bs = null; foreach (IFrameSet b in this.frameSets) { if (b.objectGUID.Equals(gid)) { bs = b; break; } } return(bs); }
public double GetDemand_Flexural_Vertical(sCrossSection c, IFrameSet fs_Full, IFrameSet fs_Minute) { //strength check double momentY_full = fs_Full.GetFrameSetDemand(eColorMode.Moment_Y); double momentY_min = fs_Minute.GetFrameSetDemand(eColorMode.Moment_Y); double momentY_self = (momentY_full - momentY_min); double selfWeightRatio = (c.weight / fs_Full.crossSection.weight); double momentY_adjusted = ((momentY_self * selfWeightRatio) + momentY_min); momentY_adjusted *= 0.28476439306;//N.m > return(momentY_adjusted); }
public void AwareBeamUpVectorsOnBrep(ref IFrameSet bSet, Brep guideBrep, double tol) { if (bSet.frames.Count > 0) { foreach (sFrame sb in bSet.frames) { Point3d cp = ToRhinoPoint3d(sb.axis.PointAt(0.5)); Vector3d nv = GetNormalVectorAtPointOnBrep(cp, guideBrep, tol); if (nv.Length > 0.001) { sb.AwareLocalPlane(TosXYZ(nv)); } } } }
public double GetLowerBoundMomentOfInertia(sCrossSection cCheck, IFrameSet fs) { sKodeStructConverter kcon = new sKodeStructConverter(); SteelMaterial mat = kcon.ToKodeStructMaterial_Steel(fs.crossSection); double I_LB = 0; double b_eff = this.GetBeamEffectiveSlabWidth(fs); double SumQ_n = this.GetSumOfStudsStrength(fs); // assuming, // Shear Stud Anchor // Light Weight Concrete : 4ksi // solid concrete thickness = 2.5" // rib thickness = 3" // double h_solid = 2.5; double h_rib = 3.0; double F_y = mat.YieldStress; //?? unit ?? F_y of what?? double fc_prime = 4.0; //?? unit ?? //check lowerBound Moment of Inertia by check section??? ISection shape = kcon.ToKodeStructCrossSection(cCheck); if (shape is ISliceableShapeProvider) { ISliceableShapeProvider prov = shape as ISliceableShapeProvider; ISliceableSection sec = prov.GetSliceableShape(); CompositeBeamSection cs = new CompositeBeamSection(sec, b_eff, h_solid, h_rib, F_y, fc_prime); I_LB = cs.GetLowerBoundMomentOfInertia(SumQ_n); } else { if (shape is ISliceableSection) { ISliceableSection sec = shape as ISliceableSection; CompositeBeamSection cs = new CompositeBeamSection(sec, b_eff, h_solid, h_rib, F_y, fc_prime); I_LB = cs.GetLowerBoundMomentOfInertia(SumQ_n); } else { throw new Exception("Shape type not supported. Please provide a shape object of standard geometry"); } } return(I_LB); }
public ISystem InitiateISystem(List <object> objElements) { sysType = 0; foreach (object so in objElements) { GH_ObjectWrapper wap = new GH_ObjectWrapper(so); IFrameSet fs = wap.Value as IFrameSet; if (fs is sSteelFrameSet) { sysType = 1; break; } } if (sysType == 1) { return(new sSteelSystem()); } else { return(new sSystem()); } }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { IFrameSet sb = null; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref sb)) { return; } string modelUnit = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString(); sRhinoConverter rhcon = new sRhinoConverter("Meters", modelUnit); this.Message = "Beam Result\n" + colMode.ToString(); sRange ran = sb.GetFrameSetResultRange(colMode); Curve rc = rhcon.EnsureUnit(rhcon.ToRhinoCurve(sb.parentCrv)); Point3d cp = rc.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.5); Vector3d x = rc.