private void WriteFeedItem(IFeedItem item) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("item"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Title)) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("title", item.Title); } if (item.Uri != null) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("link", item.Uri.AbsoluteUri); this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("guid"); this.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("isPermaLink", "true"); this.XmlWriter.WriteString(item.Uri.AbsoluteUri); this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description)) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("description", item.Description); } if (!item.PublishDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { DateTime universalPublishDate = item.PublishDate.ToUniversalTime(); this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("pubDate", universalPublishDate.ToString("r", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } if (item.Author != null) { string author = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Author.Email) ? string.Format("{0} ({1})", item.Author.Email, item.Author.Name) : item.Author.Name; this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("author", author); } this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); }
private IntranetActivityPreviewModelBase GetBaseModel(IFeedItem feedItem, bool isGroupFeed) { if (feedItem is IntranetActivity activity) { var baseModel = new IntranetActivityPreviewModelBase { Id = feedItem.Id, Links = _linkService.GetLinks(feedItem.Id), Type = _localizationService.Translate(activity.Type.ToString()), CommentsCount = _commentsService.GetCount(feedItem.Id), Likes = _likesService.GetLikeModels(activity.Id), GroupInfo = isGroupFeed ? null : _feedActivityHelper.GetGroupInfo(feedItem.Id), ActivityType = feedItem.Type, }; if (feedItem is Social social) { baseModel.LinkPreviewId = social.LinkPreviewId; baseModel.LinkPreview = social.LinkPreview; } _lightboxHelper.FillGalleryPreview(baseModel, activity.MediaIds); return(baseModel); } _logger.Warn <FeedPresentationService>("Feed item is not IntranetActivity (id={0};type={1})", feedItem.Id, feedItem.Type.ToInt()); return(null); }
public static string ToApprovalString(this IFeedItem feeditem) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Title: {0}", feeditem.Title)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Published: {0}", feeditem.DatePublished)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("URL: {0}", feeditem.Link)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Author: {0}", feeditem.Author)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Id: {0}", feeditem.Id)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content: {0}", feeditem.Content)); var categories = string.Empty; foreach (var category in feeditem.Categories) { categories += category + " "; } sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Categories: {0}", categories)); if (feeditem.GetType() == typeof(Rss20FeedItem)) { var temp = (Rss20FeedItem)feeditem; sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Comments: {0}", temp.Comments)); } return(sb.ToString()); }
private void WriteFeedItem(IFeedItem item) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("entry"); this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("id", item.Id); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Title)) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("title", item.Title); } if(item.Uri != null) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("link"); this.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("href", item.Uri.AbsoluteUri); this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if(item.Author != null) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("author"); this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("name", item.Author.Name); if(item.Author.Email != null) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("email", item.Author.Email); } this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } string summary = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description) ? item.Description : item.Title; if(ContainsHtml(summary)) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("summary"); this.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("type", "html"); this.XmlWriter.WriteCData(summary); this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } else { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("summary", summary); } if(!item.PublishDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { DateTime universalPublishDate = item.PublishDate.ToUniversalTime(); this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("updated", universalPublishDate.ToString("o", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); }
