Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Merge basins using using MapWinGIS.Utils
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shed"></param>
 /// <param name="drainage"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static IFeature mergeBasinsByDrainage(IFeatureSet shed, BinTree drainage)
     if (drainage == null) return null;
     IFeature left = mergeBasinsByDrainage(shed, drainage.left);
     IFeature right = mergeBasinsByDrainage(shed, drainage.right);
     IFeature lr = mergeAbuttingPolygons(left, right);
     IFeature outlet = shed.get_Shape(drainage.val);
     // check for multipart shape
     if (outlet.NumGeometries > 1)
         Trace.WriteLine("Subbasin " + drainage.val.ToString() + " has " +
                                   outlet.NumGeometries.ToString() + " parts");
         // check for anticlockwise polygon
         double area = SignedArea(outlet);
         if (area < 0)
             Trace.WriteLine("Needed to reverse subbasin " + drainage.val.ToString());
             outlet = ReverseShape(outlet);
     return mergeAbuttingPolygons(lr, outlet);
Beispiel #2
        //        #endregion

        //        #region "Create SWAT *.Fig"
        //        /// <summary>
        //        /// A function to generate a *.fig file from joined basins for use in SWAT.
        //        /// </summary>
        //        /// <param name="JoinBasinShapePath"></param>
        //        /// <param name="ResultFigPath"></param>
        //        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        //        /// <returns></returns>
        //        public static bool CreateSWATFig(string JoinBasinShapePath, string ResultFigPath, IProgressHandler callback)
        //        {
        //            int OutletIDFieldNum = -1, DSWSIDFieldNum = -1, USWSIDFieldNum1 = -1, USWSIDFieldNum2 = -1, ReservoirFieldNum = -1;
        //            if (callback != null) callback.Progress("Status", 0, "Create SWAT *.fig");
        //            Shapefile sf = new Shapefile();

        //            sf.Open(JoinBasinShapePath, null);
        //            for (int i = 0; i < sf.NumFields; i++)
        //            {
        //                switch (sf.DataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName)
        //                {
        //                    case "OutletID":
        //                        OutletIDFieldNum = i;
        //                        break;
        //                    case "DSWSID":
        //                        DSWSIDFieldNum = i;
        //                        break;
        //                    case "USWSID1":
        //                        USWSIDFieldNum1 = i;
        //                        break;
        //                    case "USWSID2":
        //                        USWSIDFieldNum2 = i;
        //                        break;
        //                    case "Reservoir":
        //                        ReservoirFieldNum = i;
        //                        break;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            if (OutletIDFieldNum == -1 || DSWSIDFieldNum == -1 || USWSIDFieldNum1 == -1 || USWSIDFieldNum2 == -1)
        //            {
        //                return false;
        //            }

        //            StreamWriter fig = new StreamWriter(ResultFigPath);

        //            Stack<int> substack = new Stack<int>();
        //            List<int> subIDs = new List<int>();
        //            int Hyd_Stor_Num = 0;
        //            int Res_Num = 0;
        //            int InFlow_Num1 = 0;
        //            int InFlow_Num2 = 0;
        //            int InFlow_ID = 0;
        //            int UpstreamCount, UpstreamFinishedCount;

        //            //Write subbasins
        //            for (int i = 0; i < sf.NumRows(); i++)
        //            {
        //                Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                fig.Write("subbasin       1{0,6:G6}{0,6:G6}                              Subbasin: {0:G}\n          {0,5:D5}0000.sub\n", Hyd_Stor_Num);
        //                if (sf.get_CellValue(DSWSIDFieldNum, i).ToString() == "-1")
        //                {
        //                    substack.Push(i);
        //                }
        //                subIDs.Add(-1);
        //            }

        //            //Write the rest
        //            int curridx;
        //            string currUS1, currUS2;
        //            int currUS1idx, currUS2idx, currUS1ID, currUS2ID;
        //            while (substack.Count > 0)
        //            {
        //                curridx = substack.Pop();

        //                currUS1 = sf.get_CellValue(USWSIDFieldNum1, curridx).ToString();
        //                currUS2 = sf.get_CellValue(USWSIDFieldNum2, curridx).ToString();
        //                if (currUS1 == "-1" && currUS2 == "-1") //then we're on an outer reach.
        //                {
        //                    if (subIDs[curridx] == -1) //then it hasn't been added yet. add a route
        //                    {
        //                        Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                        InFlow_Num1 = curridx + 1;
        //                        fig.Write("route          2{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}\n          {1,5:D5}0000.rte{1,5:D5}0000.swq\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, curridx + 1, InFlow_Num1);
        //                        subIDs[curridx] = Hyd_Stor_Num;

        //                        if (sf.get_CellValue(ReservoirFieldNum, curridx).ToString() == "1") //it's a reservoir
        //                        {
        //                            Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                            Res_Num++;
        //                            InFlow_Num1 = Hyd_Stor_Num - 1;
        //                            InFlow_ID = curridx + 1;
        //                            fig.Write("routres        3{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}{3,6:G6}\n          {3,5:D5}0000.res{3,5:D5}0000.lwq\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, Res_Num, InFlow_Num1, InFlow_ID);
        //                            subIDs[curridx] = Hyd_Stor_Num;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                else //we're on a middle or final reach
        //                {
        //                    UpstreamCount = 0;
        //                    UpstreamFinishedCount = 0;