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.49) - cp; x.Unitize(); Vector3d y = Vector3d.CrossProduct(x, -Vector3d.ZAxis); Plane pl = new Plane(cp, x, y); double max = 0.0; double min = 0.0; string unit = ""; if (colMode == eColorMode.Deflection) { max = rhcon.EnsureUnit_Deflection(ran.max); min = rhcon.EnsureUnit_Deflection(ran.min); if (modelUnit == "Meters") { unit = "mm"; } else if (modelUnit == "Feet") { unit = "in"; } } else if (colMode.ToString().Contains("Stress")) { max = rhcon.EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.max); min = rhcon.EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.min); if (modelUnit == "Meters") { max *= 1.0E-6; min *= 1.0E-6; unit = "MPa"; } else if (modelUnit == "Feet") { unit = "ksi"; } } else if (colMode.ToString().Contains("Force")) { max = rhcon.EnsureUnit_Force(ran.max); min = rhcon.EnsureUnit_Force(ran.min); if (modelUnit == "Meters") { unit = "N"; } else if (modelUnit == "Feet") { unit = "lbf"; } } else if (colMode.ToString().Contains("Moment")) { max = rhcon.EnsureUnit_Moment(ran.max); min = rhcon.EnsureUnit_Moment(ran.min); if (modelUnit == "Meters") { unit = "N.m"; } else if (modelUnit == "Feet") { unit = "lbf.ft"; } } DA.SetData(0, pl); DA.SetData(1, "(" + Math.Round(min, 2) + ") - (" + Math.Round(max, 2) + ") " + unit); DA.SetData(2, max); DA.SetData(3, min); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { List <IFrameSet> beamsets = new List <IFrameSet>(); List <Vector3d> upvectors = new List <Vector3d>(); if (!DA.GetDataList(0, beamsets)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(1, upvectors)) { return; } string modelUnit = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString(); sRhinoConverter rhcon = new sRhinoConverter(modelUnit, "Meters"); sRhinoConverter rhcon_ToRhinoModel = new sRhinoConverter("Meters", modelUnit); List <IFrameSet> duplicated = new List <IFrameSet>(); List <Point3d> pts = new List <Point3d>(); List <Vector3d> vecs = new List <Vector3d>(); this.Message = ""; int nonSegCount = 0; if (upvectors.Count == beamsets.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < beamsets.Count; ++i) { if (beamsets[i].frames.Count > 0) { sXYZ upvecThis = rhcon.TosXYZ(upvectors[i]); IFrameSet dubs = beamsets[i].DuplicatesFrameSet(); dubs.EnsureBeamElement(); foreach (sFrame sb in dubs.frames) { sb.AwareLocalPlane(upvecThis); pts.Add(rhcon_ToRhinoModel.EnsureUnit(rhcon.ToRhinoPoint3d(sb.axis.PointAt(0.5)))); vecs.Add(rhcon.ToRhinoVector3d(sb.upVector)); } duplicated.Add(dubs); } else { nonSegCount++; } } } else if (upvectors.Count == 1) { foreach (IFrameSet bs in beamsets) { if (bs.frames.Count > 0) { IFrameSet dubs = bs.DuplicatesFrameSet(); dubs.EnsureBeamElement(); foreach (sFrame sb in dubs.frames) { sb.AwareLocalPlane(rhcon.TosXYZ(upvectors[0])); pts.Add(rhcon_ToRhinoModel.EnsureUnit(rhcon.ToRhinoPoint3d(sb.axis.PointAt(0.5)))); vecs.Add(rhcon.ToRhinoVector3d(sb.upVector)); } duplicated.Add(dubs); } else { nonSegCount++; } } } else { this.Message = ""; return; } if (nonSegCount == 0) { DA.SetDataList(0, duplicated); DA.SetDataList(1, pts); DA.SetDataList(2, vecs); } else { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Segmentize Beam Set First To Assign Upvectors"); //this.Message = "Segmentize Beam Set First To Assign Upvectors"; } }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { List <object> seles = new List <object>(); double intTol = 0.005; double segTol = 0.5; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, seles)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref intTol)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(2, ref segTol)) { return; } string modelUnit = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString(); sRhinoConverter rhcon = new sRhinoConverter(modelUnit, "Meters"); if (modelUnit == "Feet") { intTol = 0.015; segTol = 1.5; } List <object> pelements = new List <object>(); List <IFrameSet> beamelements = new List <IFrameSet>(); foreach (object o in seles) { GH_ObjectWrapper wap = new GH_ObjectWrapper(o); IFrameSet