Beispiel #1
        public void VoidMethodWithInvokes(
            IFoo foo,
            Action action1,
            Action action2)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => foo = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And two delegates"
                .x(() =>
                    action1 = A.Fake<Action>();
                    action2 = A.Fake<Action>();

            "When a void method is configured to invoke a delegate once then invoke another delegate"
                .x(() =>
                    A.CallTo(() => foo.Bar()).Invokes(action1).DoesNothing().Once()

            "And the method is called 3 times"
                .x(() =>

            "Then the first delegate is invoked once, and the second delegate is invoked twice"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => action1()).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once)
                    .Then(A.CallTo(() => action2()).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Twice)));
Beispiel #2
        public void VoidMethodWithThrows(
            IFoo foo,
            Action action,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => foo = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And an action"
                .x(() => action = A.Fake<Action>());

            "When a void method is configured to invoke a delegate twice then throw an exception"
                .x(() =>
                    A.CallTo(() => foo.Bar()).Invokes(action).DoesNothing().Twice()

            "And the method is called 3 times"
                .x(() =>
                    exception = Record.Exception(() => foo.Bar());

            "Then the delegate is invoked twice"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => action()).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Twice));

            "And the third call throws an exception"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<InvalidOperationException>());
Beispiel #3
        public static void WithNonVoidReturnType(IFoo fake)
            "Given a fake with a generic method"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "When the fake's generic method is configured to return null for any non-void return type"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(fake).Where(call => call.Method.Name == "Bar").WithNonVoidReturnType().Returns(null));

            "Then the configured method returns null when called with generic argument String"
            .x(() => fake.Bar <string>().Should().BeNull());

            "And the configured method returns null when called with generic argument IFoo"
            .x(() => fake.Bar <IFoo>().Should().BeNull());
Beispiel #4
        public static void AnAppleThatNonWithMatchingArgument(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a method of the fake configured with the An<Apple>.That argument constraint"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(An <Apple> .That.Matches(a => a.Color == "Red"))).Returns(42));

            "When the configured method is called with an argument that doesn't match the constraint"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(new Apple("Green")));

            "Then it returns the default value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(0));
Beispiel #5
        public void ExceptionInCallbackIsNotWrapped(IFoo fake, Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a call to the fake is configured with a callback that throws an exception"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0)).Invokes(() => ThrowException()));

            "When the configured method is called"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar(0)));

            "Then the original exception should be thrown"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <MyException>().Which.Message.Should().Be("Oops"));
Beispiel #6
        public static void AnAppleUnderscore(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a method of the fake configured with the An<Apple>._ argument constraint"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(An <Apple> ._)).Returns(42));

            "When the configured method is called"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(new Apple("Red")));

            "Then it returns the configured value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(42));
Beispiel #7
        public void ExceptionInReturnValueProducerIsNotWrapped(IFoo fake, Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a call to the fake is configured with a return value producer that throws an exception"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0)).ReturnsLazily(() => ThrowException().GetHashCode()));

            "When the configured method is called"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar(0)));

            "Then the original exception should be thrown"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <MyException>().Which.Message.Should().Be("Oops"));
Beispiel #8
        public static void AnIntThatWithNonMatchingArgument(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a method of the fake configured with the An<int>.That argument constraint"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(An <int> .That.Matches(i => i % 2 == 1))).Returns(42));

            "When the configured method is called with an argument that doesn't match the constraint"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(12));

            "Then it returns the default value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(0));
Beispiel #9
        public static void AnIntIgnored(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a method of the fake configured with the An<int>.Ignored argument constraint"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(An <int> .Ignored)).Returns(42));

            "When the configured method is called"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(123));

            "Then it returns the configured value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(42));
        public static void WithNonVoidReturnType(IFoo fake)
            "Given a fake with a generic method"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "When the fake's generic method is configured to return null for any non-void return type"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(fake).Where(call => call.Method.Name == "Bar").WithNonVoidReturnType().Returns(null));

            "Then the configured method returns null when called with generic argument String"
                .x(() => fake.Bar<string>().Should().BeNull());