        //                    //Get the hydro IDs and indexes of the upstream links
        //                    currUS1ID = -2;
        //                    currUS2ID = -2;
        //                    currUS1idx = -1;
        //                    currUS2idx = -1;
        //                    if (currUS1 != "-1")
        //                    {
        //                        UpstreamCount++;
        //                        currUS1idx = GetBasinIndexByID(sf, Int32.Parse(currUS1));
        //                        if (currUS1idx >= 0)
        //                        {
        //                            currUS1ID = subIDs[currUS1idx];
        //                            if (currUS1ID != -1)
        //                            {
        //                                UpstreamFinishedCount++;
        //                            }
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                    if (currUS2 != "-1")
        //                    {
        //                        UpstreamCount++;
        //                        currUS2idx = GetBasinIndexByID(sf, Int32.Parse(currUS2));
        //                        if (currUS2idx >= 0)
        //                        {
        //                            currUS2ID = subIDs[currUS2idx];
        //                            if (currUS2ID != -1)
        //                            {
        //                                UpstreamFinishedCount++;
        //                            }
        //                        }
        //                    }

        //                    if (UpstreamCount == UpstreamFinishedCount) //all upstreams finished
        //                    {
        //                        if (currUS1ID != -2 && currUS2ID != -2) //It has two upstream, have to do a double sum
        //                        {
        //                            Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                            InFlow_Num1 = currUS1ID;
        //                            InFlow_Num2 = curridx + 1;
        //                            fig.Write("add            5{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, InFlow_Num1, InFlow_Num2);

        //                            Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                            InFlow_Num1 = currUS2ID;
        //                            InFlow_Num2 = Hyd_Stor_Num - 1;
        //                            fig.Write("add            5{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, InFlow_Num1, InFlow_Num2);
        //                        }
        //                        else if (currUS1ID != -2) //It only has one upstream, check if it's 1
        //                        {
        //                            Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                            InFlow_Num1 = currUS1ID;
        //                            InFlow_Num2 = curridx + 1;
        //                            fig.Write("add            5{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, InFlow_Num1, InFlow_Num2);
        //                        }
        //                        else if (currUS2ID != -2) //It only has one upstream, check if it's 2
        //                        {
        //                            Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                            InFlow_Num1 = currUS2ID;
        //                            InFlow_Num2 = curridx + 1;
        //                            fig.Write("add            5{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, InFlow_Num1, InFlow_Num2);
        //                        }

        //                        //After summing, create the route and possibly reservoir
        //                        Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                        InFlow_Num1 = Hyd_Stor_Num - 1;
        //                        fig.Write("route          2{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}\n          {1,5:D5}0000.rte{1,5:D5}0000.swq\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, curridx + 1, InFlow_Num1);
        //                        subIDs[curridx] = Hyd_Stor_Num;

        //                        if (sf.get_CellValue(ReservoirFieldNum, curridx).ToString() == "1")
        //                        {
        //                            Hyd_Stor_Num++;
        //                            Res_Num++;
        //                            InFlow_Num1 = Hyd_Stor_Num - 1;
        //                            InFlow_ID = curridx + 1;
        //                            fig.Write("routres        3{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}{3,6:G6}\n          {3,5:D5}0000.res{3,5:D5}0000.lwq\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, Res_Num, InFlow_Num1, InFlow_ID);
        //                            subIDs[curridx] = Hyd_Stor_Num;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                    else //There are upstream items that need to still be processed before this one
        //                    {
        //                        substack.Push(curridx);
        //                        if (currUS1idx != -1 && currUS1ID == -1)
        //                        {
        //                            substack.Push(currUS1idx);
        //                        }
        //                        if (currUS2idx != -1 && currUS2ID == -1)
        //                        {
        //                            substack.Push(currUS2idx);
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }

        //            }

        //            //Write out the saveconc and finish commands
        //            int SaveFile_Num = 1;
        //            int Print_Freq = 0; //0 for daily, 1 for hourly
        //            fig.Write("saveconc      14{0,6:G6}{1,6:G6}{2,6:G6}\n          watout.dat\n", Hyd_Stor_Num, SaveFile_Num, Print_Freq);
        //            fig.WriteLine("finish         0");

        //            fig.Close();
        //            sf.Close();
        //            return true;
        //        }
        //        #endregion

        //        #region "Hydrology Private Helper Functions"

        private static void GetStreamElevationPoints(int sindx, IFeatureSet streamShape, IRaster demGrid, out double elevLow, out double elevHigh)
            var shapePoints = streamShape.get_Shape(sindx).NumPoints;
            elevLow = 10000000;
            elevHigh = -1000000;
            for (var i = 0; i < shapePoints; i += 2)
                var pt = streamShape.get_Shape(sindx).Coordinates[i];

                RcIndex position = demGrid.ProjToCell(pt.X, pt.Y);
                if (position.IsEmpty()) continue;

                double currVal = demGrid.Value[position.Row, position.Column];
                if (currVal < elevLow)
                    elevLow = currVal;

                if (currVal > elevHigh)
                    elevHigh = currVal;