Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the Feed Content information for a content object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="de">Parent DE</param>
        /// <param name="co">Content Object</param>
        /// <returns>Feed Content Interface</returns>
        public static IFeedContent FeedContent(DEv1_0 de, ContentObject co)
            IFeedContent myContent  = null;
            XElement     xmlContent = co.XMLContent.EmbeddedXMLContent[0];

            //TODO: Fix this hack caused by fix to gml pos element name
            string contentString = xmlContent.ToString();

            contentString = contentString.Replace("gml:Pos", "gml:pos");
            var document = XDocument.Parse(contentString);

            xmlContent = document.Root;
            string deHash = DEUtilities.ComputeDELookupID(de).ToString();

            //TODO: Update FeedContent method to support all supported standards
            //content is a SensorThings Observation
            //if (xmlContent.Name.LocalName.Equals("Observation", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
            //  xmlContent.Name.NamespaceName.Equals(EDXLSharp.MQTTSensorThingsLib.Constants.STApiNamespace, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) )
            //  XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Observation));
            //  Observation observation = (Observation)serializer.Deserialize(xmlContent.CreateReader());
            //  myContent = new STContent(observation, deHash);
            //content could be CoT or NIEM EMLC, need to check the namespace to know for sure
            if (xmlContent.Name.LocalName.Equals("event", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                //content could be CoT or NIEM EMLC, need to check the namespace to know for sure
                //if (xmlContent.Name.NamespaceName.Equals(@"urn:cot:mitre:org", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                //  string cotString = xmlContent.ToString();
                //  //remove namespace or CoTLibrary blows up
                //  //brute force method
                //  int index, end, len;
                //  index = cotString.IndexOf("xmlns=");
                //  while (index != -1)
                //  {
                //    end = cotString.IndexOf('"', index);
                //    end++;
                //    end = cotString.IndexOf('"', end);
                //    end++;
                //    len = end - index;
                //    cotString = cotString.Remove(index, len);
                //    index = cotString.IndexOf("xmlns=");
                //  }
                //  CoT_Library.CotEvent anEvent = new CoT_Library.CotEvent(cotString);

                //  CoTContent mCC = new CoTContent(anEvent, deHash);

                //  myContent = mCC;
                if (xmlContent.Name.NamespaceName.Equals(@"", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Event));
                    Event         emlc       = (Event)serializer.Deserialize(xmlContent.CreateReader());
                    myContent = new EMLCContent(emlc, deHash);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the expiration time of a content object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="de">Parent DE</param>
        /// <param name="co">Content Object</param>
        /// <returns>Expiration time</returns>
        public static DateTime?GetExpirationTime(DEv1_0 de, ContentObject co)
            IFeedContent myContent = FeedContent(de, co);
            DateTime?    expires   = null;

            if (myContent != null)
                expires = myContent.Expires();

            if (!expires.HasValue)
                expires = de.DateTimeSent.AddDays(1.0);