            "And the configured method returns null when called with generic argument IFoo"
                .x(() => fake.Bar<IFoo>().Should().BeNull());
Beispiel #11
        public static void WhenArgumentsMatchWith2ArgsSuccess(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 2 parameters is configured to return a value when the arguments match a predicate"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0, string.Empty))
               .WhenArgumentsMatch(args => args.Get <int>(0) % 2 == 0 && args.Get <string>(1)?.Length < 3)

            "When the method is called with arguments that satisfy the predicate"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(4, "x"));

            "Then it returns the configured value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(42));
        public static void Callback(
            IFoo fake,
            bool wasCalled)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And I configure a method to invoke an action"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()).Invokes(x => wasCalled = true));

            "When I call the method"
                .x(() => fake.Bar());

            "Then it invokes the action"
                .x(() => wasCalled.Should().BeTrue());
        public static void CallbackOnVoid(
            IFoo fake,
            bool wasCalled)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And I configure a method to invoke an action when a void method is called"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()).Invokes(x => wasCalled = true));

            "When I call the method"
            .x(() => fake.Bar());

            "Then it invokes the action"
            .x(() => wasCalled.Should().BeTrue());
    public string MethodToBeTested()
        string val1, val2;

        _foo.Bar(ref Errors, out val1, out val2);
        return(val1 + " " + val2);
        public static void InvokesAfterStrictVoidDoesNotThrow(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a strict fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>(options => options.Strict()));

            "And I configure a void method to invoke an action"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()).Invokes(() => { }));

            "When I call the method"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar()));

            "Then it does not throw an exception"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public static void WithReturnType(
            IFoo fake,
            string returnValue)
            "Given a fake with a generic method"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "When the fake's generic method is configured to return a specific value for a given return type"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(fake).Where(call => call.Method.Name == "Bar").WithReturnType<string>().Returns(returnValue = "hello world"));

            "Then the configured method returns the specified value when called with generic argument String"
                .x(() => fake.Bar<string>().Should().Be(returnValue));

            "And the configured method returns a dummy when called with generic argument IFoo"
                .x(() => fake.Bar<IFoo>().Should().NotBeNull().And.BeAssignableTo<IFoo>());
        public static void StronglyTypedWhenArgumentsMatchWith4ArgsFailure(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 4 parameters is configured to return a value when the arguments match a predicate"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0, null, false, null))
               .WhenArgumentsMatch((int a, string b, bool c, object d) => a % 2 == 0 && b.Length < 3 && c && d != null)

            "When the method is called with arguments that don't satisfy the predicate"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(3, "hello", false, null));

            "Then it returns the default value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(0));
        public static void UnusedVoidCallSpec(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a strict fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>(o => o.Strict()));

            "When I specify a call to a void method without configuring its behavior"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()));

            "And I make a call to that method"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar()));

            "Then it throws an expectation exception"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <ExpectationException>());
        public static void WhenArgumentsMatchWith1ArgFailure(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 1 parameter is configured to return a value when the arguments match a predicate"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0))
               .WhenArgumentsMatch(args => args.Get <int>(0) % 2 == 0)

            "When the method is called with an argument that doesn't satisfy the predicate"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(3));

            "Then it returns the default value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(0));
        public static void StronglyTypedWhenArgumentsMatchWith1ArgSuccess(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 1 parameter is configured to return a value when the arguments match a predicate"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0))
               .WhenArgumentsMatch((int a) => a % 2 == 0)

            "When the method is called with an argument that satisfies the predicate"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(4));

            "Then it returns the configured value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(42));
        public static void WhenArgumentsMatchWith2ArgsFailure(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 2 parameters is configured to return a value when the arguments match a predicate"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0, null))
               .WhenArgumentsMatch(args => args.Get <int>(0) % 2 == 0 && args.Get <string>(1).Length < 3)

            "When the method is called with arguments that don't satisfy the predicate"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(3, "hello"));

            "Then it returns the default value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(0));
        public static void WithAnyArguments(int argument, IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 1 parameter is configured to return a value when called with any arguments"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0))

            $"When the method is called with argument {argument}"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(argument));