private void WriteFeedItem(IFeedItem item) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("item"); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Title)) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("title", item.Title); } if(item.Uri != null) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("link", item.Uri.AbsoluteUri); this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("guid"); this.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("isPermaLink", "true"); this.XmlWriter.WriteString(item.Uri.AbsoluteUri); this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description)) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("description", item.Description); } if(!item.PublishDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { DateTime universalPublishDate = item.PublishDate.ToUniversalTime(); this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("pubDate", universalPublishDate.ToString("r", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } if(item.Author != null) { string author = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Author.Email) ? string.Format("{0} ({1})", item.Author.Email, item.Author.Name) : item.Author.Name; this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("author", author); } this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); }
private int FreshFirstOrderer(IFeedItem a, IFeedItem b) { if (a.DatePublished > b.DatePublished) return -1; else return 1; }
protected override bool ItemExists(string path) { path = NormalizePath(path); if (PathIsDrive(path)) { return(true); } if (FeedsManager.ExistsFolder(path) || FeedsManager.ExistsFeed(path)) { return(true); } string[] chunks = ChunkPath(path); if (chunks.Length > 0) { int id; if (int.TryParse(chunks[chunks.Length - 1], out id)) { path = GetParentPath(path, ""); if (FeedsManager.ExistsFeed(path)) { IFeed feed = FeedsManager.GetFeed(path) as IFeed; IFeedItem feedItem = feed.GetItem(id) as IFeedItem; return(feedItem != null); } } } return(false); }
private static FeedItem CreateFeedItem(IFeedItem feedItem) { return(new FeedItem { Title = HtmlConvert.ToPlainText(feedItem.Title), Content = HtmlConvert.ToPlainText(feedItem.Description) }); }
public static FeedItemSummary SummarizeFeedItem(IFeedItem feedItem) { return new FeedItemSummary { ItemTitle = feedItem.Title, ItemUri = new Uri(feedItem.Link) }; }
} // GetChildItems protected override string GetChildName(string path) { path = NormalizePath(path); WriteDebug("Getting name for " + path); // Checks if the path represented is a drive if (PathIsDrive(path)) { return(""); }// if (PathIsDrive... if (FeedsManager.ExistsFolder(path)) { IFeedFolder folder = FeedsManager.GetFolder(path) as IFeedFolder; return(folder.Name); } if (FeedsManager.ExistsFeed(path)) { IFeed feed = FeedsManager.GetFeed(path) as IFeed; return(feed.Name); } WriteDebug("Couldn't find drive, folder or feed - checking for item."); string[] chunks = ChunkPath(path); if (chunks.Length > 0) { WriteDebug("Chunks:"); foreach (string chk in chunks) { WriteDebug("chunk: " + chk); } int id; if (int.TryParse(chunks[chunks.Length - 1], out id)) { path = GetParentPath(path, ""); WriteDebug("Looking for feed " + path); if (FeedsManager.ExistsFeed(path)) { WriteDebug("Found feed - looking for item"); IFeed feed = FeedsManager.GetFeed(path) as IFeed; IFeedItem feedItem = feed.GetItem(id) as IFeedItem; if (feedItem != null) { WriteDebug("Found item - returning " + feedItem.LocalId); return(feedItem.LocalId.ToString()); } } } } return(base.GetChildName(path)); }
private FrontPageArticle(IFeedItem item) : this() { this.Title = item.Title; this.Author = item.Author; this.Categories = item.Categories; this.Content = item.Content; this.DatePublished = item.DatePublished; this.Id = item.Id; this.Link = item.Link; }
protected virtual FeedItemViewModel MapFeedItemToViewModel(IFeedItem i, Dictionary <int, FeedSettings> settings) { ActivityFeedOptions options = GetActivityFeedOptions(i.Id); return(new FeedItemViewModel() { Activity = i, Options = options, ControllerName = settings[i.Type.ToInt()].Controller }); }
public Feed AddFromIFeedItem(IFeedItem entity) { var dateTimeNow = DateTime.UtcNow; Feed feed = new Feed() { Description = entity.Description, CreationDateTime = entity.CreationDateTime, ModifiedDateTime = entity.ModifiedDateTime, Privacy = entity.Privacy }; base.Add(feed); return(feed); }