bsori = wap.Value as IFrameSet; if (bsori != null) { beamelements.Add(bsori.DuplicatesFrameSet()); } sPointLoad pl = wap.Value as sPointLoad; if (pl != null) { pelements.Add(pl); } sPointSupport ps = wap.Value as sPointSupport; if (ps != null) { pelements.Add(ps); } } rhcon.SplitSegmentizesBeamSet(ref beamelements, intTol, segTol, pelements); /* * string groupInfo = ""; * DataTree<sBeamSet> beamTree = new DataTree<sBeamSet>(); * var grouped = beamelements.GroupBy(b => b.beamSetName); * int groupID = 0; * foreach (var bgroup in grouped) * { * GH_Path bpth = new GH_Path(groupID); * groupInfo += "BeamSet" + groupID + ": " + bgroup.ElementAt(0).beamSetName + "\n"; * foreach (sBeamSet sb in bgroup) * { * beamTree.Add(sb, bpth); * } * groupID++; * } * * this.Message = groupInfo; */ DA.SetDataList(0, beamelements); DA.SetDataList(1, pelements); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { List <object> sBeamObjs = new List <object>(); Brep b = null; double tol = 0.05; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, sBeamObjs)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref b)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(2, ref tol)) { return; } string modelUnit = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString(); sRhinoConverter rhcon = new sRhinoConverter(modelUnit, "Meters"); sRhinoConverter rhcon_ToRhinoModel = new sRhinoConverter("Meters", modelUnit); Brep scaleB = rhcon.EnsureUnit(b); List <Point3d> pts = new List <Point3d>(); List <Vector3d> vecs = new List <Vector3d>(); List <object> duplicated = new List <object>(); int nonSegmentizedCount = 0; this.Message = ""; foreach (object ob in sBeamObjs) { GH_ObjectWrapper wap = new GH_ObjectWrapper(ob); IFrameSet bs = wap.Value as IFrameSet; if (bs != null) { IFrameSet dubs = bs.DuplicatesFrameSet(); if (dubs.frames.Count > 0) { dubs.EnsureBeamElement(); rhcon.AwareBeamUpVectorsOnBrep(ref dubs, scaleB, tol); foreach (sFrame ssb in dubs.frames) { pts.Add(rhcon_ToRhinoModel.EnsureUnit(rhcon.ToRhinoPoint3d(ssb.axis.PointAt(0.5)))); vecs.Add(rhcon.ToRhinoVector3d(ssb.upVector)); } duplicated.Add(dubs); } else { nonSegmentizedCount++; } } /* * sBeam sb = wap.Value as sBeam; * if(sb != null) * { * sBeam dusb = sb.DuplicatesBeam(); * Vector3d nv = rhcon.GetNormalVectorAtPointOnBrep(rhcon.ToRhinoPoint3d(dusb.axis.PointAt(0.5)), scaleB, tol); * dusb.AwareLocalPlane(rhcon.TosXYZ(nv)); * duplicated.Add(dusb); * } */ } if (nonSegmentizedCount == 0) { DA.SetDataList(0, duplicated); DA.SetDataList(1, pts); DA.SetDataList(2, vecs); } else { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Segmentize Beam Set First To Assign Upvectors"); //this.Message = "Segmentize Beam Set First To Assign Upvectors"; } }
public void AddsBeamSet(IFrameSet bset) { bset.EnsureBeamElement(); this.frameSets.Add(bset); }
public double GetFlexuralStrength_Vertical(sCrossSection section, eColorMode forceType, IFrameSet fs) { sKodeStructConverter kcon = new sKodeStructConverter(); SteelMaterial mat = kcon.ToKodeStructMaterial_Steel(section); string Code = "AISC360-10"; double phiM_n = 0; double b_eff = this.GetBeamEffectiveSlabWidth(fs); double SumQ_n = this.GetSumOfStudsStrength(fs); // assuming, // Shear Stud Anchor // Light Weight Concrete : 4ksi // solid concrete thickness = 2.5" // rib thickness = 3" // double h_solid = 2.5; double h_rib = 3.0; double F_y = mat.YieldStress; //?? unit ?? F_y of what?? double fc_prime = 4.0; //?? unit ?? MomentAxis Axis = kcon.ToKodeStructMomentAxis(forceType); //?? just this for composite? ISection shape = kcon.ToKodeStructCrossSection(section); if (shape is