public FetchTask(
     ISet <ISelection> selections,
     IFetchConfiguration configuration,
     IImmutableStack <FetchTask> path,
     IReadOnlyList <FetchTask> alternativeTasks)
     Selections       = selections;
     Configuration    = configuration;
     Path             = path;
     AlternativeTasks = alternativeTasks;
     Children         = new List <FetchTask>();
Beispiel #2
        static private void PrettyPrint(IFetchConfiguration config, string heading)
            ConsoleColor oldColor = Console.ForegroundColor;

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            Console.WriteLine("Config timestamp: {0}", config.TimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"));

            if (config.EnvironmentalVariables.Length == 0)
                Console.ForegroundColor = oldColor;
                Console.WriteLine("There are no environmental variables available");
                int maxVarNameLength =
                    Math.Max(9, Math.Min(15, config.EnvironmentalVariables.Select(v => v.Name.Length).Max()));
                int maxUnitsLength =
                    Math.Max(6, Math.Min(15, config.EnvironmentalVariables.Select(v => v.Units.Length).Max()));
                int maxDescrLength =
                    Math.Max(12, Math.Min(47, config.EnvironmentalVariables.Select(v => v.Description.Length).Max()));

                Console.WriteLine("Environmental variables\n");
                Console.ForegroundColor = oldColor;

                Console.Write("Variable".PadRight(maxVarNameLength + 1));
                Console.Write("Units".PadRight(maxUnitsLength + 1));
                Console.WriteLine("Description".PadRight(maxDescrLength + 1));

                Console.Write("-".PadRight(maxVarNameLength, '-'));
                Console.Write(" -".PadRight(maxUnitsLength + 1, '-'));
                Console.WriteLine(" -".PadRight(maxDescrLength + 1, '-'));

                foreach (var v in config.EnvironmentalVariables)
                    var len = v.Name.Length;
                    Console.Write(len > maxVarNameLength ?
                                  String.Concat(v.Name.Substring(0, maxVarNameLength - 3), "... ") :
                                  v.Name.PadRight(maxVarNameLength + 1));
                    len = v.Units.Length;
                    Console.Write(len > maxUnitsLength ?
                                  String.Concat(v.Units.Substring(0, maxUnitsLength - 3), "... ") :
                                  v.Units.PadRight(maxUnitsLength + 1));
                    len = v.Description.Length;
                    Console.WriteLine(len > maxDescrLength ?
                                      String.Concat(v.Description.Substring(0, maxDescrLength - 3), "...") :

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                Console.Write("\nData sources\n");
                Console.ForegroundColor = oldColor;

                foreach (var d in config.DataSources)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name:\t\t{0}", d.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("ID:\t\t{0}", d.ID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Description:\t{0}", d.Description);
                    Console.WriteLine("Copyright:\t{0}", d.Copyright);
                    Console.WriteLine("Variables:\t{0}", d.ProvidedVariables.Aggregate <string, StringBuilder>(new StringBuilder(), (sb, v) => sb.Append(string.Format("{0} ", v))).ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Location:\t{0}", d.Location);
Beispiel #3
        public static void MergeTable(IFetchConfiguration config, DataSet dst, Tuple <DataSet, string[]>[] requests)
            // For faster lookup of data source name from id
            var id2name = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            foreach (var dsd in config.DataSources)
                id2name.Add(dsd.ID, dsd.Name);

            var var2var          = new Dictionary <string, Variables>(); // Environment variable short name => data set variables
            var cell2row         = new Dictionary <Cell, int>();         // Space-time cell => row number
            var rowCount         = 0;
            var optionalRowCount = 0;
            var regionRowCount   = 0;

            var regions = dst.AddVariable <string>("region", "i");
            var lat = dst.AddVariable <double>("lat", "i");
            var lon = dst.AddVariable <double>("lon", "i");
            Variable <double> latmin = null, latmax = null, lonmin = null, lonmax = null;
            var start = dst.AddVariable <DateTime>("start", "i");
            var end   = dst.AddVariable <DateTime>("end", "i");

            for (var i = 0; i < requests.Length; i++)
                using (var src = requests[i].Item1.Clone("msds:memory"))
                    var name = src.Metadata[RequestDataSetFormat.EnvironmentVariableNameKey].ToString();

                    // Define data source name to use when not provenance is supplied
                    var noProvDataSource = "";
                    if (src.Metadata.ContainsKey(RequestDataSetFormat.DataSourceNameKey))
                        var requestedDataSources = (string[])src.Metadata[RequestDataSetFormat.DataSourceNameKey];
                        if (requestedDataSources.Length == 1)
                            noProvDataSource = requestedDataSources[0];

                    var       envVar = config.EnvironmentalVariables.Where(ev => ev.Name == name).First();
                    Variables variables;
                    if (!var2var.TryGetValue(name, out variables))
                        variables        = new Variables();
                        variables.Values = dst.AddVariable <double>(String.Concat(name, " (", envVar.Units, ")"), "i");
                        variables.Values.MissingValue      = Double.NaN;
                        variables.Uncertainty              = dst.AddVariable <double>(String.Concat(name, "_uncertainty"), "i");
                        variables.Uncertainty.MissingValue = Double.NaN;
                        variables.Provenance = dst.AddVariable <string>(String.Concat(name, "_provenance"), "i");
                        variables.Provenance.MissingValue = null;
                        var2var.Add(name, variables);

                    foreach (var t in Linearize(src, requests[i].Item2))
                        int row;
                        if (!cell2row.TryGetValue(t.Item1, out row))
                            row = rowCount++;
                            cell2row.Add(t.Item1, row);

                        if (t.Item5 != "")
                            regions[row]   = t.Item5;
                            regionRowCount = Math.Max(regionRowCount, row);
                        lat[row]   = t.Item1.Lat;
                        lon[row]   = t.Item1.Lon;
                        start[row] = t.Item1.Start;
                        end[row]   = t.Item1.End;
                        if (t.Item1.LatMin != t.Item1.Lat)
                            if (latmin == null)
                                latmin = dst.AddVariable <double>("latmin", "i");
                                latmax = dst.AddVariable <double>("latmax", "i");
                                lonmin = dst.AddVariable <double>("lonmin", "i");
                                lonmax = dst.AddVariable <double>("lonmax", "i");
                            latmin[row]      = t.Item1.LatMin;
                            latmax[row]      = t.Item1.LatMax;
                            lonmin[row]      = t.Item1.LonMin;
                            lonmax[row]      = t.Item1.LonMax;
                            optionalRowCount = Math.Max(optionalRowCount, row);
                        variables.Values[row]      = t.Item2;
                        variables.Uncertainty[row] = t.Item3 < Double.MaxValue ? t.Item3 : Double.NaN;
                        variables.Provenance[row]  = (t.Item4 == 65535) ? noProvDataSource : id2name[t.Item4];
                        variables.RowCount         = row;

            foreach (var v in var2var)
                for (var j = v.Value.RowCount + 1; j < rowCount; j++)
                    v.Value.Values[j]      = Double.NaN;
                    v.Value.Uncertainty[j] = Double.NaN;
                    v.Value.Provenance[j]  = null;

            if (latmin != null)
                for (var j = optionalRowCount + 1; j < rowCount; j++)
                    latmin[j] = Double.NaN;
                    latmax[j] = Double.NaN;
                    lonmin[j] = Double.NaN;
                    lonmax[j] = Double.NaN;

            for (var j = regionRowCount + 1; j < rowCount; j++)
                regions[j] = "";