} // GetChildNames protected override void GetItem(string path) { path = NormalizePath(path); // Checks if the path represented is a drive if (PathIsDrive(path)) { WriteItemObject(FeedsManager.RootFolder, PSDriveInfo.Name + ':', true); return; }// if (PathIsDrive... if (FeedsManager.ExistsFolder(path)) { IFeedFolder folder = FeedsManager.GetFolder(path) as IFeedFolder; WriteItemObject(folder, folder.Path, true); return; } if (FeedsManager.ExistsFeed(path)) { IFeed feed = FeedsManager.GetFeed(path) as IFeed; WriteItemObject(feed, feed.Path, true); return; } string[] chunks = ChunkPath(path); if (chunks.Length > 0) { int id; if (int.TryParse(chunks[chunks.Length - 1], out id)) { path = GetParentPath(path, ""); if (FeedsManager.ExistsFeed(path)) { IFeed feed = FeedsManager.GetFeed(path) as IFeed; IFeedItem feedItem = feed.GetItem(id) as IFeedItem; if (feedItem != null) { WriteItemObject(feedItem, feed.Path + _pathSeparator + feedItem.LocalId, false); return; } } } } base.GetItem(path); } // GetItem
internal RssItem(IFeedItem item) { title = StripHTMLTags(item.Title); link = item.Link; try { description = StripHTMLTags(item.Description); } catch (ArgumentException) { description = "<<<Item text too long.>>>"; } IFeedEnclosure enclosure = (IFeedEnclosure)item.Enclosure; if (enclosure != null) { string filename = GetLocalPath(enclosure); try { // Let's make sure we only add pictures string extension = "*" + Path.GetExtension(filename); extension = extension.ToUpperInvariant(); if (FeedList.imageExtensions.Contains(extension)) { // Set enclosure without checking for existence, since enclosure might // not be on disk yet (BITS still getting it) this.enclosure = new FileInfo(filename); } } catch (ArgumentException) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Illegal character in filename."); // 'Illegal character in filename' is one possible exception. // Ignore exception; since we'll skip rssItems with this.enclosure == null // higher up in the call chain. } catch (NotSupportedException) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("The given path's format is not supported."); // 'Message="The given path's format is not supported."' is another possible exception. // Ignore exception; since we'll skip rssItems with this.enclosure == null // higher up in the call chain. } } }
public void Update(Feed feed, IFeedItem entity) { var objFromDb = _db.Feed.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == feed.Id); if (objFromDb == null) { throw new SafeException("An error ocurred.", new Exception(string.Format("Object not found Feed.Update() Feed ID: {0}", feed.Id))); } feed.Privacy = entity.Privacy; objFromDb.Privacy = entity.Privacy; objFromDb.Name = entity.Name; objFromDb.Description = entity.Description; objFromDb.ModifiedDateTime = entity.ModifiedDateTime; dbSet.Update(objFromDb); }
public bool Equals(IFeedItem other) { if (other == null) { return false; } if (other.GetType() != GetType()) return false; if (Id != other.Id) return false; if (Title != other.Title) return false; if (Description != other.Description) return false; if (Interaction != other.Interaction) return false; if (Dismissable != other.Dismissable) return false; if (Importance != other.Importance) return false; return true; }
public string Post(IFeedItem item) { String result = ""; try { HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.AssociatedAccount.EventsUrl + this.Id.ToString()); req.Method = "PUT"; req.ContentType = "application/json"; req.UserAgent = "NetduinoPlus"; req.Headers.Add("X-PachubeApiKey", this.AssociatedAccount.ApiKey); req.Timeout = 1000; if (this.AssociatedAccount.HttpProxy != null) { req.Proxy = this.AssociatedAccount.HttpProxy; } string content = item.ToJson(this.Id); Logging.GetLogger("PowerShell").AddToLog("Post Content : " + content, false); byte[] postdata = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content); req.ContentLength = postdata.Length; using (Stream s = req.GetRequestStream()) { s.Write(postdata, 0, postdata.Length); } using (WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse()) { using (StreamReader respStream = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream())) { result = respStream.ReadToEnd(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.GetLogger("PowerShell").AddToLog("Post Pachube data failed : " + ex, false); } finally { } return(result); }
public string Post(IFeedItem item) { String result = ""; try { HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.AssociatedAccount.EventsUrl + this.Id.ToString()); req.Method = "PUT"; req.ContentType = "application/json"; req.UserAgent = "NetduinoPlus"; req.Headers.Add("X-PachubeApiKey", this.AssociatedAccount.ApiKey); req.Timeout = 1000; if (this.AssociatedAccount.HttpProxy != null) req.Proxy = this.AssociatedAccount.HttpProxy; string content = item.ToJson(this.Id); Logging.GetLogger("PowerShell").AddToLog("Post Content : " + content, false); byte[] postdata = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content); req.ContentLength = postdata.Length; using (Stream s = req.GetRequestStream()) { s.Write(postdata, 0, postdata.Length); } using (WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse()) { using (StreamReader respStream = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream())) { result = respStream.ReadToEnd(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.GetLogger("PowerShell").AddToLog("Post Pachube data failed : " + ex, false); } finally { } return result; }