ISliceableShapeProvider) { ISliceableShapeProvider prov = shape as ISliceableShapeProvider; ISliceableSection sec = prov.GetSliceableShape(); CompositeBeamSection cs = new CompositeBeamSection(sec, b_eff, h_solid, h_rib, F_y, fc_prime); phiM_n = cs.GetFlexuralStrength(SumQ_n); } else { if (shape is ISliceableSection) { ISliceableSection sec = shape as ISliceableSection; CompositeBeamSection cs = new CompositeBeamSection(sec, b_eff, h_solid, h_rib, F_y, fc_prime); phiM_n = cs.GetFlexuralStrength(SumQ_n); } else { throw new Exception("Shape type not supported. Please provide a shape object of standard geometry"); } } return(phiM_n); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { List <IFrameSet> bsets = new List <IFrameSet>(); double tol = 0.005; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, bsets)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref tol)) { return; } sFixity fxS = null; sFixity fxE = null; if (fixType == eFixityType.MOMENTREALESED_START) { fxS = new sFixity(); fxS.release = new bool[6] { true, true, true, false, false, false }; } else if (fixType == eFixityType.MOMENTREALESED_END) { fxE = new sFixity(); fxE.release = new bool[6] { true, true, true, false, false, false }; } else if (fixType == eFixityType.MOMENTREALESED_BOTH) { fxS = new sFixity(); fxS.release = new bool[6] { true, true, true, false, false, false }; fxE = new sFixity(); fxE.release = new bool[6] { true, true, true, true, false, false }; } else if (fixType == eFixityType.FIXITIES_BY_DOF) { List <bool> sss = new List <bool>(); List <bool> eee = new List <bool>(); if (!DA.GetDataList(2, sss)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(3, eee)) { return; } bool[] fixedSet = new bool[6] { true, true, true, true, true, true }; if (sss.Count != 6) { sss = fixedSet.ToList(); } if (eee.Count != 6) { eee = fixedSet.ToList(); } fxS = new sFixity(); fxS.release = sss.ToArray(); fxE = new sFixity(); fxE.release = eee.ToArray(); } else if (fixType == eFixityType.FULLY_FIXED) { fxS = null; fxE = null; } string modelUnit = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString(); sRhinoConverter rhcon = new sRhinoConverter(modelUnit, "Meters"); sRhinoConverter rhcon_ToRhinoModel = new sRhinoConverter("Meters", modelUnit); if (modelUnit == "Feet") { tol = 0.015; } List <IFrameSet> duplicated = new List <IFrameSet>(); List <Point3d> locsStart = new List <Point3d>(); List <Point3d> locsEnd = new List <Point3d>(); foreach (IFrameSet bso in bsets) { IFrameSet bs = bso.DuplicatesFrameSet(); bs.ResetFixities(); if (bs.parentSegments.Count > 0) { if (fxS != null) { bs.segmentFixitiesAtStart = new List <sFixity>(); } if (fxE != null) { bs.segmentFixitiesAtEnd = new List <sFixity>(); } foreach (sCurve segc in bs.parentSegments) { Curve segrc = rhcon.ToRhinoCurve(segc); if (fxS != null) { fxS.location = rhcon.TosXYZ(segrc.PointAtStart); if (fxS.IsOnLocation(bs.associatedLocations, tol) == false) { bs.segmentFixitiesAtStart.Add(fxS.DuplicatesFixity()); } } if (fxE != null) { fxE.location = rhcon.TosXYZ(segrc.PointAtEnd); if (fxE.IsOnLocation(bs.associatedLocations, tol) == false) { bs.segmentFixitiesAtEnd.Add(fxE.DuplicatesFixity()); } } } bs.AwareElementFixitiesBySegementFixities(tol); } else { Curve rc = rhcon.ToRhinoCurve(bs.parentCrv); if (fxS != null && bs.parentFixityAtStart == null) { fxS.location = rhcon.TosXYZ(rc.PointAtStart); if (fxS.IsOnLocation(bs.associatedLocations, tol) == false) { bs.parentFixityAtStart = fxS.DuplicatesFixity(); } } if (fxE != null && bs.parentFixityAtEnd == null) { fxE.location = rhcon.TosXYZ(rc.PointAtEnd); if (fxE.IsOnLocation(bs.associatedLocations, tol) == false) { bs.parentFixityAtEnd = fxE.DuplicatesFixity(); } } bs.AwareElementsFixitiesByParentFixity(tol); } duplicated.Add(bs); } foreach (IFrameSet bs in duplicated) { if (bs.frames.Count == 0) { Curve rc = rhcon_ToRhinoModel.EnsureUnit(rhcon.ToRhinoCurve(bs.parentCrv)); if (bs.parentFixityAtStart != null) { locsStart.Add(rc.