            "Then it returns the configured value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(42));
Beispiel #23
        public static void WithReturnType(
            IFoo fake,
            string returnValue)
            "Given a fake with a generic method"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "When the fake's generic method is configured to return a specific value for a given return type"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(fake).Where(call => call.Method.Name == "Bar").WithReturnType <string>().Returns(returnValue = "hello world"));

            "Then the configured method returns the specified value when called with generic argument String"
            .x(() => fake.Bar <string>().Should().Be(returnValue));

            "And the configured method returns a dummy when called with generic argument IFoo"
            .x(() => fake.Bar <IFoo>().Should().NotBeNull().And.BeAssignableTo <IFoo>());
    public void DummyUsage()
        string arg = "Wololo";

        public static void StronglyTypedWhenArgumentsMatchWith3ArgsSuccess(IFoo fake, int result)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 3 parameters is configured to return a value when the arguments match a predicate"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0, null, false))
               .WhenArgumentsMatch((int a, string b, bool c) => a % 2 == 0 && b.Length < 3 && c)

            "When the method is called with arguments that satisfy the predicate"
            .x(() => result = fake.Bar(4, "x", true));

            "Then it returns the configured value"
            .x(() => result.Should().Be(42));
    public ActionResult GetZZ()
        var result = new JsonResult();

        MyFunction(_foo.Bar(), result);     // use dependency
        public static void Callback(
            IFoo fake,
            bool wasCalled)
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "when configuring callback"
                .x(() =>
                        A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()).Invokes(x => wasCalled = true);

            "it should invoke the callback"
                .x(() => wasCalled.Should().BeTrue());
Beispiel #28
        public static void Callback(
            IFoo fake,
            bool wasCalled)
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "when configuring callback"
            .x(() =>
                A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()).Invokes(x => wasCalled = true);

            "it should invoke the callback"
            .x(() => wasCalled.Should().BeTrue());
Beispiel #29
        public void Should_do_with_argument_as_directed_and_if_pain_persists_see_your_coder()
            string stringArg = null;

            _sub.Bar(Arg.Do <string>(x => stringArg = x), 1, _someObject);

            _sub.Bar("hello world", 1, _someObject);

            Assert.That(stringArg, Is.EqualTo("hello world"));
        public static void OrderedAssertionsUsingRepeatedInOrder(IFoo fake, Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 3"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(3));

            "When I use Repeated to assert that a call with argument 1 was made twice exactly, then a call with argument 2, and then a call with argument 3"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() =>
                                                  A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Twice)
                                                  .Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened())
                                                  .Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(3)).MustHaveHappened())));

            "Then the assertion should pass"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public static void MultistepOrderedAssertionsInOrder(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 3"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(3));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 1 was made exactly once"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once));

            "And then a call with argument 2"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened()));

            "And then a call with argument 3 exactly once"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(3)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the assertions should pass"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public void Unexpected_call_was_received()

            ShouldThrow(() => _foo.DidNotReceive().Bar());
            ShouldThrow(() => _foo.Received(0).Bar());
        public static void StronglyTypedWhenArgumentsMatchWith1ArgWrongSignature(IFoo fake, Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 1 parameter is configured with an arguments predicate with an incompatible signature"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(
                   () => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0))
                   .WhenArgumentsMatch((long a) => true)

            "When the method is called"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar(3)));

            "Then it throws a FakeConfigurationException that describes the problem"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <FakeConfigurationException>()
               .WithMessage("The faked method has the signature (System.Int32), but when arguments match was used with (System.Int64)."));
        public void ExceptionInExceptionFactoryIsNotWrapped(IFoo fake, Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a call to the fake is configured with an exception factory that throws an exception"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0)).Throws(call =>
                return(new Exception("test"));

            "When the configured method is called"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar(0)));

            "Then the original exception should be thrown"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <MyException>().Which.Message.Should().Be("Oops"));
Beispiel #35
        public void ActualCallDescriptionForMethod(IFoo fake, Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And I make a call to Bar with argument 0"
            .x(() => fake.Bar(42));

            "When I assert that the Bar method was called with argument 42"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0)).MustHaveHappened()));

            "Then the assertion should fail"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <ExpectationException>());