public IntranetActivityPreviewModelBase GetPreviewModel(IFeedItem feedItem, bool isGroupFeed) { var baseModel = GetBaseModel(feedItem, isGroupFeed); switch (feedItem) { case News news: return(ApplyNewsSpecific(news, baseModel)); case Social social: return(ApplySocialSpecific(social, baseModel)); case Event @event: return(ApplyEventSpecific(@event, baseModel)); } return(baseModel); }
private void WriteFeedItem(IFeedItem item) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("entry"); this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("id", item.Id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Title)) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("title", item.Title); } if (item.Uri != null) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("link"); this.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("href", item.Uri.AbsoluteUri); this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if (item.Author != null) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("author"); this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("name", item.Author.Name); if (item.Author.Email != null) { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("email", item.Author.Email); } this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } string summary = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description) ? item.Description : item.Title; if (ContainsHtml(summary)) { this.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("summary"); this.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("type", "html"); this.XmlWriter.WriteCData(summary); this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } else { this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("summary", summary); } if (!item.PublishDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { DateTime universalPublishDate = item.PublishDate.ToUniversalTime(); this.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("updated", universalPublishDate.ToString("o", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } this.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); }
public Feed(string title, string id, Uri uri, Uri feedUri, string description, DateTime publishDate, string language, IFeedImage image, IFeedItem[] items, IAuthor author, Dictionary<XmlQualifiedName, string> customElements) { if(title == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("title"); } if(uri == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("uri"); } this.title = title; this.uri = uri; this.feedUri = feedUri ?? uri; //Feed Uri is mandatory if the feed shall be 100% standard compliant. But some older implementations does not have such value and therefor we accept null at the moment, shall probably be removed and cast an exeption. Maybe changed later. this.description = description; this.publishDate = publishDate; this.language = language; this.image = image; this.items = items; = author; = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) ? id : uri.AbsoluteUri; this.customElements = customElements ?? new Dictionary<XmlQualifiedName, string>(); }
public void UpdateIfOwner(string currentUserId, Feed feed, IFeedItem entity) { var objFromDb = (from r in _db.Feed join a in _db.ApplicationUserFeed on r.Id equals a.ObjectId where a.ApplicationUserId.Equals(currentUserId) && r.Id == feed.Id select r).FirstOrDefault(); if (objFromDb == null) { throw new SafeException("An error ocurred.", new Exception(string.Format("Ownership relationship not found on record. currentUserId {0}, recipe.Id {1}", currentUserId, feed.Id))); } feed.Privacy = entity.Privacy; objFromDb.Privacy = entity.Privacy; objFromDb.Name = entity.Name; objFromDb.Description = entity.Description; objFromDb.ModifiedDateTime = entity.ModifiedDateTime; dbSet.Update(objFromDb); }
public LatestActivitiesItemViewModel Convert(IFeedItem item) { if (item is IntranetActivity activity) { var latestActivityModel = new LatestActivitiesItemViewModel { Id = activity.Id, Type = _intranetLocalizationService.Translate(activity.Type.ToString()), Title = activity.Title, Description = activity.Description, Owner = _intranetMemberService.Get(item.OwnerId).ToViewModel(), Links = _linkService.GetLinks(activity.Id), Dates = item.PublishDate.ToDateTimeFormat().ToEnumerable() }; return(latestActivityModel); } _logger.Warn <LatestActivitiesPanelViewModelConverter>("Feed item is not IntranetActivity (id={0};type={1})", item.Id, item.Type.ToInt()); return(null); }