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.025)); } if (bs.parentFixityAtEnd != null) { locsEnd.Add(rc.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.975)); } } else { foreach (sFrame sb in bs.frames) { if (sb.fixityAtStart != null) { locsStart.Add(rhcon_ToRhinoModel.EnsureUnit(rhcon.ToRhinoPoint3d(sb.axis.PointAt(0.1)))); } if (sb.fixityAtEnd != null) { locsEnd.Add(rhcon_ToRhinoModel.EnsureUnit(rhcon.ToRhinoPoint3d(sb.axis.PointAt(0.9)))); } } } } this.Message = fixType.ToString(); DA.SetDataList(0, duplicated); DA.SetDataList(1, locsStart); DA.SetDataList(2, locsEnd); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { sSystemSetting sysSetting = null; List <object> sElement = new List <object>(); DA.GetData(0, ref sysSetting); if (!DA.GetDataList(1, sElement)) { return; } sRhinoConverter rhcon = new sRhinoConverter(); string currentUnit = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString(); if (sysSetting == null) { sysSetting = new sSystemSetting(); sysSetting.systemOriUnit = currentUnit; sysSetting.systemName = "DefaultSetting"; sysSetting.currentCase = "DEAD"; sysSetting.currentCheckType = eSystemCheckType.StrengthCheck; sysSetting.currentStressThreshold_pascal = 25 * 6894757.28; sysSetting.currentDeflectionThreshold_mm = 100; sysSetting.mergeTolerance_m = 0.005; sysSetting.meshDensity_m = 0.5; } if (currentUnit == "Meters" || currentUnit == "Feet") { ISystem jsys = InitiateISystem(sElement); jsys.systemSettings = sysSetting; List <IsObject> sObjs = new List <IsObject>(); jsys.loadPatterns.Add("DEAD"); int supCount = 0; int nodeID = 0; try { foreach (object so in sElement) { GH_ObjectWrapper wap = new GH_ObjectWrapper(so); IFrameSet bs = wap.Value as IFrameSet; if (bs != null) { //jsys.beamSets.Add(bs); jsys.AddsBeamSet(bs); //?? sObjs.Add(bs); if (bs.lineLoads != null) { foreach (sLineLoad ll in bs.lineLoads) { jsys.AwarePatternNames(ll.loadPatternName); } } } sPointLoad pl = wap.Value as sPointLoad; if (pl != null) { if (jsys.UpdateNodeFromPointElement(pl, nodeID)) { nodeID++; jsys.AwarePatternNames(pl.loadPatternName); } } sLoadCombination com = wap.Value as sLoadCombination; if (com != null) { jsys.SetLoadCombination(com); } } foreach (object so in sElement) { GH_ObjectWrapper wap = new GH_ObjectWrapper(so); sPointSupport psup = wap.Value as sPointSupport; if (psup != null) { if (jsys.UpdateNodeFromPointElement(psup, nodeID)) { nodeID++; } supCount++; } } foreach (sMesh am in jsys.meshes) { // sObjs.Add(am); } if (supCount > 0) { this.Message = "System : " + sysSetting.systemName + "\nis instantiated"; jsys.systemSettings.systemBoundingBox = rhcon.TosBoundingBox(sObjs); //jsys.SystemName = sysSetting.systemName; DA.SetData(0, jsys); } else { this.Message = "System : " + sysSetting.systemName + "\nneeds supports"; //jsys.SystemName = sysSetting.systemName; this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, this.Message); DA.SetData(0, null); } } catch (Exception e) { this.Message = "System : " + sysSetting.systemName + "\ninstantiation failed"; this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, e.Message); DA.SetData(0, null); } } else { this.Message = "ASKSGH.Bridgify only works in\n Meters or Feet"; this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, this.Message); DA.SetData(0, null); } }