            "And the exception should correctly describe the actual call that was made"
            .x(() => exception.Message.Should().MatchModuloLineEndings(
                   "*\r\n    1: FakeItEasy.Specs.CallDescriptionsInAssertionSpecs+IFoo.Bar(i: 42)\r\n*"));
        public static void StronglyTypedWhenArgumentsMatchWith4ArgsWrongSignature(IFoo fake, Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And a fake method with 4 parameters is configured with an arguments predicate with an incompatible signature"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(
                   () => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(0, null, false, null))
                   .WhenArgumentsMatch((long a, DateTime b, Type c, char d) => true)

            "When the method is called"
            .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar(3, "hello", true, new object())));

            "Then it throws a FakeConfigurationException that describes the problem"
            .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <FakeConfigurationException>()
               .WithMessage("The faked method has the signature (System.Int32, System.String, System.Boolean, System.Object), but when arguments match was used with (System.Int64, System.DateTime, System.Type, System.Char)."));
        public void RequestUnsecuredReply()
            CustomBinding b = CreateBinding(delegate(Message input) {

            IFoo foo = ChannelFactory <IFoo> .CreateChannel(b, CreateX509EndpointAddress ("stream:dummy"));

            foo.Bar(Message.CreateMessage(b.MessageVersion, ""));
        public void NonCanceledTokenWithConfiguredCall(
            IFoo fake,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            int result)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call configured on that fake"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(A<CancellationToken>._)).Returns(42));

            "And a cancellation token that is not canceled"
                .x(() => cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(false));

            "When the configured method is called with this cancellation token"
                .x(() => result = fake.Bar(cancellationToken));

            "Then it doesn't throw and returns the configured value"
                .x(() => result.Should().Be(42));
        public void NonCanceledToken(
            IFoo fake,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            int result)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a cancellation token that is not canceled"
                .x(() => cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(false));

            "When a method is called with this cancellation token"
                .x(() => result = fake.Bar(cancellationToken));

            "Then it doesn't throw and returns the default value"
                .x(() => result.Should().Be(0));
        public void CanceledToken(
            IFoo fake,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a cancellation token that is canceled"
                .x(() => cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(true));

            "When a method is called with this cancellation token"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar(cancellationToken)));

            "Then it throws an OperationCanceledException"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionAssignableTo<OperationCanceledException>());
Beispiel #41
 public void Test4(IFoo foo) {
        public static void OrderedAssertionsInOrder(IFoo fake, Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 3"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(3));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 1 was made exactly twice, then a call with argument 2, and then a call with argument 3"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() =>
                    A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Twice)
                        .Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened())
                        .Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(3)).MustHaveHappened())));

            "Then the assertion should pass"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public static void OrderedAssertionsOnDifferentObjectsInOrder(IFoo fake1, IFoo fake2, Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake1 = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And another Fake of the same type"
                .x(() => fake2 = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the first Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake1.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the second Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake2.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the first Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake1.Bar(2));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 1 was made on the first Fake, then on the second, and then that a call with argument 2 was made on the first Fake"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() =>
                    A.CallTo(() => fake1.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened()
                        .Then(A.CallTo(() => fake2.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened())
                        .Then(A.CallTo(() => fake1.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened())));

            "Then the assertion should pass"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public static void OrderedAssertionsOnDifferentObjectsOutOfOrder(IFoo fake1, IFoo fake2, Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake1 = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And another Fake of the same type"
                .x(() => fake2 = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the second Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake2.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the first Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake1.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the first Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake1.Bar(2));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 1 was made on the first Fake, then on the second, and then that a call with argument 2 was made on the first Fake"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() =>
                    A.CallTo(() => fake1.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened()
                        .Then(A.CallTo(() => fake2.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened())
                        .Then(A.CallTo(() => fake1.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened())));

            "Then the assertion should fail"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<ExpectationException>().WithMessage(@"

              Assertion failed for the following calls:
            'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(1)' repeated at least once
            'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(1)' repeated at least once
              The calls were found but not in the correct order among the calls:
            1: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)
            2: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)
            3: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 2)
        public static void OrderedAssertionWithRepeatConstraintFailure(
            IFoo fake,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 2 was made"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened());