private IFeedEnclosure GetEnclosure(IFeedItem item) { try { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Enclosure is null={0}",item.Enclosure == null); return (IFeedEnclosure)item.Enclosure; } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == -2147023728) { // "Element not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070490)" // ignore exception System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Enclosure element not found exception."); return null; } else throw; } }
public RssItem(IFeedItem source) { // ** IFeedMetadata // ID _guid = new RssGuid { Value = source.ID.ToString() }; // Title string title = source.Title; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { Title = title; } // Description string description = source.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { Description = description; } // Author string author = source.Author; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) { Author = new RssPerson { Name = author }; } // Published DateTime? published = source.Published; if (published.HasValue) { PubDate = new RssDate(published.Value); } // Updated DateTime? updated = source.Updated; if (updated.HasValue) { PubDate = new RssDate(updated.Value); } // Link Uri link = source.Link; if (link != null) { Link = link.ToString(); } // ImageLink Uri imageLink = source.ImageLink; if (imageLink != null) { _enclosure = new RssEnclosure { Url = imageLink.ToString(), Type = "image" }; } // ** IFeedItem // Content string content = source.Content; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { ContentEncoded = content; } // ThreadLink Uri threadLink = source.ThreadLink; if (threadLink != null) { _wfwCommentRss = threadLink; } // ThreadCount int? threadCount = source.ThreadCount; if (threadCount.HasValue) { SlashComments = threadCount.Value; } // ThreadUpdated // Not in RDF }
public Feed(string title, Uri uri, Uri feedUri, string description, DateTime publishDate, string language, IFeedImage image, IFeedItem[] items) : this(title, string.Empty, uri, feedUri, description, publishDate, language, image, items, null, null) { }
private static IFeed PopulateFeed(Uri url, XmlReader reader, string namespaceUri, FeedType feedType, string language) { List <IFeedItem> items = new List <IFeedItem>(); string link = null; string selfLink = null; string title = null; string description = null; string id = null; IAuthor author = null; DateTime channelBuildDate = DateTime.MinValue; Dictionary <XmlQualifiedName, string> customElements = new Dictionary <XmlQualifiedName, string>(); bool nodeRead = false; while (nodeRead || reader.Read()) { nodeRead = false; if (!reader.NodeType.Equals(XmlNodeType.Element)) { continue; } if (reader.NamespaceURI.Equals(namespaceUri) || reader.NamespaceURI.Equals(String.Empty)) { if (reader.LocalName.Equals("title")) { if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { title = ReadElementString(reader); } continue; } if (feedType.Equals(FeedType.Rdf) || feedType.Equals(FeedType.Rss)) { if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("description")) { description = ReadElementString(reader); continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("link")) { link = ReadElementString(reader); continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("language")) { language = ReadElementString(reader); continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("lastBuildDate")) { DateTime.TryParse(ReadElementString(reader), out channelBuildDate); continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("pubDate") && channelBuildDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { DateTime.TryParse(ReadElementString(reader), out channelBuildDate); continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("item")) { IFeedItem rssItem = PopulateFeedItem(reader, feedType, url); if (rssItem != null) { items.Add(rssItem); } continue; } } else if (feedType.Equals(FeedType.Atom)) { if (reader.LocalName.Equals("subtitle")) { if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { description = ReadElementString(reader); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("id")) { if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { id = ReadElementString(reader); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("link")) { string rel = reader.GetAttribute("rel"); string href = reader.GetAttribute("href"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { if (rel != null && href != null) { if (rel.Equals("alternate")) { link = href; } if (rel.Equals("self")) { selfLink = href; } } } continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("author")) { author = PopulateAuthor(reader, feedType); continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("updated") || reader.LocalName.Equals("modified")) { if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { DateTime.TryParse(ReadElementString(reader), out channelBuildDate); } continue; } if (reader.LocalName.Equals("entry") && !reader.IsEmptyElement) { IFeedItem rssItem = PopulateFeedItem(reader, feedType, url); if (rssItem != null) { items.Add(rssItem); } continue; } } } XmlQualifiedName qname = new XmlQualifiedName(reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI); string optionalNode = reader.ReadOuterXml(); nodeRead = true; if (!customElements.ContainsKey(qname)) { customElements.Add(qname, optionalNode); } } Uri feedUrl = GetUrl(link, url); Uri selfFeedUrl = GetUrl(selfLink, url); return(new Feed(title, id, feedUrl, selfFeedUrl, description, channelBuildDate, language, null, items.ToArray(), author, customElements)); }
public AtomEntry(IFeedItem source) { // ** IFeedMetadata // ID Id = source.ID.ToString(); // Title string title = source.Title; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { Title = title; } // Description string description = source.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { Summary = description; } // Author string author = source.Author; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) { Authors.Add(new AtomPerson { Name = author }); } // Published DateTime? published = source.Published; if (published.HasValue) { Updated = published.Value; } // Updated DateTime? updated = source.Updated; if (updated.HasValue) { Updated = updated.Value; } // Link Uri link = source.Link; if (link != null) { Links.Add(new AtomLink(link.ToString())); } // ImageLink Uri imageLink = source.ImageLink; if (imageLink != null) { Links.Add(new AtomLink { Type = "image", Href = imageLink.ToString(), Relation = AtomLinkRelation.Enclosure }); } // ** IFeedItem // Content string content = source.Content; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { Content = new AtomContent(content); } // ThreadLink Uri threadLink = source.ThreadLink; AtomLink replies = null; if (threadLink != null) { replies = new AtomLink { Href = threadLink.ToString(), Relation = AtomLinkRelation.Replies }; Links.Add(replies); } // ThreadCount int? threadCount = source.ThreadCount; if (threadCount.HasValue && replies != null) { replies.ThreadCount = threadCount.Value; } // ThreadUpdated DateTime? threadUpdated = source.ThreadUpdated; if (threadUpdated.HasValue && replies != null) { replies.ThreadUpdated = threadUpdated.Value; } }
/// <summary> /// FeedItem から Status に無理矢理変換 /// </summary> private Status ToTwitterStatus(IFeedItem item) { return new Status() { CreatedAt = item.PublishDate, Source = item.Link.ToString(), Text = item.Description, User = new User() { Name = item.Title, ScreenName = item.Author, }, }; }
/// <summary> /// 書式付き文字列を値で置き換える /// </summary> private String ReplaceFormattedString(String str, IFeedDocument doc, IFeedItem item) { Func<Object, String> conv = obj => { var s = obj != null ? obj.ToString() : String.Empty; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return String.Empty; // 改行コードを削除 if (EnableRemoveLineBreak) s = BindUtility.RemoveLineBreak(s); // HTMLタグを削除 if (EnableRemoveHtmlTag) s = BindUtility.RemoveHtmlTag(s); // HTML デコード return Utility.UnescapeCharReference(s); }; if (doc != null) { str = ReplacePlaceholder(str, "feed_title", conv(doc.Title)); str = ReplacePlaceholder(str, "feed_link", conv(doc.Link)); str = ReplacePlaceholder(str, "feed_description", conv(doc.Description)); } if (item != null) { str = ReplacePlaceholder(str, "author", conv(item.Author)); str = ReplacePlaceholder(str, "link", conv(item.Link)); str = ReplacePlaceholder(str, "title", conv(item.Title)); str = ReplacePlaceholder(str, "description", conv(item.Description)); str = ReplacePlaceholder(str, "publish_date", conv(item.PublishDate)); } return str; }
public void AddItem(IFeedItem item) { AddChild <IFeedItem>(() => items.Add(item), item, x => x.Items); }
