public void Delete_and_clone_when_repo_is_not_valid(
        [Frozen] IRepositoryStaticWrapper wrapper,
        [Frozen] IFileUtilities fileUtils,
        GitRepositoryFactory sut)
        wrapper.IsValid(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(false);

        sut.CreateAndCloneIfNeeded("repo_url", "repo_path", "branch");

        Received.InOrder(() =>
            wrapper.Clone("repo_url", "repo_path",
                          Verify.That <CloneOptions>(x => x.BranchName.Should().Be("branch")));
Beispiel #2
    public void UpdateRepo()
        // Retry only once if there's a failure. This gives us an opportunity to delete the git repository and start
        // fresh.
        var exception = CheckoutAndUpdateRepo();

        if (exception is not null)
            _log.Information("Deleting local git repo and retrying git operation...");

            exception = CheckoutAndUpdateRepo();
            if (exception is not null)
                throw exception;
    private void DeleteAndCloneRepo(string repoUrl, string repoPath, string branch)

        var progress = new ProgressBar
            Description = "Fetching guide data"

        _staticWrapper.Clone(repoUrl, repoPath, new CloneOptions
            RecurseSubmodules  = false,
            BranchName         = branch,
            OnTransferProgress = gitProgress =>
                progress.ReportProgress.OnNext((float)gitProgress.ReceivedObjects / gitProgress.TotalObjects);
Beispiel #4
    public IEnumerable <string> GetCustomFormatJson()
        // Retry only once if there's a failure. This gives us an opportunity to delete the git repository and start
        // fresh.
        var exception = CheckoutAndUpdateRepo();

        if (exception is not null)
            _log.Information("Deleting local git repo and retrying git operation...");

            exception = CheckoutAndUpdateRepo();
            if (exception is not null)
                throw exception;

        var jsonDir = Path.Combine(_repoPath, "docs/json/radarr");
        var tasks   = _fileSystem.Directory.GetFiles(jsonDir, "*.json")
                      .Select(async f => await _fileSystem.File.ReadAllTextAsync(f));