            "And then that a call with argument 1 was made exactly once"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the last assertion should fail"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<ExpectationException>());

            "And the message should say that the call to Bar(1) was found too many times"
                .x(() => exception.Message.Should().Be(@"

              Assertion failed for the following call:
              Expected to find it exactly once but found it #2 times among the calls:
            1: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)
            2: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 2)
            3: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1)

        public static void UnusedVoidCallSpec(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a strict fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>(o => o.Strict()));

            "When I specify a call to a void method without configuring its behavior"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()));

            "And I make a call to that method"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar()));

            "Then it throws an expectation exception"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<ExpectationException>());
        public static void InvokesAfterStrictVoid(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a strict fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>(options => options.Strict()));

            "And I configure a void method to invoke an action"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()).Invokes(() => { }));

            "When I call the method"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar()));

            "Then it does not throw an exception"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeNull());
        public static void DoesNothingAndThrowsAppliedToSameACallTo(
            IFoo fake,
            IVoidArgumentValidationConfiguration callToBar,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And I identify a method to configure"
                .x(() => callToBar = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()));

            "And I configure the method to do nothing"
                .x(() => callToBar.DoesNothing());

            "When I configure the method to throw an exception"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => callToBar.Throws<Exception>()));

            "Then it throws an invalid operation exception"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<InvalidOperationException>());
        public static void MultistepOrderedAssertionsOutOfOrder(
            IFoo fake,
            Exception exception,
            IOrderableCallAssertion lastAssertion)
            "Given a Fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 3"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(3));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 1"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(1));

            "And a call on the Fake, passing argument 2"
                .x(() => fake.Bar(2));

            "When I assert that a call with argument 1 was made exactly twice"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(1)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Twice));

            "And then a call with argument 2"
                .x(() => lastAssertion = lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(2)).MustHaveHappened()));

            "And then that a call with argument 3 was made exactly once"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => lastAssertion.Then(A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(3)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once))));

            "Then the last assertion should fail"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<ExpectationException>().WithMessage(@"

              Assertion failed for the following calls:
            'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(1)' repeated exactly twice
            'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(2)' repeated at least once
            'FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(3)' repeated exactly once
              The calls were found but not in the correct order among the calls:
            1: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 3)
            2: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 1) repeated 2 times
            4: FakeItEasy.Specs.OrderedCallMatchingSpecs+IFoo.Bar(baz: 2)"));
 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IFoo foo)
Beispiel #51
        public void AnyCallWithInvokesAndThrows(
            IFoo foo,
            Action action1,
            Action action2,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => foo = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And two delegates"
                .x(() =>
                    action1 = A.Fake<Action>();
                    action2 = A.Fake<Action>();

            "When any method is configured to invoke a delegate once, then another delegate twice, then throw an exception"
                .x(() =>

            "And 4 calls are made on the fake"
                .x(() =>
                    exception = Record.Exception(() => foo.Bar(3));

            "Then the first delegate is invoked once, and the second delegate is invoked twice"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => action1()).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once)
                    .Then(A.CallTo(() => action2()).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Twice)));

            "And the fourth call throws an exception"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<InvalidOperationException>());
        public void CanceledTokenWithConfiguredCallForNonCanceledToken(
            IFoo fake,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a call configured on that fake for a non-canceled token"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(A<CancellationToken>.That.IsNotCanceled())).Returns(42));

            "And a cancellation token that is canceled"
                .x(() => cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(true));

            "When the configured method is called with this cancellation token"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.Bar(cancellationToken)));

            "Then it throws an OperationCanceledException"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionAssignableTo<OperationCanceledException>());
        public void CanceledTokenPassedAsObject(
            IFoo fake,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            int result)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And a cancellation token that is canceled"
                .x(() => cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(true));

            "When a method is called with this cancellation token passed as Object"
                .x(() => result = fake.Bar((object)cancellationToken));

            "Then it doesn't throw and returns the default value"
                .x(() => result.Should().Be(0));
 public void Do(IFoo foo)