private String ReplaceFormattedString(String str, FeedReaderUrlConfiguration config, IFeedDocument doc, IFeedItem item) { Func<String, String> conv = s => { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return String.Empty; if (config.EnableRemoveLineBreak) { // 改行コードを削除 s = _regexLineBreak.Replace(s, String.Empty); } else { // 改行コードを LF(\n) に統一 s = _regexLineBreak.Replace(s, "\n"); } // HTMLタグを削除 if (config.EnableRemoveHtmlTag) { s = _regexHtmlTag.Replace(s, String.Empty); } // HTML デコード s = Utility.UnescapeCharReference(s); return s; }; // ${...} にすればよかった... StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str); if (doc != null) { sb.Replace("#{feed_title}", conv(doc.Title)); sb.Replace("#{feed_link}", conv(doc.Link.ToString())); sb.Replace("#{feed_description}", conv(doc.Description)); } if (item != null) { sb.Replace("#{author}", conv(item.Author)); sb.Replace("#{link}", conv(item.Link.ToString())); sb.Replace("#{title}", conv(item.Title)); sb.Replace("#{description}", conv(item.Description)); sb.Replace("#{publish_date}", conv(item.PublishDate.ToString())); } return sb.ToString(); }
public FeedReceiveEventArgs(IFeedDocument doc, IFeedItem item) { Document = doc; Item = item; }
public void UseItems <TMap>() where TMap : FeedItem <T>, new() { _itemConfiguration = new TMap(); }
public Feed UpdateFeed(string currentApplicationUserId, Feed feed, IFeedItem item) { _unitOfWork.Feed.UpdateIfOwner(currentApplicationUserId, feed, item); return(feed); }
public RdfItem(IFeedItem source) { // ** IFeedMetadata // ID Link = source.ID.ToString(); // Title string title = source.Title; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { Title = title; } // Description string description = source.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { Description = description; } // Author string author = source.Author; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) { DublinCore[DublinCore.TermName.Creator] = author; } // Published DateTime?published = source.Published; if (published.HasValue) { DublinCore[DublinCore.TermName.Date] = ConvertToString(published.Value); } // Updated DateTime?updated = source.Updated; if (updated.HasValue) { DublinCore[DublinCore.TermName.Date] = ConvertToString(updated.Value); } // Link Uri link = source.Link; if (link != null) { Link = link.ToString(); } // ImageLink // Not in RDF // ** IFeedItem // Content string content = source.Content; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { ContentEncoded = content; } // ThreadLink Uri threadLink = source.ThreadLink; if (threadLink != null) { _wfwCommentRss = threadLink; } // ThreadCount int?threadCount = source.ThreadCount; if (threadCount.HasValue) { SlashComments = threadCount.Value; } // ThreadUpdated // Not in RDF }
public async Task <Feed> AddFeedWithRelationship(string currentApplicationUserId, IFeedItem feedItem, bool saveOnRelationshipInsert = true) { var feed = _unitOfWork.Feed.AddFromIFeedItem(feedItem); await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync(); _unitOfWork.Feed.AddOwnerRelationship(currentApplicationUserId, feed, new ApplicationUserFeed()); if (saveOnRelationshipInsert == true) { await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync(); } return(feed); }
private bool IsGroupActivity(Guid groupId, IFeedItem item) => IsGroupActivity(List(groupId), item);
public void RemoveItem(IFeedItem item) { RemoveChild <IFeedItem>(() => items.Remove(item), item, x => x.Items); }
public Feed(string title, Guid id, Uri uri, Uri feedUri, string description, DateTime publishDate, string language, IFeedImage image, IFeedItem[] items, IAuthor author, Dictionary<XmlQualifiedName, string> customElements) : this(title, "urn:uuid:" + id, uri, feedUri, description, publishDate, language, image, items, author, customElements) { }
public RdfItem(IFeedItem source) { // ** IFeedMetadata // ID Link = source.ID.ToString(); // Title string title = source.Title; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { Title = title; } // Description string description = source.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { Description = description; } // Author string author = source.Author; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) { DublinCore[DublinCore.TermName.Creator] = author; } // Published DateTime? published = source.Published; if (published.HasValue) { DublinCore[DublinCore.TermName.Date] = ConvertToString(published.Value); } // Updated DateTime? updated = source.Updated; if (updated.HasValue) { DublinCore[DublinCore.TermName.Date] = ConvertToString(updated.Value); } // Link Uri link = source.Link; if (link != null) { Link = link.ToString(); } // ImageLink // Not in RDF // ** IFeedItem // Content string content = source.Content; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { ContentEncoded = content; } // ThreadLink Uri threadLink = source.ThreadLink; if (threadLink != null) { _wfwCommentRss = threadLink; } // ThreadCount int? threadCount = source.ThreadCount; if (threadCount.HasValue) { SlashComments = threadCount.Value; } // ThreadUpdated // Not in RDF }
private bool IsCentralFeedActivity(IFeedItem item) => (item as IGroupActivity)?.GroupId == null;
public Feed(string title, string id, Uri uri, Uri feedUri, string description, DateTime publishDate, string language, IFeedImage image, IFeedItem[] items, Dictionary<XmlQualifiedName, string> customElements) : this(title, id, uri, feedUri, description, publishDate, language, image, items, null, customElements) { }
public RssItem(IFeedItem source) { // ** IFeedMetadata // ID _guid = new RssGuid { Value = source.ID.ToString() }; // Title string title = source.Title; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { Title = title; } // Description string description = source.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { Description = description; } // Author string author = source.Author; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) { Author = new RssPerson { Name = author }; } // Published DateTime?published = source.Published; if (published.HasValue) { PubDate = new RssDate(published.Value); } // Updated DateTime?updated = source.Updated; if (updated.HasValue) { PubDate = new RssDate(updated.Value); } // Link Uri link = source.Link; if (link != null) { Link = link.ToString(); } // ImageLink Uri imageLink = source.ImageLink; if (imageLink != null) { _enclosure = new RssEnclosure { Url = imageLink.ToString(), Type = "image" }; } // ** IFeedItem // Content string content = source.Content; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { ContentEncoded = content; } // ThreadLink Uri threadLink = source.ThreadLink; if (threadLink != null) { _wfwCommentRss = threadLink; } // ThreadCount int?threadCount = source.ThreadCount; if (threadCount.HasValue) { SlashComments = threadCount.Value; } // ThreadUpdated // Not in RDF }
public Feed(string title, string id, Uri uri, Uri feedUri, string description, DateTime publishDate, string language, IFeedImage image, IFeedItem[] items, IAuthor author) : this(title, id, uri, feedUri, description, publishDate, language, image, items, author, null) { }
public bool Equals(IFeedItem other) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public Feed(string title, Guid id, Uri uri, Uri feedUri, string description, DateTime publishDate, string language, IFeedImage image, IFeedItem[] items) : this(title, "urn:uuid:" + id, uri, feedUri, description, publishDate, language, image, items, null, null) { }
/// <summary> /// フィードのエントリを送信する。 /// </summary> private void Send(IFeedDocument doc, IFeedItem item, Boolean isFirstTime) { String replacedSender = ReplaceFormattedString(SenderNick, doc, item); String replacedContent = ReplaceFormattedString(ContentFormat, doc, item); replacedContent = AddIn.ApplyTypableMap(replacedContent, ToTwitterStatus(item)); replacedContent = AddIn.ApplyDateTime(replacedContent, item.PublishDate, isFirstTime); SendMessage(replacedSender, replacedContent, isFirstTime); AddIn.SleepClientMessageWait(); }
private bool IsGroupActivity(IEnumerable <Guid> groupIds, IFeedItem item) { var assignedGroupId = _groupActivityService.GetGroupId(item.Id); return(assignedGroupId.HasValue && groupIds.Contains(assignedGroupId.Value) && !_groupService.Get(assignedGroupId.Value).IsHidden); }
public AtomEntry(IFeedItem source) { // ** IFeedMetadata // ID Id = source.ID.ToString(); // Title string title = source.Title; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { Title = title; } // Description string description = source.Description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { Summary = description; } // Author string author = source.Author; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) { Authors.Add(new AtomPerson { Name = author }); } // Published DateTime?published = source.Published; if (published.HasValue) { Updated = published.Value; } // Updated DateTime?updated = source.Updated; if (updated.HasValue) { Updated = updated.Value; } // Link Uri link = source.Link; if (link != null) { Links.Add(new AtomLink(link.ToString())); } // ImageLink Uri imageLink = source.ImageLink; if (imageLink != null) { Links.Add(new AtomLink { Type = "image", Href = imageLink.ToString(), Relation = AtomLinkRelation.Enclosure }); } // ** IFeedItem // Content string content = source.Content; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { Content = new AtomContent(content); } // ThreadLink Uri threadLink = source.ThreadLink; AtomLink replies = null; if (threadLink != null) { replies = new AtomLink { Href = threadLink.ToString(), Relation = AtomLinkRelation.Replies }; Links.Add(replies); } // ThreadCount int?threadCount = source.ThreadCount; if (threadCount.HasValue && replies != null) { replies.ThreadCount = threadCount.Value; } // ThreadUpdated DateTime?threadUpdated = source.ThreadUpdated; if (threadUpdated.HasValue && replies != null) { replies.ThreadUpdated = threadUpdated.Value; } }
private bool IsGroupActivity(Guid groupId, IFeedItem item) => IsGroupActivity(groupId.ToEnumerable(), item);